Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 752: Destruction of Budokai

"I think so too." Xunhua nodded. "Anyway, let's try our best to delay! Presumably things are still variable."

After all, Xunhua disappeared into the air again, I don't know who to deal with.

"Everyone, struggling to delay! We haven't lost so fast!" Lu Bu immediately sent a message to the members of the Hero Pavilion, and continued to fight hard.


On the other side, the air raid on the eastern continent has come to an end. The air strikes came and went quickly. Huang Yi's ocean-going airships would not dare to stay in the air for too long, otherwise the enemy's magic artillery would bombard them.

All ocean airships quickly evacuated, leaving only a messy martial arts confederation. The market value of the Budo Association has plummeted since the last time Huang Yi made a big noise in the East China mainland. Later, in the past few months, after so many victories in Miyamoto Musashi, he took a sigh of relief and the stock price returned to a lot. But now this air strike will surely further suppress their stock price.

However, the martial arts guild's tracking methods should not be underestimated. These airships come easily, but if you want to retreat unknowingly, it will be difficult.

However, they did not mean to hide. Although an ocean airship was scattered over the various territories of the Budokai, they retreated in the direction of the ruins of Beihai City and could be easily traced.


"They retreated in the direction of Beihai City!" After a while, the head of the martial arts association, Yin Ren broken, came behind Ling Luo, the person in charge of the stay, and notified him.

"That cursed land?" Ling Luo frowned, and since Huang Yi's death, that place has become a cursed land, making their dream of rebuilding Beihai City futile. That place is now no different from Ghost Realm, and no one dares to go there. The original bustling area became extremely desolate.

"Yes! Once our soldiers enter, the full attributes will be weakened by half." Yin Ren nodded his head.

"How many are they?" Ling Luo continued to ask.

"They only came with more than 2,000 people. There were probably more than sixty ocean-going airships. Each airship carried more than thirty people." Yin Ni broke the air with a more accurate figure.

"There are only two thousand people? Isn't this trying to die?" Ling Luo snorted, and said, "Send one million soldiers instantly. Kill them with tactics! Even if it costs a lot of money, you must destroy them! Otherwise they will repeat. Air strike! "Ling Luo commanded decisively!

The martial arts guild's strength was replayed on the hero continent, and the troops left behind were almost only five or six million. Now Ling Ling sent a million soldiers at once, showing that he was determined to eliminate this ocean-going airship from Huang Yi!

Soon, the order quickly passed to the various territories! A large number of troops were transmitted from each of the martial arts guilds to the nearest town in Beihai City.


At this time, ocean-going airships entered Beihai City's airspace from all directions. This area is their home base. After returning here, everyone on the airship was relieved, as if life was suddenly secured.

Viewed from a high altitude, the area centered on Beihai City is obviously different from the outer area. The soil in Beihai City is black. Like pouring a lot of ink, it exudes a sense of magic. The ground outside the ruins is normal.

The highest commander of this ocean-going airship is the leader of the airship regiment of the Hero Guild-Wenxiange! He is a brother of Rose Prison and was an Ace Air Force pilot before he was put in prison. It was really fitting that he led the air strike mission.

At this moment, Wen Xiange was standing on an airship, looking down at the vast ground, and the night breeze blew his cloak with a touch of desolation.

He is a man in his thirties. Without jail time, now is the golden age of a pilot. But at this time, he can only soar in this virtual sky.

"Boss, we sent a message in the eyeliner of the Martial Arts Association, saying that Ling Luo ordered one million soldiers to destroy us!" At this moment, Wen Xiange's voice sounded behind the intelligence contact.

"They did come!" Wen Xiange touched his chin, and said to himself, "It was really good to kill God."

As early as when they set off from the heroic continent, Huang Yi specifically analyzed Wen Xiange's most likely situations, and now all these things are still under his control.

"All airships land immediately." Wen Xiange calmly issued a command!

All the airships suddenly started to fall towards the ground, and all of a sudden disappeared into the sky and quickly disappeared.


At this time, outside of the ruins of Beihai City, an army of players from the Shido Alliance rushed to the ruins of Beihai City from all directions.

"Pay attention to distraction, don't be killed by the enemy at once." Ling Luo himself was leading these people, his handsome eyes looked at the dark ground in front of him, showing a sneer. They dealt with a total of one million people against two thousand people. Even if their attributes were weakened by half, it would be enough to crush them. He really has nothing to worry about!

It didn't take long for them to enter the cursed area, and their speed dropped significantly, as if walking in a swamp. The effects of this cursed land are all attributes, and the movement speed is naturally included.

At this moment, the cursed land was empty, the night breeze was whistling, and weeds were overgrown, and it looked inexplicably cold.

One million people are scattered around, stepping on black ground from all directions, while walking towards the central area of ​​the ruins of Beihai City, ensuring that the people inside can not retreat in any direction.

Gradually, they came to the center of the ruins of Beihai City. Here are piles of extremely tall building ruins, like hills hidden under the night, scattered like rampant monsters.

"Pay attention to the use of magic items!" Ling Luo seemed to have approached the central area, and a battle was about to begin soon, and he couldn't help but order.

Suddenly, one million members of the martial arts guilds used their own magic items to improve their attributes, making the cursed land's weakening effect less obvious.

At the same time, various lighting measures have been started. Flares and beams of light lit up from the ruins, lighting the place like daylight.


At this point, all ocean-going airships had stopped on the ground. But those people didn't come down and remained in the airship cabin. The head commander Wen Xiange was on one of the airships. Looking at the crowd of distant martial arts guilds with a telescope. There were so many people in that telescope that countless enemies were touching it.

Wenxiange raised his mouth, and immediately issued an order: "Army in the city, attack!"

This order was reached, as if it caused a catastrophic reaction. In the ruins of Beihai City, a sudden killing sound was heard suddenly!

I saw the back of the ruins. Suddenly rushed out of an army, a huge number of tens of thousands! They violently launched a fierce counterattack against the scattered martial arts members!

"What's going on? Why are there so many people! Don't they only have more than 2,000 people?" Ling Luo looked at the man who suddenly rushed out, his face suddenly changed!

These people of the martial arts guild. Leng Buding suddenly received such a fierce attack, and immediately became confused. Many people did not feel that they would retreat, and there was a looming tendency!

Their one million troops weakened their attributes by half, and tens of thousands of people were suddenly killed. Can pose a serious threat to them!

"Hurry up, get out! Don't fight them in the rubble!" Ling Luo quickly issued an order, and their crowd was scattered. The people who were attacked in front were killed at once, and the people behind them were killed again. Can't keep up. Difficult to schedule for a while. He simply asked the crowd to evacuate and rectify before counterattacking.

Wen Xiange watched the retreating enemy calmly and calmly issued a second command: "Out-of-city support forces, attack!"

Soon, the distant area outside of the city suddenly heard the sound of violent assault, with the momentum of the mountains and the sea, besieged towards the one million people of the Budo Association!

Ling Luo turned his head in horror and looked at the past. I saw the direction they came from, and there were countless players rushing over, with hundreds of thousands! They were all riding on their mounts. They were extremely fast and terrifying, and the sound of their mounts shook the ground!

"What's going on, how did these people come?" Ling Luo's heart had completely fallen to the bottom of the valley, and those who had been killed suddenly were fully capable of keeping their one million people here!

Almost instantly, this million people of the Martial Arts Association were caught in the plight of the enemy and suffered a fierce pinch!

"Everyone finds a bunker and delays time as much as possible!" Ling Luo could not think too much, and immediately gave an order. Then he quickly sent a message to the heads of the regiments who were staying in the territory: "Wooden rafters, sky maple falls, and you have a heart to plant trees. You each lead a million troops, and come quickly to meet us!"

Soon, the regiments staying in various lands of the Martial Arts Association showed an extraordinary response speed.

The three men, Muyu, Tianfeng, and the tree planters who were interested in planting trees, were all heads of the left corps of the Budo Association. They immediately led the army to teleport from various territories to the nearest teleportation point to Beihai City, and hurried toward the North Sea The city ruins rushed in the direction, trying to lead Ling million their retreat.

"Brother, just now the news came from the spies we installed in the Budo Guild. Ling Luo sent three million troops at once to respond to their retreat!" At this time, Wen Xiange heard the information of the intelligence officer.

"Big Brother God expected it to be really good." When Wen Xiange heard this information, he couldn't help but whisper to himself, as if he had expected it.

The next moment, he sent out another message. The message was short, but it was enough to shock the entire East China continent.


The Fang Guild is the 11th largest guild in the East China mainland. At this time, the main territory of the guild was very lively. Everyone received the news of the guild president yesterday, asking them to go online tonight, but it was unclear what the specific task was.

The same thing happened, including the 22nd Conan Guild, the 39th Beizhan Guild, the 67th Tianzishan Guild, and the 101st Persevering Abandon Guild.

At this time, countless people of these guilds are online, waiting for the mysterious command of the president.

At this time, all the people in these guilds received news from their respective presidents. Although they were in each guild, they received the same task at this moment-

"Immediately attack the martial arts guild!"

Later, the core backbone of these guilds acted immediately, leading a team to teleport to the vicinity of the martial arts guilds, and immediately started the attack, the speed was astounding!


At this time, Ling Luo was originally in the ruins of Beihai City, and hurriedly directed his Majesty's men and horses to fight back, waiting for the reinforcements.

Just then, he suddenly received a series of guild news--

[Guild Announcement]: Fang Guild, start guild war against martial arts guild! Attacking Wucheng Territory!

[Guild Announcement]: Conan Guild, start guild war against Budo Guild! Attacking the territory of Hengjinggang!

[Guild Announcement]: Beiji Guild, start guild war against martial arts guild! Attacking the territory of Hengjinggang!

[Guild Announcement]: Tianzishan Guild, start guild war against Budo Guild! Attacking Wucheng Territory!

[Guild Announcement]: Perseveringly give up the guild and start guild wars against the martial arts guild! Attacking the Quartet Mountain Territory!

Ling Luo was completely dumbfounded. At the same time, five guilds started to attack their guild territory at the same time!

At this time, it was a crucial moment when they transferred millions of troops! Now their various territories are basically empty cities. When they were most empty, they were suddenly attacked by these guilds, and the consequences were unthinkable!

"Why! Why are all these guilds attacking our guild at the same time?" Ling Luo's mind was completely blank, he only felt that he had fallen into a mist ~ www.readwn.com ~ What happened tonight is so incredible, let He didn't even have a chance to respond.

What he didn't know was that the presidents of these guilds all came from a place called Rose Prison.


Wenxiange soon received feedback from the presidents of the five guilds, and the other party was already attacking the martial arts guilds!

He immediately put away the telescope, and gave the order to the entire airship regiment: "All airships take off again! Go to the martial arts guild again for the second bombing mission!"

The words fell, and an ocean airship immediately re-launched, gradually rising to the upper air, and continuing to gallop towards the various lands of the Budokai! After a while it disappeared into the ruins of Beihai City!

The combat plan that Huang Yi arranged for them in advance is being implemented in an orderly manner.


This is a four-thousand-word chapter. It will affect the coherence of the plot, so I will write it together and finish it now.

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