Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 733: Kill God and Create a Miracle

At this time, above the four gates of Xuanyuan City, each stood a guardian of the heavens!

Just after Huang Yi returned to Longdu, he asked the guardians of the heavenly domain to stand by the teleportation array. As soon as he established the country, Xuanyuan City and the dragon were in the same territory. The guardians of the heavenly kingdom all at once Teleported over!

The appearance of the guardians of these domains also quickly broadcasted to the eyes of various players around the world through the eyes of reporters, subverting their senses!

The original fragile Xuanyuan City suddenly turned the situation around, and as soon as Tianyu emerged, no one could rival it!

The guardian of the heavens who came to the south gate was a soul-splitting man, with a pig-headed human body, a scorpion-like appearance, and a large mouth with a sharp tooth. Once he bit the enemy, it is estimated that even the corpse would be Incomplete.

Yun Sihai and Lin Yiqin both looked at the Spirit Breaker beside them, and their hearts were calm.

"Kill them!" At this time, Huang Yi ordered to the side of the Spirit Breaker, and then used the power of the king to close the sky curtain of Xuanyuan City, so that the guardians of the heavens in the city could go out to kill the enemy.

"Rewind!" Almost at the same time, Miyamoto Musashi yelled and retreated quickly, not afraid to waste a tiny bit of time.

TNT and Dante also turned into a streamer almost at the same moment, rushing towards the rear!

"Oh!" At this moment, a light net suddenly blasted over the city wall, and they were just caught by the impartiality, which caused them an injury!

Subsequently, the net was immediately retracted, and the three of them were quickly dragged back towards the city wall.

This optical network is exactly Huang Yi's French network!

After he was promoted to a god-level career, every skill he had learned before would usher in an upgrade. The ability of the French Open to restore this skill is the attack distance. It was originally one hundred meters, but now it has been raised to two hundred meters, which has doubled!

TNT, Miyamoto Musashi, and Dante were all pulled back almost as soon as they retreated, and fell in front of the Spirit Guardian of the Guardian of Heaven.

The Spirit Breaker has long been ready, waving a giant hand and flapping at the three!

"Oh!" The three were in the presence of the guardians of the heavens, and there was no resistance at all. They were beaten and flew straight out, and all three's health was bottomed out!

With just one move, the three super-class players who can only make the audience look up, were beaten like dead dogs!

However, after all, they are super-class masters and have life-saving talents, but this time they are not directly spiked, but they are still alive.

"One sword!" Then. Lin Yiqin seized the opportunity to shoot a blue sword qi towards Dante with lightning!

Dante's body was originally a giant. Although it has been reduced a lot now, it is still the most conspicuous target. He was in the process of flying backwards, and had no time to resist Lin Yiqin's fierce and fast sword, and he was hit hard!

霎 Time. His body was fixed in mid-air, and he stopped flying backwards, as if it had become a photo!

This skill is an absolute fixation skill, which can hold the enemy for three seconds! Dante couldn't move by any means during these three seconds.

Dante's life-saving time is very limited. Now three seconds are wasted here, and he has almost been sentenced to death in advance!

"I want to enjoy your flesh and blood." The Spirit Breaker looked at the three men who flew out. Licking his lips sensibly, Weng Sheng said. Then his body suddenly darkened, almost disappeared into the air, and walked away in the void, almost blinking behind the three men who flew upside down in the blink of an eye.

"Oh!" The Spirit Breaker once again made an attack lightly, hitting the three.

In addition to the Dante in the set, both Miyamoto Musashi and TNT were beaten back to Xuanyuan City!

Players watching the live broadcast are horrified. These two super-class masters turned out to be like a ball, and they were hit by the Spirit Breaker with no temper.

If they had no means of life-saving, they would have died too long. But life-saving means can't last long, and they will be killed when the duration elapses!

"Summon the spirit of war!" Miyamoto Musashi yelled, and suddenly he took out a gray translucent azure stone from the storage ring and threw it suddenly into the sky!

霎 Time. The azure stone suddenly gave off a blue air, and quickly evolved into a figure.

The figure was armed with a three-meter-wide sword and was wearing heavy armor, exuding an iron-blooded atmosphere. Seems to be a general born for war!

This is the spirit of war at the level of the heavens. It takes a lot of legions to summon it, and it can only be used for one battle. In general, it is not willing to use it!

After the appearance of the spirit of war, the Spirit Breaker's look suddenly became extremely dignified, and he seemed to see an opponent of considerable strength.

The spirit of war was also quite intelligent. He rushed towards the Spirit Breaker and immediately entangled him.

On the other side, TNT quickly took out a turquoise stone and threw it towards the sky!

Suddenly, this stone also turned into a war spirit at the level of the heavens, and surrounded the Spirit Breaker with the one summoned by Musashi Miyamoto.

In order to prevent accidents, eight of them are preparing a summoning stone of war spirits at the level of the heavens! This is one of the methods they used to press the bottom of the box. Now that this critical moment is used, it immediately reverses the situation!

Under the siege of the two war spirits, the Spirit Breaker became extremely strenuous!

Seeing this, Huang Yi immediately closed the heavenly enchantment again, lest the two war spirits enter the Xuanyuan City!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Miyamoto Musashi and TNT retreated to the distance as soon as they smoked, and at the same time quickly used the means of blood recovery, all of a sudden to restore the blood volume. There was a moment of fear in their hearts, as if they had walked away at the ghost gate once.

But Dante was not so lucky. He was still set in place. Next to him were three fierce battles between the Celestial Powers. Various aftermaths of battle swept through him. If it wasn't for life, he didn't know how many times he had died!

Soon, three seconds elapsed, but Dante recovered his ability to move, and only one last second of his life was left. And he has only the last amount of blood, if he doesn't run away, he will be killed if he is beaten!

"Teleport!" As soon as Dante recovered his freedom, he quickly used the mage's signature escape skills, and instantly teleported to a distance and escaped the core of the battlefield!

Those battlefield reporters regretted, and said to audiences all over the world, "It's a pity that the hero continent can almost kill Dante! Once they kill a super-class master, they will make history. In this national battle of Heroes Continent, there has never been the death of a superb master! And Dante's rank is major general. Once he is killed, Heroes Continent will obtain an important achievement ... "

At this time, audiences across China were regretful, but Dante was about to die, but unfortunately escaped with the remaining blood. Every super-first-class player has countless means of pressing the bottom of the box, and it is difficult to be killed, such as Dante, Miyamoto Musashi, and TNT. Even the Celestials did not kill them.

Super-class masters are a guarantee of confidence. Only the army with super-class masters is called a big army team, otherwise no one is worthy of this title! Killing a super-class master is better than killing thousands of troops, and the enemy ’s confidence will be severely hit! The army's heart collapsed, as if the general was killed by the enemy when fighting in ancient times.

"Blood strike!" At this moment, Huang overflowed his hand! Uses the collateral skills in Bloody Warfare, ignoring the distance and dealing a blow to the target attacked within a minute. He has just attacked Dante with Huiwang Huihui, and now he can use this skill.

The next moment, audiences around the world saw that Dante, who had fled to the distance, suddenly sprayed a bloodstream and stained the night sky!

Dante's last trace of life was completely destroyed. The huge body suddenly lost all its vitality and fell to the sky!

This change of events suddenly shocked all audiences around the world!

No one had thought of it, but Ding Mingming had escaped so far, but still somehow died!

Even Dante himself did not respond. His gleeful smile remained on his face, but it was already a dead look.

The next moment, another solemn voice sounded between heaven and earth, resounding through every corner of the hero's continent, every city, every battlefield at war-

"[Mainland Bulletin]: [Kill God] killed [Dante]."

Finally, the death of the first superb master in this war!

Dante, the third largest leader in the United States, died in the hand of God!

The whole world was shocked! Some reporters were still lamenting Dante's successful escape, but before they finished speaking, they were stunned by the announcement!

At this time, among the distant secondary territories of the Xuanyuan Clan, each invader legion had been scorching and advancing with great war! But this announcement poured them a bucket of cold water! Let their fiery hearts quickly become cold!

Dante spent many months in this national war ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is an invincible powerhouse. No one can kill him! But I didn't expect that Huang Yi turned out to be in his early 100s and only joined the battlefield for a short time, killing him so powerfully!

Everyone suddenly had an illusion. It seemed that Huang Yi had no reincarnation at all, and his strength had not declined at all. It was the same horrifying **** that killed the entire East Rim mainland with his own strength!

History has left a strong fortune at this moment!

The hero continent is finally no longer decadent, and has ushered in the first dazzling dawn from a sun named God of Killing.


The next chapter is probably written at two points. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for referrals and monthly passes. Your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile users, please read m.)

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