Heroes Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 777: Betrayal of Doom

At this time, Ganga and Kid on the other side were also talking under the moonlight.

Ganges, with both hands on his back, looked up at the bright moon in the starry sky, and said, "This time, it was obvious that the God of Killing knew our plan in advance. Some of us six were inner ghosts and told him the complete plan. Otherwise I really can't guess how he knew the complete plan. "

Kid nodded and stroked his chin. "Yes! Although our plan is not perfect, some doubts are revealed, but these doubts are common. At best, it only makes him feel a little weird. As a result of this, he must have received complete information. Of the six of us, who do you think is most like an inner ghost? "Then, he stared at the Ganges with a burning gaze.

"Whoever does not lose is the inner ghost." Ganga said lightly.

"Do you also guess that you want to be born of your heart? I also guessed it was him." Kidd's eyes were cold and flashed a bit of cold light. "He is the initiator of the plan, and he has the greatest suspicion! Maybe he is in the back of the killing gods! Collude and cooperate, deliberately launch this plan, seduce us to be fooled, and defeat us! "

Ganges nodded and said, "Do you still need to guess? Obviously, you want to be born from the heart. The two legion of the heroic continents have long been alliances, but they pretended to be contradictory. Tonight, the guild of the second medical doctor was Destroyed, TNT's troops were bombarded by magic artillery, your base was destroyed again, and I was killed on the spot by the **** of killing. We all suffered losses, but only those who want to be born from the heart are still good, he is obviously the inner ghost ! "

Kidd took a deep breath and said, "We must repay this hatred! We must die if we want to be born! I want to let him know the cost of betraying us!"

A gust of night wind blew, and his somber voice suddenly blown away.

But his hatred did not dissipate with him.

Participants in this plan were so suspicious of each other that the original fairly harmonious cooperative relationship suddenly appeared deep cracks.

The winner tonight is undoubtedly Huang Yi, who has harvested the cities of the Heavenly Medical Association. A few more victories were fought, adding a lot of legions of merit.

But what made him most happy was that he received the potion of S-Class Furious Curse!

He looked at the past of Xueyi Second Brother with the eyes of time. When he knew the effect of this bottle of medicine, he immediately came up with a plan to deal with the messenger of Doom.

Next, he found the Doomsday messenger again.

At this time, the opponent was still beside the oasis, and his tall body was like a volcano. Bringing strong oppression, even the plants in the surrounding oasis were burned and withered.

"Doomsday messenger, I think it's better to let go of your body." Huang Yi walked to the side of the messenger and said openly.

"Oh?" The fire in Doom's eyes suddenly lighted a little, and said slightly excitedly: "Then let it go. This way, my strength will be stronger, your territory will be more secure, no one can After defeating the fit I. "

"But there is a problem." Huang Yi said, and then the words turned, and said, "There are too many keys in the hero prison, and it is very difficult for me to find the keys of a certain cell unless it takes several hours. Handle Look for it, it's too time consuming, I don't know if you can do anything. "

The Doom Angel was once a god, and before it also showed the Doomsday Heart and Doom Scythe two epic equipment, his means can not be imagined. So Huang Yi came to him and see if he could save time.

"It seems that you haven't really mastered the Hero Prison." The Doom Angel groaned, and a flaming liquid suddenly appeared in the lava-like palm. Floated in front of Huang Yi.

Doom Bringer said: "The hero prison is created by the **** of death. Generally speaking, only people with divine power can truly control the items created by the god. Most people will not have divine power until the level of the demigod. You still need a long time to reach that level. Time. But there is a hint of divine power in this drop of liquid. You can incorporate it into your body, so that even if you have divine power, you can fully control the hero prison. Those keys should not be so difficult to get, but this divine power can only last. For an hour, you better speed up. "

"Sure enough, there is a good thing!" Huang Yi's heart moved, and immediately took the drop of liquid.

Suddenly. The drop of burning liquid fell into the palm of his hand, slowly submerged into his body, and rushed towards the limbs.

Huang Yi suddenly found that he had an additional potion effect called "Divine Power"-

The body possesses a trace of divine power, which can exert all the functions of artifacts or artifacts for 1 hour.

"I will release your own body!" Huang Yi stared at the Doomsday angel with a deep meaning.

The two heart-broken people maintained the last trace of peace.


At this moment, far in the endless ocean, the deep-sea magic flesh is still advancing at a speed with the Yunyi ship carrying Huang Yi, the waves are rough under the moonlight, the action of the deep-sea magic flesh is getting bigger and bigger, and the tsunami caused by it is getting stronger !!

The deep-sea flesh is clearly waking up, and the control time is about to end!

"Stop controlling the deep-sea demon flesh and stop it!" At this moment, Huang Yi shouted loudly towards Wuchao Ji.

Chao Chao Xi Ji nodded his head and immediately stopped his hand, and did not continue to attack the tentacles of the deep-sea monster!

In a short time, the deep-sea demon flesh stopped, stopped in the endless ocean, and stood silently, like an island under the night.

But this small island is constantly trembling, and the surrounding seawater is struggling hard to strike, as if something cannot be suppressed, it will burst out!

"Hurry out of here!" Huang Yi commanded to the crew and immediately flew down from the ship.

Soon, the Yunfan ship was immediately full of power, and quickly left here, disappearing at the end of the ocean under the moonlight.

Until this time, Huang Yi finally came up with the book of heroes!

At that moment, he obviously felt that the book of heroes started differently. In the past, this book always had an illusory feeling, not his own things, but others temporarily gave him. Now, this book is like he is really in his hands, it is his own thing.

He immediately summoned the hero's prison, rushed in, and came to the stone room where the key was placed.

Huang Yi looked up at the sky's keys and was about to fly to catch them.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!" At this moment, tens of thousands of flying keys suddenly fell in the sky. Like a rain of keys, the dense ground fell to the ground, making the crisp sound of dense metal landing, and then it was motionless and could be picked by Huang Yi.

The keys in the sky suddenly became sparse, and only a few thousand keys were still flying fast.

After Huang Yi possessed a little divine power, the hero prison really showed some differences. But this difference can only last an hour.

Next, he immediately searched the ground and found that the criminals held by these keys were at the highest level 174, which is the high-level sanctuary. Before his reincarnation, he was at the high-level sanctuary level, and this key fell down. It is probably because of this reason.

The level of the doomsday body is 172, which is exactly the level of the high-level sanctuary. His key must be in the more than 10,000 keys below.

Huang Yi remembered very clearly that the cell number of the Doomsday body was 2780. He immediately searched for the key among the keys in the ground.

He only has one hour and more than three thousand seconds. Time was running out, and his eyes turned into a scanner, quickly searching through the vast keys.

Finally, at the 48th minute, Huang Yi finally found the key to the cell in which the doomsday messenger was located!

Holding the key, he took a deep breath, walked through the corridors in the prison, and came to the cell of the doomsday body.

at this time. The body of the doomsday messenger is in the cell, and the fire on his body will illuminate the whole cell.

"Doom Bringer, go out!" Huang Yi said inward, and opened the door of the cell directly.

Immediately afterwards, he teleported from the hero prison and returned to the deep-sea demon flesh.

The Doom Angel looked at the open cell door, and his body trembled with excitement, exhausting his fastest speed. Lightning rushed out.

After he left the cell door, he was teleported directly into the ocean.

"I'm finally free!" In the ocean, the doomsday whispered the cool sea breeze.

He looked up at the bright starry sky. It seems that in the perception of this wonderful world, countless years of depression, finally broke out at this moment!

"Congratulations on your freedom!" At this time, Huang Yi stood in a place not far in front of the Doomsday Messenger and congratulated.

This is the first time he has released a criminal with full strength, and has not used any contract to constrain him. The Doomsday Essence is now a free man.

Meanwhile, on the distant hero continent.

Huang Yi's incarnation saw an aura of excitement on the face of the divine messenger, apparently perceiving that his own body was free!

Doomsday's eyes with leaping flames stared at Huang Yi and said, "Kill God, thank you for releasing my body. In order to express my gratitude, I decided to kill you." The palms that burned with flames were beaten directly towards Huang Yi, and he immediately reached empty blood, and the death exemption came into effect, resisting the death.

Huang Yi smiled slightly and did not use the last stroke to save his life, but said very politely: "You're welcome."

The next moment, his avatar was killed directly.

And the doomsday messenger is not good. His shot against the king of the heroic empire has violated the guardian's contract. The power of the contract in the body immediately takes effect and directly kills him.

The power of the contract cannot be disobeyed!


The original intention of this plot is to write wonderful, but I did not write well, the status is still not good, these chapters are written hard, rendering is not enough, the ups and downs make up, the rhythm is too fast, there are no details.

To conceive their conspiracies quickly, quickly execute them, crack them quickly, and end them quickly, everything is taken for granted, and a narrated fact has been stated.

The plot of the conspiracy is not detailed, and if it is not rendered, it will cause this plot to be idiotic. The loopholes are too obvious, and there are no words and details to explain those loopholes.

However, the writing status is very sluggish, and I am not sure that I can write the details well. If the details are not written, the consequences will be more serious, that is, the word count is gone, but the plot is still not good, which is commonly known as water injection.

Explanatory things can certainly be said to round out all aspects of this conspiracy ~ www.readwn.com ~, but it will also seem nonsense, no plot advance.

In addition, some readers said in the book review area that the plot has jumped too much recently, which is also a problem of unreasonable rhythm of the plot.

The killing of the gods in search of the blade and the death penalty of the thunder **** are written together. The dates of these two events are very close, and there is no jumping date. But when two things are written together, there is an illusion of jumping when read.

When I went to bed last night, I thought about it carefully, if the protagonist found the plot of the blade, then wrote the plot to adjust it, and then wrote the death penalty of Thor, this would be much better. The two things are slightly staggered, and a plot is eased in the middle, and it doesn't look like the plot is jumping. But now that it has been written, there is no way to make up for it.

I didn't consider these issues when I wrote, and I thought about it after writing, only to find that there are so many regrets, I am very sorry.

Finally, ask for the next monthly ticket. It is now double the monthly ticket time. One ticket is equivalent to two votes. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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