Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 740: Return to Bailong Lake

"I didn't expect you to have a little skill, this time to spare you, but in the near future, you will not have such good luck, even if you are strong, you will still die!" Just then, in the chaos of smoke, Suddenly the words of the fallen general sounded.

Later, Huang Yi's eyes saw a picture-the fallen general turned into a black line, and evacuated like lightning! Soon disappeared into the sky!

The speed at which he left, as fast as he came, was too late to react.

"Escaped by him!" At this moment, the fallen messenger looked at the figure of the fallen messenger, then turned to look at Huang Yi, and regretted: "His strength is not much worse than mine, I can't keep him."

"I understand! But no matter what, we won this battle!" Huang Yi nodded, then looked at Yun Sihai and Lin Yiqin beside him, and said, "You don't have to worry, this most important lordship We've kept it. Next, I'll go to your most important Huangdi City. "

"Kill Brother, thank you very much!" Yun Sihai said gratefully. He wanted to say something, but soon he looked blankly and said, "Kill God, you don't have to go to Huangdi City."

"Why?" Huang Yi frowned.

Yun Sihai said excitedly: "Just after the news came, after the gentleman knew that you had come to this main territory, it seemed that there was no danger here, and instead went to Huangdi City. He just managed to turn the tide and saved the territory and repelled All intruders. "

"That would be the best!" Huang Yi nodded, his tone slightly relaxed.

The gentleman has just joined his legion. This is a super general. He has no doubt that the other party can save the entire Yellow Emperor City with his own power.

The reason why super-class masters are super-class is because they have a super ability that others cannot replace! For example, the blade has the inheritance of the sword emperor, the dragon thorn is related to the golden holy dragon, the ability of Miyamoto Musashi to refine the pharmaceutical agent, the ability of Huang Yi to summon a large number of super strong NPCs, and so on.

Some master players, such as Yun Sihai and Lin Yiqin, are almost the same as super-class masters in terms of equipment, technology, and skills. But what they lack is a signature superpower. Without a super ability, you cannot be called a true super-class master, and you can only stay at the level of first-class master.

In fact, the gentleman is a super-class master, Huang Yi has always felt unpredictable. The speed of this man's rise and the fight he had, almost turned out, and the only few intersections they had, the gentleman gave him an elusive feeling.

For the first time they have intersections. It was in the ruins of Emperor Somret outside the city of Warcraft. At that time, the gentleman and a woman appeared together. They were black and white, each with a bucket, and mysterious. At that time, Huang Yi used the identity of a big bad guy, and later he sensed a piece of legendary equipment. Rushed to the stone room to collect, but the gentleman and the female player also seemed to know the location of the legendary equipment, followed by there.

At that time, the gentleman gave Huang Yi a profound look with a very mysterious look, and then left directly without competing for the ultimate treasure behind. Seems to give way to Huang Yi general. But Huang Yi at that time was a big bad guy, just an ordinary player. This gentleman's move was very puzzling!

The second time they met was when the hostage was rescued in the East China Sea. At that time, Huang Yi and his team were on a thunder **** ship, and they arrived on the East China Sea so quickly. There was no gentleman on the thunder ship at that time. But later, the gentleman appeared on the East Rim mainland, and he helped everyone at a critical moment.

They intersect for the third time. It was after returning to Huang Yi that he had just returned to the hero continent. At that meeting, Huang Yi and Yuyou Xinsheng had a conflict with Yuyou Xinsheng, and left the conference hall on the spot. Later, he heard from the intelligence officer that after he left, the gentleman blame the desire to be born.

In these three intersections, the gentleman was not malicious to him. It even seemed to help him. For this character, Huang Yi has always been in doubt, only feeling that the other person's secrets are everywhere. Now the other party has left the legion and joined his legion. This also shows that.

"Kill Brother, good news!" Just as Huang Yi was meditating, Lin Yiqin's voice suddenly sounded.

"What's wrong?" Huang Yi calmed down and asked immediately.

Lin Yiqin couldn't help concealing a smile and said, "It may be that you and the gentleman are threatened. The invaders in all our territories have just been withdrawn and temporarily evacuated. None of our territories has been destroyed and all of them have been saved Come down. "

Yun Sihai nodded his head, his face was full of hope, and said, "Yeah! This catastrophe is over! The heroic continent's national war has also reached a turning point! We will not necessarily fail in this national war. As a result, our army of heroes has also become a hit, and it will definitely attract more people to join. "

"Well, but the enemies will be more careful next time, the national war has not ended so soon! Now the enemy's strength is still far beyond us, we must not be taken lightly." Huang Yi said cautiously. However, he also did not show his backhand. For example, Thor ’s hole card has not been used. Thor is in the American continent, nervously preparing to attack the heavenly guild.

Next, Yun Sihai and Lin Yiqin were both busy with post-war affairs and left first.

Huang Yi continued to stand on the city wall, looking up at the doomsday messenger who was soaring in the sky.

The doomsday messenger is spreading its wings, covering the sky and the sky, but Huang Yi looks at it, but seems to see a huge cloud of doubt, hovering in the sky.

What the messenger told him just now, he only believed half of it! He was very skeptical of the secrets of the Doomsday messenger. The Doomsday messenger had two numbers, which were locked in two rooms respectively. I am afraid it is not just that simple.

Huang Yi decided to investigate some doomsday messengers, and no one knows better about doomsday messengers than the White Dragon King!

The Doom Bringer had a battle with the ancestors of Bailong that year, and his legs were cut off, and they fell to the current location of Bailong Lake. But the ancestors of the White Dragon were unable to destroy those legs, so they had to get a pure sacred breath of the gods and seal those legs. And its descendants have also lived there, guarding the seal until the generation of the White Dragon King.

Huang Yi followed his father's beast god's meaning, and brought a small skirt to Bailong Lake to allow her to absorb that sacred breath. By the way, the threat of the doomsday legs was removed. It can be said that Bailong Lake is a place where he is associated with the Doomsday messenger, and it is most appropriate to go there to investigate.

Next, Huang Yi took off his crown, dragon robe, and scepter, three items representing his emperor status, and put them into the storage ring. These three things have no attributes, but only one symbolic meaning.

He came to the teleportation array of Xuanyuan City and teleported to Huttenmar City, one of the cities closest to Bailong Lake, where the female cat gave birth to him.

Huang Yi walked in the street, as if walking in the memory, he has been working hard in the second world for more than a year, everything is like yesterday. At that time, he was born by a female cat and suffered a severe beating by the owner of the NPC. At that time, he was not able to stand still, and was only able to be stung by the female cat in the forest.

Now, he has grown to become the world's best master. During this period, I don't know how much happened, even he can't remember. But I don't know how, what he misses most is the time when he was born, and the days when the female cat wandered in the forest.

As he recalled, he quickly left the city and hurried towards Bailong Lake.

Not long after, he came into a forest and passed a ruin site.

This is the Fenglin Village of that year, and now this ruin is covered with weeds and moss.

Huang Yi walked in the forest, along the roads he followed when he and the little white cat escaped the chasing and killing of the owner of Feng Lin Zhai Zhai, like walking through memories.

His speed was much faster than that time. It didn't take long to climb over a mountain and saw a sparkling, extremely peaceful lake. Hidden in the wild mountains, it is like a paradise.

Huang Yi came to the reed-dangerous ferry, and saw an old man fishing on a boat on the shore, as if it was an eternal statue.

"Bailong King, I'm here." Huang Yi said and stepped forward.

This angler is the incarnation of the White Dragon King. He is outside the lake all year round and monitors the movement outside.

"Kill God ~ www.readwn.com ~ You are here!" The incarnation of the White Dragon King turned to look at Huang Yi, with a smile, "You are now far more capable than me. Time is passing so fast, you When I first came here, it was just a small character, and now it has grown to such a degree that it is unexpected. "

Huang Yi boarded the small boat, sat down, and then picked a reed next to it, pouted in his mouth, and asked, "Since the threat of Doom's legs has been lifted, nothing has happened here. Right? "

"Yes, our Bailong tribe lives more peacefully." The White Dragon King nodded, and then he asked curiously, "Why do you suddenly remember coming here?"

Huang Yi took a deep breath, and his tone became dignified. He said, "I'm here today to investigate the character of the Doomsday messenger. Tell me everything you Bailong people know about him! He has some secrets, and He may be just the beginning. From his breakthrough, we may be able to peek at more mysteries that have been circling above us for a long time and cannot be solved ... "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start Vote for referrals and monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m. To read.)

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