Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 770: 2nd Medical Doctor

"Of course not willing." The second brother of Xueyi nodded, and said, "Go on like this, killing God will be invincible again, we will not have a day to start. So I agree with you and cooperate with them to destroy the heroic empire. . But the price I paid was the highest, so after winning the heroic empire, I will have the greatest benefit! "After that, he stared at the desire to be born.

"Okay! After you lay down the heroic empire, the greatest benefits will be distributed to you!" Yu Xinsheng heard that the second brother of Xueyi agreed with his words, and smiled heartily. In his words, it seemed that the heroic empire was already a fish on the chopping board. Butchery is assigned.

At this time, Zheng Wen, the vice president of the Desire Kingdom, pondered for a while and said, "Which side should we look for to cooperate with? There are still five super-elite masters. Although they seem to be peaceful, they are actually divided into The two factions, Tiandao and Dante, are one faction. TNT, Ganga, and Kidd are all alliances. We cannot find five of them to cooperate at the same time. There is a gap between them, and there will be differences in the distribution of benefits. "

The second brother of Xueyi touched his chin and thought for a while, and said, "Look for TNT, Ganges, Kidd! They are three super-class masters, and they are better than the alliance between Tiandao and Dante."

"Well, let's talk to them now!" Yu Xinsheng said, and immediately took the lead to leave the room.

An hour later, in another room, a secret meeting began.

There were a total of six participants at the meeting, namely TNT, Ganges, Kidd, as well as the second brother of the heart, the second student of medical science, and Zheng Wen.

These six people are all important figures in the heroic national war. They were originally enemies of life and death, but at the moment they are all in the same room with a peaceful look.

This is for outsiders to see, I don't know what it will be like!

To clear his throat and to speak, he took the lead to say, "Kill God is our common enemy. This time we quietly cooperate to defeat the heroic empire, which is good for both of us!"

"First talk about your plans." TNT touched his bald head. Leaning back against the chair, he asked slowly.

He nodded from the heart, and said, "The general plan is like this, Kidd, TNT, Ganges, your three men's legion pretend to attack the main city of the Heavenly Medicine Association, the second brother of medicine. Will deliberately let some of your legions into the city, causing an emergency illusion that the guild is about to perish. At this time, my desire corps deliberately did not send troops, the second brother of medical science broke up with me, then transferred to the hero guild and went to Longdu to ask for killing If God ’s assistance refuses to kill God, it will inevitably cause the chills of all the guilds who join the Legion of Heroes. So God will surely agree. Go to the Guild of Second Medical Doctor, and at this time, the Second Doctoral School will open the sky curtain. , Trapped the killing **** in the Heavenly Doctor City, so that he could not return to the heroic empire to help. At this time, the three of you are still out of the city, and you immediately led your soldiers to attack the dragon capital of the heroic empire, as long as you lay down the dragon capital. ... then the heroic empire is dead. "

"Then what about the guardians of the heroic empire? They have more than ten guardians of the heavens, especially the 272-level doomsday messenger. If these guardians are not lifted, we will not be able to defeat the heroic empire." Ganges asked. A key question.

"We thought about this for a long time." Yuxin smiled, "We have a precious S-Class Furious Curse of Curse, and after using it, we can cast Furious Curse, reduce the defense cost by 90%, and make it Has double attack power. Regardless of enemy and me, I only know that I will kill crazy for 2 hours, and then I will fall into a 24-hour sequelae coma. As long as we put this curse on the doomsday messenger, the doomsday messenger will be on The hero empire is killing madly, it can completely kill the remaining guardians of the heavens. After two hours of healing, it will fall into a deep sleep for 24 hours. By then, your army can enter the hero empire. With 24 hours of all-out onslaught, you can beat Longdu. "

"So, this plan can be tried!" Kidd thought about it and nodded. There was a hint of hatred in his tone. A few moments ago, Huang Yi was on the walls of the setting sun city. In front of all the media reporters, a few words scared him back and made him lose his face. Until now, the media still laughed at him. This time he has to fight back, and destroying the hero empire is the best fight back!

At this time, TNT finally nodded and said: "That's it, let's talk about the details and the distribution of benefits. Ganga, you are the great priest, the best life-saving ability, you take that bottle of S-class violent potion Use on Doomsday messengers ... "

Next, the six began to explore the details of the plan.

A conspiracy involving the enemy and ours was laid on Huang Yi quietly. Perhaps no one will think that the desire to be a self-righteous leader has always been born in his heart, and there is actually such a mean villain in collusion with the enemy.

After the meeting, they couldn't wait to implement the plan immediately, lest the situation on the battlefield would be changed if the delay continued.


Two hours later, quiet at night.

Huang Yi is on the top floor of the Longdu City Hall, listening to the information of the puppet fish.

"Brother Yi, the army of Kidd, TNT, and Ganges just launched a sudden attack on the Tianyi Guild of the second brother of Xueyi without warning! We did not receive the information from the spies in advance. After they lost the battle, they acted with great care and caution, and only a few core senior officials knew about the pre-war meeting. "After the puppet fish reported, he bit his little lips.

"What do you think of this?" Huang Yi asked calmly.

The puppet fish thought for a while, and said, "The Tianyi Guild is the second guild of medical doctors. At present, it ranks ninth among all the guilds in Hero China. The strength itself is already very strong, and it can resist for a period of time. Now is the most important person in the Legion of Desire. The Legion of Desire should go all out to rescue them. We might as well look at the situation first. If the Desire Legion can release them from danger, then we don't have to go out. "

"Yes, then listen to you! They need us, and we will come to help again." Huang Yi nodded and continued to look at the dragon capital under the moonlight.

This city is the capital of the heroic empire. It is so beautiful in the moonlight, just like a pearl in the desolate sandy land. I don't know how many people attracted the covet.


On the other side, the TNT, Kidd, and Ganges three armies have hit the city of Tianyi City, the main city of the Tianyi Guild, and are engaged in fierce street fighting. In order to prevent leakage of information, whether it is the three leaders of the invading army, TNT, Ganga, Kidd, or the three senior leaders of the Desire Corps, Xinsheng, Zheng Wen, and Xuedi, all only told the plan about absolute trust. People. And the following killers are not clear about the truth at all. The forces of both sides are completely blinded in the drum, hitting with real swords, and the sword is extremely fierce!

Numerous battlefield reporters are also watching the situation here, and are broadcasting live to television stations and forums.

"Audience friends, it can be clearly seen that the fight against the Heavenly Medical Association is losing ground, and the outer city area has completely fallen into the enemy. The second brother of Xueyi is fiercely fighting in the crowd and fighting **** battles, but he can no longer resist With these powerful attacks, we can now predict that it is only a matter of time before the defeat of the Heavenly Medical Guild. But even at this urgent moment, the desire to be born from the heart has not yet sent troops, which can not help reminding us of the previous Xuanyuan Clan ’s suffering. In the scene of the enemy's attack, will the Heavenly Medical Association become the next Xuanyuan? Will this time the Hero Army come to assist ... "

This battle has once again attracted the attention of countless audiences. This is the largest battle on the hero continent since Huang Yi repelled five super-first-rate masters overnight. The reason why countless people are paying attention is that they are looking forward to Huang Yi's launch again, and seeing with his own eyes once again that he used the anti-sky means to disintegrate the enemy's attack and save the Tianyi City. No one would have thought that this was a conspiracy specifically aimed at him!

"I care about your mother! It's so chilling that you don't want to send troops to reinforcements from your heart!" At this moment, all the reporters who paid special attention to the second brother who studied medicine suddenly heard his roar!

At this time, the second brother of Xueyi had already red-eyed and looked stunned. The terror of the Guild's doomsday was wonderfully interpreted by him.

"Brother, since we want to be born from the heart so that we are chilling, let's switch to the Legion of Heroes! The **** of killing will definitely come over to help us, and the main battle flag of our guild will be destroyed later! At that time, our guild will have to Was forcibly disbanded! "At this time, the vice president of the Heavenly Medical Association, the God of Heaven, quickly called anxiously towards the second brother of Xueyi. The voice even trembled slightly more realistically than the second brother of Xueyi!

"Okay!" The second brother of Xueyi nodded his head immediately ~ www.readwn.com ~, his expression was positive, and he immediately resigned from the Desire Corps and joined the Heroic Legion.

This move immediately and profoundly demonstrated the determination of the Heavenly Medical Association. They came true, not just talk. All the guild's previous contributions in the Legion of Destiny have become history, and once again joining the Legion will start to calculate the contribution again, which directly affects the battle reward.

At this time, the second brother of Xueyi shouted at the vice chairman, God God, and said, "You first fight for a while, I will go to the Hero Army and ask God to come and help me! The position of the chairman will be passed to you first, and you come Scheduling everything! "After that, he immediately handed over his long post to the God of Heaven, and then left the city of Heavenly Medicine, and hurriedly transferred to the Dragon City of the Heroes Guild.

His remarks, through the live broadcast of reporters, sounded in the ears of every audience in the world.

Everyone immediately looked forward to it. The second-famous master veteran of Xueyi Er, in the presence of people all over the world, must kill God, and it must be possible to come over. This is beyond doubt! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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