Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 751: No need to save

"Miyamoto Musashi, the pope has returned to the continental United States, and you should return quickly! Otherwise, your guild is over!" At this time, Huang Yi persuaded. Once Miyamoto Musashi leads his army out of the national war, the power of the invading army will be weakened a lot.

Miyamoto Musashi tightened his face, still full of firmness in his eyes, and said coldly, "Do you think an air strike will force me back? Now that your ocean airship has appeared, it is doomed to escape our magic cannon to fight back, Your ocean-going airship must retreat! And the East China Sea is our region, and we have a way to track your airship. As soon as your airship lands, it cannot fly a second time. "

When everyone heard these words, they thought for a moment and suddenly felt something.

Ocean airships are not completely invincible, and magic artillery on the ground can pose a serious threat to them. These airships can only have a sudden effect, and they will quickly retreat after a wave of air strikes, otherwise they may be bombarded.

As long as the martial arts guild tracks the retreat of these airships, it is not difficult to find out where they landed. Once those airships land, it is likely that they will suffer the blood of the martial arts guild.

And if you want to avoid the martial arts guild tracking, then you can only leave these airships to leave the eastern continent. In this way, there is no need for Miyamoto Musashi to go back.

Huang Yi shook his head and said, "Miyamoto Musashi, since I dare to send an airship over, it naturally takes into account all kinds of situations. You can rest assured that the air strikes will continue, and you will not return to the east coast. No one can solve the airship threat. How will my airship solve the landing problem, you don't have to worry about it. "

"Oh? Then you can talk about, where can your airship stop? You have already shown this means, it will be difficult to hide, don't doubt our tracking ability." Miyamoto Musashi asked back.

Everyone asked the same question in their hearts and looked up at Huang Yi.

"You seem to have forgotten it, in the east of the continent. There is a place where my airship can be parked at will, but your soldiers and horses cannot enter at will, as long as you dare to go there. Then you must not be alive." Huang Yi continued.

Miyamoto Musashi froze slightly, and suddenly his face changed. Think of a place-

Beihai City!

To be precise, it is the site of Beihai City!

He forgot this place!

This place is indeed a forbidden area for him, and it is very likely that their people will not be able to come out safely after entering!

Because there has become Huang Yi's territory.

Some time ago, after Huang Yi was killed in Beihai City on the Dongbei continent, that area has become his territory. Because at the 150th level, he awakened a Nefarem talent—

[Curse of the Demon God]: After dying in a land without land in a wild area. The 50-kilometer area of ​​the place of death will be turned into a "cursed land". The cursed land is exclusively owned by Nefarem's bloodline owners. It cannot be deprived in any way by all enemies within the cursed land. All will be cursed, and all attributes in the area will drop by 50%. The curse can only be lifted after leaving the cursed land.

At that time, after Huang Yi's body died, a large area around Beihai City. Immediately under the curse of the demon god, after any enemy enters, all attributes will be weakened by half! And those ocean-going airships are the forces on the side of Huang Yi. They can stay in that area at will, and their strength will not be affected!

of course. The "death" in this devil's cursing talent refers to the death of the body, and the death of the incarnation is not included.

Miyamoto Musashi's face was cloudy and uncertain, but in the end he still resolutely determined, "You just cursed the land. Our human strength will only be weakened by half. It is not too serious. The sea-ocean tactics can work. And you do n’t have super-class masters, and you ca n’t stop the tactics of man and sea. Two times the strength ca n’t destroy you, then three times, four times, five times! In East China, we have people, and I do n’t believe that you can carry them all the time! ” Having said that, he shouted: "Everyone continues to attack! Today we must win this city!"

After all, he continued to fight, and his men and horses resumed the fierce offensive that they had before!

Miyamoto Musashi's persistence suddenly appeared. His actions were always extreme, and once he decided, it was difficult to repent.

At the beginning of the battle on the East coast, he used various methods to kill Huang Yi, and finally even bombed Beihai City. Such a dedicated person is extremely scary! It was still too difficult for Huang Yi to force him to return to the East Rim mainland with a few words.

This time, Huang Yi's language offensive failed!

Just then, the puppet fish suddenly sent a series of bad news to Huang Yi—

The Ganges 'fleet has circled to the northern waters of Heroes' Continent and is bombing some cities along the way!

Floating disturbances have boarded the Feilong Island deputy of the Sun Guild, and the two armies have begun to confront from the warships on the sea, and have moved to face to face resistance in the island!

In addition, Kidd, an American super-class master, has just led his army, and began to attack the 11th-ranked guild in China-Longfengmen's Sunset Canyon Deputy Territory!

In other words, tonight, five of the eight super-elite opponents have shot!

And super-class masters can only be countered by super-class masters. The simple sea-ocean tactics are very limited to today's super-class masters. The super-class masters have various methods and props to avoid the threat of sea-ocean tactics! At present, the Ganges, Floating Disturbances, and Kidd are all unstoppable for the time being, and no one can defeat them.

There are only three super-class masters who participated in the national warfare of the heroic continent. Among them, Thor is still in the American continent, and Huang Yi is now in Caisang City of this famous mansion. The rest of the gentleman is in a desperate state-he is not online!

The enemy apparently seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and launched a large-scale attack while the gentleman was not online!

Tonight, the hero continent is likely to face the fall of the city! And this also needs to ensure that the remaining three super-class masters of the enemy do not take action, otherwise the situation is even more serious!

The situation that has just eased a bit, now it has become blurred again!

The news of those reporters was also very well-informed, and they also learned the information at once, and immediately informed the audience: "Audience friends, the changes on the battlefield are changing all the time! He retreated from the pope's attack and persecuted Miyamoto Musashi in the same way, but Miyamoto Musashi was as firm as ever, and the killing language offensive was blocked for the first time! Not only that, this station just received news that the invading army's superb master The Ganges and Floating Disturbances have already achieved advantages in their respective battlefields. American super-class master Kid has just joined the army! Tonight will be a huge test for the hero continent. The Legion no longer needs to count, Now we can only see if the Legion of Heroes can have a way to repel these enemies! But the **** of killing is only in his early 100s and above, can he stop so many battles at the same time? "

At this time, players across China couldn't help but be concerned again, and did not know how Huang Yi would go about solving such a complicated situation. Now four different places are threatened, and they are all far away from the heroic empire. Those guardians are not useful, and Huang Yi's strength is so weak? How can this stop the enemy?

If they were replaced by someone else to be the leader of the Legion of Heroes, everyone would be desperate, just like the leader of the Legion wants to be born from the heart. Many reporters have bluntly stated that they should no longer count on the Legion, and they are already desperate. But everyone still had a bit of expectation for Huang Yi. Maybe he still has a way to repel those enemies, just as he just repelled the pope.

Huang Yifei was in the air, as if he had seen the eyes of countless players across the hero continent. They may be in every corner of the continent, in every city, but their eyes seem to penetrate the endless distance, betting his hope on him.

"Lu Bu, I have to stop the Ganges offensive and retreat first!" At this time, Huang Yi sent a message to Lu Bu and decided to leave the city of Chai Sang.

At this time, Lu Bu was struggling to entangle with Miyamoto Musashi, difficult to block his progress. After receiving the news from Huang Yi, his footsteps were chaotic, and he was about to be hit by Miyamoto Musashi. He hurriedly retreated, stabilized his life, and then replied, "Kill God, don't you plan to rescue our city?"

"It's not that you don't want to save, but you don't need to save it." Huang Yi hurriedly replied ~ www.readwn.com ~ quickly flew in the direction of the teleportation array, and soon disappeared into the sky, disappeared in countless In the eyes of the reporter, it made people think about it.

Lu Bu looked at Huang Yi's words, his face changed, as if the territory had been abandoned by Huang Yi.

"What's wrong? Brother!" At this moment, Xunhua saw Huang Yi flying away and saw Lu Bu's bleak look, and could not help but ask a question.

"Kill God, this city doesn't need to be saved anymore! He left!" Lu Bu immediately read the news of Huang Yi, his tone full of solemnity.

"Shouldn't!" Xunhua frowned, showing a deep puzzlement in his tone. "You are not unclear about the style of killing God. Since he is here, there must be a way to lift the crisis. "Although Miyamoto Musashi was unexpectedly not driven away, it is impossible for God to kill so simply. He said that the city does not need to be saved, would it mean another meaning?"

"Huh?" Lu Bu also settled down, feeling that there seemed to be some strangeness in it, guessing: "So it seems that this is possible. He said that this city does not need to be saved, does it mean that this city is exactly certain? It's saved, there's no need to waste time here, so he will leave in a hurry and rush to rescue the next place? "

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