Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 739: The strongest potion in the world

This time, the doomsday messenger brought out by Huang Yi far surpassed any of the guardians brought out before, as if a round of hot sun suddenly appeared on the walls of Xuanyuan City, and unconsciously attracted everyone. Attention.

And the high-level Celestial Power who professed to be a general, apparently also noticed the appearance of the Doomsday messenger, and the action of attacking the Celestial Enchantment was eased a lot, his expression was full of dignity, as if he saw a rival.

"Unexpectedly, your sacred strength has summoned such powerful people!" The general's voice spread again and again between heaven and earth, his tone seemed a little surprised. Like countless players, he did not expect that Huang Yi would summon such super powerful characters!

The doomsday messenger also found the general with no fear, as if looking at a junior, and said in a husky and hot voice, "Now my doomsday messenger is back and this world is restored. Here is the kingdom I guard, any No one is allowed to come here for destruction! "After that, he turned to look at Huang Yi, and the two flames in his eyes were burning more vigorously.

Huang Yi understood what he meant, and immediately opened the faint canopy of enchantment!

At that moment, the doomsday messenger turned into a firelight, and smashed directly towards that general brute force!

Huang Yi seems to be able to predict that a shocking collision is about to happen, and the vast shock wave will rag the world!

He closed the canopy enchantment again almost instantaneously, blocking that amazing battle out!

"Boom!" Almost at the same time, a huge crash sounded, as if a meteorite fell, and the Doomsday smashed into the general!

At that moment, a circle of shock waves visible to the naked eye swept away in all directions!

Xuanyuan City's canopy of enemies bears the brunt of it, and is suddenly shaken by the shock wave. The other directions are even more tragic. The shock wave rushed the sand and dust from the ground into the sky, uprooting all the trees and grasses. The whole world is gray and looks like the end of the world!

Some surviving reporters. At this time, a large number of people died, and the live broadcast pictures of many TV stations lost their signals!


In the fumes of the sky, even Huang Yi's powerful vision can only faintly see the two shadows fighting in the sky. He couldn't help but use the mind-eye ability that emerged after he evolved to be an eyeless, and watched the battle with his heart.

The picture he saw with his eyes was gray. It's like a black and white movie. At this point, the Doomsday messenger and the general were faintly tied. The strength of the two was similar. You come and go without any skills. Everything is the most primitive hand-to-hand combat! Hit hard!

But over time. This tie-breaking situation should gradually be broken, but I don't know who is better.


At the same time, at a distance far from Xuanyuan City, Miyamoto Musashi and TNT are watching the slow dust, listening to the shocking sounds coming from inside.

"Did you call General Yu that day?" At this time, Miyamoto Musashi turned his head and asked TNT. He had a somewhat funny tone, and the general of the heavens had a distinctive demonic character. TNT has shown some means of the Devil before. Miyamoto Musashi has long speculated that TNT has a relationship with the seven devil kings, but he is not sure.

TNT turned to look at Miyamoto Musashi, and his eyes were full of playfulness, and he did not speak.

The two allies looked at each other like this, and seemed to have their own thoughts.

"Miyamoto Musashi, I know you have a covenant stone of the fallen king in your hands. Why haven't you used it until now?" A long time later. TNT asked suddenly.

Miyamoto Musashi raised his eyebrows and seemed to be surprised why TNT knew about it. But soon he slowed down and said, "I don't want to be controlled by anyone. Joining the Seven Devil's side, although the strength has been greatly improved, but the future destiny will also be tied to the Seven Devil's, and signed with them. After the contract, they became their slaves. As soon as the seven demon kings died, they would enter a state of rebirth. You see that the killing god, he is more valued by the seven demon kings, even the king of hell. Yan Mo also personally named him as Eighth Demon King. But even so. He did not join the Seven Demon Kings. Obviously, he was also concerned about this. "

Having said that, Miyamoto Musashi paused and continued: "More importantly, after joining them, it is extravagant to want to seal God. God cannot be a slave to others, otherwise God will never be sealed. I do not Unsatisfied to be the strongest of His Majesty the Seven Demon Kings, I want to enter that wider sky, and one day I will seal God and surpass the Seven Demon Kings. "

"That makes sense!" TNT nodded, then smiled mysteriously, and said quietly, "But you have only seen appearances. You have been in the second world for so long, you should know that in fact, everything in the second world is not absolute The second world is hidden and invisible, just like this national war. Although the hero continent has the most players, the most masters, and the most national honor value, it seems to be the strongest. But this is not absolute, their mainland's NPC The strength is very weak, not even a celestial powerhouse. However, the continents of some small countries are protected by astronomical level NPCs. The smaller the country, the more astronomical Npcs, and the more difficult it is to attack. So, you Look at one thing, don't look at it on the surface, look at it as a whole in the second world, and look farther. "

"Huh?" Miyamoto Musashi heard TNT seem to have something to say, and couldn't help asking: "What does this have to do with the seven devil kings we just said?"

"Don't you just say that after joining the Seven Devil Kings, will destiny be tied to the Seven Demon Kings?" TNT said, turning to look at Miyamoto Musashi, mysteriously said, "Actually this is not absolute. There are Some means can prevent such things from happening. You can still seal the gods and be out of the control of the seven devil kings. And even if the seven devil kings die, you will not be born again ... "

After hearing this, Miyamoto Musashi moved his heart and looked at TNT, saying, "Do you have this method?"

"I don't have it now, but if you are willing to cooperate with me, then there is." TNT also stared straight at Miyamoto Musashi.

The two looked at each other like this, and seemed to have some inexplicable communication and exchange.

"Why cooperate with me and not with the Pope?" Miyamoto Musashi continued to ask.

"Because you have the most powerful pharmaceutical capabilities in the world!" TNT smiled lightly. "The world's first pharmacist is Yunshui Qinghuan of the Sun Guild, but she has a huge gap compared to you. Although you are only an amateur It ’s just refining medicine. You have n’t specifically studied the life skills of pharmacy, but your pharmacy is better than a professional pharmacist, so I ’m looking for you. ”

"What kind of potion do you want to make?" Miyamoto Musashi looked calm and could not see what he was thinking, but in fact he was quite moved.

TNT Youyou said: "I need you to make a potion that surpasses all the s-class potions nowadays! Even a potion that the demigod is struggling to pursue! When a god-sealer had not yet sealed the gods, he suffered I've been searching for this potion. And I have a formula for this potion! "

Miyamoto Musashi thought about it a bit, and said suddenly: "I guess what kind of potion. I can promise you, but since this potion is so powerful, its raw materials must also be difficult to find. I am only responsible for refining. You come to prepare. And after the refining is successful, I will also take a dose. If the refining fails, I will not be responsible. "

TNT nodded and said, "Yes. With this potion, then you can join the Seven Demon Kings without any worries. You can enjoy the protection of the Seven Demon Kings and enjoy the thrill of strength enhancement. , Without having to worry about your fate tied to them, just think about it and feel perfect. However, you ca n’t take any risk for such a good thing. In order to show the sincerity of our cooperation, you must promise me a prerequisite condition."

"What's the condition?" Miyamoto Musashi asked tightly in his heart.

"You first join the party of the Seven Devil Kings, and then I will give you a prescription." TNT's face will always be the kind of cynical smile, as if talking about an insignificant thing.

"Why did I join first?" Miyamoto Musashi frowned, looking a little unhappy.

TNT slowly spit out a sentence: "Because I have already joined."

Speaking, TNT looked at the celestial general in the distance and said: "I can now answer your question at the beginning. The high-level celestial strongman is indeed the one I brought in. He is a fallen general, better than a fallen angel The status is even higher. If you think about it, as long as you join the Seven Devil's Party, it will be able to lead such a powerful person to come to rescue you at a critical moment. What a wonderful thing? And soon, this world will usher in An unprecedented calamity, only by joining the side of the seven demon kings, can we survive, otherwise, even if it is a killing **** before reincarnation, there is only a dead end. "


The time passed little by little, and the terrifying battle between the fallen general and the doomsday messed up faintly ~ www.readwn.com ~ The thunderous sound of Zhentian never ceased. This large area of ​​Xuanyuan City has always been gray, like the chaotic world when it opened up!

This national war has reached a level far beyond the player's expectations. The outcome of the victory or defeat depends on the results of the battle between these two senior Celestials. The only remaining reporters on the field have long been hiding away, and they can only look closely at the direction of Xuanyuan City. They cannot make more detailed reports, and they can only wait for the final result of this battle.

After half an hour, Huang Yi's eyes finally saw a glimmer of light!

The doomsday messengers are indeed old antiques that have lived for countless years, and they have gradually gained the upper hand. And the fallen general began to show some signs of defeat, and gradually fell on the side of defense!


There is one more chapter, but it ’s going to be late. Let ’s go to bed first. Do n’t stay up late! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for referrals and monthly passes. Your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile users, please read m.)

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