Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 771: Trapped God

It didn't take long for the second brother of Xueyi to come to Longdu, and in the parlor's living room, he saw the senior leaders of a number of hero guilds such as Huang Yi, Puppet Fish, Sunset, Overlord, and Shitu.

"Kill God, save us! The enemy has hit the inside of our guild!" The second brother of Xueyi panted angrily and said to Huang Yi anxiously, his eyes burning.

"Why don't you want to help you?" At this moment, the overlord suddenly asked, his voice hoarse and his eyes staring at the second brother of Xueyi.

"Hey! It ’s a beast from Yu Xinsheng!" The second brother Xueyi took a sip, raised his glasses, and said indignantly, "I asked him for assistance, but he said that their troops were deployed in other battlefields and could not help us. This is clearly an excuse. What is the future of such a broken army? It will only make people chill! I now regret not joining the heroic army earlier! "After scolding, the second brother of Xueyi turned to look at Huang Yi and said:" Kill God, hurry up and help us! "

"Huh?" At that moment, Huang Yi frowned suddenly and asked, "Are you not the president of the Heavenly Medical Association now?"

The second brother of Xueyi nodded and said: "Yes! The situation over there is too critical. I passed the position of the chairman to the vice president of our guild, God God, and gave him full control of everything. The situation there, so I took the time to ask you to go! Kill God, go and help us! My brothers can't carry it now! "

After speaking, the second brother of Xueyi suddenly found that Huang Yi was watching him in a daze.

At this time, Huang Yi was staring at the second brother of Xueyi, his eyes were very deep, like a sculpture, staring at him sternly.

"Kill God. What's wrong with you?" The second brother Xueyi stretched out his hand. Dangling in front of Huang Yi's eyes. Asked puzzledly.

"Oh, it's nothing." Huang Yi suddenly calmed down, blinked, and looked away from the second brother of Xueyi, and then moved to the rest of the senior management, asking: "What do you guys think? "

Sunset is the leader of the battlefield group of the Heroes Guild. He sorted out his heavy armor and took the lead to say, "The enemy ’s offensive is too fierce. There are three superb masters, and there are a large number of superb masters. We also have to send superb masters in the past All right, let me and the gentleman take the soldiers to fight! "

"I'm afraid you and the gentleman can't do it alone!" The second brother Xueyi quickly shook his head and solemnly said, "The enemy has three superb masters of tnt, Kidd, and Ganges. Only by killing God himself can he deal with them!"

Huang Yi nodded: "Okay, then I will go in person!"

After hearing this sentence, the second brother of Xueyi was relieved, and their plan was half done here!

"Then we have to send troops?" At this time, Shitu wiped his sword. Asked.

Huang Yi nodded and looked around at the other senior officials. Road: "Shitu, sunset, overlord, puppet fish, four of you led your four troops to the remaining four sub-territories of the Heavenly Medical Association to prevent the enemy from operating on their sub-territories."

The head of the battlefield regiment frowned and said, "Our four armies are going out at the same time? In this way, shouldn't our heroic empire be much more empty? What if the enemy comes in?"

Huang Yi waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, we have guardians, the enemy can't get in! Just a doomsday messenger is enough to defend the heroic empire!"

Having said that, he turned to look at the second brother Xueyi and said, "We have to prepare for more than an hour here, you must hold on! I will teleport to you in an hour!"

"What? More than an hour?" The second heart of the second brother Xueyi suddenly suspended, and said anxiously, "We can't carry it over there."

Huang Yi said calmly: "If you can handle it, you must have confidence in yourself. After we have deployed our troops, we will be able to keep every city in Tianyi City!" Shoulder, emphasized again: "We can surely save every city of the Heavenly Medical Association! Every one! Trust me!"

Seeing Huang Yi's firm eyes, the second brother of Xueyi didn't seem to be persuaded. He could not help but grit his teeth and nodded: "Okay, then I will resist them first. You must come as soon as possible!"

Having said that, he immediately turned around and left in a hurry.

Huang Yi's eyes were recovered from the second brother of Xueyi, and then he said to the people in the room, "Well, let's move! Speed ​​faster!"

After all, he sent a message to the gentleman and asked him to lead the army.


Time has passed, and countless viewers around the world are waiting for the live broadcast.

The battle of Tianyi City is still continuing. With the deliberate deployment of high-level troops from the enemy and us, Tianyi City has been miraculously sustained to the present. People are still killing people, not even knowing that they are the pawns in the high-level plan.

The second brother of Xueyi was pacing back and forth in the transmission square, anxiously waiting for Huang Yi to throw himself in the net.

Now that Tianyi City has been attacked by the enemy, if the flag of time has not been defeated, it will certainly cause people to doubt that they cannot delay it for too long.

"Rush in!" At that moment, the sky was suddenly heard in the direction of the gate!

The second brother of Xueyi was shocked, and hurriedly looked at the past, and found that a large number of invading troops had rushed in in the direction of the city gate. After they rushed into the city, they suddenly massacred their skills, the ray of skills was raging everywhere, killing the people of the Heavenly Medical Association.

The reporters in the battlefield were very well informed. When they saw this scene, they immediately reported the origin of these people: "Now we can see from the screen that the Heavenly Medical Association has worsened, and now there are two new invading army attacks. Entered the city. The two invaders were the Saudi Army and the North African National League. With the addition of these two new corps, the sky doctors ’association seemed to be dead! This sky that cost a lot of money to build Medical city will also fall into the enemy ... "

"Grass! Why did Saudi Arabia and North Africa suddenly come over?" The second brother of Xueyi suddenly cursed in his heart and quickly sent a message to Tnt, Kidd, and Ganges to ask.

Their cooperation did not include Saudi Arabia and North Africa, who rushed into the city to kill. There must be some variables in their plans.

quickly. Tnt responded to the message and said, "They weren't ours. This should be a misunderstanding. When our super-first legions operate, the rest of the legions often follow us and want to share some results. It is estimated that they see that we have I broke into the main city of your guild. I think you will lose. I want to come and pick it up cheaply, so I followed it. Do n’t be nervous, these are trivial matters, and I will kill God. I and these regiments Say hello, let them stop, and you hold on for a while, this loss is not much compared to the benefit of destroying the heroic empire. "

The second brother of Xueyi felt very guilty at first, these enemies were hitting with real swords, and the loss of their guild was real. But he couldn't do anything about it. He couldn't reveal his real purpose. He could only watch the enemies kill them bit by bit, robbing them of the hard-built streets and alleys.

Time passed minute by minute, high-level enemy and us. All the audience, all appeared in Huang Yi! Many field reporters in the city. It even aimed at the teleportation square of Tianyi City!

Finally, among the attention, one of the teleportation arrays in the teleportation square flashed, and Huang Yi's familiar figure appeared!

At that moment, all the reporters on the battlefield and countless viewers all over the world suddenly appeared!

And this news soon reached the ears of both the enemy and us!

"Kill God, you are finally here!" At this moment, the second brother Xueyi showed a very bright smile toward Huang Yi, which was a kind of completely relaxed smile!

At the same time, the deputy chairman of the Heavenly Medical Association, the God of Heaven, quickly issued a command: "Close the teleportation array quickly and reopen the heavenly enchantment!"

This order immediately started the conspiracy against Huang Yi!

In a short time, viewers around the world saw a picture again--

The sky enchantment of Tianyi City, which was originally broken, actually re-lighted up, like a huge glass cover, which was buckled up in the sky!

This time, the city is completely separated from the outside, and people outside the city cannot enter, and people inside the city cannot go out!

And all the teleportation arrays on the teleportation square are also closed, and there is no teleportation function!

It can be said that the Tianyi City has now completely become a lonely city isolated from the world, even if it is a teleportation skill. Because the sky curtain enlightenment is maximized, all functions are fully open.

It's like Huang Yi was originally in Beihai City in the East China mainland, he was really trapped in the city, and his transmission skills couldn't go out ~ www.readwn.com ~ But even more surprised is still behind, at this moment, All the players of the Heavenly Medical Guild, and the players of the Heroic Legion, all received a message that the Heavenly Medical Guild actually quit the Heroic Legion!

They just joined the Legion of Heroes tonight, but as soon as Huang Yi came, they actually quit immediately!

Now, Huang Yi, the leader of the regiment, will not have any rights in their city! Just like ordinary people!

"Hey, what's going on here?" Countless people looked at each other, and even the field reporters who always liked to analyze did not respond for a while!

At this time, Huang Yi looked up at the sky enchantment in the sky, frowned, turned to look at the second brother of Xueyi, and asked, "What's going on with you? Why did you suddenly withdraw from the Legion of Heroes? Is it a joke? I play?"

The second brother of Xueyi shook his head pretentiously, shrugged, and said, "I'm wondering too! It's none of my business! The current president is not me. When I went to Longdu for your help, I put The chairman's position was passed to the God of God, all this was his order! "

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