Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 732: Hero empire

At this time, the invaders could use magic artillery to bomb Xuanyuan City, but they would not do so under the last resort. After all, they will not only destroy the Xuanyuan Clan, but also receive their property to make up for the loss of the war. For a big killer such as a magic cannon, every shot will cost a magical stone of magic. Some guilds cannot afford to use magic cannons.

"Clouds and seas, I'll tell you the good news. The world's stone veins near Huangdi City have been found by us. Those rich world stone resources are ours." At this time, Dante also joined the ranks of shouting. , Use language to break the clouds of psychological defense.

Yun Sihai and Lin Yiqin heard that their faces suddenly changed!

The world stone vein near Yellow Emperor City, but one of their only three world stone veins, barely supports the consumption of their guild. Once that vein is lost, their guild will not have enough world stones after that, which will cause serious consequences.

Once their legendary equipment has no durability and no World Stone to repair it, it will be scrapped and lose the power of equipment, leaving only an empty shelf!

Some high-end forged items cannot be made without the World Stone!

World Stone is one of the most important resources! The reason why the giant bear and the pharaoh will fight the country is to compete for the world stone resources on a mysterious desert island! The intensity of their national war is second only to the hero continent!

"Are you bullying me at Xuanyuan? No one in the world dare to say such words when Brother Daohuang was still there?" Lin Yiqin stared at TNT, Miyamoto Musashi, and Dante below. Replied in full anger.

"The age of the Emperor is over, now is our time! If you insist on not retreating, then we can only use extraordinary means!" At this time, Miyamoto Musashi issued an ultimatum, and there was no room for negotiation in his tone. .

Near the city gate, there are some battlefield reporters who are not afraid of death. They simultaneously broadcast the ultimatum here to the world!

At this moment, countless players around the world are watching this most important battle simultaneously! Especially Chinese players, the success or failure of the hero continent depends on the victory or defeat of this battle!

"I count three times. If you don't leave, you will encounter our cruel butchery! It is too late to go now!" At this time, TNT looked up at the clouds and the sea and Lin Yiqin on the city wall, and spit out the first number: "three!"

This countdown sound quickly passed through the live broadcast of the reporters in the battlefield and sounded in countless viewing devices all over the world!

Some people are working in the office, but stare at the light brain on the table!

Some people are sitting in the subway speeding, but staring closely at the mobile video!

Some people are walking on the streets of the city. But he stopped and looked at the public TV wall by the road!

Countless viewers followed this countdown with a variety of equipment, and countless hearts hung high.

"Two!" TNT counted down the second!

Dead in the air!

The tall and magnificent Xuanyuan City is now as vulnerable as a sand castle. Fall down whenever you touch!

Everyone was holding their breath, ready to usher in the moment when Xuanyuan City was breached!

This will be the moment to determine the fate of the hero continent!

"I'll count it for you! One!" Just as the moment came, a familiar voice suddenly sounded above the city wall!

Then, a thin man climbed up from the stairs behind the city wall and showed it to the audiences around the world!

This man is Huang Yi!

crucial moment. He finally came over!

At that moment, the pupils of TNT, Miyamoto Musashi, and Dante shrank. Staring at Huang Yi on the wall, he felt an invisible pressure.

And all the Chinese players watching the live broadcast have raised a hope, staring excitedly at Huang Yi in the picture.

"Kill God, you are finally here!" Yun Sihai saw Huang Yi's arrival and was finally relieved.

Huang Yi nodded, and just now he returned to Longdu with the imperial edict, and found three guardians of the heavens for the final blessing, and included Xuanyuan City into the future land area. Now, he has only one rite of statehood!

"Kill God, are you here to die?" At this moment, Miyamoto Musashi looked up at Huang Yi and shouted.

"Yes, but it's here to send you to death." Huang Yi responded, then flipped his palm and took out two things!

These two things are a boxy jade, and the imperial edict of Yun Sihai's blood handprints!

This move immediately attracted the attention of countless people, and the reporters watched him motionlessly, lest I miss any trace of it!

"Yeah!" Huang Yi took the boxy jade and pressed it heavily on the imperial edict, leaving a big seal!

At that moment, all the land in the entire line of sight, whether it was outside or inside the city, whether it was a grassland or a desert, whether it was a basin or a mountain peak, all of it had evaporated a trace of golden breath and floated into the sky!

This area is very active, not only encompassing the entire city inside and outside Xuanyuan City, but also extending to Longdu in the bleak sandy land!

The eight super-first-class masters who invaded Xuanyuan City, as well as the tens of millions of troops, are all in this area!

"What happened?" At this moment, under the gate north of Xuanyuan City, the Indonesian leader was riding a two-headed black monster, turning his head to look at the heavenly road aside. Within their sight, a golden breath also rose up.

"The intelligence officer sent a message that the killing of gods descended on the Nancheng Gate, which triggered a vision of heaven and earth. This battle may be changed!" Tiandao said in a deep voice, and his deep eyes looked at the direction of Nancheng Gate.

At this moment, it seems as if the entire world has turned golden yellow. Those who are watching the live broadcast are shocked to find that their video picture has actually changed and is rendered into a noble golden yellow!

That color is often seen, such as the imperial decree, dragon chair, dragon robe, etc. are all this color, the color of the emperor's royal family! Represents the supreme imperial power!

After a while, all the golden breath evaporating from the ground floated into the clouds in the sky, and the white clouds were dyed golden yellow, which was spectacular!

Suddenly, the clouds of gold in the sky quickly gathered, condensed in the sky above Xuanyuan City, and slowly evolved into three things-a golden dragon robe, a golden scepter, and a golden crown. .

These three glittering items suddenly fell from the sky and fell to Huang Yi in front of countless audiences around the world.

The golden crown fell on top of his head, the golden scepter floated to his hands, and the golden dragon robe was put on his body automatically.

This ritual looks as if heaven and earth are crowning him as emperor!

Just then, the world suddenly remembered a solemn and powerful voice--

"[Mainland Announcement]: [Kill God] created [Hero Empire] and became the King of Hero Empire, the capital of the country is Dragon Capital, the flag is set to kill the flag, and the State religion is set to Heroism. Highest power. All players can apply to be and are protected by the Hero Empire. "

This time, people all over the world finally understand!

It turned out that Huang Yi was going to establish a country and be the emperor directly in the battlefield!

The Second World has already established a number of countries before, such as the Dragon Kingdom created by the Dragon Emperor, the Liberty Empire created by Kidd, and so on. But when they created the country before, they did not have such a huge scene this time!

Huang Yi's Chuan Guo Jade Seal meets the preconditions in accordance with the highest standards, and some conditions are extremely harsh, such as allowing the three heavenly strong men to bless Chuan Guo Jade Seal together. When the rest founded the country, they did not have the opportunity to reach the Celestial Powerhouse. However, there were five Celestial Powerhouses in the Dragon Land of the Heroes Guild. It was not difficult to achieve this highest condition.

And with the preconditions reached with the highest standards, this immense vision of heaven and earth will appear when the country is created. The initial land area is also the largest, and the speed of future expansion will be faster! Taken up the innate advantage!

"Bad! Jianguo ... the emperor ... the guardian!" At this moment, Kid far away from the west gate suddenly seemed to remember something, and his face suddenly changed!

"What's wrong?" Ganga beside him could not help but ask Kidd so badly.

Kid took a deep breath and said, "I have created a country, and I know deeply how the state machine works. God of Killing now includes both the Dragon City of Heroes Guild and Xuanyuan City, and the Guild Territory will be promoted to Country lands, guild guardians will also become national keeper! Dragons have five celestial guardians. Before, they could only operate in the territory of the dragon capital, but now they can be in the entire territory of the hero empire. Internal activities! And now we are standing in the territory of the heroic empire. Next, we are likely to face the attack of the five heavenly guardians! "

Almost immediately after his voice fell, they heard a thick and powerful voice—

"The real warrior, born in blood, I am as eternal as war. The war here makes me feel familiar!"

This sound sounded creepy ~ www.readwn.com ~ There was an irresistible imposing power that sounded above them, as if oppressed with Tianwei.

They immediately looked up and saw a mighty soldier on the shore!

The soldier had a pair of flesh-fins, and his skin color was dark red, as if a layer of blood, and his eyes exuded bloodthirsty red, staring down at them. It held a huge blood-colored sword in its hands, the blade of which was sawtoothed, like a saw, aimed straight at them both.

"Guardian of the Dragon City, Dark Sword Demon!" Ganga swallowed his throat and spit out the monster's name with difficulty!


The estimation was wrong. I thought I could finish it in more than one minute. I didn't expect to write two points. I'm sorry. . . (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for referrals and monthly passes. Your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile users, please read m.)

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