Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 741: Identity of Doom

"Apocalypse!" Bailong Wang remembered the name, his expression flashed a little unnaturally, and said, "I actually don't want to mention this person. Every time I pronounce his name, I will feel uneasy."

With that said, the White Dragon King glanced at Huang Yi and said, "But since you asked, then I will tell you all what our White Dragons know about him! Doomsday messengers are not from this world, but from Alz World, this world is very powerful, it can be in the top ten of all worlds, and it is not much worse than ours ... "

Among the lush reeds, the White Dragon King sat on the boat and fished, while telling Huang Yiting the information of the messenger of the doomsday.

"... After being repulsed by the ancestor of the White Dragon, the Doomsday returned to the Alz world to cultivate, and his strength went one step further. The last thing we know about him is that he went to Oro after becoming a demigod Yas World. "Finally, the White Dragon King told Huang Yi all the things he knew about the Doomsday Messenger.

"Demigod? He is a demigod?" Huang Yi was startled!

So far, he has seen three kinds of strength doomsday messengers, one is a 172 level doomsday messenger and one is a 272 level doomsday messenger. Doom Bringer!

This doomsday messenger is almost like a ever-changing person, with as many as three levels of strength alone!

"Yes! That's the last news we know about him. If you want to know what's behind him, I'm afraid to find someone from Oroas World." The White Dragon King nodded.

"People in the Oroas world ..." Huang Yi couldn't help thinking of a man--Li Ye.

When he took the dragon to the Warcraft Mountains to find the dragon tomb a while ago, he saw a thatched hut on a mountain on the way. Living there was Ye Ye and his two apprentices.

Filter night is a master of the heavens from the world of Oroas. He has spent his entire life studying alchemy technology. Later Huang Yi also listed there as his deputy territory. We have released some criminals who are also good at pharmacy, alchemy, and poison making. Let them study together and benefit the Heroes Guild.

Now, he can just go and ask Ye Ye to see if he knows about the messenger of Doom.

"Thank you, Bailong King! I will leave now and ask my friends in Oroas World for more information." Huang Yi said, and stood up. Jumped out of the boat, ready to leave.

"Kill God!" At this moment, the White Dragon King suddenly stopped him, and said with anticipation: "I don't know what we said last time about the Bailong tribe's affiliated race, do you remember?"

"Of course I remember!" Huang Yi glanced back at the White Dragon King and smiled: "You can rest assured! When I break through the level of the heavens, pass the test of heroes, and reach a certain level of strength, I will solve my and The grudges of the half-orc race. I will destroy them. Take their racial heart and create a subsidiary race for our white dragon race. Become one of the one hundred common races. "

The White Dragon King nodded, and couldn't help but excitedly said, "Okay! I've been waiting for that day to come, and I feel excited when I think about it. My Bailong tribe is finally coming to a bright future in my generation! My name will always remain in the history of the Bailong tribe, and will be praised by later generations ... "

Huang Yi glanced at the White Dragon King, smiled slightly, and turned to leave.


Next, Huang Yi teleported to the Mountain of Warcraft, the sub-territory where Ye Ye was located.

Compared with the time when Huang Yi arrived, it is quite different. At that time there was only a thatched house, but now a large building has been built here, and a small town has formed!

The Heroes Guild has arranged manpower and funds, and established an experimental base here. All kinds of experimental equipment are professional, for those research madmen who filter nights to conduct research experiments.

In addition, the Heroes ’Guild ’s life and career base has also been moved here, and many players in life skills have exchanged here. If you are lucky, you can also get pointers from these seniors such as Ye Ye. It has become the technology center of the Heroes Guild.

However, this base is far from comparable to the kind of laboratory of ancient goblin in history.

Ancient goblins are the most famous scientific and technological race in the history of the whole Second World. They are the most advanced whether it is alchemy or medicine, airship or ship. Only later, this civilization dissipated in the long river of history, leaving only the legendary technology to future generations.

The ocean airship of the Heroes Guild was invented by the ancient goblin master craftsman, God Creator. Tianshou.

Huang Yi also faintly learned that the reason why Miyamoto Musashi was able to repeatedly take out various s-class potions was because he had obtained one of the most important refining laboratories of ancient goblins.

After Huang Yi's thoughts, he finally found the filtering night in an experiment in an alchemy laboratory.

At this time, Ye Ye was wearing white gloves and holding a flask containing a pale green liquid, which was placed in a still for distillation. His eyes were focused and he was unaware of Huang Yi's arrival.

After waiting for half an hour, Filter Night completed a phase of experiments and took a little rest. At this time, he finally found Huang Yi.

"Why are you here?" Filter Ye took off his gloves and asked Huang Yi in front of him.

"I'm here to ask you some news." Huang Yi asked when he saw the mountain, "Do you know a strong man named Doom?"

"Apocalypse!" Filter Ye raised her eyebrows and nodded. "I know this God-sealer!"

"The God of Sealing ?!" Huang Yi heard these words and couldn't help but stay in place!

He was just surprised that the White Dragon King said that the Doomsday messenger was a demigod, but he did not expect that now Ye Ye said the other party was a god-setter!

Now, the four strength levels of the Doomsday messenger are all there, Sanctuary, Celestial, Demigod, and God!

"Yes! Doombringer and our Oroas world have a great origin." Filter Ye nodded, and Youyou recalled: "In the history of a long time ago, one of our Oroas worlds was born. The godsetter, but on the occasion of the gods, they were sneakily killed by the doomsday messenger from the world of Alz, and the gods were taken away! So the doomsday messenger is the common enemy of our world ... "

Next, in the mouth of Filter Night, Huang Yi asked a lot of news about the messenger of Doom. He combined the news that he had seen in the Book of Heroes and the news learned in the mouth of the White Dragon King, and gradually inferred some rough experiences of the character of Doomsday Messenger.

It seems that after the doomsday messenger was born from the world of Alz, he first came to this world, fought a battle with the ancestor of the white dragon, cut his legs, and fled back to the world of Alz.

Later, he built up his strength, broke through to the level of demigod, and went to the world of Oroas, killing a strong man who was sealing the gods, and seizing the other person's personality. Then he successfully sealed the **** with that godhead and became a god.

Later, he should have offended the Temple of Death, so that he was put in a heroic prison! I just don't know why, his fetal fetus has now become level 272, and the body has become level 172.

But what is certain is that the doomsday man must beware! He was a god! Such strength is unfathomable! Huang Yi has never released criminals at this level before the gods!

Huang Yi even doubted whether the contract stone could restrain the doomsday messenger. In case the other party owned the fetish such as the contract water and washed away the contract, the strong man would lose control!

This made Huang Yi even more firm in his decision not to release the doomsday messenger ’s body. As long as the other side ’s body was locked up in the heroic prison, the doomsday messenger would still throw him away even if he escaped his control.

However, if handled well, from the doomsday messenger, you may be able to find a way to seal God.

Huang Yi decided to chat with Doom Messenger again in person to see if he could learn more clues in his mouth.

He immediately returned to Longdu and called the Doomsday messenger over.

At this point, the Doomsday Messenger is still the same as before, and there is no difference.

When he saw Huang Yi, the flame in his eyes quickly burned, and said, "Are you calling me now, are you worried that your country is in danger? Don't worry, I can resist even the top heavenly powers come!"

"What if demigods come?" Huang Yi asked indiscriminately, staring at the eyes of the doomsday messenger to see how his expression changed.

"If you release my body, then I can resist the demigod," said the Doom, and a strong self-confidence emerged: "For the safety of your territory, release my body quickly!"

"After releasing your body, what methods can you use to fight off the demigods?" Huang Yi continued to ask.

The emissary of Doom exudes the power of a strong ~ www.readwn.com ~ Looking up at the sky, saying: "My body can be merged with my divine fetus to reach the level of the demigod. At that time, like before That high-level enemy of the heavens, I can kill it casually, and I won't fight for that long. "

Huang Yi nodded slightly: "What if the gods come? How can you fight back God?"

"Haha!" At this moment, the Doom Angel laughed, "God cannot exist in these worlds, God can only be in heaven! Divine power cannot interfere with the world, you don't have to worry about God to attack your territory. So half God is the strongest level in the world. As long as I reach the level of demigod, then your territory can be truly exempted from any threats. You can quickly release my body! "

"Not yet, I'll talk about it someday!" Huang Yi shook his head, skipped the topic, and then asked, "Yes, what exactly is a divine child?"


There is another chapter, which has been updated very late recently. I will get it sooner. (To be continued ...)

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