Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 750: Behind the scenes

The wind elves were quickly released from the teleportation array, and the target location of the teleportation was the Chai Sang City of the Generals Guild.

Celebrity Pavilion has opened the teleportation authority for the Hero Legion. Anyone who is a Hero Legion can teleport to the past.

After teleporting to the city of Chai Sang, Huang Yi heard the sound of fighting from all over the city. The situation was even more severe than that of the former Wolf Mountain sub-territory! The enemies have hit the city!

From the mouth of Lu Bu, Huang Yi learned the location of Miyamoto Musashi and flew quickly.

He looked down from the sky. The entire city of Chai Sang was already full of fire, and all the streets and alleys could see the tide-like crowds fighting fiercely.

The situation on the field is clear, the people on the hero continent are in a weak position. Those invaders with a blood-red aura of war gathered on all fringe areas of the city, and the red light was superimposed and dense, like a sea of ​​blood. This sea of ​​blood is slowly drowning along the streets and alleys towards the middle of the city.

Soon, Huang Yi arrived at the battle site where Miyamoto Musashi was, flying at high altitude, looking down at the ground.

"Miyamoto Musashi!" Soon, the familiar voice of Huang Yi sounded over the entire territory of Chai Sangcheng! He still asked Lu Bu for a territorial shouting right. As long as he was within the range of players, he could all hear his voice.

Countless people stagnate for a moment! They looked up at Huang Yi on the sky! His figure stood against the moonlight, forming a black silhouette, looking down at the crowd high.

Some well-informed people stunned. Huang Yi was still in the Wolf Mountain deputy of the Guild of Guilds. I did not expect to teleport to it now. Fast. It's too late to react.

The reporters also quickly looked up and gave Huang Yi a close-up from afar.

At this time, Miyamoto Musashi, who was fighting Lu Bu and Xunhua, frowned, stopped fighting, retreated to the distance, looked up at Huang Yi, and wanted to see what tricks he was going to play.

"Miyamoto Musashi, you aggressively invaded the hero continent. Didn't you think your martial arts guild is in the void?" Soon, Huang Yi's voice rang again between heaven and earth.

When they heard the news, everyone looked at each other. What Huang Yi said to Miyamoto Musashi is exactly the same as what he just said to the Pope! They use the other party's guild headquarters as a threat!

Miyamoto Musashi smiled a little and exclaimed: "I'm curious, how dare you dare to say this? There are three superb masters in your hero army. You and the gentleman are on the hero continent. The other thunder **** is fighting Heaven ’s Guild. What other superb masters can you send to lead my martial arts guild? Without superb masters leading troops, we are not afraid of any attack. ”

"You'll know soon." Huang Yi said, and looked at the direction of the east continent.

He knew that after he prepared for a move, he would play a role again.


At this moment, various territories of the Martial Arts Association in the East China mainland. Players are still online and offline normally as before.

Unlike the paradise guild attacked by Thor, at this time, the eastern continent is at the peak of the online line at night. Countless people have been tired from working and studying during the day and can finally go online and relax at night.

The cities of martial arts guilds are all so bright. Wanjia lights, under the street lights. The crowd walked busily. The bright moonlight filled the earth, adding a touch of peace to the night.

At this time, on the third floor of a residential building, a pair of young male and female players were in love in the moonlight of the window. The girl closed her eyes gently, and the moonlight was very attractive on her shameful face. The male player swallowed his throat in excitement, stepped forward, and was ready to kiss.

But at this moment, the male player suddenly felt that the original bright moonlight suddenly disappeared, and the heavens and the earth suddenly dimmed. He reflexively looked up at the night sky outside the window.

The next moment, he saw an unforgettable picture.

I saw a huge airship hovering under the huge bright moon, covering the moonlight and casting a shadow!

That kind of picture looks like a group of spaceships coming to this world!

At this moment, the pupil of the male player shrinks, and the whole person trembles!

I saw a burst of fire in the airship! The night sky suddenly became extremely beautiful. The lines of fire seemed to be meteors falling towards the city, as the stars collapsed and the stars fell.

The shy female player by the window couldn't wait for the kiss from Qing Lang, and opened her eyes in doubt. She soon saw the falling stars in the sky outside the window, what a romantic picture, as if they were a testimony of their love.

But this romantic picture only kept that moment!

The next moment, she just felt that the whole world had become white, accompanied by a loud "bang". Then she knew nothing.

At the same time, all the territories of the entire martial arts guild appeared in this situation!

Each airship over the territories is pouring their vitality, so that each of the deputy territories of the Budo Association is caught in a sea of ​​fire!

These airships are ocean-going airships unique to the Heroes ’Guild. They suddenly entered from the air that is most easily overlooked, and they suddenly caught the Martial Arts Association off guard!

After five full minutes, the martial arts guild finally calmed down. The left-behind person, Ling Luo, quickly ordered that all guild deputies open the canopy of the sky and block the artillery fire from high altitudes. And prepare magic artillery to fire on the airship in the sky!

Later, Ling Luo quickly got off the line and called an attractive person far away from Miyamoto Musashi, and quickly notified the news!

On the other side, the person who led the call hung up, logged in to the Second World at the fastest speed, appeared on the hero continent, and sent this message to Miyamoto Musashi.

At this point, Miyamoto Musashi shook his head and looked at the sky with a look of indifference. As if he did not believe that Huang Yi was capable of attacking his territory.

But just then, he received a message. The news came so suddenly that it was unpredictable.

For a while, Miyamoto Musashi had a heart palpitation, quickly opened the news and looked at--

"All our deputy territories have just suffered sudden air strikes looking at ocean airships and suffered heavy losses!"

Miyamoto Musashi finally discolored, and then he understood Huang Yi's words!

It turned out that Huang Yi had never thought of letting a super-class master to lead the army to attack his territory, but adopted an air attack!

At this time. Many TV stations also finally received the news of the sudden attack on the Martial Arts Association, and some hosts and reporters were suddenly surprised: "Audience friends, the latest news that this station just received! The Martial Arts Association far away in the East China mainland suddenly suffered a severe All airspace strikes have now entered a state of alert. The air strikes are a huge airship, and currently only the Heroes ’Guild in the world owns ocean-going airships. In addition, the gods who just killed God at the high altitude of Chai Sang City against Miyamoto Musashi It's not hard to speculate what was said. The initiator of this air strike is the heroic army of killing gods! "

Some analysts invited by TV stations also analyzed afterwards: "Just now, the Pope's Guild has also been attacked by the Legion of Heroes! Now, the same thing happened to Miyamoto Musashi. It seems that Killing God has long laid a huge web of conspiracies without anyone expecting it. It is now slowly spreading out. In a short period of time, it was suddenly given to the Pope and Miyamoto Musashi. A heavy hit! Based on this speculation, will the remaining invading legions of the first-class masters face such a situation? Are they far away from the guild headquarters of their respective motherland, are they already in the conspiracy to kill God? "

"This sudden attack of killing God. It's almost unpredictable! If you say that the killing **** before the reincarnation, it gives the impression that it is an undefeated God of War in force. Then the killing **** after the reincarnation is showing He controlled the conspiracy side. During his reincarnation, although he disappeared into the sight of the crowd, he might as well be hidden behind the curtain. He played a large game of chess and unknowingly enemies Playing between the hands ... "

At this time, all players around the world are staring at the circling Huang Yi in the sky, and his figure in the moonlight suddenly becomes mysterious. He seemed to be a big man out of the crowd, playing a game of chess to all beings. Those players who looked at him were just struggling pieces on this board.

Huang Yi's heart was also relieved, but fortunately there was no leak in this move.

In fact, the backhand of the ocean airship is open, and everyone knows that the Heroes Guild has such a thing.

But people only know this, and the rest of the information is not clear at all. For example, how many ocean airships are there? What specific functions does the ocean airship have? What is the mechanical parameter data? Where do you usually park? These are secrets.

If Huang Yi sends warships to the east continent, the enemy can easily detect it, because there are so many ports where heroes can anchor warships. As long as the enemy inserts some eyeliners in those ports, every time there is a large-scale ship movement, they must not hide the eyes of others.

But the airship is different ~ www.readwn.com ~ The airship does not need a port for mooring, only an open space is needed. The hero continent is so large that many places are deserted. For example, in a place like the World of Warcraft Mountains, you ca n’t see a person for ten days. There are too many places where airships can park.

So far no outsider knows where the heroes ’airship base is. Even the heroes’ guild only knows the core group of talents.

Outsiders have no idea where Huang Yi's ocean-going airship took off, where it went, or where it was parked. This is like a ghost that comes without a shadow and disappears. This feature is very suitable for sneak attacks. Huang Yi dispatched a large number of ocean airships early, and quietly went to the east coast of the mainland to make adequate preparations for war.

Now that this critical moment is used, it has the effect of directly changing the war situation.


A small bug appeared in the last chapter. Guan Yu, the famous general, has been reincarnation in the battle of Chibi City a while ago, so this time the battle of Chai Sang City should not be played, and it has been corrected now, without affecting the plot. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for referrals and monthly passes. Your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile users, please read m.)

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