Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 726: Backhand and Firsthand, Layout and Break

"Will this cause public anger? And if Xuanyuanshi is killed, we are afraid to lose the national war." The spy said with some worry.

"People's anger?" A smirk from the heart, "No matter how great the anger is, I must be suppressed! I am the leader of the legion, whoever kicks without obedience! As for the victory of the country, it is too early to assert that the blade He hasn't returned yet! Even if he retreats no matter how much he can't bear when Xuanyuan is about to be destroyed! I just want to force him out, and then he will be involved in this national war. In the middle, he can no longer withdraw and retreat, and I am the commander-in-chief of this national war, he must obediently listen to me. "


Huang Yi's incarnation is on the top floor of Longdu's city hall. There is only one person in the empty room. The summer sun comes in from the window, which is slightly hot.

He goes up and down the line here every day, because in this way, he can see whether Qin Shiyu has appeared at first glance, but every time he is disappointed.

It has been more than two months, and Qin Shiyu has not returned yet. Huang Yi spends every day waiting and suffering.

"Brother!" At this moment, a cute voice suddenly sounded from behind, followed by a pair of white tender hands holding Huang Yi.

"Sister, don't you go to class today?" Huang Yi knew that the skirt was coming and couldn't help holding her little hand.

"Today is Saturday! Our school no longer restricts Saturday and Sunday access to the Second World." The little skirt said, walking to Huang Yi's front, holding him tightly, raising her head and raising the beautiful little Face, a pair of big pure eyes staring at Huang Yi.

Huang Yi likes the eyes of the skirt. The eyes of ordinary adults are more or less bloodshot. Spread over the eyes. It looks a bit scary. But the eyes of the little skirt are pure and flawless, the whites are very clean, there is no bloodshot, and the pupils look like diamonds.

However, Huang Yi's gaze inadvertently reached the skirt of the skirt. Her collar was very low, and she could already see some sloppy scenery, white. Full of holiness and temptation.

"You're grown up, a little accustomed to it." Huang Yi smiled slightly and touched the head of the skirt with a sigh.

Small skirts are at the age of long body and can clearly reflect this change in the second world. The skirt is now a lot higher than when Huang Yi just met, and is transitioning from a little girl to a girl. Her face became more and more beautiful, her body was growing every day, and sometimes Huang Yi even had an illusion, as if the skirt had become a person.

"It's fine when I grow up! I want to wear a miniskirt. I want to fascinate you!" The skirt skirt buried her face in Huang Yi's arms and twisted her body and spoiled her.

After a while. The little skirt suddenly raised her head again, reached out and took off her double ponytail rubber bands, and her long hair suddenly fell into the waterfall. She looked at Huang Yi obediently and said, "Brother, help me comb my hair!"

"I'm so lazy, I have to comb my hair." Huang Yi shaved her little nose, then picked her up, came to the chair in front of the table, sat down, and took out Qin Shiyu's wood from the drawer. Comb and comb your hair for the skirt.

"Brother, where do you live! Why haven't you told me? I really want to go to play with you." The little skirt lay on Huang Yi's arms obediently, her little arms around his neck, soft lips He reached Huang Yi's ear and said.

The soft sound of the skirt and the scent of speaking instantly stimulated the yellow ears with a spasm. He couldn't help but open his head, rubbed his ears, and said, "Don't talk in my ear, itching."

"I read in the book that men like women to talk like this!" The skirt said earnestly, a harmless innocent look like humans and animals.

"Don't go to those messy books, it will teach you bad." Huang Yi taught, and continued to comb her hair for the skirt. "I live far away, you can't come, many things The less you know, the better. Otherwise, you will be disappointed when you know the truth. "

"I just know that you never let me down." The skirt said with satisfaction on Huang Yi's shoulder against her shoulder.

Huang Yi smiled slightly and didn't speak any more, but just quietly brushed her hair in a small skirt, moving gently and flicking her silky hair back and forth.

The afternoon sun came in quietly, shining on the wooden table, and the air was quiet. A distant sound came from the window, as if wearing a cotton sleeve, gently stroking the eardrums, making people sleepy. The little skirt gradually fell asleep in Huang Yi's arms, holding Huang Yi's clothes in her little hands, her face calm and content.

Huang Yi lowered her comb and sat motionless in the sun, lest she might get into a little skirt.

Time seems to come to a halt in this calm and serene afternoon, reminiscent of those long time.

"Squeak ~" Just then, the door suddenly opened, and a little boy came in. It was a puppet.

"Shh!" Huang Yi immediately reached out, pointed at the sleeping skirt and made a silent gesture. Subsequently, he and the puppet fish started a secret chat mode, only talking to each other can be heard, and no small skirt.

"What's wrong?" Huang Yi asked, looking at the puppet fish.

"Just on the 2nd, I personally sent me an important piece of information. Three days later, those invaders are likely to raise their troops to destroy the Xuanyuan Clan." Said the puppet fish, pursing his small mouth, and expressing his views: "This should be their final decisive battle. Now that they have occupied more than half of the hero continent, they have already reached an important victory condition. Once the Xuanyuan Clan is destroyed, the system is likely to judge them. Victory. We can't wait any longer, we have to shoot! "

Huang Yi thought for a while, and said, "Wait for you to go to Xuanyuan Guild and talk to Yun Sihai and Lin Yiqin. If they don't have the confidence to stop them, then we will help them. If they have enough Confidence, then we need to prepare again, there is no need to expose it prematurely. We are joining the national war now is an extraordinary period, and it is necessary to use extraordinary methods. "

"Okay!" The puppet nodded his head. In the past few months, he has followed Huang Yi, as if he has been born and reborn, and he can stand on his own at a young age. Many things are handled very well.

At this time, the puppet bit his lip and asked, "Why don't we start first? The enemy still has three days to attack Xuanyuan. We will start now, and maybe it will work."

Huang Yi shook his head and said, "You may think that starting first is better. In fact, the latter is always more important than the first."

"Why?" Puppet asked puzzledly.

"Being strong first may also encounter the enemy's trap and be defeated by the enemy's backhand." Huang Yi said, looking out the window, his tone became far away: "If you carefully recall what I did before You will find that in fact, the reason why I can often solve some mortal situations is because I have prepared a lot of back-hands in advance, considered all possible situations, and prepared for countermeasures. So no matter what happens, It's all my expectations, and I have already prepared cracking methods. You must remember that the backhand is always more important than the first hand, and the layout is always more important than breaking the game. "

"The back hand is always more important than the first hand, and the layout is always more important than breaking the game."

Huang Yi looked at the puppet fish and continued: "To outsiders these days, we seem to be normal and have not participated in the national warfare. What they don't know is that as early as a few years ago, we Already in layout. Does anyone know that among the more than 70 countries that invaded the heroic continent, 12 countries are actually ours? They seem to invade the heroic continent, but in fact they are listening to my orders in the back. These It's all our backs, but we have to use it at the right time, and we have to bury it now. "

Huang Yi said, teaching: "You are the No. 1 in the future. You have to look farther than others. The layout is about planning ahead. When others haven't thought about it, you have to start preparing. Now, we It ’s better to let the enemy use their means first, and if necessary, even to take the initiative of the opponent ’s backhand, and when we know the enemy almost, this is the time when we shot. If we do n’t, it ’s going to be a thunder. Turn the tide. "

"Now that we have so many backhands ready, when will we face it?" Puppet Yu asked.

Huang Yi shook his head and said, "You should ask, when will we declare war."

"Declaration of war?" The puppet fish was surprised. "How to declare war?"

"Everyone thought that we would focus on the hero continent, then we would do the opposite!" Huang Yi said, with a slight smile, and said, "Now the focus of the Pope is on the hero continent, and all important troops are here. ~ Www.readwn.com ~ The heavenly guild is just empty, now that he wants to destroy the Xuanyuan Guild, then we will destroy the heavenly guild! "

"What?" The puppet fish was suddenly surprised: "The Pope's Paradise Guild is indeed empty now, but it is not realistic for us to send troops from the hero continent to cross the ocean to attack them! We want to destroy such a powerful guild, at least we must exhaust the entire guild We have a limited force, and our warships are limited. It is simply not enough to transport so many people; and our intention to send soldiers in the past is too obvious, and they can easily find us. "

"You know, there is someone who can do everything on the ocean," Huang Yiyou said.

The puppet fish froze, frowned for a moment, and soon his eyes brightened, saying, "You mean thunder?"

"Yes!" Huang Yi nodded, "Do you know why he didn't show up for a week? Because he has already driven the Shenzhou to the American mainland!"

"But he's useless alone, no one helps him!" The puppet fish wondered.

"The 4th guild, the 18th guild, and the 42nd guild in the United States were all created by our brothers in Rose Prison. Do you say he has anyone?" (To be continued ...)

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