Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 747: Another Guardian of Heaven

This piece is relatively small and cannot be used alone. Therefore, there are two main uses for it, one is to integrate it into the equipment and enhance the attributes of the equipment. This effect is similar to "Epic Pearl", promoting a piece of legendary equipment to epic equipment.

The other is to integrate into the body and directly strengthen itself. That's the way the arowana puts this fragment into its body, enhancing its strength.

Huang Yi has not yet determined which one to choose. He simply put it into the storage ring temporarily, and will deal with it later when necessary.

He took the golden bead and returned to the Yunfan ship, and handed it to Chaoyue Ji, saying, "This is what you said is Dragon Ball ?!"

"Yes! This is Dragon Ball!" Aura Chao Ji reached out and took the golden bead, put it on her nose, took a deep breath, and her beautiful face was full of intoxication.

"For so many years, I can finally be promoted to the Heavenly Powers!" Huo Chaoji said with an excitement, then immediately opened her mouth and took a bite on the dragon ball.

The dragon ball melted at the entrance, and the Chaochao Ji had almost no chewing. The dragon ball rushed in from her mouth into a golden fluid and sank into her limbs.

Afterwards, the body of Chao Chao Yan Ji suddenly began to squirm. Originally her tail was multicolored, but now it has begun to evolve into a six-color color, adding a new type of gold. The kind of golden yellow is a bit like the golden dragon scale of arowana, it looks indestructible and powerful.

At this moment, a golden light wave emerged from the body of the Chaochao Ji. By spreading in all directions, it diffuses the entire sea area in sight!

next moment. This blood-red sea suddenly boiled, and a violent vision appeared. Countless imaginary dragon fishes suddenly leapt from the bottom of the sea!

Plenty of fish! This scene looks extremely spectacular, as when the fishing boat closes the net, countless fish jumping out of the water!

This is now the case for the entire sea! The illusion of jumping out of the water is not an ordinary fish. It is an extremely rare and powerful arowana!

This is the vision of heaven and earth that arises when Shouchao Ji is promoted to the level of heaven and earth!

The magnificence of the vision will vary according to the level of accumulation of the promoted. When the original Necromancer was promoted, it was a vision of a golden dragon circle in the sky. It was a vision that appeared only when the strength was accumulated very thickly.

Now, the magnificence of the vision of the heavens and the earth caused by the awakening of Chaochao Ji is almost the same, which means that her accumulation is also very rich! After all, this is an old antique stuck at the pinnacle of Sanctuary countless years ago. It is not surprising that this kind of vision appears with thick accumulation of hair.

After a while, the arowana illusion in the ocean finally dissipated, and the sea calmed down again.

At this time, the momentum of Chaochao Ji was far more than before, not only a kind of golden scales. There is also a noble temperament.

"Kill God, thank you very much!" Huo Chao Xi Ji looked down at her beautiful scales, a happy smile on her face, and said to Huang Yi sincerely.

"Congratulations on your promotion to the level of the heavens! Let's move on! You are now promoted to the level of the heavens and your strength has increased greatly. You come to control the tentacles of the deep sea devil!" Huang Yi nodded and smiled.

Now that Chaochao Ji has been elevated to the level of the heavens, her range of perceiving artifact fragments has become wider. Find artifact fragments to be more efficient!

Wu Chaoji immediately raised her hand and easily controlled a thick sea of ​​water, crashing fiercely against the standing tentacles of the deep-sea devil.

As if the deep-sea demon flesh suffered a severe stimulus, it moved galloping toward the front again, taking them hurriedly advancing toward the central continent.

After a while, they disappeared into the sky, leaving only a tsunami spreading in all directions.

The next step is to rush and explore the treasure.


On the other side of the hero continent, Huang Yi is standing in front of the window of Longdu City Hall, looking at the hero empire under his feet.

The puppet was standing behind him, staring at his back and reporting some information: "Our spies have heard the news. Now the invading army is preparing to adopt the kind of scattered play before, each super-class master leads one A joint army invaded different places. Now they have eight superb masters who will attack eight places at the same time. "

"Then their offensive target was detected?" Huang Yi asked calmly.

"At present, we have only detected the targets of the four legions. The Pope ’s Paradise Legion has chosen the Wolf Mountain Territory of the Nether Guild; the Miyamoto Musashi ’s Budo Legion has selected the deputy territory of the Mikado Pavilion, Shibasan Castle; The Ganges' fleet is the most powerful. They are going to go to the Dragon Sea in the northern part of the heroic continent, bombarding some cities along the coast, which may include our heroic harbor; floating disturbances will lead her Indonesian army to attack the flying dragons of the Sun Guild. The island's deputy territory. "Said the puppet fish fluently, apparently because this information has already been vulgar.

Hearing these place names, Huang Yi figured out some general ideas of the invading army. After their last failure to attack the Xuanyuan Clan, they were really careful. The targets chosen by the four legions are basically extremely far away from the heroic empire. Moreover, they are decentralized attacks. Even if Huang Yi supports it, he can only choose one of them, which is more passive.

In addition, there are three locations selected by the Legion, all of which have a bad relationship with Huang Yi. The nether land chosen by the pope and the deputy land of the famous general court chosen by Miyamoto Musashi are all under the control of the Legion. The target of the floating disturbance is the deputy territory of the Sun Guild. At present, Huang Yi and Thor are still maintaining the appearance of hostility.

They attacked these places, which greatly reduced Huang Yi's motivation for reinforcements!

"Next, are we going to send troops on a large scale?" At this moment, the puppet bit his thin lips and looked up at Huang Yi's back, asking.

"No, we don't need to send troops!" Huang Yi shook his head.

"Don't send troops?" The puppet fisherman frowned slightly, and frowned. "Don't we resist? Are they still under attack?"

"If you do n’t send troops, it does n’t mean you wo n’t." Huang Yi shook his head. "If only these four legions attacked, then we don't need to send troops for now. Now, Thor is ready. Once they attack the heavenly guild, the pope will Withdrawing from the U.S. mainland in a hurry, the situation on our side will be eased a lot. In addition, Miyamoto Musashi and Ganges have a way to deal with it, but only after a few tricks. As for the last floating dispute, That's all that is entrusted to me. "

"Your body? Isn't your body on the way to the Central Continent? How to shoot?" The puppet fish froze slightly.

"You will know by then." Huang Yi didn't say much.


The invaders' offensive is much faster than expected!

That night, the invading army again launched a fierce offensive on the hero continent! This time, there are four super-first-class masters, leading four joint invading troops together!

Among them, the most dangerous are two battlefields.

The first battlefield is the battlefield where the Pope is. The pope ’s momentum has always been the most powerful of all the invading legions. His Majesty ’s Heavenly Guild and Heaven ’s Teach are the number one in the world combined, and they have the most troops on the battlefield. And this time, legions of dozens of countries also followed him. They swiftly attacked the Wolf Mountain Vice Territory of the Nether Guild!

Although the Cult Church has long been on alert, it is extremely difficult to face this invading army led by the Pope! Chairman Die Su Qiufeng has pulled a support army from the legion and temporarily stabilized the situation, but in the long run, the situation is not optimistic.

The second emergency battlefield is the battlefield where Miyamoto Musashi is located. They attacked the city of Tsai Sang, a famous general. After losing the port city of Chibi City, the famous general court was seriously injured and reduced to a second-class guild. This time they resisted very hard. The Legion also allocated a support army to support them, but with little effect. It seems that the time of Chai Sangcheng ’s breach is sooner or later.

The victims of these two dangerous battlefields were members of the Legion. The position of the Legion of Heroes has become somewhat special.

At this time, the forum celebrities had no intention to recall, while watching the fierce fighting in the Wolf Mountain Vice Territory while explaining, "Audience friends, the current fighting situation is very unfavorable to the Cult Church. Although the army sent troops over Supported, but they face the biggest weakness, that is, there is no super-class master! The pope is like a sharp knife, with the guards across the entire battlefield ~ www.readwn.com ~ unstoppable. But this deputy has no heaven The Guardian, the most advanced Guardian is 195, and the combat power that he can play is very limited. "

"At present, many people are wondering if Killing God will come to support it. I think that this chance is very small! The impression before the killing of God has always been to act according to his own ideas and not to care about outsiders. The wind speaks. Even if public opinion oppresses him, he will not care. According to the contradiction between the killing of the gods and the legion, it is unlikely that he will manage the life and death of the legion. Unless the Guild is now out of the legion and immediately joins the hero Legion, but in doing so, it will offend the reinforcements sent by the legion. "

"In addition, the Legion of Heroes is still very weak. The reason why they won last time was mostly based on the guardians of the heavens, not the Legion of Heroes themselves. Now that this battlefield is far from the heroic empire, the Legion of Heroes wants to come to support , Must leave the guardians of the heroic empire, then it will appear in its original shape, and it will not show any strong combat power. At present, our news also shows that the hero army has no signs of sending troops at all, indicating that they have not I thought about coming to support the Nether Guild. "

This speculation that has no intention of recalling can be said to represent the mainstream opinion of public opinion!

Most people think that this time, Huang Yi will not shoot! (To be continued ...)

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