Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 737: Advanced Celestial Powerhouse

At this moment, Huang Yi's keen visual discovery found that in the distant sky, a black human-shaped outline slowly appeared towards the side. He was slow, like a normal walk, but Huang Yi felt some kind of oppression inexplicably.

As the distance shortened, Huang Yi gradually saw the appearance of that figure.

The man's skin was black, muscles were knotted, and he was full of power. It had no clothes on it, and was naked with only black parts of its private parts. It feels as if it were primitive people from ancient times. Rumao drank blood and was rough and uncivilized.

"Mozu?" Huang Yi had a rough judgment almost immediately!

This is what the Demon creature in his impression looks like, such as the fallen messenger he has seen before, and the appearance of the fallen messenger is similar to this person. However, the breath of this person is far more than that of the fallen messenger. Just a few days ago, it was very likely that the domain was bullied by this man, which totally reflects how powerful he is.

The Demon Clan appeared for no reason, which reminded Huang Yi of tnt. As far as he knows, tnt has already joined the side of the Seven Demon Kings and has a prominent position!

"There is a master here!" Huang Yi said solemnly towards Yun Sihai and Lin Yiqin, and at the same time, he said to the two guardians of the heavens who were fighting outside the realm to make them pay attention.

At this moment, the Spirit Breaker took a moment to turn his head and looked at the direction of the smoke, his expression froze. Ding solemnly said: "I feel it. That person's soul. There is a breath of high-level Celestial strongman! We are not his opponents!"

Hearing the voice of the Spirit Breaker, the three of Huang Yi immediately felt a tremendous pressure!

These heavenly powerhouses who are present are all juniors, but the comers are advanced heavenly powerhouses who have surpassed two levels! It can be said that all the guardians of the heavens in Xuanyuan City are not the opponents of this advanced heavens!

"Yes, I'm a high-level Celestial Strongman!" Although the figure was far away, it seemed that he heard the words of the Spirit Breaker and responded from a distance. His voice was extremely rough. It sounded in the ears of everyone inside and outside Xuanyuan City.

This battle has changed again, and the situation that has just been pulled back is suddenly reversed! It's too difficult or too difficult for Huang Yi to do his part to turn the tide! After all, he is only one person, and the enemy is a joint army of dozens of countries, with endless means!

At this time, the high-level Celestial strongman spoke again, and the rough voice sounded between heaven and earth: "This city you can't keep, now you can return it to save your life. Otherwise, this general shot, each of you will not survive! "

His tone was calm and there was no anger, but everyone could clearly feel his powerful momentum. No doubt what he said! If they don't escape, they might die here!

"Kill God. Can you do anything else?" Yun Sihai turned her head and looked at Huang Yi nervously.

"I'll give it a try, but we have to destroy the enemy's magic artillery first!" Huang Yi said, and ordered the two guardians of the heavens outside the heavenly enchantment: "Soulbreaker, two-headed snake, you Two hurriedly leave here to destroy all their magic cannons! "

"Okay! Lord King!" The two guardians of the heavens immediately responded with the fastest speed, disappeared here at once, and began to search for the magic cannons of the invaders.

At this moment, the demon who claimed to be a "general" in the distance flashed into a black line and crossed countless distances. He suddenly rushed to the front of Xuanyuan City's sky screen and punched him with a simple punch. !!

"Boom!" Suddenly, Xuanyuan City's sky enchantment suddenly shook violently if it was severely hit!

Under the sky enchantment, everyone in Xuanyuan City suddenly looked up at the enchantment in horror!

Xuanyuan City's canopy enchantment is at the heaven level, but if dozens or hundreds of magic cannons are bombarded together, it will be destroyed almost instantly!

And if it is to attack with a strong domain, it will not last long. At that time, the patriarch of the half-orc holy land, a savage saint who was as high as 295 level, went to the dragon capital to hunt down Huang Yi, and the dragon's heavenly enchantment only blocked for almost half an hour. This high-level Celestial strongman who claims to be a "General", although weaker than the Holy Saint, should also be able to break through this heavenly enchantment within an hour!

Within an hour, they had to figure out a way to fight against the advanced Celestial Powerhouse!

Some surviving journalists felt the changes on the battlefield and quickly explained: "Audience friends! The general just claimed to be a high-level heavenly strongman. His powerful momentum also illustrates this. We have nothing to do with this. Doubt. Now Xuanyuan City is in a weak position. Although Xuanyuan City has many guardians of the heavens, they are all junior Tianyu strengths. It is not an opponent of this advanced heavenly strongman. The heavenly bull This is a stark example. Now, let ’s lock the lens on the killer on the wall. How the war will change next depends on what he will do next ... "

Countless people are looking at Huang Yi. Their eyes are full of emotions, there are doubts, expectations, despair, and so on. He seemed to feel that the burden on his body suddenly became much heavier. Standing behind him was not only the members of Xuanyuan Family, but also the expectations of the entire Chinese player!

Huang Yi dare not neglect, summoned the hero prison again, and rushed in.

Outside Xuanyuan City, the high-level Celestial Strong has been attacking the Celestial Enchantment, slowly consuming.

All the guardians of the heavens are either fighting the rest of the spirit of war or destroying the enemy's magic cannon.

The entire battlefield has temporarily fallen into a stalemate. This time is extremely valuable. If Huang Yi cannot make effective measures, then Xuanyuan's world-renowned super-class guild will be erased from now on!

At this time, Huang Yi was striding forward in the dark passageway in the heroic prison. His footsteps sounded clearly and passed into a cell, with a sense of depression and urgency.

He used all the magic potions that could improve his attributes, and then he came to the stone room where the keys were placed and looked at the sky-light.

If he wants to stop that high-level general, then he must release at least a high-level high-level power, even a top-level high-level power!

Above the heavens is the demigod. The key of that level, Huang Yi, is still unavailable, and at least it has a chance to break through the heavens. And he has only returned to his early 100s. Even if he improves his level, he cannot reach the level of heaven.

"Behemoth transformation!" At this moment, Huang Yi used his rare racial trick, his body suddenly became bigger, he grew flesh-winged fangs, and turned into a monster form. It includes all the attributes of flexibility.

He quickly flew into the air, grabbing those flying keys!

The speed of those keys is almost a golden light, which makes people look dazzling!

But in Huang Yi's eyes at this time, those extremely fast keys were no longer so difficult to chase, he shot again and again and quickly grasped a very fast key.

The number of this key is 276! Huang Yi sighed, without even turning over the hero's book, he gave up the key directly.

When he first entered the hero prison, he killed the criminal named Hydra. Deadscale, whose number is 250 and the level is 250. The number of this key is lower than this number, indicating that the level is not as good as the Hydra.

On the 25th second, Huang Yi caught another extremely fast key. But the number of this key also exceeds 250, which is not up to the requirement! He had to start over!

After a while, he caught the third extremely fast key, which was numbered 223!

This is already met! The level is over 250, a proper advanced sky domain strong!

Huang Yi immediately opened the "Book of Heroes" and checked the criminal information of 223.

But the scene that shocked him happened, this page was blank!

This shows that the corresponding cell is empty! The criminals inside are long dead!

At this point, it took less than 10 seconds for the monster to transform!

In these 10 seconds, if he still can't catch a qualified key, his speed will suddenly drop to the original level! It will be impossible to catch these fast keys!

Huang Yi's heart was calm, the more this time, the less panic can be. His eyes calmly stared at the more than ten thousand keys in front, dense golden light, passing quickly in front of his eyes, drawing a completely irregular track! Reflected in his pupils!

He doesn't have much time now, he doesn't have any shot, he must succeed as soon as possible!

Time passed minute by minute ~ www.readwn.com ~ Outside Xuanyuan City, the high-level Celestial Strongman was attacking the Celestial Enchantment, making it more and more fragile. And countless Chinese players are staring at the dragon of the hero prison desperately, expecting Huang Yi to bring new hope from it!

At this moment, Huang Yi's eyes locked a key that was flying towards him at a speed, which was faster than any one he had previously grasped! And for a moment, he glanced at him and saw the number 175 written on the key!

When he was just reading the book of heroes, the impression in this page was that it contained criminal information, not an empty cell!

That's it!

Huang Yi's lightning claws deep in the beast, grabbed at the key!

Success or failure is here!


That's it for the evening, sorry. The next chapter should not be finished, so I have to go during the day. (To be continued ...)

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