Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 762: Looking for the blade

Zheng Wen, the vice president of the Desire Legion, thought for a while and said tentatively, "Can we promise the cooperation of the World Federation?"

He nodded from the heart, walked to the window, looked at the world below, and said, "I think so too. They have found my father many times, but before they did not give enough benefits, now I will persuade me Dad promised them. With the help of the World Confederation, our strength is bound to usher in a leap. "

Zheng Wen's eyes turned, and he touched the stubble on his chin, and asked curiously, "Why the world's federal power is so great, why do we want to cooperate with us?"

"They want my dad to vote for them!" Yu Xinsheng said, and touched his chin. "The World Federation wants to move a criminal in the Rose Prison. But the Rose Prison is a joint effort of the World Federation and the major powers. The management, they want to move the people inside, they need to go through the votes of the remaining major countries, and my dad is one of the voters on behalf of our country. "

Zheng Wenwen couldn't help but be even more surprised, wondering: "The criminals who are put in the Rose Prison will not be able to get out in a lifetime, and it is no different from death! Why should the World Federation deal with the people inside them? Who do they deal with?"

Yuxin shook his head from his heart and said, "I don't know. The World Federation didn't say anything when we negotiated with us, but after we promised their cooperation, we should know who the criminal is."


The next morning, Huang Yi, Thor, and Hongtao A Zhang Yujian finished their morning together and came to Thor's cell together to discuss important matters.

"Kill God, Thunder God, Ni Dongde, they are ready to start! You need your cooperation!" Hong Tao A Zhang Yujian said earnestly.

"How to cooperate?" Thor said, walking to the small refrigerator. Take out three cans of beer and hand them to Zhang Yujian and Huang Yi.

Zhang Yujian took a can of beer and said, "Yes, there are still a few countries in western Africa under the brutal rule of the world federation. The society is so chaotic. Ni Dongde will start an armed war in western Africa tomorrow night. Destroy the troops of the World Federation there and liberate that area! Now they need your help. "

"Well! That place is really messy!" Huang Yi nodded. He also knew about the situation in West Africa, which was notified by the world's federation.

It can also be seen from the online rate in the Second World that the average daily online rate in regions in general can reach over 90%. It shows that people's lives are stable, and they can take time to go online at least once a day to relax in the second world. However, the daily online rate in West Africa is only 60%, which indicates that 40% of people do not even have time or opportunity to go online once a day, and they are in danger of being killed at any time. It shows that the people there are not stable, the society is chaotic, and they can't even take care of things in the real world, let alone relax in the second world.

"Ni Dongde needs help from both of you. The first help is to send troops to destroy several guilds. The World Federation controls some of the West African guild forces in the Second World to control West Africa in the Second World. And the World Federation is in In those countries, 44% of their wealth is in the Second World. You want to destroy these guilds. Disrupting their control in the Second World causes them to suffer huge economic losses. Second, you have to use the first The second world ignites the anger of West African players, burns the power of public opinion, tells them the darkness of the world federation, allows them all to personally participate in the resistance in the real world, and helps Ni Dongde's armed forces fight together. "

Huang Yi and Thunder God glanced at each other, then nodded, and said, "This is all a trivial matter. We have no opinions. At present, the largest guilds in several countries in West Africa have our spies, and cooperate with us to establish there. Of the guild forces, it should not be too difficult to hit them inside and outside. Even if they die. It is only a virtual death in the second world without any real loss. The hard thing is Ni Dongde, he is fighting with real swords. He fights with his life in danger. He is a real soldier. "

"Yes, Ni Dongde is a real warrior!" Zhang Yujian said with admiration, respecting Ni Dongde from the bottom of his heart.

Thor took a sip of beer, and said with emotion: "Unfortunately, I don't have the opportunity to rush into the battlefield in person. I can only fight against the world federation in the virtual world of the Second World. Impact! Next week, my death sentence is coming! I have left my dreams unfulfilled! "

After all, he touched the beer can with Huang Yi and Zhang Yujian.

Huang Yi took a big sip of beer and wiped the remaining stains on the corners of his mouth. He said, "Thunder, my body is now heading for the central continent. I will give you a coordinate. You drove the Shenship at the fastest speed and Let me meet. I have two things for you. "

"Two things? What?" Thor asked curiously.

"You'll know by then."


After talking with Zhang Yujian, Huang Yi and Thunder God specifically found the criminals who established forces in several countries in West Africa, and discussed with them about Ni Dongde's cooperation and let them pay attention to cooperation.

A contest has begun the invisible prelude, and they are finally going to start a real contest with the World Federation. The forces that have operated in the Second World for a long time now can finally play a real role.

It was not until lunch that day that Huang Yi finally had time to go online.

At this time, the forum's 24-hour hot posts were basically occupied by his last night's five super-class masters—

"Slay God and fight the five males overnight! The heroic legion did not send out a single soldier, and the killing of the gods repelled the offensive of five super-class masters in a lightning flash! The hero's mainland war situation ushered in a huge turn!"

"The three super first-class masters of the Pope, Miyamoto Musashi, and Floating Disturbance, His Majesty's Guild, suffered heavy damage from God, and were forced to retreat to their respective continents to preside over the big picture! Only Heroes Continent has four superb classes: Tiandao, Kidd, Ganga, TNT, and Dante. Masters, the total number of invading countries has been reduced to 31, and the gap between the two sides has narrowed rapidly! "

"There are only over 60 days left in the reincarnation period, and the invaders have limited time. If they cannot win the national war before the end of the reincarnation period, there will be no hope in the future!"

"Old enemies join forces! Killing God and Thor are cooperating in an all-round way. Thor is ignoring the suspicion and adding the Sun Guild to the Legion of Heroes!"

"Killing the Gods and fighting the five males overnight, the Hero Legion is unprecedentedly huge. The Hero Continent has transferred a quarter of its guilds to the Hero Legion. Among them, the number of top guilds far exceeds the desire corps!"


Last night, his behavior really played a huge role in propagating the Hero Legion. A large number of guilds have chosen to join the Legion of Heroes, especially the top guilds. At present, all the super first-class guilds on Hero Continent have joined the Hero Legion.

The development speed of the Hero Legion is too amazing. Just after being established for more than a week, it can be compared with the desire legion established for several months. Over time, they are also likely to surpass the desire legion in terms of pure legion numbers.

Huang Yi quickly went online.

The first thing he went online was to look forward to the online list of friends. However, Qin Shiyu's name is still gray. She hasn't been online for a long time. Huang Yi waits every day.

Waiting is a two-sided vocabulary. If you know that the other party will definitely come back, the wait is sweet, just like waiting for her at the intersection after school, and then holding hands to go home. If you wait for someone who does not know if you can return safely, that kind of waiting is a kind of suffering, just like Huang Yi waiting for Qin Shiyu at this moment. Every time you go online, you will experience a disappointment.

Next, Huang Yi's incarnation in the heroic continent immediately used the search skills of the guardian of the continent-the eye of the monitor, and the character searched for was the blade that had been withdrawn for a long time!

The eyes of the monitor showed that at this time the opponent was in the Mustang Plain in the northeast of Heroes' Continent, an old castle called "Phillipsburg". He quickly walked towards the teleportation array, preparing to go to the blade in person and pull him into the Legion of Heroes.


On the other side, the deep-sea magic flesh is carrying the Yunfan ship galloping in the ocean, getting closer and closer to the distant central continent.

The warm sunlight shone down, the ocean was cloudless, the sky was clear, and the fresh sea breeze blew, making people's hearts unconsciously relax.

Huang Yi's body was sitting lazily on the deck. He also brought out the "First World Overview" written by Mu Yan Qingshi, one of the ancient Dean of the Royal Academy of Oscars in ancient times.

He has studied this book for a long time. Every time he read the book, he could find some doubts. Those distant histories seem to be covered with a layer of mysterious smoke, hazy and unreal.

After reading the book like this for a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ he suddenly heard a little joyous footsteps. Looking up, it is the call tide Ji Nami.

Wuchao Xiji showed a beautiful smile and said, "Kill God, I felt another piece of artifact, and it was stronger than the last one, and it should be bigger than the last one!"

"Oh? Where? Let's take a look!" Huang Yi said, and put away the book in his hand, and immediately became interested.

"It's on the island ahead," said Chao Chao Xi Ji, pointing to the front.

Huang Yi turned his head to look at it, and suddenly saw a small black spot on the distant sea level. With the rapid advance of the deep sea, the flesh was getting bigger and bigger, it was an island.

"Huh? There is a baby!" When they were less than 10 kilometers away from that island, Huang Yi's sniffing ability suddenly felt that there were actually some baby on that island!

One of the items even exudes an epic atmosphere! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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