Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 758: Unprecedented tsunami

Rebellion is a vice president of the Fusheng Guild, and the head of the Fusheng Guild's left-behind base camp.

He is in the Floating Life Guild's Floating Port, where millions of troops are on standby.

At present, the whole floating port is full of wind and cranes, millions of people are watching closely, people's voices are unconsciously lowered, and the huge port is actually quiet.

The canopy of the sky has been opened to the maximum, and the sturdy light curtain envelops the entire port, extending to the bottom of the sea, like a transparent glass cover enveloping the floating port.

A magic cannon was aimed around, and the gunners did not dare to leave for a moment, ensuring that each magic cannon fired at the fastest speed!

The various docks have long been suspended, and countless ships are staying in the harbor, as if a storm is about to hit. They can only hide here and cannot go to sea.

"People in all positions don't leave, and stay until dawn!" The disobedience seemed to feel uneasy, and once again shouted towards the entire port, the sound sounded between the heavens and the earth, spread far away, admonished A person.

He didn't dare to relax at all. Just now, the entanglement in the heroic continent went offline to call him personally, and let him pay careful attention to the movement of the floating port. There may be a change here.

He stood on a shore, with hawk-eyed eyes staring alertly at the ocean ahead, with a dignified look. The boundless deep ocean ahead is hidden in darkness, inexplicably full of oppression.

"Huh?" At this moment, the rebellious pupil suddenly shrank, staring at the ocean ahead.

I saw a white line suddenly appearing in the distant sea level line, which quickly swept under the moonlight and became larger and larger. Getting closer!

"Tsunami!" Now, many people found the white line that was rushing in the ocean and took a breath.

Looking at it from a distance, the surface of the sea seems to be rising up a bit, and the height of the seawater far exceeds the height of the ground. With the momentum of rowing mountains and mountains, sweeping towards this side, withering and dying, nothing can resist!

Soon, some ships moored outside the canopy of the canopy were swallowed up directly by the tsunami, like small paper boats. Without even a wave breaking, all of a sudden disappeared!

There were originally a few small islands on the sea, but they were swallowed directly in front of the tsunami, and they could no longer see the slightest!

It was the first time everyone saw such a tsunami!

"Here, can this be stopped?" Some people in Fushenggang swallowed their throats. One after another murmured!

Finally, the tsunami rolled over and hit the sky enchantment of Fushenggang at once!

"Boom!" The crowd suddenly heard a shocking voice, sweeping the world, their eardrums seemed to be broken!

After the huge tsunami struck above the canopy enchantment, it seemed to hit a huge wall, making a surging sound of wave impact. The spray was hit and splashed into the sky, covering the sky, and falling down fiercely, and hit the sky curtain again!

If the heavenly enchantment is severely shaken and shakes violently, the color becomes increasingly dim and more difficult to maintain, as if the power in it has been consumed at any time!

Once the sky enchantment is broken, everyone in this floating port will be swallowed up by the tsunami. Even if they use life-saving skills. It still can only float in the monstrous waves, or die.

"Quickly change to the holy spar, don't use the magic stone!" I gave a command quickly, not daring to delay!

As far as the magic tower in the center of the city, the personnel inside quickly took out some of the holy spar that had just been specially prepared. Instead of the previous magic stone, it was thrown into the energy furnace of the canopy of enchantment, burning fiercely!

The power of Holy Spar is more advanced, and a stream of pure power is emitted through combustion and transported to the outer sky. At that time, the enchantment gradually stabilized, and the brightness gradually returned to normal!

However, this consumption is extremely amazing. A spar will burn up even if it does not last a minute, turning it into useless residue. Those in the magic tower can only toss into the new holy spar with pain and pain!

The precious holy spar was consumed in this way, but the tsunami continued. The waves of waves seemed to have no end, and they continued to hit the heavenly enchantment!

The places that were not covered by the canopy enchantment continued to be raged by the sea water, flooded by large forests, and the mountains were washed down!

A large area of ​​habitat near the floating port has become the ocean! The floating port has been completely engulfed in seawater and sunk into the bottom of the sea. Players look up at the sky and can only see the endless seawater violently washing past the enchantment in the sky! Waves are raging back and forth!

Players looked pale at the endless water above their heads, and some timids even shivered. Even the left-behind person in charge of disobedience did not know how to appease everyone, and he was scared by himself!

How did this sudden tsunami come about? Why do they focus on the floating port? A lot of players were puzzled and could only speculate that maybe it had something to do with Huang Yi.

"Huh? What is that!" At this moment, some sharp-eyed players were shocked to find that there was a huge dark shadow in the depths of the ocean coming forward, as if an island had come over! As it moved, a "tsunami" tsunami spawned out of nowhere and swept everywhere!

This time, everyone finally found the source of the tsunami. It turned out that the huge shadow was the originator!

"That's it! Deep sea monster!" Some experienced marine race players screamed after seeing this huge shadow, their voices were full of fear!

"Oh my God! The legendary deep-sea monsters have appeared! What the **** is going on here?"

"Don't the deep-sea devil sleep on the bottom of the sea all the year round? A sleep is thousands of years. Why does it suddenly appear at this time?"

The people in the port stared at the deep-seated demon meat! This is simply not something they can resist! Even if they do not consider the consumption of the magic stone, they will bomb all the magic cannons towards this group of deep-sea demons together, it will take a long time to kill them!

However, if they want to fire, they must remove the sky curtain enchantment and let the shells fire. And once the sky curtain enchantment is withdrawn, they will be swallowed up by the endless water instantly, let alone fire!

The heart of disobedience became cold, and he knew that the catastrophe of Fushenggang could not be avoided! As soon as the deep-sea magic flesh came out, it was only a matter of time before their heavenly enchantment was destroyed. No amount of holy spar could be carried!


This deep-sea demon flesh is the means used by Huang Yi to deal with the floating port.

When Huang Yi formulated the route to the central mainland, he had already planned to go to the Indonesian mainland to have a fight and personally deal with the Fusheng Guild. Because only in this way, she can deal with the turbulent disturbance at once, so that she cannot rest assured to invade the hero continent.

With the Deep Sea Devil Flesh, this plan is even easier. This deep-sea demon flesh is a high-level celestial sphere, and its strength is comparable to that of the top-level celestial sphere. In the entire second world, it has reached the highest level in conventional force. Only a demigod can defeat it, but there are so few demigods in the second world. They basically don't ask about world affairs, so it is almost invincible!

At this moment, Huang Yi's Yunfan warship was in a harbor on the body of the deep sea demon flesh, moving forward with the deep sea demon flesh. Wu Chaoji is responsible for protecting the safety of this battleship. She has been elevated to the level of heaven, and it is natural to protect a battleship.

"This deep sea devil meat can still be controlled by us for five or six days! At that time, the sap of the devil grass juice will disappear, and we have to take the opportunity to hurry and not delay too long here." Meimou looked at the floating port in the distance and said towards Huang Yi.

"Okay! Destroy this port and go! But their sky-border enchantment should be able to resist for a while, you speed up the stimulus!" Huang Yi nodded. He did not intend to consume it here, as long as this floating port is destroyed, the floating guild can be rebuilt.

Summoning the tide, Ji immediately waved his hand to make a super strong magic of the water system, and attacked the tentacles of the deep-seated demon flesh fiercely!

The huge body of the deep-sea demon flew instantly, and immediately accelerated the speed of swimming, and soon hit the sky-enchanted enchantment of the floating port with a huge body!

"Boom!" At this moment, the heavenly enchantment of Fushenggang suffered from the double attack of the tsunami and the deep-sea demon flesh. Even if there was a spar as an energy source, it could not be carried at all, and it suddenly became dark and crumbling!

At the same time, in the magic tower inside the port.

Those who are responsible for adding magical energy have just taken out a new holy spar and threw it into the magic furnace, but after the deep sea devil flew into the outer sky enchantment, it was almost a moment, this new holy spar The stone turned into fly ash! The power inside is exhausted instantly!

The crowd was desperate, and they quickly threw themselves into a new holy spar. However, they were shocked to find that this spar still completely burned out after only supporting it for a short time ~ www.readwn.com ~ The power consumption is astounding!

"Oops, we only have eight Spars!" A player in charge of adding Spars fuel said in panic.

"Then throw all the compressed magic stones into it, don't care about the consumption! Use up the spar, if the spar is used up! If the spar is still unstoppable, let's die!" A commander-like player quickly directs!

Soon, all kinds of magic fuels were dropped without cost, and the magic stones and holy spar were used together.

Another player took out a stone with a white appearance and emitting a milky light. Once this stone appeared, it immediately covered up the light of the remaining magic fuel.

This is the more noble celestial stone! They only prepared one!


The next chapter will probably go at 1 o'clock. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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