Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 731: Life and death

"I killed the King of Sand Pirates a while ago and got a Chuanguo Jade Seal. We have reached the highest standards for Chuanguo Jade Seal to create a country. If you accept this imperial edict, add Xuanyuan City to the one I created. In the national territory, and become part of our territory, then the guardians of our dragon capital can be promoted to the guardians of our country, and we can come over from the dragon capital to kill the enemies. At present, the dragon has five guardians of the heavens, if not enough, I can summon more guardians of the heavens on the spot. "Huang Yi explained a little.

Since he received the Chuanguo Jade Seal, he has been handed over to the people below to complete the various conditions in the Chuanguo Jade Seal. The conditions of Chuanguo Yuxi are divided into high and low. They are all completed in accordance with the highest standards. They can create an empire larger than the Dragon State of Dragonthorn! It will expand more quickly in the future!

Xuanyuan City is just a short distance from Longdu. Huang Yi created an empire centered on Longdu, which can just include Xuanyuan City in its territory and become a city under His Majesty. However, Xuanyuan City has its own land. If you want to incorporate it into the empire territory, you must obtain the consent of President Xuanyuan.

"Yes!" Yun Sihai and Lin Yiqin looked at each other, and agreed to Huang Yi with almost no hesitation.

They all know that one of Huang Yi's strongest means is to summon a large number of super strong npcs! It even includes npc at the celestial level. A long time ago, Huang Yi put five guardians of the heavens in Longdu, and also surrounded the heavenly strongmen of the half-orc holy land, which caused a sensation in the world. Almost everyone knows that the guardians of the hero guild cannot mess with it. In this national war, the only guild that the enemy dare not attack is the hero guild. Because those guardians are really too strong.

Although they have Xuanyuan City, there is also a guardian of heaven. But the guardian had to keep the battle flag. The battle flag of Xuanyuan City is the main battle flag of Xuanyuan Clan. It represents the lifeblood of the entire guild. Once the Xuanyuan Guild is destroyed, it will be dissolved! So Yun Sihai and Lin Yiqin have always endured not to send the guardians of the heavens to kill the enemy, but to keep him beside the battle flag.

However, even if there is a guardian of the heavens, they are still not insured, because the invading army has long considered the guardian of the heavens in Xuanyuan City, and also prepared the spirit of war in the heavens!

The spirit of war is a kind of war killer that surpasses the magic artillery. It requires the merits of the legion to summon, which is equivalent to a siege npc. It's just that the spirit of war is one-off. After being summoned, you can only fight once. Generally, no legion will be willing to summon. But now that the enemy has launched a total offensive, it will inevitably summon the spirit of war at any cost!

"Clouds and seas, you are the president now, you put a blood fingerprint on that imperial edict." Huang Yi urged.

Yun Sihai did not hesitate, and immediately did so, and took his blood fingerprints on the imperial edict.

"Well, I will go back to the dragon to create a heroic empire, and you will fight again!" Huang Yi finished. Immediately turned back and rushed in the direction of the teleportation array, and raced back to Longdu. Create hero empire.

At the same time, the players of Xuanyuan Clan are also rapidly retreating to the city! The gate was like a drain hole, and the endless sea of ​​people was pouring inward.

Almost every Xuanyuan player was full of nervousness. They waited for a long time without waiting for reinforcements, but withdrew back inside the city, and already had ominous speculations in their hearts. I'm afraid this time, they can't wait for the army's reinforcements.

And the fierce reporters walking around the battlefield, also synchronized with the world's billions of viewers watching the live broadcast, and made the latest report-

"Audience friends, now we can see that the players of Xuanyuan Clan are retreating and want to rely on Xuanyuan City and the invaders to fight. This is not a good sign. When it works, the enemy will eventually enter the city and engage in street fighting with Xuanyuanshi. By then, Xuanyuanshi's situation is very passive. But until now, we have not found that the army sent troops to support it. I do n’t know what happened. "

"But there is also good news on the heroic continent. Just now, God of Kill announced the creation of a heroic army to join the National War! The Hero Guild and the Xuanyuan Clan are allied guilds, and the God of Kill and the Sword Emperor have a deep friendship. This is obviously to assist the Xuanyuan Clan. This is the first open fight after the reincarnation of the gods. I don't know what this spoiler who repeatedly breaks the rules. What surprises will be brought to you this time! Let us wait and see ... "

At this moment, Yun Sihai, who was standing on the city wall, suddenly changed his face, turned to look at Lin Yiqin, and said, "I have received the news from Donghuang! I want to be born out of my heart, and don't send reinforcements to help us!"

"It seems that it has been a long time to conspire by heart, and this incident has revealed his true face! Damn!" Lin Yiqin gritted his teeth and stared staringly at the army of players withdrawn from the sea of ​​the sea, Hairenhai. "Fortunately, killing God now Come and help us, then we can't even imagine it. "

"It would be better if we quit the legion and join the heroic legion? Not to mention that the reward after the war is gone!" Yun Sihai looked at Lin Yiqin and asked his opinion.

"I have this intention, let's retreat! Kill God to take the initiative to help us at critical moments. Trusting him is the right choice." Lin Yiqin also nodded, his tone even couldn't wait.

Yun Sihai immediately used the president's rights to retire the entire Xuanyuan Clan from the army.

Since they are super first-class guilds, this movement immediately triggered an announcement, resounding through the entire hero continent, and passed into the ears of every player in the continent-

"[Mainland Announcement]: [Xuanyuanshi] left [Legion] and joined [Heroes]."

In a hurry, the whole continent is uproar!

Xuanyuan is one of the largest guilds in China and one of the backbones in this national war! They even left the army and joined a new army just established! Those who are stupid know that something must have happened, forcing them to make such a choice.

Those journalists in the battlefield had an extremely sharp sense of news. Almost immediately after hearing the announcement, they made their own guesses: "Everyone can hear that Xuanyuan has just retired from the legion and joined the Legion of Heroes, which is equivalent to giving up. The reward after the war! This move is very worth pondering, maybe it is a kind of reward for killing God to reinforce them, but the bigger reason, I am afraid, is in the legion! Xuanyuan ’s lone army has fought for so long, the legion has not Sending troops to reinforce, I am afraid that some conflicts have occurred between Xuanyuan and the Legion. These contradictions prompted Xuanyuan to make this choice. It seems that the future situation of the hero continent will become more complicated and the legion ’s position in the minds of Chinese players There will be real challenges and the Legion of Heroes will rise rapidly ... "

However, before the reporter's words were finished, another announcement sounded in the world—

"[Mainland Announcement]: [Gentleman] has joined [Heroic Legion] under His Majesty."

Super class masters join!

The Legion of Heroes joins the first generals!

This speed shocked everyone in the hero continent. A talented army who had established a small team for a short time had even joined with super-class forces such as Xuanyuanshi and super-class masters like gentlemen! Coupled with the sign of killing the gods, the prospect of this legion suddenly became extremely clear, and a stark contrast to the decadence of the legion!

The current legion does not even have a superb master!

"It's worth killing the gods. In a short period of time, this situation has been stirred up! But you are useless, your time has passed." At this time, the pope who was rushing on the battlefield and looked at Xuanyuan City Direction, smiled slightly.

All in all, he pointed his staff in front of him, and a large area of ​​Thundernet suddenly scattered out, covering a large area in front. All the Xuanyuan players in that area immediately fell down and were immediately killed.

Gradually, the invading army had hunted outside Xuanyuan City. Yun Sihai immediately ordered the gates to be closed. Hundreds of players under the gates immediately controlled the huge and extremely tight gates to close tightly, as if blocking a road of life. Those players who had not yet withdrawn from the city could only Outside the city was slaughtered.

The current Xuanyuan City has entered a stage of defending the city, the sky curtain is opened, and the gate is closed, like a turtle shell. But the turtle shell is fragile and can only withstand a little time.

The four directions of Xuanyuan City in the southeast and northwest are far from invading players ~ www.readwn.com ~ These players are just outside the range of the magic cannon. Not to them.

However, the super-class masters are not afraid of clumsy magic cannons. The eight super-class masters such as Pope, Tnt, Miyamoto Musashi, Floating Disturbance, Heavenly Road, Kidd, Ganges, and Dante came to Xuanyuan City alone under the walls.

"Clouds and seas, lead your people to teleport! Then you will only lose one Xuanyuan City, but if you still want to struggle, then all of your people and cities will be destroyed." At this time, tnt outside the south gate, Watching the clouds on the city wall shouted loudly.

"You want to receive the complete Xuanyuan City, that's a dream! Even if you lose, you can only get the Xuanyuan City reduced to ruins!" Yun Sihai stood on the city wall, overlooking tnt, and the wind blew his cloak back Fluttering, showing a determination!

"Your failure is doomed, don't struggle! Even killing God to save you is useless. He just broke through level 100 and is not our opponent at all." At this time, Miyamoto Musashi, who was also outside Nanchengmen, also persuaded. Soon.


The next chapter will take more than a minute. (To be continued ...)

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