Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 761: Deception is also a tactic

Huang Yi's words were so arrogant that facing Kidd seemed to be a lesson.

Spectators around the world are staring at Kidd without a blink, ready to see how he reacts.

Kid's face was blushing and red, biting his lips, his heart filled with anger. Huang Yi's tone didn't mean to respect him at all. He was also a super-class master how to say it, and was actually taught by this way.

But he did not dare to act lightly, he knew he had a chance to choose! Once you make the wrong choice, you will end up in nowhere!

The teachings of the Pope, Miyamoto Musashi, Ganges, and Floating Disturbances were **** before him. The blow to each of them was unbearable, far more than what they had looted on the hero continent.

Like the recently extinguished Floating Life Port, this port is the economic center of the Floating Life Association. When this port is destroyed, the entire Floating Life Association does not know how much damage it will bear. It's like the first time a country has been bombed into flat land. How many years will the country's national strength go backwards?

There is also the Mudomoto Musashi Guild, which will destroy seven deputy territories. It will suddenly return the Wushu Guild to its prototype, almost back to the time when the Guild was just created.

As time passed by, the eyes of the whole world were locked on Kidd. Kid's heart pounded, his heart trembling, and he just felt like he was making the toughest choice of his life.

He either endured the humiliation and chose to avoid the huge and unknown danger. Either repeat the mistakes of the previous four people and use the fate of the free empire behind him to maintain this dignity.

"Kill God, you have a seed!" Kidd took a deep breath. Try to calm down your tone. Immediately after, he took out a legion and returned to the city scroll. Directly chose to use.

next moment. In front of countless players around the world, it suddenly became empty, and the Freedom Army teleported away!

After all, Kidd didn't dare to gamble.

The world is suddenly uproar!

Kidd really listened to Huang Yi! Leaving dingy!

This time, Huang Yi really scared off a super first-class master in language, and scared a whole super-first army!

This record is unprecedented! Destined to be written into epic!

"Okay! Your guild is safe!" At this time, Huang Yi said to the president of Longfengmen Long Doudou, his tone still looks like a full-fledged chest.

"Thank you for killing God in time. Our guild has joined the Heroes from now on!" Long Doudou said gratefully, immediately withdrew their guilds from the previous corps and joined the hero corps!

This time, the legion's momentum dropped again, and the strength of the hero legion increased again! The process of elimination and elimination has been going on!

Not only them, but also many wait-and-see guilds. After experiencing this shock from Huang Yi tonight, they also quit the army and joined the heroic army!

"Welcome Longfengmen to join, we will fight side by side in the future! You take a break! I'm gone!" Huang Yi patted the shoulder of Longdoumen, the president of Longfengmen. Leaving here immediately, returned to the Dragon City of the Heroes Guild.

So far. This evening, the enemy's offensive of five super-class masters was disintegrated by him. The situation on the hero continent reversed almost overnight, and the pressure was greatly relieved.

The three members of the Pope, Miyamoto Musashi, and Floating Disturbance were all hit hard at their home base. They didn't dare to delay for a minute, they had to rush back as fast as possible, and every minute of delay, their guild was in danger of destruction at any time.

As for their battle situation on the heroic continent, they have no intention to pay attention, even if they occupy more cities, it is useless. Since Huang Yi can even wreak havoc on their hometown, they can easily recapture the cities they occupy. Now the most important thing is to stabilize the rear first.

Now, Huang Yi was really relieved.

He returned to the top floor of Longdu's city hall, and it was another night. Qin Shiyu still did not show up. Only the puppets lit the lights here to handle the guild affairs.

"Yi brother, you're back!" The puppet fish saw Huang Yi coming back, his eyes suddenly lighted, and said: "Yi brother, you are a great hero tonight! Just one night, there were 13 invasions The country announced its withdrawal from the heroic continent and was afraid to fight this national war again. The heroic army was once again famous all over the world. Just 35 of the guilds have retired from the army and joined our heroic army. It is estimated that now they want to be born of the heart It's getting furious! "

"This is temporary. After the incident tonight, the enemies will be more careful. It will not be so easy to hit the headquarters of their guild like this evening." Huang Yi said soberly that there are some means available. Cannot be used all the time.

"Brother Yi, I have some questions." At this moment, the puppet fish looked at Huang Yi in puzzling, and said a question that troubled him for a long time: "I don't seem to have heard you say that there are any backhands that can deal with Kidd. Ah, what exactly do you plan to do against him? "

Huang Yi suddenly smiled and shook his head: "I didn't specifically prepare to deal with him afterwards."

"Then why did you say that to Kidd? You were so arrogant that I even believed it." The puppet fisherman said suddenly in fear.

"Because deception is also a tactic." Huang Yi said, with a sigh of emotion: "The stronger your momentum, the weaker the enemy's momentum. As long as you are ready in the early stage, the pretense will also become awesome. .Sometimes our tactics need to be low-key, but sometimes we need to be high-key. What I have adopted tonight is high-key tactics. I first went to the pope and threatened him generously, showing our strong side, and through reporters Eyes, spread to the world, and build public opinion for our heroic legion. The enemy may not believe our strength for the first time, but after the heavy hits of Miyamoto Musashi, Ganges, and floating disturbances, they will There is an illusion of inertia, unconsciously believing that we are indeed invincible, and believe that we must also have the means to deal with Kidd. And I use this illusion of the enemy to fight back Kidd. "

As a result, Huang Yi looked at the puppet fish and taught: "Never let the enemy know your true intentions. When you decide to let the enemy know your true intentions, you must treat this behavior as a kind of In the backhand, I have taken the initiative to tell the enemy four times before that we are going to attack them, that is, we will treat this behavior as a backhand against Kidder. It is true that it is true, true, and false. "

"Do you necessarily know that Kidd will retreat?" The puppet said in fear, "What if he is not scared?"

Huang Yi shook his head indifferently: "It doesn't matter! No matter how big we can send troops to fight with him once and for all. Although the gentleman is not online, we can't get a super-class master to resist Kidd, but Yun Sihai and Lin Yiqin of the Xuanyuan Clan If these masters, Donghuang, and Longxing all join together, Kidd will also retreat. But this can only be used as a backup means. It is best to defeat the soldier without a fight. "

The face of the puppies was then relieved, and some of the previous doubts had disappeared. He continued to ask, "What should we do next?"

"What do you say?" Huang Yi asked back, and touched the head of the puppet fish.

The puppet bit his little lip, thought for a while, and analyzed: "The enemy will be more careful after the blow tonight. Their strength is still better than us, and their tactics will be more careful in the future. We may It ’s going to get into a protracted battle. Thor ’s death sentence is imminent. After he departs, there will be no threat to the heavenly guild. After the pope returns to stabilize the situation, he is likely to make a comeback. We will have a very severe situation by then. So we are now You have to add a super-class expert as soon as possible to fill the gap left by Thor! "

"There is some truth!" Huang Yi nodded, "Who do you think is the best place for us to join?"

"Of course it is the blade!" Said Zouyu without thinking. "The blade has been retreating for a long time, and it is time to return. You are the guardian of the hero continent, with the skills of the eye of the monitor, you can search for the position of the blade, as long as You invite him in person, and he has no reason to refuse. "

"Okay! Then I'll get the blade back. He is indeed more suitable as a leader than me. After all, my image is still dark and decent, and the blade is a golden signboard. His return will definitely cause a war. Shock. "Huang Yi said, turning to look at the starry sky outside the window.

At this point, a cloud gradually dispersed, revealing an extremely dazzling star, and the light shattered the ground again.


In the city hall of the city ~ www.readwn.com ~ The head of the legion wants to have a somber face from his heart, and the ground is shattered. It seems that he just got angry and broke something.

"Kill God, you bastard!" I want to squeeze out a word from my heart!

What Huang Yi did tonight, he pulled a lot of guilds from him at once, and the strength of their legion fell a bit!

Since the establishment of the Legion of Heroes, the Legion has reached a historical inflection point, and its strength is declining every day. Now everyone is saying that the Legion is already a thin mountain and the Legion of Heroes is the rising sun!

"Are we going to use any means?" At this moment, a person standing beside Xinsheng said suddenly, eeriely. This man had a double-faced beard, a long, slender face, and his eyes sunk deep into it, looking vicious. He is Zheng Wen, the vice president of the National Association.

"Well! It's time to take some measures. If we let the hybrid arrogant arrogance continue, our army will have no future at all!" Yuxin nodded his heart, showing a faint smile. (To be continued ...)

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