Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 748: Black week 5

However, it turns out that Huang Yi's behavior cannot be speculated. At the time when countless people thought he would not play, an announcement related to him rang through the entire hero continent—

"[Mainland announcement]: [Sun Guild] joins [Heroes]."

With this announcement, countless people's faces were full of mistakes!

Sun Alliance joins the Legion of Heroes?

In the impression of these two forces, they should be old and dead.

The dispute between Huang Yi and Thor is known to everyone in the world. In the second annual ceremony of the year, the two of them can be said to be two supernovas far beyond the rest. The two of you come and go. The public opinion support rate was once and for all, the winners were temporarily determined by the system until the last moment of awarding. Their hostile relationship is more famous than the hostile relationship between the blade and the dragon thorn.

The only time the two of them cooperated was the last time they went to the east to save the hostages. But even at that time, the two did not have much communication, as if they were in the river without entering the river.

But now, the Sun Guild has actually joined the Legion of Heroes. This change has made many people wonder whether the announcement was broadcast wrong.

The Sun Guild joined the Legion of Heroes at this time, which was a move that Huang Yi considered after a long time.

At this time, he and Thor have no need to maintain the appearance of hostility. The World Federation has found out their true avatars, knowing that their hostile relationship in the Second World is just acting. This information can be disseminated at any time as long as the World Federation wishes.

In addition, Huang Yi's current legion of heroes has to make a name for itself. Rapid development and growth. The addition of the Sun Guild, a super-class guild, is like a blockbuster. Those guilds who joined the Legion. You have to re-evaluate the strength of the Legion of Heroes. Some people who are very interested may join the Legion of Heroes because of this matter.

Waiting for the meeting, Thor will launch an attack on the Heaven Guild, which will be regarded as the hero's credit.

Finally, the date of Thor's death sentence is approaching, and the Sun Guild will have some twists and turns. At this point, they join the Legion of Heroes to divert everyone's attention from Thor. Convenient for Huang Yi to act.


At this moment, the American continent, far from the other side, is in the daytime and is in the trough of online. Many players are at school and work. Today is Friday and no holiday has begun.

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing a knight's armor appeared in a low-key in the guild city of Paradise Guild-Paradise City.

His appearance did not attract anyone's attention. of course. If anyone knows his true identity, he will be surprised, because he is a super-class master, the world's first knight, and the leader of the Sun Guild-Thor!

Thor looked at the bustling paradise city, watching the carefully constructed high-rises, the clean and wide streets, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

he knows. At this moment, a large number of troops have been ambushed in all the deputies of the Heavenly Guild. These people may be a passerby walking along the road, or a child playing in the alley. Maybe it's the lovers who are buying a bouquet of roses in the flower shop ... they are all different, hiding in every corner. But as long as Thor asks. Those who hide in every corner will quickly show their fangs and become extremely aggressive.

Although Thor came to the American mainland alone, it does not mean that he has no manpower here. The 4th guild, 18th guild, and 42nd guild in the continental United States were all created by the brothers of Rose Prison. Even in the Heaven Guild itself, there are several spies in the middle and high levels who are placed in the Rose Prison.

Huang Yi and Thunder God's people are all over the world, and some people even dare not think about it. Now these hidden forces will finally come in handy.

At present, all these guilds they mobilize are guilds of the anti-war camp, and they strongly oppose the pope, Kidd, and Dante invading the hero continent. They represent another voice of American players.

"Okay! You can do it, start a guild war!" Just then, Thor asked the leaders of several guilds lightly. Then, he took out his knight's spear directly, stunned at a member of the Heaven Guild around him, and instantly killed it!

Under the broad daylight, the thunder **** began to kill people unbridledly in the headquarters of the heaven guild!

At this moment, all the deputy territories of the Heavenly Guild ushered in a catastrophe!

Some Heaven Guild players are walking the streets as usual. But the next moment, a passerby who ushered in came a stab at him suddenly, and his dying face was full of surprise.

Some Heaven Guild players may be walking normally in an alley. But the next moment, a sharp arrow shot through his skull, taking away a string of bloodlines.

Some guards of the heavenly guild, hearing other people's calls for help, were holding a spear to look over. But at this moment, there was a sound of wind behind their back. Then, their pistol-hands fell down weakly, and a drop of blood hit the ground!

This day is the "Black Friday." And "Day of Thor's Advent."


Hero Continent, Huang Yi has finally decided to go ahead.

He had a good personal relationship with Die Su Qiufeng, the president of the Nether Church, and immediately sent a message to the other side that he was willing to support him. The other party immediately responded to the message immediately, and his support in words was very welcome.

Huang Yi quickly teleported to the Chai Sang City of the Nether Guild, came to the wall alone, and looked out at the field outside the city at night.

The field outside is a huge battlefield. Countless people are killing in the distance. The roar of the sky is heard, and the deafness is trembling.

In that battlefield, there was a godlike character, rushing with a team of soldiers, there was no one at all. This person casually flipping between his hands can lead to a huge thunderbolt and kill a group of people directly.

This man is the Pope, and is one of the three giants who ignite the war of heroic continents!

"Pope, stop!" Just then, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in the heavens and the earth, and it was Huang Yi who spoke. He let Die Su Qiufeng give him a territorial shouting right, and he could make a territorial shouting in the Chai Sangcheng deputy, as long as everyone in the area could hear it, similar to the scene where the announcement sounded.

Countless people in the territory were suddenly shocked. The movements in their hands could not help but stop slightly. I did not expect this critical moment, Huang Yi appeared!

The reporters and analysts also stopped talking, and some hosts who are hosting live TV also stopped their words, so that the audience can clearly hear Huang Yi's voice.

This hustle and bustle of the battlefield suddenly stopped because of a word from Huang Yi.

The protagonist in the battlefield, the Pope, also stopped, and looked away from the direction of the city wall of Chai Sang, looking at the yellow overflow above the city wall.

At this time, Huang Yi was standing alone on the city wall, his figure was still dark under the night, but it filled the pope's face with dignity.

There are only three people in this world who can make the Pope so concerned, and Huang Yi is one of them. And the other two, one is the legendary blade of the past, and the other is the sword that the world knows little.

"Why, don't you want to scare me off with words?" The Pope shouted from Huang Yi, and his voice spread all over the wild.

"Just to tell you a message." Huang Yi's voice circled over the entire secondary territory. "Do you know why Thor has not appeared these days?"

After hearing these words, everyone immediately moved their hearts!

Indeed, the key figure of Thor has not appeared for many days! Countless people are already guessing what happened to him. Now Huang Yi raised it, apparently knowing the answer, and it is about to be revealed.

The pope suddenly got in his heart and asked aloud, "Where did he go?"

"He went to the continental United States." Huang Yi replied quickly, in a tone that was like a pair of old friends with the Pope, chatting with each other.

"Continent of the United States?" Everyone heard this answer and frowned suddenly. Thor is good, why go to the US mainland?

Huang Yi is now deliberately showing the muscles of the Legion of Heroes, saying: "Pope, you don't think that the Legion of Heroes is weak. In fact, the methods of the Legion of Heroes are beyond your imagination. You have so many troops from the Paradise Guild to the Heroes' Land. Haven't you thought your paradise will be in crisis now? "

"Do you mean ~ www.readwn.com ~ Thunder is attacking my heavenly guild now?" The Pope smiled indifferently, not caring: "Thunder **** wants to threaten my heavenly guild, at least to exhaust the entire sun guild The power of the Sun. But as far as I know, the Sun Guild hasn't seen much movement these days. Do you think that Thor alone can defeat us a whole heaven guild? "

"Now that he has led the army to attack your paradise guild, you will soon know the truth." Huang Yi said little, and now the Thunder God has launched an attack, the Pope will soon know. He came here this time for the purpose of propaganda for the Legion of Heroes, to show everyone the capabilities of the Legion of Heroes, and attract more people to join.

When the Pope heard these words, he was a little bit nervous. Just then, he suddenly received a message that came so abruptly that he felt unconsciously.

He took a deep breath and opened the message--

"The Pope, just now the caller of the guild left to call and reported an urgent news! Now all the guilds of our guild have been suddenly attacked by a large number of players, including Thor. He is now slaughtering in our guild's headquarters Paradise City. No one is his opponent! "(To be continued ...)

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