Heroes Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 774: Act 1 to make Xueyi 2 vomit blood

Heavenly Medicine Guild, this ninth-ranked grand guild of the hero continent, just died!

The news quickly spread through the world through the live broadcast of countless battle reporters!

This is by far the largest guild in the world war in all regions of the world.

The entire Sky Medical Association has more than 8 million members. At this moment, all of them have been affected, and it is no longer a whole. The senior management of any association can no longer have any management rights and command rights over these 8 million members.

Everyone's contribution to the guild, guild rights, guild level, everything no longer exists.

All the facilities in the guild, whether it is a city, a port, or any industry, as small as every house building, no longer belong to them, but have become ownerless.

Sky Medical Association is also a guild listed on the New York Stock Exchange in the United States. However, within a few minutes, the share price of Tianyi Association plummeted by more than 95%, and the stock that was still strong suddenly became worthless!

Every aspect of the entire Heavenly Medical Association has perished with the demise of the Heavenly Medical Association!

This is no longer the whole body, but the skin will be attached without any hair!

Even the guild is gone, what else is there to talk about?


At this point, Yuyou Xinsheng and Zheng Wen were in the Desire Corps nervously maneuvering the army, ready to rush to support the Tianyi City.

But at this moment, Yu Shengsheng and Zheng Wen received a system reminder that the Heavenly Medical Association was destroyed, and they withdrew from their army.

After a while, I wanted to tremble from my body, my face turned blue, and I almost sat on the ground with one butt!

His desire army lost another heavy guild, the strength of the army fell again!

More importantly, this is the guild of his good friends, the true guild of the league!

This is no less than cutting off one of his arms, the kind of painful pain is like the moonlight falling from the sky. Hold him tightly.

This plan to annihilate the heroic empire is actually because of a small detail that was not handled well, and this irreparable loss occurred!


There was a silence in Tianyi City, and the reporter stopped talking, so he silently pointed the camera at the desolate back of Xueyi Second Brother, and the audience all over the world watched silently.

"Second Brother Xueyi, don't be sad!" Just then. Huang Yi's voice sounded, he patted the second brother of Xueyi's shoulder, smiled slightly, and said, "When you went to me just now, I said, I will protect all the cities for you."

Say nothing. Under the watchful eyes of countless spectators, he stepped on the ruins of a place and went to the magic tower alone.

His figure instantly ignited the expectations of countless Chinese players. Just after he arrived, he never shot, and now he shot, indicating that this battle is likely to be reversed!

Every time he made a previous shot, he could almost reverse it. I haven't missed it so far, and this time I will definitely succeed.

"Silver wolf, the soul of the original sin, you have time to return it now." At this time, Huang Yi flew into the sky and shouted loudly in the direction of the Saudi Army and the North African Army.

Silver Wolf is the leader of the Saudi Legion. The original sin souls are the leader of the North African Legion. At this time, they are all inside the magic tower.

Just the main battle flag of the Sky Medical Association. It was the silver wolf who destroyed it himself.

After hearing Huang Yi's words, the two of them looked at each other, and then both walked out of the magic tower and appeared in front of audiences around the world.

At this time, the silver wolf looked up at Huang Yi flying in the air, and said, "Kill God, are you sure you want to take care of these idle things?"

Huang Yi shook his head. "I didn't come here to talk nonsense with you, I just ask you to retreat? Some time ago, the Pope, Miyamoto Musashi, Ganga, and Floating Disturbance several of them didn't listen to me, and they suffered severe damage. De listened to me and resigned obediently. As a result, nothing happened. Now it's your turn to make a choice. "

At this moment, the situation that the silver wolf and the original sin soul are facing is the same as that that Kidd faced when he was in Sunset City a while ago.

All the members of the Heavenly Medical Association present were looking forward to it. Although their guild was destroyed, if the city can be retained and not occupied by the enemy, then it can be regarded as reluctant to recover some losses.

The reporters in the field immediately focused on the silver wolf and the soul of the original sin, and waited for their answers with all the audiences around the world.

A while back, Kidd was frightened by Huang Yi in a few words, and he was still being debated by the public. He could hardly raise his head. And now it's their turn.

The original sin soul hesitated for a while, exchanged eyes with Silver Wolf, and then gave a command: "Everyone in the magic tower, all come out!"

After this order went on, countless spectators around the world immediately saw that those who had rushed into the magic tower all quit.

Huang Yi's remarks really made a difference and they frightened the two legions!

"Very well, your choice is correct!" Huang Yi nodded, then looked at the silver wolf and the original sin soul with a deep meaning, and said, "I will give you a few minutes to consider, and tell me when I come out. The answer. "He fluttered his wings, flew in through a gap in a magic tower, and disappeared before all the audience.

After Huang Yi entered the magic tower, the moonlight and firelight were blocked immediately.

The tower was empty, and only one of the broken flags fell to the ground, which was the main battle flag of the Heavenly Medical Association.

Huang Yi smiled, rushed in immediately, tore the broken flagpole, and tossed it aside, a black flag hole was exposed under the flagpole.

He flipped his palm and took out a flag.

This banner is black, and it says two big characters of flying dragons and phoenixes—hero, it looks like a magnificent atmosphere!

This flag is not the killing flag, but the flag of the heroic empire!

After the creation of the empire, you can use national power to exchange national flags to expand the area of ​​the country.

The area that each national flag can occupy is five percent of the country ’s initial area, which is much larger than the area of ​​the Guild ’s Vice Battle Banner. And the initial area of ​​the hero empire is the largest of all player empires in the world. If this flag is plugged in, this entire area will become the territory of the hero empire.

Huang Yi immediately picked up the national flag and inserted it into the flag hole of the Heavenly Medical Association!

Suddenly, the national flag fluttered in the dark without wind. Make a "wow ~ wow ~" sound.

At that moment, the entire territory covered by the national flag suddenly sounded a magnificent and solemn announcement--

"[Regional Announcement]: [Kill God] Insert the flag of the [Hero Empire] guild in this area. At this point, this area becomes the territory of [Hero Empire]."

This announcement is in stark contrast to the announcement that the Tianyi Guild was destroyed!

One is destruction and the other is rebirth!

Just a short while. It has already changed hands here, and has become the site of Huang Yi!

At that moment, the second brother of Xueyi trembled and almost vomited blood!

They originally wanted to destroy the heroic empire and share the benefits of Huang Yi. But in a blink of an eye, it turned out that his own city fell into the hands of Huang Yi.

This was more painful than the destruction of the city. The city was destroyed, and only his side lost.

However, the city fell into the hands of Huang Yi, and that was the end of it. The second brother of Xueyi not only suffered a loss himself, but also gave Huang Yi the enemy's power and the gap between the two sides became wider.

The God of Heaven, who was hiding in the corner of a residential building, even fell to the ground. His experience was worse than that of the second medical doctor. He issued an order to siege Huang Yi, carrying the title of a traitor to the second brother of Xueyi, and he would not be able to show up in the future, otherwise the rats would cross the street and everyone shouted.

"Hurry up, get rid of the national flag of killing God, and take back the Sky Medical City!" At this moment, the second brother of Xueyi suddenly responded. Want to issue orders to members of the guild as usual.

But now the guild is destroyed, he doesn't have this right at all, he can't even issue orders!

"My grass!" The second brother of Xueyi cursed, and had to release the news to the original high-level of the Heavenly Medical Association one by one, let them quickly organize their troops, go to the magic tower to destroy the flag inserted by Huang Yi, and re-rob here. come back.

But soon. He found an unsolvable problem.

At this time, the Saudi Legion and the North African Legion were surrounded by the dough group outside the magic tower and did not retreat!

If their forces want to storm the magic tower, they must pass the Saudi Army and North African Army!

The current Saudi Army and the North African Army. Just like Huang Yi's bodyguard, he firmly protects the magic tower from any outsiders!

"Are you thinking about it?" Five minutes later, Huang Yi stepped out of the magic tower, and asked the silver wolf and the original sinful soul.

Along with him, there is also a 244 level heaven guardian!

He is a barbarian, with muscles on his body like pieces of iron golems, standing straight under the stars, and the thick iron blood radiates out, making people dare not look straight.

Just a few minutes later, Huang Yi's action in the magic tower was very sharp, and he quickly found the 244-level guardian from the hero prison.

From then on, this sky medical city really belongs to him, even if someone wants to come and fight, they must weigh the strength of this 244 level heaven guardian!

At this time ~ www.readwn.com ~ The head of the North African Legion, the original sin soul, nodded his head and exclaimed: "We have considered it, and we will retreat. I hope you will not attack us!"

After all, the heads of the original sin soul and the silver wolf waved their hands at the same time, and the tide generally retreated out of the city.

The two legions of the Heavenly Medical Association were destroyed, and it was just a few words of Huang Yiqu to persuade him!

All this is a dreamlike feeling!

What nobody knows is that at this time, Huang Yi actually sent two messages to the silver wolf and the original sin soul— "Be careful in the near future, TNT may be against you."

"Okay, Brother Yi." The silver wolf and the original sin soul immediately replied.


The second is to ask for the next monthly ticket. It is now double the monthly ticket time. One ticket is equivalent to two votes. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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