Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 755: Hailong Huang played

Just now, Andrew, the captain of the Ganges Fleet, said greedily that he wanted to sneak in Hero Port and receive the warships of the Hero Fleet. As a result, the situation turned around all at once, and their ships became to be accepted by Huang Yi!

"Kill God, haven't you woke up yet? It's too arrogant to talk about this dream." Gang He smiled angrily, staring at the huge tsunami behind him with five fingers in his hands, green Bright, and soon a priest's staff emitting this green light!

As soon as this priest's staff appeared, the whole world seemed to have focus, the dark night sky seemed to have vitality, and the entire roaring ocean seemed to usher in a light of hope!

This priest's staff is peculiar in shape, like a branch that has just been picked off, and on that green leaf, there are even crystal dew drops, as if it will drip down at any time.

This branch is an iconic treasure of the Ganges! It's not small, it was the tenderest branch on the tree of the world!

The Tree of the World is a giant tree in the Henggu flood season. It was planted by the **** of life in the Divine Realm and connected the Second World and the unreachable heaven. This tree is known to all the worlds in the universe, as large as the first world, the third world, as small as the Oroas world, the blood map world, and so on, all know the prestige of this huge tree.

The first God-sealer in the second world—waste God. Skybreaker, originally climbed directly from the tree of the world to the divine realm, and successfully sealed God.

It is a pity that this towering tree was destroyed by the King of Destruction during one of the Seven Demon Kings invasion campaign in the Archean period. One of the eight magic weapons of the War Skull-Axe of Destruction, lost most of its vitality!

Later in the Archean period, the King of Swords and King of Swords conducted another earth-shaking showdown on the World Tree. The world tree that has been hit hard. Destroyed directly in that battle. The King of Swords and King of Swords each absorbed some of the essence of the World Tree in that battle, and eventually both became gods.

After the battle between the Emperor Sword and the Emperor Sword, the World Tree had only two seeds and one of the tenderest branches. The first seed flew to the Oroas world and became a star in the starry sky of that world. The second seed flew to Melva World. Become a giant undersea tree. And that branch is the branch in Ganges!

The Tree of the World has become a legend, but Ganges holds part of this legend! He has sufficient pride. In this national war, the death rate of the Ganges Legion was the lowest among all the legions, which is largely due to the contribution of this branch.

At present, the strength of Ganges is only the sacred level. Cannot exert the full power of this world tree branch. But the fleet that protected him amidst this beast tide was still a concern.

At this moment, Ganges waved the branch in his hand gently toward the sky!

Suddenly, bursts of green light suddenly appeared in the dark sky, like aurora. Illuminated the dark night. In that heavy dark cloud, drops of green rain began to fall, and that rain was full of life.

The range of the rain was so great that it drowned the entire Ganges fleet. The black battleships were filled with a soft green light after the rain, and galloped faster in the dark.

At this point, all battleships and players on the battleship. All are in a strong state of protection. In this rain of life, the damage they will suffer will be greatly weakened, and defense, recovery, and speed of protection and life-saving attributes will be greatly improved.

Ganges now recovered the branches of the world tree in his hands, and his face was slightly painful. It seemed that it had just cost a lot to rain this life.

But the effect is also very obvious, at least now they are not so afraid of Huang Yi.

The Ganges Fleet retreated more quickly in the package of green light, and it gradually opened its distance from the beast tide coming from behind! This way, they can escape successfully!

"Boom!" Just then. A huge tsunami suddenly rose from the front of these fleets! The huge waves just shook the sky and covered the sky, completely blocking the way of the Ganges fleet!

Amidst this huge wave, a golden figure suddenly rushed up from the bottom of the sea and flew in the air!

He has a leading figure. Wearing a golden dragon robe, wearing a dragon ball crown, holding a golden scepter in his hand, full of imperial power, as if to be the master of this world!

This person is the Hailong Emperor!

He also came to help Huang Yi deal with this Ganges fleet! He has been healing since the last time he fought with those demons. Although the injury has not been completely healed, there is still no problem in coming out.

"Who are you?" Gang Gang looked at the figure, his face was full of dignity, and the tree branch of the world, which had originally been stored in the storage ring, was taken out by him again.

"I am the master of this sea!" The majestic voice of the Emperor Hailong sounded all over the world, and the strength of the heavenly strongman spread out without any worries, sweeping around.

"Ganghe, you have come to the wrong place!" At this moment, Huang Yi's familiar figure also rose from the bottom of the sea, flew into the air, and flew side by side with the Dragon King. At this moment he was empty-handed, didn't take out a weapon, and didn't seem to plan to fight, but the pressure he brought was undiminished.

"Kill God!" Gang Gang locked Huang Yi firmly with a pair of eyes, and the branches of the World Tree in his hands could not help holding it tighter.

The captain of the fleet, Andrew, looked at Huang Yi in the air, but a flash of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and immediately issued an order to the entire fleet: "All ships, immediately fire at the killing god! I will take a photo with the killing god's body ! "

The voice dropped, and the mobile turrets installed on the deck of each warship immediately began to quickly adjust the angle, and the darkened gun holes aimed at Huang Yi. The light in the gun hole was bright, and a horrible amount of magical artillery energy was brewing, emitting a terrifying atmosphere!

At this moment, the Dragon King watched as the battleships were about to fire at them, and clenched the golden stamen of the sea in his hands, and immediately waved gently toward the endless water below.

Suddenly, the seawater below was immediately towed by the Dinghai Scepter, turned into a ferocious water dragon, opened his teeth and danced like a living creature, and slammed into the battleships of the Ganges fleet!

The mobile turrets on the decks of the warships were originally adjusted for angle and aligned with Huang Yi. But now after being hit by these water dragons, and bearing huge forces, they turned their lives, and no longer aimed at Huang Yi and Hailong Huang, but aimed at the other battleships!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Just at this moment, the light brewing in these gun holes shined to the extreme, and the blaze of fire tore the dark rainy night like a grand firework!

As soon as these artillery fires came out, they just bombed inside the fleet's matrix and blasted to various warships, which was equivalent to hitting themselves!

Suddenly, the entire fleet matrix boiled, sea water was blown up into the sky, huge waves fell down, and a sea of ​​water poured down in the sky!

However, these battleships had a green light, which successfully blocked the artillery fire without causing significant losses. It is just that after such a bombardment of green light, the intensity of the light has become much darker.

"Damn!" Ganga saw this situation and yelled as if his heart was bleeding! He quickly waved the branches of the world tree in his hand again, struggling to wave towards the entire fleet, trying to maintain the intensity of those green lights.

The Dinghai Scepter in the hands of the Dragon King repeatedly points out, manipulating those endless sea waters, and launching crazy attacks against this fleet!

Ganges is desperately releasing the power of that branch of the tree, trying to resist the attack of the Dragon King, and the two form a delicate balance!

After such a bombardment for a while, Hailong Emperor finally frowned. No matter how he attacked, the green light emitted by Ganges continued to resist his attack.

"Kill God, haven't you just shouted that we can't leave safely? Why can't we take us now?" At this moment, Andrew the captain of the Ganges fleet sneered, venting the depression in his heart, "You better be careful, maybe One day, your hero harbor will be bombed into ruins by my fleet, and your warships will be incorporated into my fleet! This time you offend us, we will double our revenge in the future! "

Huang Yi ignored Andrew, turned to look at Hailong Huang, and asked, "Is it really impossible to break?"

The Dragon Emperor nodded, staring at the green light from the branch in Ganges River, and said deeply: "The branch in that man's hand is too strong to exceed my Dinghai Scepter. My injury is not there yet. OK, I ca n’t show my full strength ~ www.readwn.com ~ I'm afraid it's hard to break his green light protection! "

"What about that?" Huang Yi said, flipping his palms and taking out something.

This is a radiant blue crystal, which is rhombic as a whole and sharp at both ends, showing a dazzling light in the dark, which immediately attracts everyone's attention.

"Huh? What a familiar atmosphere!" Hailong Huang turned his head suddenly, a pair of longan stared at the crystal tightly! Be surprised!

Huang Yi handed the crystal to the emperor, saying: "This is a fragment of the artifact, the pillar of the **** of the sea, and it is the same source as the set of the **** of the sea, and merged into the wand, it should be able to enhance a lot of power."

It turned out that this crystal is the artifact fragment that Huang Yi's body obtained only during the day. At that time, he didn't think about how to use it, and temporarily put it in the storage ring. Now it just comes in handy!


The next change is around 0 o'clock. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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