Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 727: Eliminate Xuanyuan

The puppet fish stung in place and thought about it.

According to the information revealed by Huang Yi, Thunder God really has a lot of confidence to re-create the Heaven Guild, and it is no problem to destroy at least one or two important cities. Once important cities are destroyed, this guild often takes a long time to recover.

Just like the Budokai, when Beihai City was destroyed, they haven't slowed down until now. There is also the famous courthouse a while ago. After losing Chibi City, all of a sudden fell out of the ranks of the first-class guilds ... these are living examples.

"I see!" The puppet nodded, "I'll go to Xuanyuan's Guild and talk to Brother Yun Sihai and Brother Lin Yiqin."

After all, he left resolutely.

The room was quiet again, and the little skirt was still asleep in Huang Yi's arms, looking calm.


The news that the invading legion was going to attack Xuanyuan's also reached Xuanyuan City, not far from the dragon.

There was a dignified atmosphere in the air, and the pedestrians on the street hurried and looked a little nervous. This heroic continent's earliest guild city is finally about to usher in a catastrophe.

In the city hall, Yun Sihai, Lin Yiqin, Donghuang, Longxing Tianxia and other high-level meetings are being held. In addition, Yu Xinsheng is also here.

"You called me, what's the matter?" Yu Xingmao sat in the main seat with a golden sword and looked around at the crowd again.

Yun Sihai's face was dignified and he said, "We have received the news that the invading legion will come to attack our Xuanyuan family three days later. Our guild will certainly not be able to stop so many enemy siege. You need to send a lot of troops to support it.

"Yes! This is also an opportunity for us." Lin Yiqin nodded. Analysis: "We rely on the fortifications in the territory. If the manpower is sufficient, they can take the opportunity to consume their strength and make them unable to take it!"

"This method is indeed a good method!" Yu Xinsheng held his back of his head with both hands, leaned on the chair, and slowly said, "But the authenticity of this message still needs to be considered. Maybe this is the enemy's blind-eye method. The message is released on the surface. To attack you and implement the strategy of adjusting tigers and leaving the mountains, you may actually aim for a larger goal. This goal is likely to be the headquarters of our army-the city! "

"The authenticity of the message is okay! This time they are not bluffing!" At this time, Donghuang interjected, slightly anxiously, staring closely at the desire to be born in his heart.

Yuxin smiled and said, "What about the blade? Don't you tell him such an important thing?"

"We have contacted him, he is doing a very important thing, can't tell the heart!" Long Xingxia shook his head and said, "We are actually short of elite troops, as long as there are a large number of elite masters. Then rely on us The fortifications are perfectly fine, there is no need for Brother Blade.

"That's it!" Yuxin groaned for a while. He pursed his lips and said, "You can rest assured! Xuanyuan's must be okay! You should always be vigilant and turn on the teleportation team. When your situation is tight, I will send a teleporter to help you. I still have something to do, go first Then! "He stood up and left the conference hall, leaving only a group of Xuanyuan's high-rises.

"Why do I always feel a little dangling? This person who wants to be born from the heart is not reliable!" After Yuxing came from the heart, Longxing murmured suddenly and looked skeptically at the direction that Yusheng was leaving. .

"Although the person who wants to be born from the heart is relatively incompetent, at this critical moment, he should not leak, just send a soldier to teleport, and there should be no mistakes!" At this time, a 27-year-old With a pony tail, a somewhat fashionable man shook his head. He is Xuanyuan ’s diplomat Geng Qinning and is responsible for Xuanyuan ’s contact with the outside world.

"I don't think it's possible! It's impossible to be stupid if you want to be born in your heart. You can't do this wrong." Soon, another executive shook his head.

Indeed, such a simple troop dispatch is unlikely to make mistakes for commanders, and they have no reason to worry.

The crowd quickly dispelled their concerns and no longer doubted.

Yun Sihai looked around at everyone and said, "Okay, everyone is ready! This time is the catastrophe of our Xuanyuan family, but it is also an opportunity for us! Everyone will have a 12-point spirit and a perfect counterattack Battle, and cheer up the confidence of the hero continent. "

The crowd nodded, rubbing their fists and preparing for a big fight, and they all got up and left their seats.

But at this moment, there was a voice outside the door—

"Brother, the puppies of the Heroes Guild are here."

Heroes Guild!

Hearing the name, everyone suddenly lighted up and looked excited.

But Yun Sihai couldn't get up. He thought about it and said, "Take him."

"Okay!" The man left in a hurry, and soon came in with a little boy.

"Big brothers, we have heard about the information you are about to attack. As the Alliance Association of Xuanyuan Family, we are also worried about your safety. I wonder if you need the help of our hero guild?" Behind the room, little eyes looked at all of them again, and opened the door to ask the mountain.

He was young and came alone, and he was not timid in the face of such a big scene, his voice was loud and his eyes were enlightened. Over the past few months, he has grown too much.

When everyone saw him, they nodded secretly in their hearts, and the Heart Guild of Heroes gave another good seed.

"Xiaoyu, thank you for your kindness." Yun Sihai said, sighed with regret, and shook his head: "But we are ready for this catastrophe, and we will not bother you."

It was a good thing to have the help of the Heroes Guild, but a while ago, Huang Yi and the desire to fall out from the heart, and Xuanyuan is now in the army, at this time, please Huang Yi overflowing hands are not suitable. And the men and women who want to be born from the Legion of Hearts are enough. They have the confidence to guard even without the help of the Heroes Guild. Yun Sihai didn't want to make Huang Yi embarrassed, so he could only choose to refuse.


Time passed day by day.

This battle has been brewing, and the entire Xuanyuan Family seems to be a huge machine, carrying it at full capacity, carefully preparing for the catastrophe.

The invading legion was in the chest and victory was in the hands, and a large and powerful legion was transferred to the corresponding place according to the plan of the meeting. They did not stay where they passed, and the hero continent players were either killed or dare not go online, and were in a weak position.

More than 70 countries drove straight into this vast continent, and one magic cannon was transported to each Xuanyuan's territory, and everything seemed to be the final battle. A tense atmosphere spread on this continent.

Finally, three long days passed.

That morning, Huang Yi went online early and went to the forum to check the latest news.

"The strongest battle! The invading army has attacked all the territories of Xuanyuan's territory, and the situation on the hero continent ushered in the most critical moment!"

"Kid returned, and led His Majesty's Army of Freedom to join the battlefield! The situation on the hero continent is worse!"

"A number of companies and schools in China have taken a leave of absence. Countless Chinese players have tried every means to go online and participate in the Second World War!"

"The hero continent is on the verge of defeat. There are 8 super-class masters invading, and the number of invaded countries has reached 78. The hero super-class masters are only two gods, Thor and Gentleman. Analysts said that the hero continent's defeat is almost a foregone conclusion. Divided! "

"The war between the Giant Bear Corps and the Pharaoh's Legion has become fierce, and the Giant Bear met the souls of South African leaders overnight to reach a strategic alliance."

"Latin American nations announce alliances to fight the invasion of the Ronaldo!"

In recent months, the key news of the forum has basically been about national warfare. Many nations in the Second World continent are experiencing national warfare. There is smoke everywhere, and Heroic Continent is a well-deserved core battlefield.

Today, the battle between the multinational coalition forces to attack Xuanyuan's is the most important battle in this most important battlefield. It has attracted worldwide attention, and TV stations in many countries are broadcasting live! Countless people are following!

However, Huang Yi was not in a hurry. A few days ago, the top ditch such as Zangyuyu and Xuanyuan's Yun Sihai and Lin Yiqin passed. The other side had confidence in the battle and did not let him help.

And he can just take advantage of this time to make some preparations. In addition, Thor has arrived in the continental United States to prepare for the attack on the heavenly guild.

Everything seems to be proceeding in an orderly manner according to the original plan.

After going online, Huang Yi paid attention to his message list. Neither Yun Sihai nor Lin Yiqin sent him a message for help. It seems that the battle is currently going smoothly.


At this moment, the Xuanyuan Guild suffered the most violent offensive in history. All the sub-territories were attacked by the enemy's artillery. Xuanyuan's side was also using a magic cannon to fight back!

The sound of artillery fire from the sky shook the ground, and a line of fire was drawn in the sky ~ www.readwn.com ~ The main participants in this battle were players.

Now, the player's strength has made great progress. People like Yang Yuheng have even broken through the 190 level. This made the guardians of the guild not enough to look at, even the level 195 guardians are no longer so difficult to defeat.

Fortunately, guilds around the world are also developing, with more and more contributions, and they can recruit guardians at the heaven level. However, the contribution value required by the Guardian of the Realm is too high. At present, only the main city and the port of the Xuanyuan Guild have the Guardian of the Realm. The rest of the secondary territories do not have this equipment. They can only let the players themselves. To guard.

"No! We can't retreat! The city is behind. The enchantment of the sky can't stop so many magic cannons! Go and call for soldiers, you must not let them enter the city!" At this time, Xuanyuan's Deputy Territory The commander yelled at the endless enemies from the oppression ahead and issued a rescue request.


The next chapter is probably written after zero. (To be continued please search, novels are better updated faster!

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