Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 734: Rewriting epic

Countless reporters all turned to look at Huang Yi on the wall!

At this time, Huang Yi was carrying his hands on his back, standing calmly on the city wall, looking down at all beings. He wore a purple crown and a golden scepter in his hand, and the dragon robe behind him fluttered slightly, as if an emperor was examining his own country. The achievement of killing Dante just now seems to have been done by him without much attention.

From an outsider's point of view, he seems to be light and light at this time, but the actual situation is not the case, and his attention at this time is all on the system news.

He has just received several system messages, but hasn't had time to check them, and now he finally has time to check them out.

The first is the good news about the rank. The system prompts him to be promoted to the rank of lieutenant general, and his rank attributes have been slightly improved.

Prior to his reincarnation, he was already a major general, and later killed the 185-level guardian and the 195-guardian lone star emperor with a strength of more than 160 levels. Especially for the latter, they have a level difference of more than 30 levels, and the reward of merit is very rich, pushing his level of merit to a very high level, only a little bit can be upgraded to lieutenant general.

Although he later died and reincarnation, he lost a lot of meritorious value, but just after he killed the major general Dante, he suddenly gained a lot of military achievements, successfully crossed the rank of major general and climbed to the rank of lieutenant general.

He could not help but open the military rankings and glanced, and easily found his name-

1st: Pope (Lieutenant General)

2nd place: tnt (Lieutenant General)

No. 3: Emperor Wu (Lieutenant General)

4th place: Kill God (Lieutenant General)

No. 5: To be born from the heart (Major General)

6th place: Giant Bear (Major General)

7th place: Pharaoh (Major General)

8th place: Thor (Major General)

No. 9: Gentleman (Major General)

10th place: Emperor (Major General)


He is now ranked third in the world rankings, is one of only four Lieutenant Generals in the world, and is the only Lieutenant General of Heroes Continent!

But this is just the beginning. In the future, as he kills more and more in the battlefield, the first place will sooner or later be taken back! At the beginning, he was invincible in the East China mainland. He was named on this list and hung high, leading the way. Even after his reincarnation, he still maintained the first place for several months. It was not until recently.

Another important system tip is equipment.

After he killed the Sand Pirate King, he once obtained a semi-epic ring called "Dream King Pirate". The condition for that ring to be promoted to epic is to create an empire in the desolate sandy land, bring new hope, and restore the desolate sandy land to the original hope Gobi!

Huang Yi has just created a heroic empire, and the territory has extended from Xuanyuan City to Longdu, a desolate sandy land. It contains a large area of ​​desolate sandy land, which meets the promotion conditions!

The system gave him a choice, asking if he needed to promote the ring to epic gear immediately.

Huang Yi certainly didn't hesitate and immediately chose to be promoted.

In a short time, a vision appeared again between heaven and earth!

I saw a cyan light beam in the sky. Through the distance of heaven and earth, it fell straight on the ring of Huang Yi's hand!

The cyan light beam is the light of the blue star in the sky. Although the stars cannot be seen during the day, it is because the sun is too bright. The stars are actually in the same position.

This picture can be seen from a long distance, and it has attracted the attention of countless people at once!

Numerous allies in Xuanyuan City looked up at the beam!

Enemies in all directions outside Xuanyuan City look up at the distant beam!

Battlefield reporters scattered all over the place. Suddenly surprised: "Audience friends! The cyan beam is so familiar, it is the equipment quenching! The cyan beam represents the epic equipment. I did not expect that the **** of killing was promoted to another epic equipment in the battlefield! In the past few months, he had been promoted two consecutive epics in the East China mainland, and now it is one more! The national war seemed to him a good opportunity to improve his strength! Killing God is a completely unpredictable person. He Just the time when the legion was created to join the battlefield for a short time, it attracted Xuanyuan ’s super-class guild. It attracted the gentleman, a super-class expert to join, created an empire, saved Xuanyuan city, and killed the super-class expert Dante, Promoted to become a lieutenant general, acquired epic equipment ... The time interval between this series of major acts is so short that it is almost too late to react ... "

at this time. A steady stream of cyan light, along the beam that connects the heavens and the earth, is injected into the dream of the sand robber king in Huang Yi's hands! The golden dragon ring permeated a pure blue light, looking more delicate. Epic breath is brewing in it.

At this time, the clouds around the sea looked at Huang Yi's quenching process, and seemed to be emotional, saying: "Kill God, thank you for coming to save us at a critical moment. Without you to turn the tide, our Xuanyuan City may not be able to sustain this catastrophe. You are like a star in the daytime, although sometimes you cannot be seen, but I know that you will always be there, as long as we need your moment, you will drop your light to shine on us and dispel all darkness. "

"Because I know that when the hero guild also has such a crisis, you will make the same choice." Huang Yi finished, and patted his shoulders.

They didn't talk anymore, everything was silent. The friendship between men does not need too much words to explain.

Some friendships are lyrical.

Finally, the dazzling cyan beam has dissipated and the quenching process is finally over!

The dream of the Sand Pirate King in Huang Yi's hands has become more exquisite! As a whole, it has a dragon shape with wings to fly. The golden dragon scales are clearly visible. The wings are like living creatures, and they are always fanning, drawing out two faint golden atmospheres. After being promoted to epic equipment, the dragon's eyes appeared radiant, emitting two cyan lights, with a finishing touch.

[Dream King's Dream] (Epic, Jewelry-Ring)

Magic Defense: 1000

Has a 1% chance to put the enemy into a nightmare state and enter all the following bad states within 3 seconds

Has a 2% chance to cause the enemy to become stationary, unable to move within 3 seconds

Has a 3% chance to put enemies into a banned state and cannot use any skills for 3 seconds

Has a 4% chance to slow down the enemy, reducing movement speed and attack speed by 50% within 3 seconds

Has a 5% chance to blind the enemy, losing all vision within 3 seconds

Has a 6% chance to cause the enemy to bleed, and loses 3% of your maximum health within 3 seconds.

Has a 7% chance to put the enemy into a forbidden state, and cannot use any means to restore health for 3 seconds

Incidental skills:

[Probability increase]: After using it, the chances of all attributes attached to the ring will be increased by 5 times each for 10 seconds. Each use consumes 5% health and has a cooldown of 30 minutes.

[Life Dream]: Passive skills can increase the duration of all life-saving skills by 50%.


Requirement level: can be increased with the level, the current level is 100

Equipment rating: 2000

Item description: Dreams are like an oasis in the desert. They persist for a long time, and they are just mirages. But dreams are also like sand in the desert. As long as they pass, there are footprints.

This time, Huang Yi has another epic equipment, this is already his third epic equipment. His first two epics are the **** battle of weapons, and the star of killing gods in pants. All three pieces of equipment are promoted to epic level step by step from semi-epic equipment.

In addition, his handguard is also semi-epic equipment. One of his missions to the Central Continent this time is to find another handguard and promote it to epic equipment.

This epic level ring still has very simple attributes and various negative states. A new attribute is-there is a 7% chance that the enemy will enter the state of forbidden healing, and no means can be used to restore health for 3 seconds.

Once this state is hit, the enemy will die quickly, like the two Miyamoto Musashi and tnt just now. If they are in this state, they will not be able to return to the blood, and they can only maintain a trace of blood. After Huang Yi used the "blood strike", instead of killing Dante alone, he would kill three people at the same time!

The new skill is a passive skill, which extends the life-saving skills by half. Like Huang Yi's last stroke, it will not only last for 10 seconds, but for 15 seconds! The longer the life-saving time, the more chances for turning over!

Finally, a small detail of this Sand Pirate's ring has also changed.

Before it was still legendary ~ www.readwn.com ~ The description of this ring's items is rather pessimistic-"Dream is like an oasis in the desert, and it has been a long time, but it is only a mirage." This description of the item seems to have no dreams. Meaningless.

But now the next sentence is added-"But dreams are also like sand in the desert, as long as they pass, there will be footprints."

This is full of a feeling of hope. It tells people that even if they can't reach the end of their dreams, at least there is a process on the road. One step at a time can be seen. Those are the traces of progress and growth.

Next, Huang Yi shifted his gaze to the Spirit Breaker outside the sky.

At this moment, under the siege of the two spirits of war in the heavens, the soul splitter had almost only been beaten. Some wounds had already appeared on his body, and the blood flowing out of the park was shocking. After all, it is only in its early days. Although expensive as a hero, it is no longer comparable to the peak period.

However, Huang Yi was not in a hurry. He immediately took out the thick hero book and summoned the hero prison.

It's time to release a Celestial Army! (To be continued ...)

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