Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 759: Endless deep sea with endless love

At this point, the deep-sea devil flesh still hits the canopy enchantment of the floating port over and over again, and every time it hits, it can sputter a sea of ​​water! Rushed into the clouds, shattered and fell down with pouring rain!

As a result, the tsunami has become more violent, double-hitting the canopy enchantment, and the rest of the seawater is raging all the way inland!

Fortunately, a hundred kilometers behind Fusheng Port, there is a large horizontal mountain range that blocks the continued progress of these seawaters, otherwise more areas will suffer.

If you look down from the extremely high sky, you can clearly see a spectacular scene. The side of the mountain facing the ocean has completely turned into an ocean. The vast tracts of land that had previously disappeared, the forest peaks have been washed away, and there is a feeling of vicissitudes of the sea and the changing world.

"Run out of all compressed energy stones!"

"Run out of all Spar!"

"Tian Jing Shi has already invested in magic! It can only support ten minutes at most!"

At this moment, the person in charge of Fushenggang turned against his life and received a message from the players over the magic tower! Word by word is full of eagerness and despair.

They finally ushered in a doomsday moment! It's only a matter of time before the sky screen is destroyed!

He looked up at the sea water outside the boundary of the sky, feeling a deep sense of fear, as if they were forgotten on the bottom of the deep sea, and no one could come to rescue them!

"Everyone listens to my orders!" At this moment, he took a deep breath, as if exhausting all his strength, and said sadly towards the city: "Everyone, pack up your valuables, all within ten minutes Offline! Fushenggang can't carry it! "

This sad voice. Echoing over and over again in the heavenly enchantment, passed to every corner of the huge floating port, and passed into the ears of millions of players!

These millions of players are scattered in various regions, doing different things. But after hearing the order, many people quickly packed up. Put some valuables into the storage ring.

But there are always things that cannot be taken away.

At this time, a player with a straw hat was sitting on a small boat, rubbing his boat's deck reluctantly. He bought the boat with his life savings. He used to go to the sea many times in this boat, fantasizing that he was One Piece.

No matter how many storms you encounter. He did not abandon the ship. He is not a master player who is so turbulent. He is a common person. This boat is his home, his life, his dream.

But now he can't protect it. I can only watch it leave forever in this catastrophe. He sat on the deck stupidly, remembering the past, without any plans to go offline.

Everything is here, and he will have nothing after going offline.

At this point, a player was standing still on the street, looking up at the majestic magic tower in front of him. The street lamp behind him dimly lit. Shine on him and cast a lonely shadow. The magic tower in front of him is the tallest building in the floating port. He has participated in the construction. The magic tower has some bricks. He built it himself. This is the thing he is most proud of.

Every time he and his friends passed by, they would point to the building and proudly said, "I've been involved in building this building!" And at this time, his friends would erect a big deal at him thumb.

But after tonight. This building he is proud of will never appear again.

At this moment, a couple was in love in the garden, and a scent of roses bloomed around them. They held hands and looked up at the endless waters outside the high-altitude enchantment. Both were silent. Suddenly, as if they were in the spirit, the two turned their heads and looked at each other, then kissed affectionately.

Before the end, the kiss was so lingering and so reluctant.

It took a long time for the two lips to separate. The girl gently held the boy's Gobi, and happily coquettishly said: "Dear deep sea brother, you are a bard! Write a love poem to me!"

"Okay!" The boy named ‘Deep Ocean’ nodded, and immediately took out the pen and paper. After thinking for a while, he suddenly moved the pen and wrote “brushing” on the paper—

In the endless deep sea,

I give you endless love,

This is our last kiss,

It will cease to exist next time.

The garden we met,

May sink into the ocean floor,

The streets where we first held hands,

Maybe covered with silt,

The intersection where we first kissed,

Maybe only fish swim.

but I know,

Even if the sea destroys this land,

Can't destroy the memories here,

Even if the sea destroys my body,

I won't forget you ...

"Well, here you are, improvised!" The boy said, and handed the paper to the girl next to him.

The girl smiled slyly, and immediately took out a bottle. She didn't even read the little poem on the piece of paper, and directly inserted it into the bottle, closed the cap, and threw it into the flower bed at the back.

"Huh? Why don't you watch?" The boy asked in surprise.

"Because of this, I will have a regret for life, and regret is the most profound way to remember a love." The girl said, and kissed the man actively.

Under the endless sea, the two kissed again in ecstasy.


At this moment, countless people are using their own ways to spend the last ten minutes, and most of them have taken refuge offline.

But there are some things that are exclusive to this place, and memories that are exclusive to this land, cannot be taken away, and this calamity cannot be avoided.

There are also some players who may not understand anything. They are just a few novices who have just entered the second world. They are preparing to take risks in this brand new fantasy world. He did not offend anyone, but he was involved in the catastrophe.

Too many related and innocent people are facing the same death threat at this moment. They did not choose to go offline, but to express their trivial anger by staying here to wait for death.

Huang Yi and Floating Disturbance are these high-ranking super-class masters. In the eyes of these ordinary players, they are like a dragon on the cloud. Every move is covered by clouds and rain, which will cause huge shocks.

When they play games with these superb masters, too many innocent people will be involved. Super-class masters are just an idea. Just by moving a few fingers, the happiness of tens of millions of people may be destroyed. This is an extremely cruel and real fact.

War is so ruthless. It is difficult to distinguish between those who are innocent and those who are the real enemies.

When most people encounter this kind of thing, they will choose to consider themselves unlucky, or helplessly scold a few words. Few people choose to rise up and fight for their revenge all their lives.

Among the millions of people inside, maybe some will embark on the road of revenge in the future, just like the little demon dragon Huang Yi met twice. He was a passerby who accidentally killed Huang Yi in the battle of Feng Lin Zhai at the beginning, but he has been working for revenge and never stopped. Although he knew that he might not achieve this wish in a lifetime.

At this point, the magic tower in the harbor has already become empty, and those who are responsible for putting in magic fuel have already gone offline to avoid disaster.

In that magic furnace, there was only a white flower stone. In the hot flames, his life was violently burned. The swaying light shone inside the tower, silently telling the fierce struggle outside.

Gradually, this stone became smaller and smaller, and the power it contained was quickly burned out, and passed into the huge canopy enchantment outside through the magic tower, and the endless seawater resisted with the deep-sea devil flesh.

A small stone, delusional to resist a catastrophe, is doomed to destruction.

Finally, the little stone was completely burned and burned, and the final mission was completed. The last ray of power was transmitted to the heavenly enchantment and made the last resistance.

Then, the burning furnace inside the magic tower was completely extinguished, and the tower was suddenly enveloped by death-like darkness.

"Ka-cha!" Finally, the sky screen of Fushenggang made a cracking sound, and the sky screen that had supported for a long time finally broke down!

At that moment, it seemed eternal!

The endless water pours down, as if the sky is falling down, and the turbulent water floods everything.

In the bustling floating port, countless wide and neat streets, countless tall buildings built by the architects, countless gardens where love has happened, are all submerged by the raging seawater at this moment and no longer exist.

After that huge deep-sea demon flesh, without the obstruction of the canopy of the sky, it suddenly rushed into the floating port. Its body, the size of an island, was crushed directly, crushing less than half of the city, and there was nothing to resist.

Beside the pier and the trestle, countless ships, large and small, were smashed in huge waves. Even the tallest warships could not bear such huge waves! Man-made things are so vulnerable to the power of nature!

Among the numerous huge ships in the harbour ~ www.readwn.com ~ there is a humble boat that looks even a bit shabby.

On that deck, sat a player with a straw hat.

In front of him was the endless rushing waves coming and blowing.

But his figure was motionless, as if a statue, standing eternally on the deck of the boat.

next moment.

He died with his dreams.


I was going to finish writing a bit, but it was an hour late, sorry.

This chapter has a different perspective and a different writing style. Maybe it looks a little different from the previous style, and it is in favor of the style of my book "Refrigeration". I have n’t written it like this for a long time, it ’s a bit rusty, do n’t worry too much. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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