Heroes Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 776: Who is the inner ghost

"Brother Yi!" Just then, the voice of the puppet fish suddenly sounded from behind Huang Yi.

Huang Yi turned to look at him and said, "How is the situation now?"

"Sure enough, as expected, all of our arrangements are now successful!" The puppet fisher smiled happily. "Now, on the side of the Heavenly Medical Association, all of our deputy territories have been plugged in our national flags. We occupied it; Kidd's Free Army base camp was just completely beaten down by the gentleman; when TNT led the army to retreat, he was successfully ambushed by our artillery, and more than one million troops were killed by our magic artillery; And just now the Ganges was killed by you again ... Now all the enemies are disintegrated. "

"That's good! We won the battle again!" Huang Yi nodded, all of which was expected.

At this time, the puppet fish looked up curiously and looked at Huang Yi, saying: "Brother Yi, how did you kill Ganges just now, why can you kill him in one sentence? I haven't seen you use a spike poison. ! "

"That's my name-given skill. It's called Spike. It can kill a player directly. It can't be resisted in any way. But the cooling time is 100 days. When I was in the Eastern continent before reincarnation, I used this skill to kill the weaving. Tianshi, at the time people also thought that I was using a spike drug, but it wasn't. "Huang Yi explained a little. It has been more than a hundred days since his reincarnation, and this skill has naturally cooled down. Otherwise, he can't rely on his own power to kill Ganghe, a superb master.

"That's it!" Su Ziyu suddenly realized, he continued to look up at Huang Yi, and said, "I still have a problem. We don't have any spies who know about these things tonight! How did you know the second brother of Xueyi and TNT? Colluding with each other to deal with you? "

Huang Yi smiled slightly, and touched the head of the puppet fish, and said, "Do you remember? When the second brother of Xueyi came to me to send troops, I asked him a question, saying why he is not the president of the Tianyi Association Now. "

The puppet nodded. "I remember, he said at the time that he had passed the position of chairman to the God of God, and let him temporarily arrange everything."

"Yes! This made me a little bit skeptical of him." Huang Yi said, quietly: "The second brother of Xueyi wants to come to me. It has no direct relationship with the referral chairman. Long. The God of Heaven is also able to command the overall situation. Why is he doing so much? Maybe it is to elute his suspicions. In addition, since it is said that their guild is so urgent, it should be impossible to get away and send a subordinate Come and invite me. There is no need to come in person. "

The puppet fisher took the conversation and said, "So you can guess that he may have a problem. An old master such as him will ask you in person, and you must be very difficult to refuse. When he transfers the position of chairman, he can abandon the car. Baoshuai, keep yourself safe, and take God God as a renunciation. But this is only your guess. At most, it is just that you suspect that they have a problem, not even doubt. Because these two doubts are too common, You cannot know their detailed plans. "

"Do you remember when the second brother Xueyi asked us, he suddenly asked me, why did I look at him in a daze? He also reached out and shook in front of my eyes." Huang Yi said, and pointed his fingers at himself. His eyes said, "Actually, I wasn't in a daze, I was watching their plans with my own eyes! I have the eyes of time to see what happened in the past. Since I suspect that there is something wrong with the second doctor of medicine, then I I simply used the eye of time to look at his past, so it ’s safer. My eye of time is more strenuous to see the player ’s past, and I can only see the past within twelve hours. , Prepare for a few more days, then I may really be fooled. Because I can't see the point. "

"Oh? What key point did you see?" The puppet asked curiously.

Huang Yi laughed: "I saw the two youngest medical students, Zheng Wen, Yu Shengxin, and TNT, Ganga, and Kidd. The meeting plan, what they talked about during the meeting I know all the plans. All I will do is count. I made these corresponding deployments tonight. "

"One hundred secrets and one sparse!" The puppet fish sighed.

Huang Yi touched the head of the puppet and taught: "Yes! Sometimes a mistake in a detail can cause a butterfly effect and cause a whole plan to fail. This time, they chose the wrong time to execute the plan. But This is not to blame them. No one knows that I have the eye of time. After all, this ability is too shocking. If I don't have the eye of time, then I must be fooled. "

"Then what do we do next?" Puppet asked.

"Nothing to do." Huang Yi smiled slightly, looking at the huge bright moon in the sky, and said, "Next, let's just watch the movie quietly, there will be internal fighting between the enemies! They guess and doubt each other. , Look for that inner ghost that doesn't exist. "


When everything calms down, the planners of the six planners, Xinsheng, Second Medical Doctor, Zheng Wen, TNT, Kidd, and Ganges, finally have time to think about what happened tonight.

TNT alone found three young people, Xinsheng, Zheng Wen and Xueyi, to discuss what happened tonight.

At this moment, the second brother of Xueyi stared angrily at TNT, with the flame of hatred burning in his eyes, and asked, "Why do you have problems ?! The Saudi Army and the North African Army have always followed you and listened to your orders. And tonight they destroyed my guild! What you lost was only some troop strength, only one level down. What I lost was all I have! Now I have nothing! I have nothing! "At the end, he studied medicine The second brother growled, all the anger that had been suppressed before, poured out at this moment!

TNT looked at the second medical student who was burning in anger and calmly said, "I know you will suspect that my people have a problem, but I don't know why this is the case. I wonder if you have thought about the Saudi Army and North Africa. Legion, maybe a **** killer? "

As soon as this sentence was spoken, the second brother of Xueyi was sober.

He had been in anger before, losing his mind and not thinking about these issues.

Now he heard TNT's speculation, thinking for a moment, his heart suddenly became cold, and his back sweated!

What TNT said is not impossible. The previous Pope and Miyamoto Musashi are living examples. Before Huang Yi, he could command some guilds in the United States and Japan. Go to fight against Heaven Guild and Budo Guild. This shows that he is also influential in the rest of the country.

From this point of view, the Saudi Army and the North African Army may also be Huang Yi's men. It is likely that they did not go to Tianyi City tonight to pick up the cheap, but they were directed by Huang Yi to attack the Tianyi Guild!

It's just that these things are hidden in a fake battle. Will appear more hidden. That's why they can do fake work all at once. When they don't have time to react, they quickly knock down the battle flag and destroy the Tianyi Guild.

"It makes sense to come!" At this moment, Yu Shengsheng nodded, "No wonder the two legions did not listen to TNT's order; no wonder they defeated the main battle flag of the Heavenly Medical Association. One word was killed by God Frightened back and gave him a city at his hand; no wonder after killing God and besieged in Tianyi City, he hasn't been in a hurry, his expression is calm! It turned out that this was hidden under their conspiracy An anti-conspiracy! "

"So how does Kill God know that we are going to target him tonight?" At this moment, Zheng Wen suddenly asked.

"It's very simple, there are inner ghosts!" He snorted coldly from his heart. "Kill God is so clean tonight, everything has been targeted at us, indicating that someone told him the plan! And it is a complete plan, otherwise it is impossible to consider all aspects. The only person who knows the complete plan is four of us plus Kidd. There are a total of six people with Ganges. The rest only know part of the plan, even if it is the God of God who bears the infamy of the traitor, he doesn't know the complete plan. So, there are six of us. There is an inner ghost! "

At this time, the second brother of Xueyi turned his head to look at TNT immediately, and when he looked cold, he seemed to regard him as an inner ghost.

"Are you out of mind?" TNT saw the second brother of Xueyi looking at him with a skeptical look, and could not help humming. "If I am an inner ghost, then I am too sorry to kill the god. I did it before So many things targeted at killing God. "

"I don't doubt you!" At this moment, Yu Shengsheng rushed into the circle and said, "The three of us are absolutely impossible to be ghosts. Zheng Wen and I are the initiators of this conspiracy. The second brother of Xueyi Is the biggest victim, none of us can cooperate with God of Killing, and you can also rule it out. Then one of the remaining Kid and Ganges must be the inner ghost! "

"Is Kidd and Ganges?" TNT touched his bald head, frowning and thinking. "The thing that kills God, the most favorite is true and false, so you ca n’t tell what is true and what is false. . So we have to find out who the two of them are in the ghost, we need to look at it in the long run and analyze it from the beginning of the national war to the present. "

Speaking of TNT, Youyou said: "The Ganges joined the National War very early. Many battles were really fought. The last time he was killed by the God of God, the Ganges fleet was lost, and just now he was really killed. God killed and took the risk of reincarnation, so he is unlikely to be a **** killer. "

Speaking, TNT's voice calmed down and said, "Kid has a problem. He has not joined the national war before, and only joined it not long ago. He has been in the war for about the same time as the killing god. So far, he The damage to the hero's continent is the smallest, and his loss is the least. Last time in the sunset city, he was actually scared by a few words of killing the gods. From the outsiders' perspective, he was intimidated by the words of killing the gods. But in fact, he may be a **** killer. Being scared back is just an illusion. In fact, he was directed by God killing. And this time, although the base camp of their legion was also destroyed, their base camp was originally It didn't take long to run, and there was not much loss when it was destroyed. Overall, there was almost no substantial loss in all of Kidd's confrontation with Killing God ~ www.readwn.com ~ He should be the inner ghost! "

"Yes! I also suspect Kidd!" Yu Nod nodded, and said eeriely: "Also, he has sufficient motivation to commit crimes. He and the Pope have been vying for the position of the No. 1 leader in the continental United States. The last time the Pope ’s Heavenly Guild was badly hit, Kidd ’s free country was nothing. Kidd and God of Destruction should have cooperated, they are a group! ”

After hearing the analysis, the second brother of Xueyi and Zheng Wen suddenly nodded in secret and felt reasonable. The second brother of Xueyi finally found the venting object, and could not help but scold again: "I spit your mother's Kid! You actually colluded to kill God to deal with me, I and you are not over!"

"Scolding is useless, we need to take actual action to avenge him!" TNT's mouth showed a cruel arc, "We want to kill Kidd!"


This is the fourth more, too late, sorry.

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