Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 743: Deep Sea Warcraft

"By the way, our guild will join your legion too!" At this time, Dugu chilled out and retired his guild from the legion and joined the heroic army of Huang Yi.

There are no conditions for joining the Legion of Heroes. As long as everyone on the hero continent can join, no one's consent is required, and the threshold is set to a minimum.

Huang Yi took a sip of tea and was full of fragrance. He sat by the window and looked out at the vast world outside the window. The mountains and hills in the distance seemed to be a good place for Xiuxian seeking.

"You are in a good environment!" Huang Yi said with a sigh of relief, feeling that her body and mind were relaxed.

Dugu Refrigerator also took a sip of tea and looked at the rolling hills outside the window, saying: "In fact, there is a world stone vein here, which is the foundation of our guild. Every day, I am worried that those invaders will find it here." He set his eyes back on Huang Yi and said, "Kill God, how confident are you that you can promise this national war and drive these invaders away?"

"I rely on me alone, I don't have absolute certainty." Huang Yi shook his head slightly, looking away at the vast world, "If the three people including the Emperor Sword, the Emperor Sword, and the Dragon Emperor all joined, plus me, Thor, gentleman, and six superb masters are gathered together, then you have absolute confidence. "

Dugu refrigerated his head slightly, thinking about it, saying, "The words of the sword emperor should be fine. As long as you find him, he will most likely agree to join the battlefield. But the two people, the sword emperor and the dragon emperor, are not necessarily, the former **** is mysterious, Nothing can be found; the latter, regardless of the life and death of outsiders, is almost ruthless and meaningless. "

"Let's see first! There is still so long in the future, and many things can happen ..." Huang Yi said quietly, and continued to look out at the great river and mountains outside the window.


A blink of an eye. A few days later.

The invasion legion has subsided a lot these days. No large-scale operations were launched. The hero continent is relatively calm. But the enemy is bound to brew more fierce fighting, and it will be more thoughtful than before.

A few days ago, the heroic legion turned the tide, attracting many players to join, and even a small number of guilds were separated from the legion and transferred to the arms of the heroic legion.

Many others are waiting to see. At present, the merits of the Legion of Heroes are far from being comparable to the Legion. But the Legion of Heroes is full of hope, as long as there are signs of surpassing the Legion. Then there will be more and more legions joining.

On this day, Huang Yi's body was heading to the ship on the central continent, lying in a shady area on the deck, holding a book in his hand and watching it seriously.

"What about watching" First World Overview "again?" At this time, Huang Yi heard the voice of a woman, and turned to look at it, it was called Chao Chao Ji Nami.

"Yeah! I want to study this book." Huang Yi nodded, and in the past few days his ontology was almost fine and he was holding it to study.

Wu Chaoxi looked at the boundless ocean around him and said, "The compass of that elemental spirit is moving. The spirit of thunder and lightning is almost here. But this is a dangerous sea area, so we need to be more careful."

"Oh?" Huang Yi suddenly put away the book. With a positive look, spirit came.

After the contest, he used the exchange stone to exchange a one-time item called "Elemental Spirit Compass" in the reward library, and obtained the position of the spirit of thunder and lightning. This time they went to the central continent, proceeding in the direction indicated by the compass, and now they are finally eyebrows.

As long as he has the thunder spirit, he can upgrade it to epic equipment after getting another thunder handguard on the central continent.

"Now that I'm almost there, I'll let people go out and search!" Huang Yi said, and suddenly summoned a brand new contract creature.

This creature is a giant octopus with eight long shots on it, covered with small round suckers. Both eyes were bloodshot, emitting red light. It looks terrifying, like a legendary sea monster.

This is a new immortal imitation of the water demon, Huang Mo, which was refined during his free time during the reincarnation of Singapore mainland.

Water Demon (Devil, Ranked 95th)

The water demon is a god-sealer from the third world. His body is a deep-sea octopus, because he swallowed an ss-class treasure called "deep-sea jade slurry" in the deep sea, his strength advanced rapidly, and eventually he sealed the gods, entered the demon world, and became the 108 demon One. Water Demon is good at water magic. It has the most powerful combat ability in the water and can have various water abilities.

"Water Demon, go search in the nearby sea, look for a spirit of thunder and lightning, be careful of movement, this is a dangerous sea area." Huang Yi gave a command to the Water Demon.

The water demon immediately obeyed, waving eight shots, and immediately jumped from the deck into the endless deep sea, splashing huge waves.

Such a deep-sea area can't be seen at first glance, I don't know how wide and deep it is. Underneath the ocean is an unknown deep-sea Warcraft. When overlooking the ocean from a high level, you can often see a huge black shadow swimming past and wonder what species it is. Just looking at the deep water can make ordinary people feel a deep sea phobia.

Human beings are extremely small and negligible in the face of this deep sea!

However, for the water monster, it is tantamount to a paradise. They can play the strongest combat power only in the water.

After the water demon fell into the water, he stretched his body comfortably, and then quickly dived into the endless deep sea, and could no longer see half a shadow.

Huang Yi and Chao Chao Xi Ji continued to sit on the deck, waiting quietly.

At this moment, the ocean was cloudless, the sea was calm, and the sea and sky were full of peace and tranquility. Sitting on this deck and basking in the sun was very pleasant.

But this is just appearance. The most dangerous place in the Second World is definitely not the mainland, but the ocean!

The area of ​​the ocean is far more than the sum of all continents. The life inside is endless. Even after so many times, the amazing biologists have not been able to study how many organisms there are in the ocean. What the Second World knows about the ocean is just the tip of the iceberg.

There are all kinds of dangerous areas in the ocean. In some areas, thunder and lightning are perennial, and the storm is endless. Ships ca n’t cross at all, and even the compass will fail. That is a dead end; some seas are a paradise for pirates, countless pirate ships are all over them, killing past ships, and some pirates even have the strength of the heavens. Do n’t easily provoke them ...

Various natural disasters have covered this vast ocean. In recent days, Huang Yi, the Yunfan ship, has been traveling along a safer route. They walked around, unable to reach the central continent in a straight line, and added a large amount of distance invisibly, which took twice as long to travel in a straight line.

"Boom!" At this moment, there was a sudden roar of noise at the bottom of the ocean, and there seemed to be something moving below!

The sea was violently shaken, a tsunami formed instantly, and a huge wave flew over, hitting the entire Yunfan ship, and severely fell on the sea. Suddenly fell!

At the same time, the cloudless sky suddenly became cloudy, and the sky suddenly became gloomy, the anger was soaring, and the storm was rising, as if it were an apocalyptic scene!

"No, I'm afraid I was awakened by some powerful deep-sea Warcraft!" At this time, Chao Chao Yanji's face changed slightly. "At that time, I had encountered numerous sea monsters when I was walking in the ocean with Lord Poseidon. There were Some sea monsters are extremely huge and sleep on the bottom of the sea all year round. They do not come up for activities. But their strength is extremely strong, and some are even as strong as demigods. They have low intelligence and act by instinct. Once incited, a whole film will be triggered. The doomsday scene in the waters. Now, this sea monster has caused cloudlessness, turbulent waves, at least the strength of the advanced sky domain strong, even the top sky domain strong! "

Huang Yixin was horrified in the center. If he really alarmed such powerful people, it would be difficult for him to solve it now.

Although he has a Nefreem skill called Dark Seal, but that skill is a level 150 skill, and he has only recovered to level 110 now and cannot use that skill.

Other than that, it can only be solved by the high-level Celestial Strongman in Hero Prison. But this is not his territory, and the criminals summoned can only act as guardians of this ship at most, and cannot leave the ship to fight the deep-sea Warcraft.

"I did not expect a spirit of thunder and lightning that could lead to such a peerless creature!" Huang Yi took a deep breath.

"Oh!" At this moment, a dark shadow suddenly soared from the bottom of the sea, carrying a long sea of ​​water!

Huang Yining took a look ~ www.readwn.com ~ I suddenly saw a giant octopus, and it was a water monster. Its long tentacles, holding on tightly to a thunder ball flashing a "crapping" arc, exuding a strong thunder element!

"The spirit of thunder and lightning!" Seeing the thunder ball, Huang Yi thought of the spirit of thunder and lightning almost immediately!

The water demon landed on the deck quickly, grabbed the thunder ball and hurriedly handed it to Huang Yi, and said in a panic, "Master, this is the spirit of thunder and lightning! But when I took it, I was awakened by an incomparable Powerful deep-sea Warcraft. It's crazy on the sea floor and is quickly floating on the surface of the sea. It will soon rise up to ravage the sea. I am not his opponent at all. "

"Then let's run away!" Huang Yi immediately put the thunderbolt spirit into the storage ring and ordered to sail at full speed.

"Can't escape! The speed of the deep-sea Warcraft is far from the speed of our Yunfan ship!" At this moment, Chao Chao Xi Ji shook his head and said solemnly.


There is one more chapter. (To be continued ...)

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