Heroes Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 775: Death of the Ganges

The silver wolf head of the Saudi Legion and the soul of the original sin of the North African legion are the brothers of Rose Prison! He Huang Yi is a family!

On the surface, they led their respective legions to invade the hero continent, but they were actually two moves arranged by Huang Yi.

At this time, Huang Yi was in the limelight, and slowly walked to the second brother of Xueyi, patted him on the shoulder, and smiled: "Second brother of Xueyi, don't worry about it, I said I will keep you The city. Look, it's really saved now! "

The second brother of Xueyi will vomit blood. He would rather destroy the city than fall into the hands of Huang Yi!

But now, he could only forcibly hold back the anger in his heart, and laughed, "Hehe."

The Tianyi City is over. He can only quickly send troops to protect the cities of the other deputy territories, which will barely be able to recover a little loss.

"Oh, right!" At this moment, Huang Yi seemed to remember something, and continued to look at the second brother of Xueyi: "In addition, I forgot to tell you, I'm not the official, the sunset, the overlord, to protect them. Are the rest of your guild's deputy territories? Now all those cities have become the land of the heroic empire. You can rest assured that no one can move these cities. "

The second brother of Xueyi shuddered, the only hope in his heart was completely destroyed, and he stood still!

Huang Yi patted the shoulder of the second medical doctor and said, "Okay, I have to go. Now TNT, they are going to attack the hero empire. I have to go back and see!"

Having said that, Huang Yi took a deep look at the second brother of Xueyi and immediately left here.

At this point, the siege of Huang Yi's plan was declared dead!

He was not trapped in the Sky Medical City at all, but instead won the Sky Medical City and all the deputy cities of the Sky Medical Association.


On the other side, TNT, Ganges, Kidd, and their three superb masters all received news of the collapse of the Heavenly Medical Association.

"What should we do now? Are we going forward now? Killing God is back." Kidd turned to look at TNT and asked, their troops are still on the march, and the plan to attack the heroic empire has not entered a substantial stage.

TNT frowned, looking at the endless soldiers at night. Frowning, he said, "Kill God, we better be careful. Now wait and see if Ganges will succeed. If Ganges succeeds in releasing the curse of violent curse to the Doom, then we still have a chance, we wait His news! "

"Okay, we'll stop here now and wait." Kid nodded. Then a command was issued towards his Freedom Corps, saying, "Everyone, stop moving!"

Subsequently, all the troops originally rushing to the heroic empire stopped, and they dared not move forward.

A super-first legion that can't see at all. Just because of one's deterrence, life stopped.

"Eh? No!" At that moment, Kid suddenly screamed, "Just now, the base camp of our Free Army Corps was suddenly attacked by the Hero Army Corps! And it was the gentleman who led the army himself. We had too few left-behind personnel , I must rush back now! " He immediately took out a teleporting reel and wanted to rush back at the fastest speed.

"How did you do that?" TNT frowned suddenly. "Now it looks like it's not that we are planning to kill God, but that God is planning to kill us? Not only is he not trapped, he is now attacking your Freedom Army. Base camp, did he get the news long ago? "

"It's over!" Just then, Kidd held the scroll. Suddenly murmured, "Just now we teleported, we have used the Legion Teleport Scroll once, and it is still cooling down. We want to go back to rescue, we can only walk back!"

At this time, Kidd only felt cold on his back. They rushed back from such a distant place, and Kidd's base camp had been destroyed long ago!

"There is a problem. This is a plot to kill God. He knows our plan! Retreat immediately! Can't fight the hero empire. He set a trap against us." At this moment, TNT finally affirmed that this was Huang. A conspiracy of Yi could not help but quickly issued a retreat order, decisively giving up the plan to attack the heroic empire!

Immediately after, he sent a message to the Ganges, who was alone in the heroic empire.


On the other side, Ganga was walking alone within the territory of the heroic empire, holding the bottle of violent cursing potion tightly in his hands, looking around vigilantly, lest the messenger of the doom suddenly come.

After seeing the Doomsday messenger, the other party must also find him. He has a life-saving ability that can last twenty seconds, so he must always take the bottle of violent curse potion in his hand, use it in the first time, and in the second Curse of Fury is cast within ten seconds.

As long as the Doom Bringer can be made violent, the hero empire will usher in a huge crisis!

But just then, he received news from TNT!

He opened it and saw only a short sentence—

"Ganghe, retreat immediately!"

The sentence was short, but heavy, full of haste, as if hitting his heart.

Ganga did not dare to stay any longer, and immediately turned around and wanted to leave here.

"Ganghe, since it's here, don't leave!" Just then, Huang Yi's voice suddenly sounded.

Later, the Ganges was shocked to find that in the sand dunes in front, a figure was added, which is Huang Yi. He stood quietly under the moonlight, blocking his retreat!

"Kill God, you are in reincarnation, and this is your incarnation. What strength do you have to stop me?" Ganghe said with a sneer, dismissive.

But his attention had been maximized, his eyes narrowed constantly. Now that Huang Yi has appeared, the doomsday messenger is likely to appear as well, the bottle of violent cursing potion in his hand could not help but hold it tighter.

At this time, Huang Yi raised her eyebrows and said, "Well? It's weird. The second brother who studied medicine just said the same thing. Could the two of you have a relationship?"

Ganga's heart froze, but a smile appeared on his face, saying: "Killing God is really a joke. You are here, then the Doomsday messenger should be here too! You ca n’t kill me with this strength, do n’t waste time Let the doomsday messenger come out! "After speaking, he turned around and looked around, trying to use words to lead the doomsday messenger.

As soon as the doomsday messenger appeared, he would instantly use the bottle of violent curse potion in his hand to make the doomsday messer crazy.

"Without his shot, I'll take you on the road!" Huang Yi said, spit out a sentence: "Ganghe-death."

The next moment, Ganga had not responded yet, and felt that his eyes were dark, he received a death reminder, and entered the death space.

He was actually killed by Huang Yi in a word!

At the same time, a vast and distant voice suddenly sounded between the heaven and the earth—

"[Mainland announcement]: [Kill God] killed [Ganghe]."

Finally, the death of the second superb master of this war!

Ganga, the Indian player leader, became the second super-class master to die after the death of Dante after Dante!

This announcement is a mainland announcement. As long as it is a player on the hero continent, whether it is an invader or hero continent player, or those reporters, they can all hear it, and even spread it to the entire world through their live broadcast!

Although no one saw the process of Huang Yi and Ganges fighting, this has aroused more people's strong curiosity. Huang Yi is in the process of reincarnation, and a avatar is **** a super-class master like Ganges?

Sometimes, seeing the result without seeing the process is more attractive than seeing the process without seeing the result.

"Is it a spike drug?" At this time, in the dead space, Ganga was anxiously guessing in the endless darkness.

Huang Yi killed the enemy a few times before, and Spike Elixir has this ability! Ganges naturally thought that this was a spike medicine.

He suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness. Even if Huang Yi was reincarnation, even if he was just a clone, he had an invincible feeling.

Last time, his Ganges fleet fell into the hands of Huang Yi!

And this time, he was killed by Huang Yi himself and dropped a level!

Their only two encounters in this national war ended in his defeat.

With a sigh in his heart, Ganga immediately chose resurrection, and finally left the scope of the heroic empire.

At this time, Huang Yi quietly looked at where the Ganges died.

There was a bottle of potion there, reflecting the bright moonlight, shining brightly in his eyes.

Although the Ganges has the property of not exploding equipment after death, it is only non-explosive equipment and does not include the rest of the items!

And just before his death, Ganges had been holding the bottle of violent cursing potion. Before he died, he did not put it in the storage ring, and the potion burst out naturally!

Huang Yi smiled slightly, walked over immediately, picked up the bottle of medicine, checked it-

[Furious Curse Elixir] (S-Class, Magic Item-Elixir)

After use, you can cast a violent curse on the target, reduce the target's defense by 90%, make it have double attack power, and lose any wisdom. Attack all the creatures you can see for 2 hours. After the effect is over, the target will fall into a 24-hour coma. This potion has no effect on demigods.

Finally got this potion!

The reason why he hastily rushed to kill Ganges ~ www.readwn.com ~ is to get this potion!

There are many types of S-class medicaments. Even the world's first pharmacist, Miyamoto Musashi, can only produce a small part of them, and many cannot be made.

Huang Yi also does n’t have a fixed source of S-level medicaments. His medicine bottles are random breeding medicaments. Since the two drops of spike medicine previously bred, the medicine bottles have never bred any top-level medicine.

The potion of cursed curse he now receives is not as simple as a bottle of S-class potion.

Because he now has a huge problem that needs to be solved urgently, and with this potion, he has a perfect solution.


This is the third update, followed by the fourth update. It is estimated that it will be written at three o'clock in the middle of the night. You don't have to wait. See it tomorrow. Ask for a monthly ticket. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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