Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 749: Defeating soldiers without a fight

There is a BUG above, the Pope hit the Wolf Mountain Territory of the Cult Church, not the Chai Sang City. Chai Sangcheng is a city of famous generals, which was shot by Miyamoto Musashi. The name has now been changed without affecting the plot. My head is chaotic, sorry.

In addition, someone asked me why there was a duplicate of the previous chapters. I checked and found no duplicates. There are no duplicates of genuine websites such as Starting Point, Mobile, and Cloud Bookstore.


Upon receiving this news, the Pope turned pale!

The members of the Angel Legion Guild around him could not help but sink in his heart, and made ominous guesses.

Many TV reporters also set their sights on the Pope, waiting for his answer.

After a while, the Pope looked up at Huang Yi on the distant wall, and looked tensely: "Kill God, I didn't expect you to have this method." Say, he raised his voice by eight degrees. Ordered: "Everyone, retreat now!"

Having said that, he immediately took out a legion to return to the city scroll, and quickly transmitted those angel legions that were already in the upper hand, and instantly left the battlefield.

In a short time, most of the battlefield that was still lively was empty, and all the invading enemies disappeared.

This battle was actually ended in a few words by Huang Yiqu. This is even more incredible than fighting by force.

Everyone on the field couldn't help looking at each other, and was shocked by this sudden change. However, it is not difficult for everyone to guess what Huang Yi said before. Perhaps Thor is really attacking the headquarters of the Heavenly Guild, otherwise why does the Pope give up victory at his fingertips. What about rushing away?

At this time, some TV host suddenly received the latest news, and immediately interrupted: "Audience friends, we have received the latest news. Just now, suddenly, an important event happened in the distant United States mainland. Guild fighting, Thor led a group of Native American guilds and launched a sudden attack on the Pope's Paradise Guild. At present, the Heaven Guild rushes to fight. The losses are heavy. "

Some analysts quickly made a slight analysis of the future situation based on this new news: "It is not difficult to guess that the connection between the dialogue that just killed God and the Pope, and God should have joined forces with Thor. A conspiracy was jointly set up against the Heavenly Guild. The Pope's hastily evacuated, obviously, was to rush back to the American mainland. The headquarters of the Heavenly Guild was rescued, but the heroic continent was so far away from the continental United States, could the Pope rush back to preside over the big time? In the national war, without such an important force as the Pope, what will happen in the future? "


At this point, the Wolf Mountain Deputy Territory of the Nether Guild. It's a security. In this battle, it was completely resolved in a few words by Huang Yiqu.

In sharp contrast, it was the military support of the Legion. They sent an army to work hard to keep the Wolf Mountain deputy, and Huangyi District kept it a few words. This led everyone to re-evaluate the strength of the Legion and the Legion of Heroes.

"Kill God. Thank you very much!" At this moment, Qiu Qiufeng, the president of the Nether Church, came to Huang Yi's side. Said gratefully. Behind him were a group of high-level officials, such as Geng Qinning, vice chairman of the Guild of Guilds, and Feng Elf, head of the battlefield regiment.

"Don't have to thank, we originally buried this second hand. If we change to another guild today, we will still come out." Huang Yi shook his head and smiled. He just walked the court and showed outsiders the muscles of the Legion of Heroes.

At this time, Geng Qinning, the vice president of the Guild of Guilds, took a step forward and said, "Kill God, this is the second time you have helped us. The last time I was kidnapped by the beast of Miyamoto Musashi, thanks to you rescued me .I have never had time to repay this great grace. "

"Raising your hands, there is no need to hang on your teeth." Huang Yi waved his hands, not paying much attention.

"Boss, I think we might as well quit the incompetent legion and join the heroic legion!" The Wind Elf, the leader of the battlefield regiment of the Nether Guild, suddenly suggested to the side of Qiu Qiu, Die Su, his tone seemed to have long been for that regiment. dissatisfied.

"Also! I have this intention too!" Die Su Qiufeng nodded without hesitation, and on the spot detached the Puppet Guild from the Legion and joined the Hero Guild.

As the Guild level of the Cult Church exceeds 12th level, it belongs to the first-class guild, and the system immediately issued a mainland announcement—

"[Mainland Announcement]: [Medical Church] left the [Legislation] and joined the [Heroic Legion]."

The announcement sounded again, causing a commotion in the hero continent! The Sun Guild just joined the Legion of Heroes, and now Netherism has joined!

Now, the Legion of Heroes, which has only been established for a few days, has already joined the four super first-class guilds such as the Hero Guild, Xuanyuanshi, Sun, and Nether Religion! In addition, there is a lonely refrigerated guild, which is also one of the great guilds in the heroic mainland region. Although it is not as good as the previous super-class guilds, its strength cannot be underestimated.

The legion's strength plummeted. The two first-class guilds, Xuanyuanshi and Fuming, both withdrew from their corps, including the gentleman, their only superb master.

With the elimination of each other, the power gap between the two legions is no longer difficult to bridge! The current advantage of the Legion is that it only has the longest time to participate in the battle, and the number of His Majesty is the largest.

"I believe that in the future, you will be glad for this decision today." Huang Yi nodded toward the three people in Diesu Qiufeng, Wind Spirit, Geng Qinning, and welcomed them to join.

At this time, he sent a message to Lu Bu, the president of Mingjiang Pavilion, stating that he was willing to go to Chai Sangcheng to help. At present, Miyamoto Musashi is attacking the city of Tsaisang, which is the most dangerous battlefield.


At this time, in the Chai Sangcheng of the famous general's pavilion, Lu Bu, Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others were fighting hard.

His army attacked by Miyamoto Musashi was very fierce, and he had broken the enchantment. Invaded the streets of Caisang City.

The sound of fierce fighting, and the blood flowing from the street into a stream. It's as if the city is about to be ruined. Countless battle reporters scattered throughout the city, showing the cruelty of the war to the audience in front of forums and television stations.

Lu Bu, the president of the famous general court, is playing against superb master Musashi Miyamoto! But he is just a top-notch master, not Miyamoto's Musashi's opponent at all. He was defeated steadily, just like his guild, step by step towards extinction.

At this time. Miyamoto Musashi sneered, and suddenly launched a sudden attack on Lu Bu. The Toyo sword in his hand flashed a stream of light and illuminated the dark night, as if Lu Bu was about to be split in half!

But at this moment, a red figure suddenly appeared in the air behind Miyamoto Musashi. This is a handsome man. He wore a rare red assassin costume, like a demon girl in the night, without a trace. Suddenly he gave Miyamoto Musashi a sap, stunned him in place, and saved Lu Bu's life.

This assassin in red is exactly the big assassin of the heroic continent-looking for flowers! He and the Anonymous, Mirror of the Heroes Guild. As well as the Longxing World of the Xuanyuan Guild, it is also known as the Four Assassins in China. However, even if he has such a loud name, the role he can play in this battlefield is still very limited, and he can only engage in sneak attacks occasionally. Unless he can reach a super-class realm like Dragon Spurs, that can greatly affect the battle situation.

"Brother! God just went to the Wolf Mountain Territory of the Nether Guild, and the Pope was scared away in a few words." At this time. Xunhua suddenly revealed an important news to Lu Bu!

Lu Bu heard, and was shocked!

He didn't expect it. Huang Yi was so capable that he could scare off a whole army in a few words! That was not an ordinary legion, but a legion led by the Pope himself!

His heart was struggling immediately. As long as Huang Yi was willing to come and help, they would probably be able to escape the catastrophe! Just like the Wolf Mountain Territory of the Nether Guild.

But after much thought, he couldn't say anything after all.

Their celebrity court guild and Huang Yi's hero guild celebrated the festival. Although the hostage had been removed a lot last time when they were rescued in the East China mainland, they still existed. Moreover, they are now under the command of the Legion and compete with the Legion of Heroes.

Xunhua seemed to see Lu Bu's hesitation and quickly persuaded: "The hatreds of the gods of killing and thunder can work together, why should we take care of them? Hurry up and ask for help from the killing god! It's too late!"

Lu Bu frowned and continued to hesitate. Just then, he suddenly received a message. When he opened it, he couldn't help but hesitated slightly, and then a surprised smile appeared on his face.

This message is the support message that Huang Yi sent to him! This is simply sending charcoal in the snow!

At this moment, Lu Bu's heart is full of gratitude! He quickly responded to Huang Yi, without concealing his welcome.

At this time, Miyamoto Musashi finally recovered from the vertigo and launched a fierce attack on Lu Bu again!

"Miyamoto Musashi, your death is here! The **** of killing will come soon!" At this time, Lu Bu seemed to be full of spirit, the whole person's mental appearance was refreshed, and he was more calm, and temporarily became a success Was tied.

"Without a guardian, he's just a futile." Miyamoto Musashi whispered, seemingly indifferent. But his heart was dying.


On the other side, Huang Yi received Lu Bu ’s reply in the Wolf Mountain Territory of the Nether Guild.

"Everyone, I should go. The Chai Sangcheng in the famous general's court is also in danger. I have to go over to see it." Huang Yi said goodbye to a few people at Diesu Qiufeng.

"Let me teleport you past! Are you still alone? Do we need to go there together? This will take care of you!" At this time, the Wind Elf, the leader of the Battlefield Regiment of the Nether Church, released his mage's teleporting skills while concerned. Asked inquisitively.

"No need, I'm alone." Huang Yi shook his head.


Sorry, the next one is tomorrow.

Many readers ask why this time has been so unstable, so let's talk about it today.

In fact, this time is preparing a new book. The contract signed with the starting point of the book "Heroes of Prison" was completed with 2 million words, but now the plot is not written at all. There are at least hundreds of thousands of words to write. I don't want to rush. Bad end, so many foreshadowings were written in the front of the book, but it's a shame to end in a hurry. And the previous "Refrigeration" is bad. The same mistake can't be made a second time, this book must be completed in any case.

But the author also has to support his family. (So ​​I often emphasize that everyone looks at the genuine version. It only takes a few cents to read a chapter, but if there are many people subscribing, the author's manuscript fee will be considerable and more motivated to write down.) So I thought of a very difficult one. Road, that is to write two books at the same time, so get one more manuscript fee. Solve the problem of living and eating.

If you want to write a new book, you ca n’t just write it casually. At least you must ensure that it is better than “Heroes of Heroes” before it can be released. These days, you are setting the outline of the new book, subtle to each character. This kind of work is quite laborious and Time.

The book "Heroes of Heroes" has one inherent flaw: its outline is very rough. Without detailed outlines, many plots have only a rough outline. In addition, the character library, item library, and relationship database have not been established. It's all written and out. With the deepening of writing, this disadvantage becomes more and more obvious, especially after the East China Continent.

"Heroes Prison" was originally about writing about upgrading monsters. I never thought it would be so deep. Later, these pits and foreshadowings were actually intentionally written. This will make the plot look more mysterious and more predictable.

I bury these pits. I want to write a huge conspiracy, which is shrouded above everyone else in the Second World. What happened to the Divine Realm and the Demon Realm? Why did Death disappear and where did he go? Why does Nefarem, the taboo in heaven's law, appear at this moment, does it foreshadow something? How did the blood hoof die? What exactly is that mysterious python? … This line may seem unrelated, but it is actually a different aspect of this huge conspiracy. In the end, this line will be connected in series and finally reveal this huge conspiracy.

But in the outline, there is only a rough outline, no specific details, and I can only think of it while writing. Therefore, it becomes more and more difficult to write now, it is difficult to connect the pits written previously, and it is difficult to round up each stroke.

When you dig a pit, you must fill it, but you can't take it in the way of a bulldozer, it will rot. If you want to show the value of these pits, you must make them all point to the same conspiracy, and each pit is indispensable, and one link cannot be broken.

In order to avoid this problem, the new book can only be as detailed as possible at the outline stage. Of course, complete details are not possible. What often appears in writing novels is that the author writes and even forgets what he wrote, deviating from the original intention.

"Heroes of Prison" is my first book with over 2 million words. After 2 million words, it is difficult to manage, but I am confident that I can manage it now, but sometimes I get stuck on the connection. It's probably a few months to finish this book. After the National War, the final highlight of the Seven Demon Kings invaded. At that time, the line was closed. One by one, the pens would be exposed, and the pits would begin to be filled. on.

Also, I would like to collect the foreshadowing of the book "Heroes of Heroes". The foreshadowing of my records is the one I currently remember, but I am not sure if there are any omissions, so I mobilize everyone's strength. I made a sticky post in the starting point book review area to collect foreshadowings. Welcome to reply.

After a period of time, a list of acknowledgments will be posted. I have responded to the posts in the book review area before April. I post messages after April, and I reply to them once a month. The book review area has always been in the state of no sub-moderators ~ www.readwn.com ~ At this time, there are three hot new book friends applying for sub-moderators, so I simply created three sub-moderators, namely Wen Xiange and Undefeated The three of you, Yinglin, have worked hard for you three. Posts from everyone, the three deputy moderators will reply in advance, I will read every post, and then I will reply all once a month. QQ will not go online every day, it will go online every few days, and reply after unified.

By the way, I did n’t receive any QQ messages from March 22 to April 1, so I did n’t reply. Everyone sent me a QQ message. May wish to go back and check the sending record to see if it was sent in the past few days. If so, re-send it.

The new book is not unexpected, it will be issued in May, the title of the book has not been decided, then you can read the two books together, until the end of "Heroes". In addition, some of the advantages of the Hero Prison will be retained in the new book, and the disadvantages will be focused on improvement. For example, in terms of role modeling, the hero prison is actually quite vague. Except for a few particularly important roles, the remaining roles are almost all machines and have no personality at all. The new book will have a breakthrough in this regard.

Do n’t forget to go to the book review area to restore the sticky post that collected the foreshadowing!

Thank you. (The support of Dingtian Novel is your biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile phone users.)

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