Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 736: Formation of the Celestial Army

The sound of this bird makes countless invading troops change color again!

Immediately after, the announcement sounded again between heaven and earth—

"[Mainland Announcement]: [Chile Legion], withdraw from the hero Continental War."

"[Mainland Announcement]: [Uruguayan Legion], withdraw from the heroic Continental War."

The invasion lineup is getting smaller and smaller as Huang Yi summons a guardian of the heavens. Tnt, Miyamoto Musashi, Pope and other invading army super-class masters, their faces became more and more dignified.

Thirteen minutes later, Huang Yi came out of the heroic prison for the third time. Along with this, there was also a blood-thirsty tiger with a winged Sky Warcraft!

With the advent of this World of Warcraft, three announcements rang out in heaven and earth--

"[Mainland Announcement]: [Swedish Legion], withdraw from the hero Continental War."

"[Mainland Announcement]: [Portuguese Army], withdraw from the heroic Continental War."

"[Mainland Announcement]: [Turkish Legion], withdraw from the hero Continental War."

Tnt, Pope and other super-class masters, their mood fell to the bottom of the valley, their worst guesses are happening little by little, as strong as the guardian of the heavens level, Huang Yi seems to be able to summon unlimitedly!

After another eight minutes, Huang Yi came out of the hero prison for the fourth time, and there was another guardian of the heavens!

This time, a total of five countries withdrew from the heroic mainland war!

The entire invading army is showing signs of disintegration, and this invincible army quickly disintegrates from the inside!

It took only a little time for Huang Yi to create a legion to join the battlefield, but the record made has surpassed the achievements of the previous few months when he wanted to command the country with his heart!

If the previous few months, the hero continent was in the dark cloud of retreat, then from now on, the hero continent began to reverse strongly, and the slump brought by that failure began to disappear.

The two key figures, Yu Sheng and Huang Yi, lost one victory and one victory. The fighting time is long and short, forming a sharp contrast!

"Audience friends, the situation of the invaders is very optimistic. It seems that the **** of killing can summon the guardians of the heavens without limit. I don't know when it will end. Now the guardians of the heavens on Xuanyuan City have surpassed the invasion. The number of war spirits of the army. If the invading army can't make a new backhand, then their vast invasion will be reduced to a joke ... "Some reporters quickly changed the tone according to the situation on the field. From the past, it was thought that Xuanyuan's was likely to perish, and it became the future of the invading army that was not promising.

"What should we do now? Are we really going to retreat?" At this time, Kidd, an American superb champion who has just joined the battlefield, said to the Ganges beside him. He only joined the battlefield a few days ago, and he wanted to make some great achievements, but he did not expect to face this situation on his first expedition!

Ganges felt his chin. He nodded slightly and said, "I personally think we should retreat. We have to change our target and go to the Sun Guild of Thor, or the Nether Guild of Qiushu Qiufeng. They are also large-scale guilds on the hero continent. They have the same influence. Huge. Their main territory is very far away from the heroic empire that killed God. These heavenly guardians of the **** of death cannot go to support them. "

"Then we ask the opinions of the remaining leaders!" Kidd said, and immediately sent a message to the other super-class masters and asked their opinions.

After a while, Kidd received the opinions of several other super-class masters. Chao Ganghe said: "Now those who agree with the retreat are Tiandao and Miyamoto Musashi, as well as Dante who has just been resurrected. But the other three were all Oppose retreat, especially tnt! "

"Tnt? Does he still have a second hand?" Ganges looked towards the south gate of Xuanyuan City. As if to see what tnt is going to do next.


At this point, the situation of the invading army had reached the most dangerous moment, and their war spirit could barely entangle Huang Yi's guardians of the heavens. This was already a limit!

As long as Huang Yi summons even one Heavenly Guardian, this balance will be broken, and even if the spirit of war pays his own life cost, he will no longer be entangled in those Heavenly Guardians. Then they come to kill these invading players. It was a one-sided massacre!

"It is only a matter of time to kill the spirits of war, just kill those people!" At this moment, Huang Yi once again came out of the heroic prison and pointed to the sea of ​​people composed of distant invaders. Said to the side of a field full of spikes covered with spikes of Tianyu Niu.

"Okay, Lord King!" On that day, the savage cows uttered words, and immediately rushed toward the sea of ​​those invading army players.

As it ran, its body swelled up, and it quickly became the size of a mountain peak. The powerful four-hoof ran on the ground fiercely, shaking the ground like a violent earthquake! Even the three people on the city wall, Huang Yi, were shaken a little.

This world-level Warcraft is good at lethality, not very fast, or even a bit bulky. But in the eyes of the distant invaders, this wild cow seemed to be faster than any creature, sweeping the mountain with the momentum.

"We can't resist! Come back to the city!" At this time, some of the legionnaire commanders saw this, and without hesitation, took out a brown-yellow antique scroll from the storage ring and quickly opened it!

In a matter of seconds, all of these legions disappeared, as if evaporated out of thin air!

"The Legion returns to the city scroll!" Lin Yiqin sighed with regret as he looked at the legions that had disappeared instantly.

The scrolls made by the heads of the legions are called Legion Back to City Scrolls. Like the Spirit of War, they are also a kind of strategic material. However, this scroll requires less merit than the spirit of war, and many legions can afford it.

However, some small legions are not so lucky. Their legions are inadequate and there is no legion to return to the city. Now they can only face the slaughter of the heavenly strong!

"Escape!" These players seem to be experiencing the end of the world at once. Without the command of the legion commander, they started screaming and fleeing. The scene suddenly became chaotic and defeated!

The huge eyes of the Tianyu Niubu looked at the ants-sized players on the ground, disdainfully, directly raised the giant legs the size of a hill, and stepped directly on the ground!

"Boom!" For a short time, a large area of ​​Fangyuan fell, as if the earth had fallen!

An incomparable huge shock wave swept away in all directions, like the most violent Shacheng storm, blowing everything up!

Countless scattered players, including some reporters who died of their live broadcast, were immediately swept away by this shock wave, like the scene of withered leaves being disturbed by the wind, and they couldn't carry it!

Almost instantly, those dense players turned into a corpse, and many viewers watching the live broadcast saw only a violent shaking in the picture, and then there was no signal.

This step of the Celestial Bull has killed countless players, and only some players with life-saving ability are still alive. But they couldn't carry it for long.

At that moment, all the great merit values ​​fell into the Legion of Heroes!

For those killed by the Guardian, the meritorious value is counted as the Legion of Heroes! Almost all of a sudden, the Legion of Heroes, a legion that was just created, quickly accumulated some capital! This speed of merit accumulation is simply appalling!

At this time, Huang Yi, Yun Sihai, and Lin Yiqin, all standing on the city wall, were all staring at the gray distant place.

Just now, Tianyu's wild cattle were too powerful, and a heavy step lifted the sky's smoke and dust, obstructing their vision, making them unable to see what was happening there. But judging by the movement of the earth and the mountain in the smoke, there was a catastrophe on earth.

"Kill God, if you join the battlefield earlier, then our hero continent has won a long time ago, and it will not be defeated until now!" Yun Sihai suddenly sighed.

Huang Yi shook his head, clenched the golden scepter in his hand, and said, "It's not that I don't want to. If I join in a few months ago, I can't summon these heavenly guardians at all. I can only break through to level 100. After the level of the sanctuary, I have the ability to summon them out, and now I can only summon the primary heavenly powerhouse. All the guardians of the heavenly field you see are primary sanctuary strength. In addition, at that time Guo Yuxi's pre-conditions have not been completed, and it was only a few days ago that almost all the conditions were reached! "

"Anyway, at least our current legion is enough to compete with Yu Shengxin, and you can compete with Yu Shengsheng for the position of commander-in-chief! They are just crowded now, not even superb masters And our side is full of infinite hope, and more guilds will surely make trade-offs, imitating our withdrawal from the Legion that wants to be born into the Legion of Heroes. "Lin Yiqin said optimistically, with a touch of faint on his face Smile.

It now seems that they are not necessarily a bad thing to withdraw from the legion that they want to grow. With the current momentum of the heroic legion, once the heroic continent wins, it is really possible to exceed the legion's merits and obtain a systematic post-war reward!

"Oh!" Just then ~ www.readwn.com ~ The area where Tianyu Niu Niu was located, suddenly there was an unprecedented noise!

The three of Huang Yi quickly looked over!

Suddenly, they saw a huge body like a mountain peak, and flew over towards them with a huge impact!

Soon, the huge body fell heavily on the ground, plowing out a long gully in accordance with the inertia, and then it was motionless, dead or alive!

After Huang Yi's three people saw the figure clearly, their faces suddenly changed!

The body that didn't know about life and death is the former Tianyu Niu Niu!

This savage cow is a junior celestial power. It has been beaten up and out. Is there a stronger peer in the smoke?

The three of them suddenly looked at the thick hustle and smoke, where there was a dark cloud, and they couldn't see what was inside!

But the more unknown, the more terrifying! (To be continued ...)

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