Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 757: Hidden pain

Feilong Island, an unusual deputy in the Sun Guild, is located in the sea east of Heroes' Continent. There is no port in this territory, and the warships of the Sun Guild will not berth here, but the enemies will struggle to attack it. This island is easy to defend and difficult to attack. There is a magic cannon at intervals around the island. Enemies will lose too much to invade here.

However, this time, the entanglement of disturbances has focused on this place. Because Flying Dragon Island is a flying dragon habitat, flying dragon is a sixth-tier top-level mount, and it is a rare flying mount, which is difficult to find. Floating disturbances come for these dragons.

The rest of the army may have to pay a huge price to invade here, but the floating disturbance is not the same. She is a super-class master! Before the invasion, she had quietly landed on the island alone and destroyed the magic artillery facilities on the island. None of the members of the Sun Guild remaining on the island were her opponents.

After the threat of magic artillery in the island was lifted, her fleet would be full of troops and come in and sway.

And the fact is exactly the same. Her legion force landed on the island very smoothly. There were not many people on the island's sun guild. In the face of the legion led by super-class experts, she couldn't resist it and was defeated.

The huge bright moon shed white light, and occasionally the roar of the take-off dragon rang in the towering dense forest, spreading far away.

In the distance, there are many people in the direction of the coast. Various lighting measures are lit up. With the hustle and bustle of the crowd, they continuously flow into the virgin forest, breaking the tranquility of the night.

They searched for something in blanket style, that is, the Sun Guild's Vice Battle Banner on Feilong Island.

The deputy battle flag of Feilong Island is a secret. The island is full of dense forest everywhere. No one knows where the deputy battle flag is inserted. And the island is a sparsely populated private territory. It is not open to the outside world, and it is impossible to ask others about the situation inside the island.

"Let's go on like this, I'm afraid it's going to be searched until dawn to find the secondary battle flag." At this time, a male player was riding a black horse on the empty beach. He said to a woman beside him. The man was in his thirties and was lean and looked like he had a calm taste.

"Then dawn, what's the problem?" The woman beside him asked back, her voice was neutral. She has short, clean hair and is wearing tight leather armor. Behind was a black bow and arrow all over the body, and the bowstring was stained with some wet blood.

A black monster rides beneath her. This monster looks a bit like a lion, but has two heads, exposing four spiky fangs. The four eyes of the two-headed lion were extremely deep, as if a hollow, connected to a dark universe. Can't see his head at a glance.

This woman is the Indonesian player leader and the winner of the last annual best glamour award-floating troubles.

And her mount is the famous Underworld War Beast, and it is the top war beast in the Underworld-The Ghost Lion, with a rank of up to ten, and is the most top contract creature like Huang Yi .

But Huang Yi's golden holy dragon is famous. Almost everyone has heard the legend of the golden holy dragon, and roughly know that it has some capabilities. And this haunting wild lion is a kind of creature unseen in the world, mysterious and strange, no one can predict its ability.

Floating Disturbance has created one of the largest guild forces in Indonesia, the Floating Guild, and the man next to her is the shadow pain of the Vice President of the Floating Guild.

The two of them still have the same status, that is, overseas Chinese, even using Chinese to speak, and they are not based on the function of system translation.

If it weren't for their striking aura of war, then most people would not know their foreigners at all.

"I'm worried about killing the gods," said the hidden pain solemnly, and the raised throat knot agitated slightly. Sato: "Only tonight, he has already done a great job for the forces of the Pope, Miyamoto Musashi, and Ganga. I am worried that it will be our turn. We cannot predict what the killer will be. He This man is terrible. After the reincarnation, he has no force. But he has launched a conspiracy. "

The complexion's complexion remained unmoved, as if it were a sculpture. The salty sea breeze blew, raising her shoulder-length short hair slightly. She stared at the dark virgin forest in front of her, watching the members of the legion immersed in it, and said quietly, "We have already landed on the island and naturally we can't go back like this. The interface person has offline and called the guild headquarters. Let them pay close attention to the situation of all the territories, the sky canopy is fully opened, and the core members of the guild are on line to stand by. Even if the **** of killing is still like the Pope and Miyamoto Musashi, fan the anti-war guilds to start guild wars against us, we also Not afraid. "

"But I still have some worries. The person who killed God can't use the usual theory." Shadow Pain frowned slightly, turning his head to look around, as if searching Huang Yi's figure appeared.

"Just worry about it. Your floating association will indeed usher in a catastrophe." At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared in the air, and then a stealthy figure appeared from the air in front, and it was Huang Yi.

At this time, he was still empty-handed, did not take out weapons, and did not summon contract partners. He did not seem to intend to use force, but just talked.

The lingering disturbances and hidden pains were a little frowned, but Huang Yi did not expect to suddenly appear in front of them. The Underworld War Beast even roared at Huang Yi, and seemed to want to pounce on him and tear him to pieces.

The lingering troubles strangled the reins, soothed the underworld war beast, and stared at Huang Yi calmly, saying, "Are you coming this time, or are you going to scare us away with words?"

"No! There is still room for easing." Huang Yi shook his head, watching the entanglement on the underworld war beast, and said, "I'm here to make a deal with you. As long as the deal is reached, we are all happy. Both are good. "

"What deal?" Shadow Pain asked in a deep voice, his eyes locked on Huang Yi's body all the time, seemingly afraid of his sudden attack.

Huang Yi turned his head to look at the virgin forest behind him, stretched his fingers and looked at the light shining through the mountains and said, "What you have to do is to withdraw troops immediately and withdraw from the hero continent. The advantage is that you are far away in Indonesia. The floating port on the mainland can be safe and sound. "

"Floating life port?" Suddenly, the hidden pain suddenly sank. This is one of the most important guild cities of their floating life guild, and its status is equivalent to the hero port of the hero guild.

Fusang Port is Indonesia's largest port, which has the dual role of maritime trade throughput and berthing of guild warships. Once something happened at that port, the consequences were unimaginable.

"Do you think that you can let us retreat with a single word? It's a little bit more proud." The lingering murmur frowned.

Huang Yi smiled and said calmly: "The previous Pope did not believe me, but the Heavenly Guild suffered a great deal. Now it is still in great depths, and the economic loss is incalculable. Later Miyamoto Musashi did not believe me either, and the result was martial arts. The guild has now lost seven deputy territories, and only the main confederation of the guild is still in Wucheng. This is still the case of Oda City. Later, I found Ganges, but he did not believe me, but his The fleet is now in my hands, "said Huang Yi, paused." Now, you don't believe me. "

"Then how can you deal with our already guarded floating life guild?" Shadow Pain said cautiously, "You can attack the heaven guild by relying on the superb master of thunder gods to lead the team. You can deal with the martial arts guild because You left a cursed place there before. But now, you have neither a cursed place to hide in mainland Indonesia, nor a superb leader, how can you attack our guild? "

"This is my means. I am not here to explain my backhand to you, but to trade. I ask again, do you accept this transaction? You have one last chance to answer." Huang Yi said, staring motionlessly at the disturbance, waiting for her answer.

"My answer is, let's go to death!" The lingering frenzied snorted, and her war beast suddenly spit out a long tongue, and shot towards Huang Yi with a thunderbolt. Come!

"Oh!" Almost instantly, the long tongue pierced through Huang Yi's fragile incarnation!

Huang Yi's blood volume suddenly bottomed out ~ www.readwn.com ~ but was blocked by the talent of "immunity for death penalty" and was spared this death. He instantly turned on the last stroke of life-saving skills, but instead of escaping, he still stood still, staring at the entanglement, saying, "This is your choice. But I can tell you clearly that when you get this You will lose the entire floating port in one step before you take the secondary territory. "

Then his body suddenly disappeared into the air.

Secretly embarrassed, he quickly used a large range of attack skills, covering all areas within a 300-meter radius, trying to force the yellow overflow in the stealth.

But this time, Huang Yi used not stealth at all, but used the "killer mark" and transmitted directly. This group attack of Shadow Pain only killed some crabs crawling on the beach.

The entire Flying Dragon Island suddenly became the same as before, as if Huang Yi never appeared. However, his words left heavy shadows in the hearts of the hidden pain and entanglement.

"Huh!" The sea breeze continued to blow, and the taste was still salty, just like the **** smell. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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