Heroes Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 773: Fake come true

The second brother of Xueyi looked anxiously at the direction of the magic tower, swallowed his throat, and said to Huang Yi: "The enemy's offensive is too fierce! Kill the god, quickly, let's stop them!"

Having said that, he immediately rushed towards the direction of the magic tower, and Huang Yi and the reporters in the field followed closely.

The second brother of Xueyi urged tnt repeatedly while running, and hurriedly called the heads of the Saudi Army Corps and the North African Army Corps to retreat.

At this time, the tnt marching on the other side was also very annoyed, the Saudi Army and the North African Army now did not listen to his orders at all! No matter how he sends messages or explains, the two legions just don't listen!

"The two legions didn't listen to my orders! What the **** were they doing ?!" Tnt reached out and pinched the bridge of his nose, his eyebrows twisted tightly into the word "chuan".

"They just don't listen, anyway, the Lost Heavenly Guild is not us. After defeating the heroic empire this time, we go back and destroy the two legions!" Kidd didn't really care, and waved gently.

"That's all!" Tnt sighed, looked up at the moon in the sky, and said, "I've done my best. The fate of the Heavenly Medical Association depends on God's arrangement."

After all, he stopped paying attention to the urging news sent by the second brother of Xueyi, and he just didn't see it.


In the main city of the guild of the kingdom, the chairman wanted to be born from the heart and the vice chairman Zheng Wen, standing on the top floor of the city hall, each holding a glass of red wine, and tasted elegantly.

Taking a sip of red wine from his heart, squinting his eyes slightly and enjoying: "The fool who killed God is trapped in the Heavenly Medical City. Now I want to see how he can save the heroic empire. Tnt, Kidd, Heng The three super best players in the river can't stop them! "

Zheng Wen also nodded and said expectantly: "When the hero empire is destroyed, we have to get the dragons, which is the most prosperous city! We have to kill God in the face of their city hall. Piss from the top. Make him vomit blood! "

"This idea is good!" Yu Shengsheng licked his lips, and said, "Unfortunately, Qin Shiyu hasn't appeared for a while. I can't find her information when I launch my father's forces, otherwise I will be in the real world. Take her down in the middle, and kill her in the presence of God, and be happy with her, that's the real cool ... well? Why did the second brother of Xueyi suddenly send me a message? Is it good news? "Said Talking. Suddenly, Xinsheng saw the news sent by the second brother Xueyi!

He smiled and looked forward to the news with expectation.

Soon, his smile was frozen on his face, and the red wine glass in his hand fell to the ground. The red wine in the glass splashed out and the color was red. It's like blood.

"What's wrong?" Zheng Wen immediately asked with concern.

I swallowed my throat and hurriedly said, "Hurry up, send troops to support the Sky Medical City!"

"Supporting Tianyi City?" Zheng Wen frowned suddenly. "Isn't the plan saying that Tianyi City is going to pretend to be attacked by the enemy? Why are you still reinforcing them now?"

He shivered from his heart and said, "Now it's a fake fight and it's true! The Heavenly Medical City is going to be destroyed! The Saudi Army and the North African Army are not even effective with the command of tntm! You are attacking the Heavenly Medical City with all your strength. Send troops in person to reinforce them! "

at this time. Yu Sheng was really flustered, and all his thoughts were placed in the Heavenly Medicine Association.

The alliance between him and the second brother Xueyi is much stronger than the rest of the people who joined the yùwang legion. The two guilds have been alliances since the establishment. He and the second brother Xueyi are very good in private. friend.

In recent days, a large number of guilds have withdrawn from the Wangjun Corps, but the Tianyi Guild of the second brother of Xueyi has been there. This is the most backbone force of their legion. It is a guild that wants to be born from the heart and can really be guided by arms. The presidents of the other guilds are somewhat inconsistent with his orders, but the second brother of Xueyi will not resist him!

Once the Heavenly Medical Guild is disbanded, the army will really lose an arm!


In Tianyi City, Huang Yi and Xueyi have arrived in the center of Tianyi City.

"We came all the way and didn't seem to see too many troops. This is the main city of your guild. Why are there so few troops deployed?" At this time. Huang Yi asked slowly while walking towards the second brother of Xueyi.

"I don't know, grass!" The second brother of Xueyi scolded anxiously.

He wanted to mobilize the troops in other places to support Tianyi City, but time was too late. At this rate, the Saudi Army and the North African Army will soon have to destroy their deputy flags!

Now, he had to mobilize the only remaining force in the Sky Medical City, and all went to the direction of the magic tower to resist the death.

The night wind is roaring, the skills are flying, and the players are roaring!

Everything is so urgent!

"DaDaDa!" In the night, a member of the Heavenly Medical Association hurried to the direction of the magic tower, and the rapid footsteps sounded from the alleys.

They crossed alleys and streets, and their shadows flashed under the stagger of street lights and darkness, like the same flashing movie picture.

"Go and save the battle flag! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!" The captain of a unit yelled anxiously at the players behind him!

"Oh!" At that moment, a sharp arrow popped out of his chest, and the **** metal arrow reflected a dazzling light in the moonlight.

Then the captain fell down!

Behind him, a group of players from the North African Legion suddenly rushed out, far exceeding them, and destroyed their squadron at once!

The same scene appeared in the streets and alleys of the Tianyi City Guild. The Saudi Legion and the North African Legion all came out of the nest, the number of troops far exceeded that of Tianyi City! The sea of ​​people tactics crushed the Heavenly Medical Guild to death. Those players could not even reach the place of the magic tower, and they had already been killed.

"Boom!" At this moment, another magic robe exploded in the direction of the magic tower, flattening the buildings on the ground!

The magic tower was also affected, and some wall bricks were blown off, exposing the scene inside the magic tower.

The position of the second brother Xueyi and Huang Yi was not far from the location of the magic tower. They looked up and saw a mess there. The enemies were siege in the rising smoke and siege in all directions towards the magic tower, and soon rushed in, hitting the main battle flag of the Heavenly Medical Association!

Seeing this situation, the second brother of Xueyi suddenly felt horrified, and hurriedly turned back to Huang Yi and shouted, "Kill God, you have the means to go to the sky, quickly stop them! Our main battle flag will be destroyed!"

"Don't you just say that I'm still in reincarnation, don't I have any fighting power? Not to mention that this is my incarnation, and I have no strength, I'm useless." Huang Yi stared at the second brother of Xueyi calmly .

The corner of the second medical doctor's mouth twitched. He did say this just now. He originally wanted to run Huang Yi, and satirized that he could not protect the heroic enemy.

Not now, the object of this irony has become himself!

The second doctor Xueyi looked distorted, and rushed to the magic tower alone, rushing and waving at those enemies, shouting, "You can't go in, stop your hands! Stop your hands!"

At this moment, he waved his hand in a panic, and passed it to the eyes of audiences all over the world clearly through the eyes of those reporters behind the battlefield.

The veteran master seemed so funny and helpless at this moment. He actually waved to the enemy to stop him, as if this was a game, he could wave his hand, make a gesture, and stop.

"嗖! 嗖! 嗖!" In response to the second doctor of medicine, it was Guanghua, arrows, and energy of various skills! They cut through the night sky, made a sharp howling sound, and poured down towards the second brother of Xueyi.

The second brother of Xueyi was beaten up and stopped! I dare not rush forward!

He had to watch as the enemies stormed into the tower and disappeared into his eyes.

Although he couldn't see the scene inside the magic tower, he seemed to be able to see that their main battle flag, which had been protected for a year, was being attacked by countless enemies!

Suddenly he regretted in his heart. If he didn't promise to be born in his heart and participate in this conspiracy against Huang Yi, then their heavenly medical guild would still be good, and it would still be the ninth guild of the hero mainland!

But now, all this quickly left him!

A fake battle evolved into a real battle!

The second doctor Xueyi lost his soul and stood in the high ruins. The fire ahead was soaring, and the flames of war swayed, setting off his back to become extremely desolate. The trembling sound of that trembling sound came from another world, leaving him alone in the world.

"Click!" At this moment, a dull sound came from inside the magic tower, and it was still so clear through the thick wall tiles.

It was like the sound of something broken!

The next moment, a relentless voice sounded between heaven and earth—

"[Regional Announcement]: [Silver Wolf] destroyed the battle flag of [Sky Medical Association], [Sky Medical Association] was forced to dissolve, and the chairman [弑 神 天 殇], the founder [Second Brother Xueyi] could no longer Create a second guild. "

At that moment ~ www.readwn.com ~ The announcement went to every street, every alley, every garden, and countless people in the area heard the announcement!

All the members of the Heavenly Medical Guild, all holding their own weapons, stood still in situ, like a statue of the same statue silently in the dark.

They swore their guardian home and left them just like that.

The vice president of the Heavenly Medicine Association, God God, is hiding in a corner of a residential building, hiding in endless darkness.

For this plan, he bears the guilty of traitor, but at present, the heroic empire has not been defeated yet, his Heavenly Medical Guild has been defeated first!

The second brother of Xueyi, the founder of the Tianyi Association, stood among the ruins and stared at the magic tower not far away.

Just now he not only heard the sound of the battle flag being broken, but also the sound of his broken dreams.


Ask for a monthly ticket! (To be continued ...)

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