Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 760: Obedient

Just a moment, the entire huge floating port was completely destroyed, and the economic loss was incalculable.

Huang Yi looked at the mess in front of him, and his heart was full of sighs, and he experienced the relentlessness of war again. But if you don't, it will be the hero continent.

They didn't do much to stop, and quickly controlled the deep-sea devil fled and hurried back towards the central continent.

The tsunami in Fusheng Port gradually became smaller and smaller, and the seawater retreated back to the ocean, exposing the original site of Fusheng Port, where it had been completely buried by sand and mud, as if it had never existed.

There are endless fragments floating in the ocean.

There is a stack of albums that I do n’t know which family rushed out of. It contains a family portrait photo, and the people in the photo are smiling brightly in the sea water;

There are half of the broken sheet music rippling in the water, and the notes do not know where they are drifting. This is presumably a song that a certain bard likes to play, and it sounds in a garden some night;

A bottle floated with the current, and a piece of paper was stuffed with it, and there was a poem written on it, which was a trivial matter.


Among the sun guild's flying dragon islands, the chairman of the floating guild and the vice chairman's shadow pain still looked at the virgin forest ahead.

The members of the Floating Legion searched for the deputy battle flag in the forest, and all kinds of illuminations were shining through the mountains.

"I'm always a little uneasy. Will anything happen at the Fusheng Port?" At this time, the vice president of the Fusheng Association's shadow pain expressed his uneasiness towards the floating disturbances on the side.

He was cautious by nature, and just before Huang Yi left, he warned them that the floating port would usher in a catastrophe. From then on. He has been caught in this uneasiness. Even if the turbulence later went offline in person, calling and telling the responsible person in charge of the guild headquarters, his concerns still remained.

The entanglement shook his head and said calmly, "Don't worry, I've ordered a rebellion. Let him be careful. There is also a celestial stone in the magic tower. Once it burns, you can ensure the enchantment of that day indestructible."

When the words fell, she suddenly received a message from the offline interface person, and the news came without any warning at once, making her heart "agitated" a bit.

She tried to maintain the peace she had before. Open the message and take a look.

But soon, her body trembled suddenly, and all the peace disappeared at this moment!

The bright moonlight shone on her, casting a shadow on the ground, and the shadow kept trembling, not knowing that it was because of anger. Still afraid, or cold.

Secret pain also found the strangeness of floating disturbances, and the anxiety in my heart suddenly climbed to the extreme, and asked quickly: "What's wrong?"

The floating disturbance took a deep breath, turned to look at the hidden pain, and trembled, "Floating port, it's over!"

"What? The floating port ... is over? What happened?" The hidden pain was severely hit. Asked palely.

"It is a **** of killing! He controlled a legendary deep-sea demon flesh and attacked the floating port. The sky curtain enchantment could not be carried at all. The entire floating port was over, everything was over, nothing was left!" Confusion said, the whole person seemed to have lost his soul. This strong woman with a pair of iron fists finally revealed the helplessness of the woman at this moment.

The pain of the shadow clenched his fists, and regretfully said, "Kill God, it really is him! We should have promised him that deal! Even if it is ten flying dragon islands. It is far less than our floating port!"

"Kill God!" Floating entanglements read these two words over and over again, getting heavier and heavier!

A little tenderness that had just surfaced in her heart was soon replaced by endless hatred. The face that was originally a Peugeot suddenly became incomparable. She gritted her teeth and stared angrily. Lips trembled, as terrifying as demons.

But in this endless hatred and anger, she showed a hint of forbearance. In the end, she took a deep breath, and her face returned to the calmness of the Taishan top without change, calmly said: "This hatred we must remember, but now is not the time for revenge, the **** of killing may launch the second Wave offensive, we must return to the Fu Sheng Guild headquarters as soon as possible to preside over the overall situation! "

Having said that, she issued an order towards the entire Floating Legion: "Everyone, retreat now!"


The huge news of the destruction of the floating port soon spread throughout the world!

All the well-known media around the world reported this incident as quickly as possible. One by one, reporters rushed to the ruins of the Floating Harbor to show the tragic situation there to all the audiences around the world. Simultaneous with all over the world, there is also the originator of this catastrophe-killing the gods!

On the forum, there are a lot of videos taken by the players of Fushenggang, and those videos record the heart-shaking moment from all angles. After countless viewers saw these videos, they all felt as if they were there, and they could clearly feel the despair of the floating port. At the same time, they felt trembling from the bottom of their hearts for Huang Yi's terrible means.

In just one night, this was the fourth time in the world that he was shocked by what he did!

From the beginning of the pope, to Miyamoto Musashi, to the Ganges, to the current turmoil, Huang Yi's revenge is so heavy and effective. With every shot, the enemy is almost unbearable, like a knife that does not go unfavorably, and smashed into the hearts of the four super-class masters, making them have to retreat immediately!

The rest of the countries that invaded the heroic continent, after receiving the news, they were even more sleepy. Getting such a person is tantamount to carrying a time bomb.

Soon, one by one, the national army directly withdrew from the hero continent, and they dared not fight this national war anymore, lest they would suffer revenge from Huang Yi.

At this time, the focus of the eyes of the world was consciously placed on Kidd's Freedom Corps.

Tonight, a total of five super first-class legions launched a battle on the heroic continent. The first four legions have been solved by Huang Yi, and now Kidder's legion is still there. They are attacking the 11th place in the hero continent—the sunset canyon of Longfengmen!

All reporters on Hero Continent, no matter what country they came from, no matter what TV station they came from, they all rushed to Sunset Canyon. Everyone seemed to be able to predict that the next place where Huang Yi came down was the sunset canyon!

Countless viewers around the world have also locked TV stations, closely watching the battle in the sunset canyon, holding their breath and waiting for Huang Yi to arrive.

Kidd's Freedom Army is about to hit the sub-territory city of Longfengmen in Sunset Canyon-Sunset City!

Massive regiments and corps surrounded the entire city, and looked at the dark, unclear number of people. They are fighting fiercely with the last wave of dragon and phoenix troops outside the city wall. Countless skills of brilliance cover the sky and the hustle and bustle of the sky spreads throughout the sunset canyon.

In this way, it is only a matter of time before Sunset City is destroyed.

At this time, a man in his thirties and thin body was standing on the walls of the setting sun, shouting towards the enemies below through the canopy enchantment: "Kid, you don't even have your troops Withdraw, killing gods and so on will come here, then your dead time! Now you have time to retreat! "

This man is the president of Longfengmen Dragon Doudou. His screams were broadcast live to all audiences around the world through battlefield reporters from all over the world!

But no matter how he shouted, Kidd in the enemy army never responded, but only focused on directing his Free Army battle.

"Kid, what if we kill God?" At this moment, two particularly prominent leaders were chatting intimately in the middle of the sea of ​​people outside Sunset City. Around them were endless members of the Freedom Corps, densely packed, unable to see their heads.

"Wait until he comes." Kidd said with a frown, knowing that at this moment reporters from all over the world were already aiming at him, and countless people around the world were watching him. However, this attention is of a humiliating nature. Those viewers are just waiting for him to eat in front of Huang Yi.

"Kid." At that moment, a voice that the world had been waiting for a long time finally sounded abruptly from above the sunset canyon! Also spread to the entire world!

This is Huang Yi's voice! He did come here!

Kidd's heart sank, his face became extremely dignified, and he and all the journalists in the battlefield turned their heads, staring at the direction of the gate.

I saw the wall of the sunset city, I do not know when there is an extra person. His hands were empty, without any weapons, and the cloak behind him was blasted by the night breeze, and the bright moonlight drew upon him, drawing a silhouette full of deterrence.

With the arrival of Huang Yi ~ www.readwn.com ~ the fierce battle below automatically stopped, and the players of Dragon and Phoenix Gates stepped back towards the city wall for a while. The invaders of the Free Legion stepped back a distance.

It is obvious that a separation zone appears in the middle of the two rooms, like Chu and Han circles, which makes people afraid to cross casually.

"Kid, it's too late for you to return now!" Huang Yi stood on the wall with his hands on his back, staring at the eye-catching kid in the sea below.

"You're finally here! I don't know what way you plan to deal with me?" Kidd finally broke the silence that had always been before and responded.

Huang Yi smiled slightly, revealing a broad-spectrum smile, and said, "If you want to know, you can try it for yourself, but if you don't listen to me, the consequences will be serious! The Pope didn't listen to me, and the Heavenly Guild suffered serious damage; Miyamoto Musashi did not listen to me, and the martial arts guild suffered heavy damage; Ganga did not listen to me, and as a result, his fleet was collected by me; floating disturbances did not listen to me, and lost the floating port. Now it is your turn, I'll ask you again, do you listen to me? "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phones Users please read m.)

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