Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 768: Thor's Death Penalty

This is a four thousand word chapter, which was posted a little later. This is a very important chapter in this book. It has been revised over and over again, and finally it has reached my satisfaction.


Huang Yi meditated under the dim candlelight, and the fire shone on his face, showing a hazy outline.

His caution saved his life again, and the doomsday messenger did have problems.

But these are the future things. The Doomsday messenger has just been released. It is unlikely that he will give up this freedom so easily and return to the body of the heroic prison to be resurrected.

"So after his fetal death, is there no loss of strength?" After a while, Huang Yi frowned and asked, if so, the doomsday messenger would be too terrible.

"What he lost was time! After the fetal death, he needs to start training again, which is equivalent to all previous efforts in vain. This is not as good as your incarnation. You remove his divine fetus once and he wants to train again It takes a lot of time to get up, "answered Blade.

"So, isn't your gentleman yet dead?"

The blade nodded and nodded: "Yes! This is a major disadvantage of the fetus. After the incarnation of the gentleman has been cultivated, he has not died, otherwise my efforts will be wasted."

"Then your body also joins the national war! After all, the gentleman's strength is not as strong as you, and you can really control the scene when you go back." Huang Yi said, and went back to the previous business.

After all, the gentleman is still a lot weaker, and he is the one with the lowest qualifications among all the super-class masters in the world.

The strength of super-first-class masters is also divided into three or six or nine. Like Huang Yi before the reincarnation, although he is also a super-first-hand master, his strength is far more than other super-first-hand masters. The gentleman is the weakest of all super-first-class masters. It was barely listed as the sixth super-first-class master of the hero continent until the National War.

The blade just said that the fetus of the gentleman has not yet been cultivated. The strength is only less than half of his body. From this we can see that the strength of the blade body is definitely the most top-level existence of all super-class masters. Once he joins the national war, it is more valuable than Huang Yi in the current cycle.

"It may take some time!" Blade said a little apologetically. "I have a few things to do, and wait for me to finish those things. I must go back at the fastest speed and fight alongside you. Remember When you first decided to retreat, you once told me that one day I would come back, but now you are right. I do want to come back. "

"And it's more scary than you at the time." Huang Yi smiled slightly. "You should reap a lot of retreat! Sometimes people have to step back to really see their own way."

The blade stared at the flickering fire, and said quietly, "Yeah! I used to be in the halo before, carrying the eyes of countless people. I have to fight for the first place everywhere, such a life is too tired. After retreating, unload After losing those heavy expectations, I can really do what I like to do, see everything in front of me in a more flexible way, and grow faster. My fetuses and epic equipment are retired during this time to obtain If I did n’t choose to retreat at the beginning, then I would definitely not be able to achieve this level of strength. It may even fall into the chase of fame and wealth step by step and completely lose myself. In the end, I will be squeezed out of the ranks of superb masters . "

"By the way, the female player around you?" Huang Yi asked suddenly with interest.

The gentleman was often followed by a woman in white, with a white bucket, full of mysterious temperament, but it has not appeared recently.

"She went to the Central Continent!" Said Blade, a touch of tenderness in his eyes. Hidden in the swaying candlelight.

Huang Yi looked at the blade's look, and immediately understood a point. It seems that the other party retreated during this time. The biggest gains are not in terms of strength, but in terms of feelings. How easy it is to meet someone you like.

This also suddenly reminded him of Qin Shiyu, not knowing how she is now. How easy it is to find someone you like. If Qin Shiyu left him forever, he might never find another person to replace him.

The night was getting deeper and deeper. The night breeze was rising in the old castle. The old friends reunited with anger, Huang Yi and Blade, just chatted in the dim light.


Time passed day by day, the time for the return of the blade was getting closer, but the time of Thor's death sentence was getting closer.

The two come and go, forming a cruel contrast. When the blade returns, it will surely cause cheers from countless Chinese players, but when Thor leaves silently, who knows his sadness?

These days, the national war situation of the hero continent is tending to a stable state.

That night, after Huang Yi made a series of moves, the pope, Miyamoto Musashi, and entangled disturbances quickly returned to their respective continents.

However, Huang Yi's tactics are false, and the enemy advances and retreats. When these enemies returned, his side was tactically retreating.

The pope was still on his way back, and Thor had already withdrawn from the battle. He had already met the ship and Huang Yi and had taken two things from Huang Yi's hands. But no one knew his whereabouts and thought he was temporarily hidden.

Floating entanglement also encountered this situation, she was sitting on the battleship and hurried back to resist the next wave of Huang Yi's attack. But after the floating port was destroyed, there has been no news of Huang Yi attacking the rest of the territory, which made her return neither, nor return, nor understand Huang Yi's thoughts.

The temporary departure of these first-class masters made the invading forces much smaller. They all threatened themselves, repeatedly telling their respective guild headquarters to be fully prepared to avoid being caught by Huang Yi.

However, they are more attentive, even if Huang Yi wants to hit them, it is very difficult. It is impossible to achieve the last effect by relying only on the forces created by the Rose Prison brothers in those countries.

That night, he attacked the Pope's Paradise Guild, with Thor as the core tactics;

The martial arts guild that fights Miyamoto Musashi takes the place of cursing as its tactical core;

The floating guild that fights and floats is based on the tactical core of the deep-sea monster.

The power of the rest of his country does not have such a heavyweight tactical core, and it is difficult to produce substantial results.

This day, Rose Prison is full of dignity.

Thor's death sentence is finally about to be executed!

This was the eve of the death penalty, and the Rose Prison was filled with silent depression. Each inmate looked out at Thor's cell from his iron gate.

Huang Yi stayed in Thor's room all night, accompany him through the last night of this rose prison.

At this time, it is midnight, and at six o'clock tomorrow morning, Thor will be detained and executed by injection.

Huang Yi and Thor, there is still time for the last six hours.

"Thunder God. Have you ever regretted it? You haven't brought down the World Federation until the death penalty. If you chose not to fight at the beginning, then you may be in your house now, holding your daughter and enjoying the joy of love with your wife "In this room, Huang Yi took a deep breath. Asked to the opposite Thor.

"It's regret, not regret." Thunder God also smoked a long smoke and disappeared into the air, saying, "I believe that as long as someone walks along our steps, one blood mark at a time. Countless After the sacrifice of people, one day we can complete the cause we failed to complete. The World Federation will fall and this dark cloud will surely disperse over the world. At that time, people may remember that there was once a person named Lei Shen , Played a little role in it, changed the course of history, and the thought of this, I felt that I was not dead. "

"I'm convinced." Huang Yi nodded.

At this time. Thor took a deep breath and said, "A Yi, from now on, the brothers in these prisons will give it to you and take good care of them."

Huang Yi flicked the soot with his forefinger and said, "I will, these brothers will give it to me! You can be relieved."

There were only two of them in the room. The smoke was dangling in the air, like a dream in the dark. The flickering butts faintly reflected the outlines of the two people.

At this time. Thor took out the last cigarette in his hand and popped the cigarette **** out.

The cigarette **** drew a fiery red parabola, landed on the ground, bounced a few times, flashed a few Mars, and flew out the last white smoke, like a white soul, rising from the cigarette **** and immersed In eternal darkness, it went dark forever.

Thunder God looked at the extinguished cigarette butt, and said quietly, "Remember? I once said that life is like this cigarette, and it is lit up and down, the tide rises and falls, and it is finished soon, but unfortunately only Can flash out a few Mars, struggle a bit, and then die forever. Now, I have only six hours left on this cigarette, and after six hours, the sky will be bright, but for me, it is to Fall into darkness. "

At this point, Huang Yi's cigarette was also finished. He dropped the cigarette **** and smiled, "Nothing. After smoking, you can order a new one." Then he picked up a new one from the table. Smoke, light it up again.

Thor suddenly laughed, took a new cigarette and took a deep breath.

"A Yi, thank you very much!" Thunder God sucked this new cigarette and stared at Huang Yi in the smoky surroundings, saying sincerely.

Huang Yi just smiled, smoking a cigarette in silence, feeling the time passing by little by little in the dark.

He had never been able to imagine how the last night of the death penalty had passed. Knowing that he was going to die the next day, he couldn't stop it by any means. Death itself is not terrible, it is terrible to wait for death.

The last night of the death penalty was the worst night.

Some executioners couldn't sleep all night, some were trembling in the dark, and some were very excited, singing and dancing and yelling ...

Huang Yi can't guess all this psychology, he only knows that Thor is very peaceful now, that is a kind of true peace, just like a baby in a mother's womb.

Darkness represents death, but it also represents new life. When a baby is in the mother's belly, it is endless darkness, but that is brewing life.

When the baby is born, the first light will be seen, and it is like the long night has finally passed, and the dawn is ushered in.

Time passed minute by minute, Huang Yi and Thor were sitting quietly and waiting.

The smoke was smoked one after another, and the soot was sprinkled throughout the room, and the smoke became denser.

The hour hand goes round and round, this night is so long, but so short.

"Time is up." Finally, Thor looked at the time. At that time, the hand was pointing at six o'clock, and his death sentence was finally about to be executed.

Almost at the same time, the sound of opening the door came downstairs. Several prison guards, wearing explosion-proof clothing, walked in hastily. The sound of footsteps is like stepping on a person's heart, and people's heartbeat can't help speeding up.

All the prison prisoners of the Rose Prison suddenly got up from the bed, all grasping the railings of the iron gate, and watched nervously as the prison guards climbed up the stairs and went to Thor's room.

Thor's and Huang Yi's cells are free, and the iron gates will not be locked. This is the benefit of the prison warrior in exchange with the warden. But from now on, he will no longer be a prison prince.

He is the last man to be sentenced to death and an important figure destined to be written into the evolutionary history of human civilization. Countless media reporters are reporting on this.

After him, the death penalty will become history. All injection equipment, electric chairs, gallows and other death penalty equipment will be moved into the museum and closed in glass covers for future generations to watch.

Finally, the armed guards came to Thor's room and blocked the light from the door. Thor was very cooperative, and took the initiative to reach out to put them in shackles, looked back at Huang Yi, and followed the prison guard.

Huang Yi stood behind, watching Thor getting farther away, and gradually left the Rose Prison.

Thousands of pairs of eyes in all the cells were watching Thor's departure and sending him through the last section.

Finally, Thor was completely taken out and disappeared into the sight of everyone.

Since then, Thor has ceased to belong to Rose Prison.

The iron doors of each cell were finally opened, and the criminals rushed out. Many criminals rushed directly to Thor's room and wanted to ask Huang Yi a question.

After a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ Many criminals rushed into Thor's room and surrounded Huang Yi.

"Yi brother, will Lei really die?"

"Yi brother, what did you talk to Mr. Huang Sha, the president of the company, after receiving the best personal award?"

"Mr. Huang Sha, have you promised to waive Thor's death penalty?"

At this time, almost all the criminals in Rose Prison are asking Huang Yi the same question in various ways, that is, whether the Thor will die.

Thor's cell was surrounded by three levels inside and three levels outside. All the criminals stared at him deadly.

Huang Yi calmly picked up a new cigarette from the table, lit it again, and took a deep breath.

Then he slowly turned his head, looked out of the window, and spit out a ring of smoke in front of the rising sun, saying: "It's dawn." (To be continued. If you like this work, Welcome to the starting point (m) to vote for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read at m.)

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