Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 746: Artifact Fragment

"Eh! Hmm! Hmm!" Soon, those shells were bombarded beside the arowana in the distance, and the sky was splashing into the sky!

This area of ​​the sea was not peaceful at all, but now it has become more chaotic after such a round of bombing. The waves are soaring and the tsunami is sweeping!

That arowana was bombarded by artillery shells, and even the strength of the heavens level was a bit insufferable. The golden body was blown up! With a roar, he immediately used counter-attacks, and a large arrow of water suddenly blasted towards the flesh of the deep sea!

"Oh!" Those water arrows hit the deep-seated demon flesh fiercely, shaking the water-weed moss growing above them, exposing the deep-seated devil's original body!

The attack of the Heavenly Strong is truly extraordinary. No matter how the deep-sea devil flew up, the rock layer on his body has not been destroyed. Now he has suffered a magic attack from the aquatic water system. The effect is that if it hits the Yunfan ship, it is estimated It was directly hit.

Under such an attack, the deep-sea devil flesh also had an instinctive reaction, and the speed of travel suddenly became faster, with the momentum of rushing down the sea towards the dragon fish, crushing it!

Arowana was obviously a little panicked, and he wanted to escape when he turned!

"Quickly attack the tentacles!" At this time, suddenly said to the caller Chao Ji Ji beside him!

Tsunami Koji is also a master of water magic. In this boundless ocean, the combat power will be stronger than usual. She immediately raised her hand and summoned the power of the tide, which caused the sea water to form a series of water dragons, and slammed into the tentacles of the deep-sea devil!

This is a clever trick. The Chaochao Ji has only the strength of the top sanctuary, whether it is in front of the dragon fish or in front of the deep-sea monster. Are not enough to see. But she attacked the tentacles with all her strength. That's different! All of a sudden, the deep-sea demon meat is crazy!

The speed of the deep-sea demons suddenly soared. Hurrying towards the arowana, the arowana tried to escape, but the speed was not as fast as the deep-sea monster, and he was caught up!

The next moment, with almost no obstacles, the deep-sea monster flew directly underneath the dragon fish, and could no longer see the slightest! The scene was like a tank crushing a mouse.

After a while, Huang Yi estimated that he felt the dragon fish almost crushed by the deep-sea monster. Immediately gave orders to Summon Tachibana and the crew to stop stimulating the tentacles.

The deep-sea demon flesh lost its excitement, and it immediately returned to calm, like an island floating on the boundless ocean.

"Water monster, please go and see how the dragon fish is!" Huang Yi commanded toward the water monster, with a hint of expectation. After this brutal impact, the dragon fish was estimated to have been directly killed.

"Good master!" The water demon waved eight tentacles, immediately jumped down from the Yunfan ship, plunged into the blood-red seawater, and began to search for the dragon-level dragonfish.

"Kill God!" Just then. Suddenly Chao Huo Ji screamed at Huang Yi, his expression slightly agitated. "Dragonfish has a dragon ball in its skull, can you give it to me? I have been stuck at the top sacred level for a long time, and the celestial level dragon ball has greatly improved our mermaid family. Just eat it , I can break through to the level of heaven. "

"No problem!" Huang Yi readily agreed.

The growth method of npc is not the same as that of players. There are only few common points in terms of equipment, skills, and talents. There are more differences, and the upgrade method is also a major difference.

Players upgrade the monsters, but npc upgrades in a more natural way, such as devouring heaven and earth treasures and so on. At that time, the Necromancer, the guardian of the main guild of the heroic guild, was also the top level of the sacred realm. After obtaining a drop of the blood of the golden sacred dragon of the dragon, he finally broke through to the level of the celestial realm. The same is true of the current Chaochao Ji, as long as he gets the Dragon Ball of Dragon Fish, he can be promoted to the level of heaven.

However, even if they break through to the level of the heavens, they still have the **** of contract power, and they are still the guardians of Huang Yi.

"Oh!" Soon, there was a sudden bang on the sea, and a huge octopus suddenly dived from under the sea water in front of it, dragging a large, scaly fish!

This big fish is exactly the arowana! At this time, it had long lost the prestige of the previous, the golden scales on her body had almost fallen off, the body was full of shocking wounds, the dragon head had even destroyed a small half, leaving only the last few Tone.

"Wait for my last knife?" Huang Yi looked at the scene with a slight movement in his heart. He is only in his early 100s, and this arowana is 221. There is a gap of more than 100 in the two! Once he kills this arowana, he will be able to gain more experience!

If he kills this arowana in the first 174 levels of reincarnation, then he can only rise to the level of 176.

But now he uses level 100 to kill arowanas. There is an extra bonus of more than 100 levels. It is estimated that he can be upgraded from 174 to 177!

At this moment, Huang Yi flipped his palm and took out a magic bottle from the storage ring! This magic bottle contains a drop of orange-yellow liquid, which flows back and forth in the bottom of the bottle, just like the same drop of orange water.

[Double Boss Experience Potion] (Level A, Magic Item-Potion)

After using it, you will get double experience when killing the boss. It only takes effect once.

This is a long time ago, a potion that grew out of Huang Yi's medicine bottle, you can get double experience after killing the leader. And this dragon fish is a leader, Huang Yi has a level difference advantage of more than 100 levels, plus this double leader experience potion, the experience value will be higher!

The next moment, he immediately took the potion, then flew off the ship, took out the **** battle, and began to attack the dragonfish.

"Heavily sentenced!" Huang Yi's **** battle was slashed down, and the dragonfish was fluttered and flew into a negative state of "injury" at the same time.

This is a new ability brought by Huang Yi's **** class! After the re-sentence skill is deified, a new effect has been added to put the opponent into a state of injury, which will increase the opponent's damage by 20% in the next three seconds.

Huang Yi attacked over and over again. After all, Arowana is a celestial-level strength. Although he was dying and his overall attributes were greatly reduced, it took Huang Yi more than ten minutes to finally grind it slowly. dead!

At that moment, Huang Yi seemed to see a huge amount of experience value, like the vast ocean in front of him, hit him fiercely!

And this massive experience value has been doubled!

He is now in reincarnation and cannot upgrade, but once the reincarnation is over, the experience value during the reincarnation will be accumulated, and I don't know how high he can push his level.

In his guess, this arowana alone can at least let him soar another four or five levels on the basis of level 174! In addition, during the reincarnation, he was using the gods every day to clear the tower of the gods 10 times, and the leveling progress did not fall.

Now, people around the world think that after his reincarnation, he will be level 174. No one knows how much experience he has accumulated during his reincarnation! If there are still a lot of opportunities to kill the monsters in the heavens beyond level 100, then after his reincarnation, it is possible to soar 50 to 60 in one breath! All of a sudden you can rush to the level of the intermediate sky strong! Brighten everyone's eyes.

Of course, the master player at that time will still surpass him. After all, master players are now killing and upgrading in the battlefield, and that speed is faster than the speed of killing monsters. And Huang Yi's level is too low to kill in the battlefield on a large scale.

Next, Huang Yi searched inside Arowana's skull and finally found a fist-sized golden bead. This bead is soft and the texture is a bit similar to the magic dan of the Devil. However, the richness of this bead is far more than any magic dandelion he has ever seen. It seems that this is the dragon ball called by Chao Chao Xi Ji.

Later, Huang Yi put away the water demon, switched out the imitation of the Savage God, used the Nefreme skill [Qun Mo Xie Qiao] at level 60, and inhaled the soul of this heavenly dragon fish. In a hole trick of the pretty god.

At this moment, there are several souls at the level of the heavens in the Savage God. On the contrary, the strength still surpasses the Blood God and Water Demon who rank higher than it.

The wild **** is a soul of Huang Yi's fighting spirit. The strong **** is stronger, and the bonus of Huang Yi's fighting spirit is higher. The soul of a dragon fish is equivalent to two bonus effects.

After the arowana's body was absorbed, a radiant blue crystal suddenly fell from its body, reflecting the dazzling light in the sun, looking like a treasure of heaven and earth!

Huang Yi reached out and copied ~ www.readwn.com ~ immediately held the crystal in his hand. This crystal presents a rhombus, with two pointed ends, exuding a vast atmosphere far beyond the legendary and epic equipment. The atmosphere is pure to the extreme, as if concentrated in a small crystal in a day, There was a burning pain in my hands.

[Segment of Poseidon Pillar] (Special Item)

In ancient times, one of the fragments of Poseidon's artifact, the Pillar of Poseidon, contained a powerful divine power. After being integrated into the equipment or the body, the attributes of the equipment or the strength of the body could be enhanced.

Sure enough, this is the artifact fragment!

Artifact is the highest level of equipment. There are only ten artifacts in the history of the second world, and each godsetter has only one!

It is impossible for a player to be an artifact. A player has more than ten equipment parts, but there are only ten artifacts. Even if all the artifacts are taken by one person, it is impossible to fill all the equipment parts. Moreover, some artifacts are still in the same place.

The ultimate item of artifact, even if it is a fragment, can be regarded as priceless! (To be continued ...)

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