Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 754: Ganges Fleet

Huang Yi's swimming speed in the Longhai area was extremely fast, and he soon dived into the sea floor.

The endless water surrounds him from all sides, and most people have encountered this situation, and they have already had deep sea phobia. But Huang Yi felt that he was in paradise, and this Longhai was no different from his home.

Soon, he came to a nearby teleportation array and immediately teleported to the core of Longhai-Dragon Palace!

He has been here a few times already, and he is already on a light road, striding directly towards the General Hall.

"Have met General Dragon God!"

"I've seen Senator Killer!"

Along the way, after seeing Huang Yi, all the Hai people all respectfully stopped to salute, and their tone came from their heart's respect.

At the time, the invaders of the Demon Clan raged in Longhai, threatening the safety of the entire Longhai. Although the Hailong Emperor tried hard to block them, they were not the opponents of the Demon Army and were seriously injured in the battle. Later, Huang Yi overflowed his power to turn the tide, repelled all the Demon invaders, and saved the entire Long Hai, which was equivalent to Long Hai's life-saving benefactor.

Among the Longhai, his status is second only to the Hailong Emperor.

"Big Brother!" Just then, Huang Yi suddenly heard the voice of a young boy.

He turned his head and saw an innocent child aged 13 or four. He was dressed in a small golden dragon robe, with two dragon horns on his head, and a pair of big watery eyes staring at him, with a naughty and cute look.

This is the baby of the King of Dragons, the three princes of the Dragon Kings-Jin Yi, Huang Yi, and his brothers.

"Three princes, what a coincidence." Huang Yi nodded toward Jin Mao.

"Kill God. You haven't been here for a long time. Come and play with me for a long time before leaving!" Jin Yan opened his eyes wide. He came to Huang Yi's side and said expectantly, pulling his sleeve.

Huang Yi shook his head and said: "I'm afraid this time, some bad people have entered the waters of Longhai. I have to send soldiers to destroy them!"

"Any bad guy is here again?" Jin Yan opened his eyes wide and muttered, his face was full of anger, and he squeezed his fists. Said: "I'm going to tell the Father! After the last battle of the Father, the injury has been cured a lot, this time just to relieve the Father." Passed.

Looking at the back of Jin Mao, Huang Yi was more confident of the victory of this battle. The Hailong Emperor is a master at the level of the heavens, and unlike the criminals in the Hero Prison, he can only limit his activities to the territory. The Hailong Emperor is a free man and can go anywhere!

Soon, Huang Yi came to the General Palace of the Dragon Palace. Employing the rights of General Dragon God, he issued an expedition order to the entire expanse of Long Hai!

Right now. As long as it was within Longhai, no matter what the sea race, no matter the mermaid, jellyfish, or sea snake, he all heard his order. Even some small fish and shrimp that have not cultivated any wisdom have understood what he meant.

In a short time, the entire Longhai is boiling!

How many creatures are there in such a large sea? I'm afraid no one can figure it out. But at this time, all these creatures have become the troops of Huang Yi's Majesty, from all directions towards the Ganges Fleet, rushing down the mountain!

In a short time, the entire Longhai changed, and the sky was covered with dark clouds, which blocked the bright moonlight. There was a violent wind on the sea, the seawater trembled violently, turned over the huge waves, and rushed frantically towards the Ganges fleet!


The super-class master Ganges is watching the mighty ships behind him on the flagship of Ganges fleet.

This fleet was built by his guild at a huge cost. These days, the fleet has frequently made contributions to help him win a large coastal land on the hero continent.

Tonight, they bombed very smoothly, and the cities along the way basically fell into their hands.

But at this moment, Ganga's face was a little worried, and his brows frowned slightly. The news of the pope and Miyamoto Musashi just passed into his ears. Huang Yi suddenly repelled two super-class masters, which made him a little daunted.

He kept looking around, seemingly worried that Huang Yi would suddenly kill.

"Ganghe, we are three hundred kilometers away from Hero Port. Would you like to go there? If possible, we blow up their port." At this moment, a man relaxedly drank a glass of red wine while drinking leisurely , While coming to the side of Ganges. This man is Andrew, the fleet leader of the Ganges.

"Don't!" Ganga immediately shook his head without any hesitation. "There are guardians of the heavens. We would have been attacked by them in the past. As long as it is the realm of killing God, we should not touch it and avoid it far away. open."

Andrew looked at the huge fleet behind him, took a sip of red wine, and said greedily: "Our fleet is better if there are more warships. As long as we can successfully attack the heroic harbor, maybe we can take over those warships By then, we will have more than a hundred battleships. "

"Do you think that killing God will make this happen?" Ganga shook his head slightly, staring at the deep ocean, and said, "I don't know why, I always have a feeling of peace now, it seems to be coming soon. What happened. The Pope and Miyamoto Musashi have been repelled by the **** of killing. I wonder if it is our turn next? "

Andrew shook his head directly and said easily: "It's impossible. He has to fight with us and must use his hero fleet. But the spies we installed in Hero Harbor have heard the news. The harbor was calm and there were no fleet members. sign."

At the moment when his voice had just fallen, the sky suddenly darkened. The sky was originally sparse with moon stars. I do n’t know where it was covered by a thick cloud of clouds, and the huge faintness covered them. fleet.

Ganges' face changed slightly, and he turned to look into the depths of the ocean!

He looked around, and suddenly found that a white line appeared in the distant sea level line, which was getting bigger and bigger.

"Tsunami!" Just then, Andrew, the Ganges fleet captain, said in a horror, and there was no such calmness as before. "This sea is clearly calm, why is there such a sudden tsunami! Open the hood! "

Soon, all warships were illuminated with a mask, and each ship was firmly protected in it.

The defensive strength of this mask is extremely high, and it can withstand a class 9 ocean storm. The violent tsunami is still within their range. But even if they can resist, the magic stones consumed must be massive, and this loss exceeds their plundering gain tonight! "

The speed of the tsunami was extremely fast, and everyone in the Ganges fleet quickly saw the huge waves clearly. The wolves, mixed with the endless majesty of the ocean, rushed towards them, as if it were the end of the world!

"Roar!" Just then, the roar of a sea spirit beast faintly heard from that huge wave! The power of that howl is so strong, although it can be heard over a long distance, at least they are all top-level sea beasts of level 190 and above!

This roar seemed to have ignited some leads, and all of a sudden the countless roars in the tsunami. These roars come from various sea races, and the height of the sounds is not the same. The weak ones are only dozens of levels, but the strong ones reach the level of the top sanctuary!

Their roars were dense and endless, as if the whole world was roaring, adding a touch of horror to the entire sea.

"Damn! This is a beast tide! How did they come ?!" Andrew's complexion suddenly turned pale, and the wine glass in his hand was crushed by him!

If it was just a tsunami, they could still carry it with confidence, but coupled with the endless sea beasts in the ocean, they would be very suspended, or the whole fleet would be swallowed up.

"Quick! Retreat immediately towards the coast!" Ganga took a deep breath and quickly issued a general order!

Soon, all the battleships rang out with a loud roar of engines, desperately burning the Philosopher's Stone, and exhausted here at the fastest speed. They did not dare to stay one more!

The scene at this time was extremely spectacular, an endless turbulent tsunami and beast tide swept across the withered land. The dozens of warships ahead were as small as dozens of fish, retreating panic towards the coast.

Fortunately, the speed of these warships is also very fast, keeping a distance from the tsunami beast tide behind, and has not been caught up for the time being.

"Your invasion of the hero continent was a wrong decision!" Just then, a familiar voice suddenly sounded between the world of Longhai.

"Kill God!" Everyone heard this birth ~ www.readwn.com ~ the face changed!

This is the most frightening voice in the world! Although he has not yet appeared, his voice alone is enough to tremble countless enemies!

When the Legion of Heroes first joined the battlefield, the legions of many countries even withdrew his name and quit the national war directly. This shows how powerful this deterrent is. And now, they actually encountered this character in person.

Ganges held his hands tightly and looked back at the desperate tsunami behind him, a flash of regret flashed on his face! If he doesn't play today, he won't face the crisis now.

"Don't be afraid, keep retreating! The tsunami can't catch us!" Ganga sent a message to everyone, encouraging morale!

But at that moment, Huang Yi's voice sounded again: "Now you can completely escape, as long as you use teleportation to teleport back, I can't stop you. But if you insist on keeping these warships, then you all Will die here. "

Huang Yi's ambition was exposed at once, and he actually wanted to accept this fleet of Ganges! (To be continued ...)

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