Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 735: Multinational retreat

Suddenly, audiences all over the world, a huge giant dragon head, standing on the wall, the dragon's mouth was dark, full of mystery.

Huang Yi rushed into the dragon's mouth quickly and disappeared before everyone's eyes, leaving them with endless speculation.

The scene where he summoned the heroic prison has been publicly known before. Everyone knows that when he enters, he will bring out a powerful one!

Xuanyuan City players saw this scene, immediately full of hope; and those invaders saw this scene, full of tension!

"Killing God will summon super strong again, shall we retreat first?" At this time, Miyamoto Musashi, who had just retreated, looked at the dragon head summoned by Huang Yi, turned his head and asked tnt's opinion. Although he didn't care about Huang Yi in his mouth, he was actually the person with the deepest fear in his heart.

Tnt shook his head and said, "If we retreat in this way, then the war spirit we summoned at a great cost will really be wasted. Killing God should not be able to summon the strong without limit. There must be limits. We will keep on!

At the same time, in the remaining three directions of Xuanyuan City, the guardians of the heavens who teleported from the dragon were also caught in the battle.

On the side of the invaders, except for the Dante who was killed, all the superb masters summoned a spirit of war at the level of the heavens. In total, the invading army has seven Celestial Powerhouses. The number exceeds the side of Xuanyuan City, temporarily moving back to its previous advantage.

But when they received Huang Yi to continue to summon the strong, the heads of some legions began to have a different heart.

At this moment, in the sea of ​​people far from the south gate of Xuanyuan City, two female players were standing together, looking at the dragon head on the gate of Xuanyuan City in the distance. They all have the flavor of a strong woman, high above them, making people dare not profane, and behind them are two huge army, which seem to be two female generals.

These two people. It was Carolin, the leader of the Spanish Legion, and Arthur Altoria, the leader of the British Legion.

"I said a long time ago that there must be some changes after the killing **** joins the battlefield! Sure enough, in just a while, he has already made the situation like this." British leader Arthur Altria said . However, she played against Huang Yi personally at the contest, and felt very deeply about Huang Yi's strength. She has been worried since returning from Huang Yi. Now her fears have finally reached a climax.

Carolin, the leader of the Spanish legion next to her, also showed hesitation, bit her lip, and said, "What shall we do now?"

Arthur Altria almost didn't hesitate and said directly: "We immediately withdraw from this national war! The hero continent has reached a turning point and is no longer a continent to be bullied. It will become increasingly difficult to fight in the future. . We have so far. The plundered resources have far exceeded our consumption and it is wise to exit now. "

"But now retreating, our reputation is over."

"But if we don't retreat, our lives are over."

The two just hesitated, one persuaded.

The same scene also appeared in many other legions, a total of more than 70 countries invading the hero continent! Many countries come to find fish in muddy waters. I just want to bully the weak hero continent with the current, and get a sum from it. There is no real hatred. I never thought of dying with the hero continent.

Not far from the Spanish Legion and the British Legion, the two men were chatting in a private chat mode.

One of the thin men turned to look at a strong man beside him and said, "This national war cannot be fought anymore. We must immediately withdraw from the national war."

This thin man. Holding a icicle in the shape of a mage stick in his hand, not wearing a magic cannon, but a layer of ice crystals, looks like an ice sculpture. There was a layer of ice on his face and he could not see his expression, but his tone showed his inner urgency. He is the leader of Canadian players Xuefeng, and the world's first ice mage.

The brawny man beside him had a cheeky face. Is a burly middle-aged man. His shoulder was carrying a giant barbed axe, and the armor on his body was covered with spikes. The exposed body muscles were knotted, showing a pale turquoise gray. Amazingly a barbarian. He is the leader of the Mexican Legion, Slohot, and won the award for the best barbarian player in the last annual ceremony.

Sloho shook his head heavily and whispered, "No, there is too little dignity to withdraw. In that case, what is the difference between our Mexican legion and death?"

"When you quit, only the Mexican Army died, but if you did not quit, it was Mexico." Xuefeng continued to persuade dignifiedly.

"Huh?" Slaughter frowned, a pair of sharp eyes staring at Xuefeng.

"Have you forgotten the tragic state of the East Rim? There are two superb masters in the East Rim, Tiandao and Miyamoto Musashi, but still no one can stop killing the gods. If you kill the gods in revenge and lead the army to attack your continent, how can you resist?"

Besides, Xuefeng also stopped talking nonsense, and immediately ordered the Canadian Army behind him: "Everyone, retreat immediately!"

Later, as if to clarify his relationship with the invading army, he immediately chose to withdraw from the invasion!

The next moment, a solemn voice sounded between heaven and earth, resounding throughout the tense hero continent.

"[Mainland Announcement]: [Canadian Legion], withdraw from the hero Continental War."

After the announcement sounded, Xuefeng's legion quickly retreated outside the battlefield just like the ebb tide. Looking at it from a great distance, the entire front of the invading army quickly lost a mouth, like the foundation of an Empire State Building, and suddenly a brick fell.

This move of the Canadian Legion immediately shook the nerves of countless players around the world. Just after Huang Yi officially joined the battlefield, four countries directly announced their withdrawal from the national war, and now the Canadian Legion has also withdrawn! The powerful invading army is disintegrating little by little.

"Roar!" At this moment, a sudden roar came from the direction of the wall of Xuanyuan City. Numerous people hurriedly looked at it, and saw Huang Yi reappear from the dragon head! Along with one, there is also a two-headed monster!

This monster is a huge snake, but it has a snake head on both ends, which looks very strange. This is a snake with a head but no tail, which makes the scalp numb. That roar just came out. Generally speaking, only beasts have roars, but this snake is not ordinary.

Its breath is full of cold and cruel taste. The two heads were spitting snake snakes, the triangular eyes stared at the crowd relentlessly, and the people facing it felt the goose bumps emerging from behind.

This snake is obviously a strong person at the level of heaven. After its appearance, Huang Yi immediately removed the sky curtain enchantment, let it rush out, and join the battle between the Spirit Breaker and the two war spirits.

Suddenly, the Spirit Breaker's steadily losing situation stabilized, forming a two-two situation.

The Canadian legion that was retreating saw the situation, and the pace of the retreat could not help being more urgent, and wanted to quickly leave this right and wrong place.

"Let's retreat! It may be too late, the Canadian Legion has just retired. If the guardians of the heavens do not fight those two war spirits, and instead come to deal with us, then we are no different from the mud sculpture They can only be slaughtered relentlessly. "At this time, Arthur Altria persuaded Carolin to the side again.

Carolin was a little embarrassed, rubbing her palms, showing inner suffering. She looked at the giant snake in Xuanyuan City in the distance, and looked back at the Spanish Legion behind her. She immediately bit her silver teeth and said, "Okay! Let's quit!"

Later, she stroked her long hair, and with a wave of jade hands, she yelled towards the Spanish Legion: "Everyone listens to my order and retreats immediately! Do not fight this national war!"

Arthur Altria sighed a sigh of relief, and made the same move. He reached out his hand and gave the British group behind him a withdrawal order.

In a short time, the front of the invading army was loosened, and tens of millions of players who had originally invaded the army surrounded Xuanyuan City from a distance, forming a spectacular black line on the horizon. But now, there are several gaps in this black line.

"[Mainland Announcement]: [Spanish Legion], withdraw from the hero Continental War."

"[Mainland announcement]: [British regiment], withdraw from the hero mainland war."

Two successive announcements of the system shook the eardrums of countless players again.

On the other side, under the gate on the north side of Xuanyuan City, there were also three Celestial Strongmen fighting. One of the Celestials is the guardian of the dragon, and the other two Celestials are the spirits of war summoned by the heavens and floating disturbances.

"So many countries have retreated ~ www.readwn.com ~ Our army is gone!" At this moment, Tiandao suddenly shook his head and sighed, intertwined with the sound of the announcement in the sky.

"Then we have to fight more fiercely, solidify our military hearts, if the rest of the legions retire, leaving us, then we can't win the hero continent at all." The entanglement on the side responded toughly, she rode The two-headed underworld war beast also roared, revealing four horrible fangs, seeming to echo the lingering distractions.

Tiandao glanced at her and stopped talking.


Five minutes later, a sharp bird scream came from the direction of the south gate of Xuanyuan City!

Countless people saw again, Huang Yi came out of that sloppy dragon head again. This time with him, a strange bird braving a blazing flame, its open wings covered the sky and the sound of birds. Go straight to Jiuxiao!

Another guardian of the heavens! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read m.qn.) 9

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