Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 756: Ganges defeated

"Okay! Good! Good! With this fragment, the power of Dinghai Scepter is even greater!" The Dragon King nodded again and again, said three good words, quickly took over the artifact fragment, and merged into the Dinghai Scepter. In.

All of a sudden, the shard radiated a magnificent brilliance, and the dazzling light illuminated one side of the world, as if a star was born here, people can not look directly.

Huang Yi's visual ability is extremely strong, but now he can look directly at that fragment. At this point, the fragment had melted, like candle oil, and Dinghai's Scepter into one, regardless of each other!

That set of Poseidon was originally a relatively large piece in the Pillar of Poseidon. The fusion of the two did not conflict, and the process was extremely smooth.

The Ganges and Andrew on the battleship, seeing this, their faces have all changed! Ganges has increased the intensity of that green light output and enhanced the protective function of the fleet.

Finally, the light on Dinghai's scepter dissipated and returned to its original state. The scepter now looks significantly more refined than before.

"Sure enough, it has become a lot stronger!" Hailong Emperor nodded with satisfaction, the dragon's mouth showed a smile, and once again waved the Dinghai Scepter.

This time, the momentum really surpassed the previous one, and the trajectory of the staff actually sprayed a thick trace of water element, condensing into a liquid dripping down.

Those seawaters were manipulated almost instantly, and a series of water dragons were easily formed. The scales came to life, and the longan seemed to have the light shining out, and the form was more realistic than before. There are hundreds of such dragons, and the number exceeds the limit that the Dragon King could generate before. Almost pervaded the entire sky!

"Come on!" The King of Dragons pointed Dinghai's Scepter towards the formation of the Ganges fleet!

Suddenly. The water dragons rushed towards the ships of the Ganges fleet. The sound of whistling air!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The water dragons hit the warship almost in an instant, causing the ship to shake violently.

The green light on the battleship quickly dimmed at a rate visible to the naked eye, consuming a lot of might.

Ganges and Andrew's faces pooped again, they couldn't carry it!

Originally, the Ganges could only withstand the former Dragon King. Now the Dragon King has one more artifact fragment and the balance is broken. The destruction of their fleet is only a matter of time.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Between the sea dragon emperor throwing his feet up and down the water system attacked and launched, and the water dragon, water column, and water wave attacked on every battleship uninterruptedly. And it was the winning face that hit those ships. This makes them very fast.

Ganges has already fully used the branches of the world tree in his hands. However, he has only the level of the sanctuary, and is not an opponent of the Dragon King at all, and the green light will gradually be unsustainable.

The sea breeze was whistling, the giant waves were flying, and the beast tide behind them was approaching rapidly. Ganges in this chaotic world is like a mainstay, carrying the hope of all Ganges fleet members.

The increasingly dark green light shone on his face, sketching a lonely silhouette. He was struggling to protect the fleet. Standing still in the midst of the storm, it seemed increasingly blurred. As if being swallowed up by this endless deep sea at any time.

At this moment, he is like a hero late.

There are many kinds of tragedies in the world. The most lonely one is when heroes meet heroes.

Ganges and Huang Yi are both heroic heroes, but after facing each other, they must compete for victory.

Unfortunately, Ganges is the loser!

Now he has to make a choice! Either fight to the end and sink into the sea with these warships. Either abandon these warships and use the Legion Teleport Scroll to take away the people on the fleet!

"Can't escape! Let's fight to death!" Andrew on the side also saw the situation on the field, immediately pulled out the sword in his hand, and roared vigorously! Full of tragedy, never again the spirit of the past.

Ganges' face was cloudy and cloudy, he looked at the green light that was already invisible, and finally took a deep breath, as if he had exhausted all his strength and said, "Let's withdraw! The fleet can be rebuilt without the fleet, but if we Death, unfortunate reincarnation, then no revenge! "

After all, he immediately took out a Legion Teleport Scroll from the storage ring and opened it tragically!

At that moment, Ganga was in the midst of a storm. Looking at the huge fleet that he was once proud of, he lost his sight, as if looking at other people's fleet.

The power of teleportation immediately took effect, and it quickly acted on every battleship, every corner of the fleet members, forcibly teleported them to the hero continent, the base of the Ganges fleet.

In a short time, there were only dozens of empty warships left in the whole sea, and there were no enemies.

When the Dragon King saw this, Dinghai Scepter waved in his hand!

Suddenly, the monstrous giant wolves on the sea and the falling sea water all calmed down. The fierce tide of beasts at the back also subsided, and the endless sea beasts seemed to have received some instructions and gradually dispersed. The dark clouds in the sky also disappeared indiscriminately, the bright moonlight sprinkled down again, and shone on the sparkling sea.

Almost instantly, this hell-like ocean became calm and calm, as if nothing had happened just now.

But the dozens of warships floating on the sea have profoundly proved how terrible this battle is!

The invincible fleet of the Ganges was left here by Huang Yisheng and became the property of the Heroes Guild! They worked **** the heroic continent for several months, but now they spit it out with interest.

Battleships are the core asset of every fleet. Even if it is a heroic guild that is not bad, there are only about a hundred battleships. Warships cannot be built indefinitely with money, depending on various aspects such as the speed of production and the speed of collecting raw materials.

Losing this fleet, the strength of the Ganges Legion on the hero continent is greatly weakened, and the threat in the future is much smaller!

Such a degree of loss is unbearable in any super-class guild. If it is a listed guild, it will directly damage the stock price. Huang Yi seems to be able to see that after the stock market opens tomorrow, the stock price of the Ganges Association will usher in a plunge.

Huang Yi looked at dozens of warships on the sea and smiled slightly. He was able to win this battle, largely because Ganga's intelligence was not well grasped. If the Ganges Fleet knew that Long Hai was his place, it would definitely not come to Long Hai, but to other seas, and he would be powerless at that time.

Huang Yi flew from the air to the previous flagship where the Ganges was, looking at his loot. He looked left and right, the more satisfied he was.

This battleship is painted black and is hundreds of meters long. The mast towered high, and it was made of rare sky-high wood. This mast alone is worth a lot, and at least 300 million gold coins can be used to build it.

The canvas on the mast was flickering with a little blue light in the night sky, and a gust of wind blew, and the canvas seemed to be surrounded by wind elements. This is a wind cloth that can only be produced by the Wind Elves, and its output is very small. After installing this canvas on any ship, the speed will be increased by at least 30%.

This type of battleship of the Ganges Fleet is currently a very advanced "Kamikaze battleship", which is characterized by its fast speed and far surpassing the "Sailboat" of the Guild of Heroes. That's another story about the average battleship.

Now, the Hero Legion has dozens more ships at once, the fleet size has increased by almost half, and its strength has soared. From a worldwide perspective, only the sun guild that focuses on the development of the navy is stronger than them.

The downside is that the fleet's consoles can only be operated by talents from the Ganges Guild. The heroic fleet cannot be used directly, and these consoles need to be replaced before they can be used.

"Hailong Emperor, thank you for helping me to promise this battle tonight." At this time, Huang Yi thanked Hailong Emperor who was still flying in the air. If Hailong Emperor did not take the shot himself, he would like to defeat the Ganges Legion by beast tide, which is unlikely to succeed.

"In the beginning, you also helped Longhai, and we no longer need to be polite." Hailonghuang waved his hand and said indifferently. Then he touched the stronger Poseidon's staff in his hand and smiled slightly: "Kill God, the fragment of your Poseidon's Pillar is now fully integrated and cannot be taken out and cannot be returned to You. But if you need this Scepter of the Sea in the future, you can borrow it from the Dragon Palace at any time. Most of the time, Long Hai is calm and peaceful, and I rarely use it. "

"Good!" Huang Yi nodded. He had previously borrowed this Dinghai Scepter, and knew deeply how powerful this Scepter was, and now he had the opportunity to borrow it at any time, which was equivalent to another extra backhand.

At this point, after the Pope and Miyamoto Musashi, the Ganges offensive was disintegrated by Huang Yi!

In just half a night, his army of heroes hadn't been launched yet, relying on him alone, he repelled the offensive of the three superb masters.

However, tonight's crisis in Heroes Continent has not ended. The Indonesian leaders on the other side are entangled in disturbances, and are leading the army to attack the Sun Dragon Guild's Feilong Island Deputy Territory ~ www.readwn.com ~ has now reached the island.

Kidd is also leading his Freedom Army to attack the 11th Guild of China, the sunset canyon of Longfengmen!

Only after the threats of the two remaining legions have been lifted, can this night truly be a great victory!

Huang Yi immediately sent a message to the captain of the Hero Fleet, Tiansuo Xueyue, asking him to send someone to receive these warships.

Afterwards, he said goodbye to the Dragon King and hurried to the next battlefield-the Sun Guild and Feilong Island.


At this moment, he was on the other side of the body, and was sitting in the huge deep sea demon flesh, galloping in the ocean.

But the galloping direction is no longer the direction of the central continent, but has been changed to another direction ...


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