Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 742: The secret of that metal plate

"Why, do you still give up on the divine fetus?" The emissary asked back, and then said, "The divine fetus is actually inconspicuous. Even if you get it, most people don't know what it is. From what I know, The divine fetus will emit a certain strong breath, which is related to the breath of his parents. If his parents are a fire **** and a water god, for example, the divine fetus may emit. Intense fire or water elements. "

"What is the appearance of the divine fetus?" Huang Yi continued to ask.

The doomsday elder said patiently: "It starts with the difference between man and god. The human fetus is conceived in the womb, but God is no longer a human. There is no uterus, and the fetus is born directly in the placenta. The **** draws it When you leave, the placenta is also pulled out. So the appearance of the divine fetus looks like a placenta. "

"Appears to look like a placenta?" Huang Yi was shocked when he heard this, he suddenly thought of something! But he still resisted the shock in his heart, and continued to ask, "If a fetus is found, how to use it?"

"You have a lot of questions!" The Doom Angel shook his head and said, "After the divine fetus is taken out of the body, it will fall into a dormant period without the influence of divine power. So the first step is to awaken the **** in the placenta. The fetus is stimulated by various methods to achieve the purpose of awakening. Once the fetus is awakened, it will automatically absorb the nutrients of the amniotic fluid in the placenta, or absorb some of the elemental substances that enter the outside of the placenta. Its absorption capacity is extremely Powerful, will always absorb and grow to a complete baby state, this time is the real divine fetus. If you want to occupy this divine fetus. It is like using a contract stone. Directly drip a lot of blood into the divine fetus. Medium. Let it **** until it is full, and then the fetus will automatically break through the placenta and be born, and become your second body. "

The Doomsman said, and the words turned, saying, "But not everyone can occupy the divine fetus. You need to have a certain agreement with the divine fetus in some respects. Otherwise, you cannot occupy the divine fetus."

"Huh?" Huang Yi frowned, and continued to ask, "how did your divine fetus occupy it?"

The doomsday messenger did not conceal it, and he said it directly, saying, "My divine fetus was cherished by the **** of fire and water, and what I was best at was the ability of the fire system, so I could occupy the divine fetus. Later, I also investigated for a long time and found that they conceived two fetuses in total, both times because of fear of the punishment of the law of heaven. They were pulled out and discarded. One of them was obtained by me. I later wanted to find another, but I never found one. "

"Oh? Vulcan ..." Huang Yi's heart moved and he nodded slightly, "Thank you for telling me these messages!"

Next, Huang Yi sent a message to Dugu Refrigeration with an excited mood: "Lonely Refrigeration, where are you? I have an important secret to tell you."

"I'm in Gucheng, come on!" Dugu Refrigerator responded quickly.

Huang Yi quickly went to the teleportation array and teleported to the city of the Guild of Dugu Refrigeration-Gucheng!

The lone city is in the east of the hero's continent. The city, as the name suggests, has a precipitous location. It is built on a lone peak with steep cliffs on all sides. It is very difficult for the enemy to attack. The invading army has attacked the hero continent for so long, and has not won the city.

As soon as he appeared in the teleportation array, Huang Yi heard a sound of yawning, and then saw a lazily lonely cold storage, he always seemed to be full of sleep.

"Go and sit at my Tianzifeng!" Dugu refrigerated, and led Huang Yi to walk through the streets.

Dugu Refrigeration always took Huang Yi to leave the mountain where the lone city is located, and transmitted it to a nearby small mountain through a small teleportation array.

The hilly environment is quiet and empty, and there are some bamboo everywhere. Both of them came to a wooden house near the cliff and pushed in the door.

The wooden house is simple in decoration. There are two places next to the window, a coffee table in the middle, and a cliff outside the window. Sitting there, you can see the vast mountains outside the window, and the view is extremely wide.

"Sit! No one is guaranteed here!" Dugu refrigeration led Huang Yi to sit down by the window, brewed a pot of tea for Huang Yi, and then sat in another position, saying: "There is nothing even you Think it's a big secret? "

Huang Yi took a sip of tea and slowly said, "That secret is about your mysterious metal plate!"

"Oh? Is there finally a brow?" Lonely Refrigerator was slightly surprised, then flipped his palm and took out something.

This is a round metal plate with a flame, about 15 cm in diameter. The temperature in the air seems to have increased a little because of the appearance of this metal plate.

This metal plate is exactly a long time ago, Huang Yi let Dugu refrigerate in the auction house and bought it for the price of four spar. The auction house didn't know what it was, but it became a final lot. At that time, Black Snake, one of the three generals under the command of Sand Pirate King, wanted to buy this metal plate. Huang Yi only let Dugu refrigerate it to stop it take a photo.

Later, after Huang Yi got the hearts of the Sand Pirate Kings, he relied on this metal disk to dissipate the cold air in that heart. This metal plate has also undergone some changes, and Huang Yi's third eye found that there was a fetus inside! Since then, the secrets of this metal plate have been bothering them both, but they have never studied what it is.

Huang Yi took a deep breath, took the metal plate, opened the third eye again, and looked inside the metal plate.

The look from his third eye penetrated the metal plate and saw the scene inside.

There was still some fiery red liquid inside the metal plate, and the little baby was still wrapped inside.

The little baby was fully grown, with hands and feet, rolling back and forth in the fiery red liquid. It seemed to notice that Huang Yi looked at him, and a smile appeared on that little face. That smile was neither friendly nor hostile, like a totally unconscious fetus, with only some instinctual reactions.

Seeing this, Huang Yi smiled, it seems that the metal plate is exactly the same as the fetus said by the messenger.

After seeing Huang Yi ’s move, Dugu refrigerated, and could n’t bear the curiosity, and asked, “What secret is there in this metal plate? I went to Zi Wuya later, and he said that this metal plate was in an ancient ruin. He got it, and he didn't figure out what it was, so he sold it to the auction house. "

"This is most likely a fetus!" Huang Yi took a deep breath.

"Divine fetus? What is this?" A moment of doubt flashed in the eyes of Dugu Refrigeration.

"Divine fetuses are divine fetuses ..." Next, Huang Yi told Dugu Cold Storage all the news he had heard about the divine fetuses from the messengers of Doom.

"So, this ... this one that cost four holy spars is a priceless treasure?" Dugu refrigerated after listening to Huang Yi's words, his face no longer looked lazy, but became extremely surprised. stand up.

Huang Yi nodded, "Yes! And your divine fetus is likely to be the other fetus of Vulcan and Water Deity, the divine fetus that the elder messenger has been searching for!"

"I didn't expect this thing to be so big!" Dugu Refrigerator took over the fetus again, looked it over carefully, and marveled.

"With this divine fetus, your potential is great. As long as you cultivate it, then you are not only a first-class master, but a super-class master!" Huang Yi said slightly expectantly, as if there was another super-class master. ally.

"Then I'll give it a try." Dugu refrigerated, opened his skin directly with his nails, shed blood, and dripped into the divine fetus.

However, a surprising scene appeared, after the blood contaminated the divine fetus, but did not respond, was not sucked in, but was evaporated by the flames outside.

"Huh? The system prompts me that I don't meet the requirements! Only people with fire or water races can meet the requirements." At this time, Dugu Refrigerator gave a slight stun and murmured!

"Not eligible?" Huang Yi also did not expect this result to occur. The emissary said before that if he wanted to occupy the divine fetus, he would need to agree with the divine fetus in some way. It now appears that Dugu Refrigeration has no side with this fetus.

"You might as well try it! See if you have this fate." At this time, Lonely Refrigerator handed the metal plate to Huang Yi.

"I'm not a race of water or fire! I can't occupy this fetus!" Huang Yi shook his head. "Moreover, my mental strength is limited. If I have a short period of time, I can do my whole thing. But I Now that I have an avatar, I have to control the body and avatar each day to live their own lives. I have been in such a distracted state for many years, and my body and mind will be very tired. If I have another fetus, I can't even care about it ~ www. readwn.com ~ And I'm in the reincarnation now, and my pet will have to wait for my cultivation. It is also a big family with experience. If I add this fetus, it will be difficult for me to train. Doesn't chew. "

"What to do? I don't lack money and don't need to sell this fetus. This placenta is so precious that it must be used." Dugu refrigerated and touched his chin.

"I know that someone can use this fetus. You might as well give it to me, and I'll give it to him." At this time, Huang Yi suddenly thought of someone.

"Okay, let's handle it for you!" Dugu Refrigerator didn't care, and handed the metal plate to Huang Yi, yawned, and his face changed back to that laziness.

"Thank you very much!" Huang Yi took the priceless fetus, and received the storage ring.


This line of metal plate has been buried for a long time. If you don't remember, you can go back to Chapter 242. This is the first time a metal plate has appeared.

Now it will start to uncover some previously buried lines, and some pits will begin to fill. (To be continued ...)

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