Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 769: Conspiracy Eve

After Thor's departure, the entire Rose Prison became lifeless.

Everyone in the cafeteria was silent and looked down for breakfast. The rising sun outside the window came in, putting a golden light on everyone's body, in stark contrast to their gloomy expressions.

In the past, Huang Yi used to have breakfast with Lei Shen while chatting, but now he is quite empty and quiet.

"As soon as Lei left, I didn't have the mood to eat." At this time, Xiaoyin Bawang was sitting beside Huang Yi, staring blankly at a bowl of clear porridge in front of him, a look of appetite.

"Now the Sun Guild is under your control?" Huang Yi drank the porridge calmly, and turned to ask.

"Yes! The Sun Guild is now under my control." Wang only nodded and poked his lips. "But I'm not a super-class master. As soon as Lei Ge left, our Sun Guild can maintain its current scale. It's great. To go to the next level is basically impossible. "

After finishing the last bite of porridge, Huang Yi got up and patted Wang Zhi's shoulder encouragingly. He smiled and said, "If you don't regress, you're a kind of progress. It's good to keep the status quo! Before the last minute, don't despair easily. "

After all, he left the cafeteria and returned to his cell.

Wang only looked at Huang Yi's back, and finally picked up the spoon and began to eat porridge.

Huang Yi chatted with Thor for a night all night, and was so tired that he returned to his cell, took a bath, and slept in bed.

It was not until after dinner that he re-entered the Second World.

His body is still traveling to the Central Continent in the deep-sea demon flesh. However, the control time of this deep-sea demon flesh is nearing the end, and it will soon recover, and then it will no longer be under the control of Huang Yi.

His incarnation appeared in the capital of the heroic empire, Dragon Capital, on the top floor of the city hall.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he looked around with anticipation, looking forward to the appearance of Qin Shiyu. But the eyes still looked empty. The buddy online list also shows that her name is grayed out, as if it would always be grayed out.

Thor's name is also gray.

Huang Yi sighed slightly, and there were fewer and fewer people around him. He came to the window and looked at the outside world. At this moment, a huge dark cloud obscured the bright moon and darkened the whole world.

The World Federation is like a dark cloud hanging over the world. Cast a huge shadow, covering his friends and relatives one by one. Maybe one day, he will become one of them and disappear into this world.

After a while, Huang Yi threw away these thoughts and thought of some recent events.

He remembered the Doomsday messenger first.

This is a time bomb. Maybe one day it will cause heavy damage to the heroic empire.

Huang Yi thought for a while and simply left the city hall to find the doomsday messenger and see what it was doing.

Half an hour later, he saw the doomsday messenger in a small oasis outside Longdu.

At this point, the Doomsday Messenger was standing beside the oasis. Looking down at a flame in his hands. A cloud of clouds had just drifted away, and the bright moonlight sprinkled on him, looking slightly desolate.

Huang Yi walked over, stood beside him, and looked at the flame in his hand.

The flame showed a regular pattern of loving peaches. The flames were burning, and the flames swayed in the night wind, but they never extinguished. Around that flame. There is actually a chain of fire wires that looks like a necklace. But ordinary necklaces are strung with gemstones, and this necklace is connected with a flame.

"This necklace is actually epic equipment?" Huang Yi's sniffing treasure sensed that this necklace was an epic equipment!

"Yes, this necklace is called Doomsday Heart. She gave it to me." The voice of the Doomsday Angel was still full of rough and hot power, but the tone was very emotional. Seems to remember the past. Then he looked down at Huang Yi's legs and said, "The shoes you wore were once given to me by her."

Huang Yi looked down at the footprints of the doomsday messengers on her feet, and suddenly remembered the item saying "I am on the flame of doomsday. Pursuing your lost face."

It seems that the Doomsday Messenger also loved a person deeply that year, and has been remembering it till now.

Heroes are sad about beauty, many heroes have almost unforgettable women, so is the fisherman Nightrunner Slark that Huang Yi has seen, as well as the original owner of the **** battle in the hands of Emperor Somret.

"Isn't your equipment powerless? How can you recover it?" Huang Yi could not help asking. When he just released the Doomsday messenger, the equipment on the opponent's body did not have any power, which is no different from scrap iron, but now its equipment has resumed power, and I don't know what means to use.

"My power, you can't imagine." The Doomsday Messenger proudly said, pressing the doomsday heart back to his chest.

Then, a sudden shock came from his lava-like palm, with a flame sickle on each of his left and right.

The sickle is like a hook, and a semi-circular hook is connected to the handle. The arc is perfect, the shape is cold, and it is full of murderous. If the two sickles are put together, they form a circle.

The sickle was covered with a thin layer of black flames, looking weird and deterrent.

"Huh? It's another epic gear! What a powerful breath!" Huang Yi's olfactory ability suddenly felt, this pair of sickles is also an epic weapon! And the quality is one point higher than his **** battle. It can be compared with the two swords of the blade!

The pair of blades of the blade, but the weapon of the Emperor of the Year-the double blade, belongs to the artifact level, but it has not yet recovered, and is temporarily at the epic level. The breath of Doom's sickle can be compared with the two swords of the blade, which shows that it should also be the top level of epic equipment.

"Yes! I said, my means is not what you can imagine. This sickle is called Doomsday Inferiority. It is a top epic weapon, much better than your **** battle." The Doomsday nodded proudly, Continued: "As long as you release my ontology, then I can give you both the doomsday heart and the doomsday integrity. Because after the fusion of my divine fetus and the ontology, the strength will become super strong. Except for artifacts, any equipment is redundant and meaningless to me. And the stronger I am, the more stable your territory is! No one can attack it! You can rest assured! "Then, his eyes burned The ground looked down at Huang Yi, and his tone was full of temptation.

Huang Yi's heart moved, and this doomsday messenger has made many requests to him to release the ontology, and she was really misconceived. Once he releases his body, it is estimated that he will immediately choose to betray, and then the heroic empire will usher in the real end.

Huang Yi said calmly: "This empire has not faced much threat now, and I will talk about it later!" Then he turned his tone and said, "Yes, what about the rest of your equipment? A necklace and a weapon? "

"All my equipment is naturally smelted into these two pieces of equipment. You get these two pieces of equipment, which is equivalent to getting more than a dozen pieces of equipment." Doomsman said, the flame in his eyes swayed slightly, but soon Just calm down and continue: "I've always been curious what the Book of Heroes looks like. Take it out and open my eyes!"

"Why not give up!" Huang Yi cursed secretly in his heart. It is estimated that after he took out the hero's book, the emissary would **** immediately. The other party was a **** at the beginning, and the means were all over the sky. It might be possible to take away his book of heroes, and the consequences would be unthinkable.

From this point of view, in the future, he must never use the book of heroes within the scope of the heroic empire, otherwise it may be perceived by the other party instantly and then taken away.

"I didn't take that book with me, let me talk about it next time! I left in advance!" Huang Yi stupidly said a word, and immediately turned around and left here, so as not to continue the conversation will anger the doomsday messenger.

The Doom Angel looked at Huang Yi's back, and the firelight in his eyes turned red, rising a little higher, as if the anger was burning!

"Huh! If you haven't released my body in three days, don't blame me for being rude." After Huang Yi went away, the Doom Angel hummed darkly.

At this time, the two sickles in his hand disappeared suddenly, but took out a magic bottle, which was filled with a potion burning with flames, I do not know what potion.

It stared at the liquid in the magic bottle, and the grin on his face became even worse.


On the other side, the leader of the Desire Legion was born from the heart, Zheng Wen, the vice chairman of the Desire Guild, and a man with glasses, tall, thin, and sven, are in the same room, discussing what .

At this time, Yu Xinsheng said to the man with eyes: "The second brother of medical science, the gentleman has gone, and we are the only one in our army with the best strength. In the last issue of the list of Chinese masters , You even ranked seventh, second only to the gentleman, are super-class masters in front of you, and become first-class after you. Are you really willing?

It turned out that the Sven man with glasses ~ www.readwn.com ~ is the famous old master in China--the second brother of Xueyi.

In the list of Chinese masters, the top five are almost switching between five super-first-class masters, and no other people will get involved. After the rise of the gentleman, he steadily occupied the sixth place.

There are more changes in the seventh place, such as undefeated, wanting to be born in one's heart, second brother of medical science, Yun Sihai, Lin Yiqin, Donghuang, Longxingtianxia, ​​Diesu Qiufeng, Shitu, etc. Ranking this place. There are a total of 20 or 30 people in this group of them. They are called candidates for super-class masters, and they may be promoted at any time.

The second brother of medical science is one of the oldest among the more than 20 people. When he won the national honor value, super-class masters such as Li Jian, Huang Yi, and Thor were not even aware of which corner.

At the beginning of this national war, he joined the Desire Corps at the invitation of the desire to become the second master of the Legion after the gentleman. When the gentleman quit the legion, he became the strongest in the legion.

If you want to come to him today, you need to discuss a conspiracy against Huang Yi. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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