Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 728: Go against

At this moment, Yun Sihai and Lin Yiqin were directing the battle in Xuanyuan's most important main territory. They stood on a mountain far from the edge of the city's territories and looked at the two armies that were fighting below!

The endless skills of Guanghua cover the sky, saying that magic, vigor, sword qi, summoning beasts, and mounts all cover the whole line of sight. The whole world is full of colors. As long as the place where people can fight is full of players, even some flying players in the sky are killing people.

This is the most important battlefield in the entire battle. The rest of the territory is destroyed. Xuanyuan is only injured. If this main territory is destroyed, then Xuanyuan is completely finished! The most important troops on both sides are invested here!

At this time, the Xuanyuan Clan relied on the fortifications to resist, but the enemy's strength exceeded them. The coalition forces of so many countries are constantly flowing in. Even with flesh and blood, they can fill the battlefield. In the long run, they will inevitably retreat and return to the city.

"Report! Yellow Emperor City is in a hurry, asking for assistance!" At this moment, Yun Sihai suddenly heard the voice of an intelligence officer behind him.

"Let the Longxing world lead the eight regiments to aid!" Yun Sihai immediately gave an order, and at the same time he frowned and asked sternly: "Why can't the reinforcements from my heart be overwhelming?"

The intelligence officer hurried: "We have sent someone to press, but no news has come back yet!"

"Report! Yunshan Territory is in a hurry, ask for assistance!"

"Report! There are too many enemies in the Canyon Territory. Ask for support!"

"The newspaper! The brothers of the Golden Road Territory can't carry it!"

At this moment, urgent voices followed, and all territories were being attacked. But there are too many enemies, more than seventy come to fight their guild, and it is already the limit to be able to hold up to now!

"Why aren't you reinforcements yet?" Yun Sihai stared anxiously at the direction of Xuanyuan City behind him, sending a message towards Yuxin! A few days ago, they obviously got the promise of assistance they wanted, but the request was sent for so long, and they even sent someone to the city in person to ask for assistance, but the other party has not yet sent someone over!

"We are in a meeting to study this matter, don't worry." Yuyou Xinxin finally replied to the news, and he was in no hurry between the lines and was very slow.

Yun Sihai just wanted to reply, but at this moment, a violent "bang" sound suddenly came from the battlefield below!

He quickly turned to look over, and suddenly saw a giant war horse the size of a hill! It's tens of meters high, and it's rampant in the battlefield, where no one can stop! In front of the huge war horse, the players of Xuanyuan Family are as small as ants, and many of them are killed directly!

Behind this huge warhorse, rides a player with the same huge body. He wore a mage's robe, and as soon as the cloak was raised, it blocked the moonlight in the sky, like a dark cloud, covering the battlefield below, like a giant from ancient times.

He was sitting on horseback, holding a huge magical book in his hand, and his Majesty's huge war horse was running, but it did not affect his reading at all. As he looked at the magic book in his hand, he chanted an epic magical chapter, with a musical rhythm, and the loud voice spread to the whole battlefield, to the ears of millions of people, It's like singing some divine music.

With his chanting, various magical elements turned into raindrops from the sky. All of them evolved and erupted around him, forming an elemental soldier and an elemental warhorse. They rushed on the battlefield and killed a large number of people at once. Invincible existence!

"Super-class master! Dante!" At this moment, Lin Yiqin on the side saw the giant and spit out a name, his face was extremely dignified.

Dante is a newly-increased super-class player in the continental United States. His status is equivalent to that of a Chinese gentleman. In the last annual ceremony, he also nominated the best individual award, and he is recognized as the third continental player leader in the continental United States.

Lin Yiqin looked at the clouds and said, "I will meet him. You will urge you to send someone from your heart! Our guardians of the heavens must guard Xuanyuan City, and we cannot use it easily as a last resort!"

After all, Lin Yiqin pulled out his long sword and rushed straight down the hill. The whole person seemed to be turning into a sharp sword. Everywhere he went, he turned his back, without a match, tore the battlefield all at once, and opened up a path, and rushed straight to the huge Dante!

After the retreat of the blade, although the Xuanyuan Guild did not have a super-class master, they have a very rich heritage. The next-level masters far surpassed the other guilds, such as Lin Yiqin, Yun Sihai, Donghuang, and Longxing Tianxia. There is only a thin line. Regardless of the equipment, strength, adventure, and standard deviation of the first-class master are not too far, they may be promoted to the first-class master at any time, and are called candidates for the first-class master. Lin didn't say to beat Dante together, but he was fully qualified to run down and compete.

"Donghuang, the city you go to! See what you want to do with your heart!" At this time, Yun Sihai finally couldn't help sending a message to Donghuang, and began sending core seniors and Yuxin to face to face Negotiations.

At this time, Donghuang was guarding a deputy in the distance, and it was extremely fierce. After receiving the news from Yun Sihai, he immediately released the mage's long-distance teleporting skills and teleported to a distant city.

Donghuang was angry and went straight through the crowd on the street to the city hall of the city. Quickly found the desire to meet with the leaders of various large guilds.

"Why not send troops to reinforce us?" Donghuang directly opened the door, rushed into the conference hall, came to Yu Shengxin, and questioned him sharply, his eyes seemed to be about to hit a fire.

He is very young, just a teenager in his tenth, and has no worries. Coupled with the fact that they just fought in the battlefield, this mood was brought into this conference room, which suddenly made the conference room atmosphere tense.

"Don't panic, take your time!" Yu Xinsheng stood up, patted Donghuang's shoulder, and walked to the door while closing the door slowly.

"Our brothers in all the territories are almost dead, do you want me not to panic?" Donghuang glared at the back of his heart.

"The enemy ’s superb masters haven't fully launched yet! It's unclear whether their real goal is Xuanyuan, in case they want to hit our city? This is the headquarters of our army, and we lost our army here It ’s completely over! Our army is over, and the entire hero continent is over! Just wait a second, do n’t worry! ”To appease it from your heart, the tone is slow and slow.

"It's just a guess whether they have a conspiracy, but several of our deputy territories are really about to end!" Dong Huang stared at the desire to be born.

"The trivial matter is lost, sooner or later we can take it back! Teenagers, don't worry! We adults are not in a hurry. What are you anxious for?" Shawn Yu shook his head, slowly returned to his seat, and continued Sitting, his expression relaxed.

"If you want to be born from your heart, send reinforcements to Donghuang!"

"Xuanyuan is the pillar guild of our legion. Once they are defeated, the strength of our legion will be greatly reduced!"

"Now the enemy ’s strength is obviously attacking Xuanyuan Town. This is definitely not a cover. They cannot have the energy to attack this city. If you want to be born from your heart, you have to worry about it!"

At this time, the leaders of some of the guilds who were sitting there couldn't stand it anymore, and they all talked to persuade.

Seeing that everyone was urging from my heart, I thought for a while, and finally nodded and looked at the head of a guild sitting at the end of the meeting room, saying: "Desperate scholar, you first send your guild people to support Xuanyuan Shi! The rest are here waiting to be called. "

"What?" Donghuang exclaimed, turning to look at the player named Desperate Scholar, saying: "The Association of Desperate Scholars has only 800,000 members. You asked him to support us? Didn't he let him die? What is the use of this reinforcement? "

The face that was born from the heart suddenly sank, and said solemnly, "I am the chief commander of Chinese players. Everything I do is based on the overall situation and consideration for the entire Chinese player. I can't do it for public gain! I You cannot set aside the whole country for the sake of your guild. If you feel that my command is not good, then you can completely withdraw from our army. "

As soon as this word came out, Donghuang's face suddenly became extremely pale, and his body could not help but take a few steps back, looking at him for a long time, as if he had known him for the first time ~ www.readwn.com ~ Dong Huang reached out her hand tremblingly, pointing at the desire to be born from her heart, and trembled: "After our Xuanyuan Guild joined the army, we have been executing your orders. We have used our best efforts to fight this national war. We Have a clear conscience! And you promised us a few days ago that we would send reinforcements, why are you going against it now? "

"I'm sending troops! Didn't I just let the desperate scholars support you?" Yu Xinsheng said innocently, and seemed to feel wronged. "I sit in this position, and I must consider all aspects. Just thinking about your guild! Now there are several super-class enemies of the enemy who are not there, where are they hiding? What are their conspiracy? These are the places I have to consider, in case they have a bigger conspiracy? "What if the hero continent is in greater danger? We can't pick up sesame seeds and lose watermelon!"

Donghuang's eyes were full of anger and anger, and finally broke out: "I think I understand, you are playing with us at all! I'm blind and believe you! You pretend to worry about the country Like the people, I thought you were really just incapable. I did n’t expect that you did n’t even have a conscience! It ’s impossible to betray your allies with the command of the brain and the command of the trash! You finally show your true face! Have you never thought of supporting us from the beginning? Did you want us to survive on our own in the first place? A false conspiracy to grow ourselves? Or are you one at all? "(To be continued.) Q

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