Heroes Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 778: The strongest mussels compete

After the death of the apostle's divine fetus, the body of the apocalyptic distant in the ocean suddenly trembled, emitting a fierce fire, and it was burning.

A large amount of seawater is directly evaporated into a mist, which diffuses into the air, making the messenger look hazy.

"Kill God, do you want to use this deep-sea monster to deal with me?" The doomsday messenger looked at the island under Huang Yi's foot, apparently already recognized this deep-sea monster.

"Yes!" Huang Yi nodded, "This deep-sea monster has far more power than you, even before your divine fetus has died, and it is not its opponent."

Doombringer grinned at Huang Yi and spit out a burning flame, saying: "But you didn't expect it! My divine fetus can be resurrected after death, and I'm not your guardian anymore, I still think of it a little bit Perseverance! "

Huang Yi hugged her hands in front of her chest and said calmly, "Don't you want to start training again after the fetal death?"

"I am a great doomsday messenger! This is not a problem for me at all. In order to thank you for taking care of me at this time, I have decided to let you experience my true power." After finishing the messenger, he immediately took out a magic bottle Inside is a potion burning with flames, showing a swaying light in this dark night.

Huang Yining looked at it, and suddenly found that the potion was very familiar. It was the kind of potion given to him by the divine messenger of the apocalypse before, and after use, he could have a little divine power.

But he only had one drop at that time, and the effect was limited, which lasted only an hour. And now, the Doom Bringer took out a full bottle! This number has exceeded a certain limit, and once used up, the effect will change qualitatively!

One drop and one bottle are completely two concepts. Some medicines will not have obvious effects until the whole bottle is used. Most of these S-class potions, such as Miyamoto Musashi, use one bottle at a time. And like the Elixir of Spike, you can kill the enemy directly with just one drop at a time. The quality is more advanced. If it was a whole bottle of spike poison, Huang Yi could not imagine what effect it would have.

The next moment, the Doom Bringer tightened his hands and exploded the magic bottle directly. The fire-flaming potions burst instantly and all spilled on him.

Suddenly. Doomsday is like pouring oil on the fire, the flames emerging from the body are even stronger! Those flames even formed a fire phoenix, circling around him, making him seem to have a feeling of rebirth!

"Kill God, my divine fetus can not only fuse with the body, but also restore its original strength!" The Doom Bringer comfortably stretched a lazy waist in the flames. The sound of a flame burst out from every joint on the body. His body has also become taller and taller, like a mountain peak rising from the ocean, rushing straight up into the sky, and only to grow up to the cloud to stop.

His breath has become more and more intense. It was originally only a 172-level high-level sanctuary, but now it is rising. Suddenly ascended to the higher sanctuary. The elementary sky domain, the intermediate sky domain, the advanced sky domain, until the original level 272 of his divine fetus, finally stopped.

In a short period of time, this doomsday messenger at level 172 has become level 272, which has been improved by 100 levels! This upgrade speed. It's really scary!

At this point, the body of the Doom Angel had touched the clouds, Huang Yi was not even an ant in front of him, the gap between the two was too great!

"Kill God, my strength has been restored! I am afraid that your plan to deal with this deep-sea demon flesh against me is defeated. Although I ca n’t beat him, I want to leave here easily. But your death is Can't avoid it. Express your thoughts! If you speak well, I can consider making you die more comfortably. If you don't speak well, I can only torture you bit by bit. " sound. It's like a system announcement, ringing in the sky and spreading in all directions.

"Okay! But how about letting me drink a bottle of medicine before I die?" Huang Yi said, flipping his palm, and immediately took out the bottle of violent cursing potion and poured it straight up.

Later, Huang Yi reached out and pointed at one leg hair of the Doom Bringer, and smiled slightly, "Well, Doom Bringer, you have to play with the deep sea monsters! Curse of Fury!"

In a short time, a violent red brilliance was quickly radiated from his finger, and directly submerged into the body of the doomsday messenger!

The small beam of red light is negligible when compared with the towering body of the emissary!

But the Doomsday Angel is not a demigod after all, and can't resist this S-level potion, and suddenly hits the effect of the Curse of Fury!

After a while, the body of the Doomsday trembled suddenly, losing all of his intellect, and turning into a downright killing machine!

From now on, his defense will drop by 90%, and his attack power will double, and he will continue to attack everything he can see for two hours!

Next, this large area will become a **** on earth, and the Doom Angel has doubled its attack power, which is like a top-level Celestial Powerhouse. It is raging here, and that kind of scene is unimaginable.

Just then, Huang Yi's body suddenly disappeared without any trace!

When he left Yunfan before, he left a mark of killing on the deck, and now he teleported it, leaving the area completely.

The next moment, Huang Yi appeared on the distant Yunfan ship. He looked back and looked at the direction of the deep-sea demon flesh.

The deep sea flesh is far away, and it looks like a small black spot the size of a fist. But there has now become a blaze of flames, and endless blazing flames appear in the night, even the sea surface is burning.

After the doomsman lost his mind, he immediately attacked the deep-sea monster in front of him!

The deep-sea monster has suffered such a severe blow, and it suddenly moved. Its control time has already reached the critical point. Now it is so strongly attacked by the Doomsday messenger, and it suddenly wakes up! Without any restraints, you can make waves again!

The deep-sea flesh is also a creature with no wisdom, similar to the post-apocalyptic messenger. The two of them are now dying to each other and fighting against each other!

Deep sea flesh is a creature that transcends the general level. Although it only has a high-level heavenly domain level, it has a huge body and far surpasses the ordinary heavenly strongman. And here is its favorite marine environment. His actual combat power has completely reached the top level of the heavens, and it is on par with the post-apocalyptic messenger!

"Boom boom!" Soon, in the battle circle that day, the situation began to change, lightning flashes and thunders sounded in the sky, the seawater was shaken into the sky, and fell heavily, a scene of overturning the river! It is even stronger than the storm of twelfth grade, and all the space there is full of the aftermath of violent battle.

Any player at this stage, staying in that circle, don't want to survive, unless they use those very strange life-saving skills.

A fierce tsunami swept across in all directions, and soon caught up with the Yunfan ship where Huang Yi was! The waves were soaring, and the altitude far surpassed the Yunfan ship!

At this time, the Yunfan ship was no different from a small paper boat, and was severely abandoned in the huge waves, and fell down severely!

"Kill God, what did you do there?" The caller Chao Ji on the Yunfan ship, while protecting the Yunfan ship from the shocking tsunami, looked back at the deep-sea demon flesh and the doomsday messenger. The direction of the fight, asked curiously.

With the protection of Chaochao Xiji, the Yunfan warship stabilized immediately. It seemed like a faint light among the huge waves. Although it swayed, it remained unextinguished.

"It's nothing, just let an old friend come out and play with the deep-sea monster. They are quite rivals!" Huang Yi smiled slightly, touching his chin.

It is a happy thing to watch the clams fighting. He enjoys the feeling of being a fisherman. When the enemies fight each other, it is time for him to play.

Huang Yi's eyesight was excellent, and the battle in the distance was almost clear.

Doomsday messengers and deep-sea demon flesh, they really fought with each other. Two super-strength masters in the sky have made you come and go. Every time you make a shot, you can feel the shock. Even if you are far away, you can clearly feel the shock!

"Boom!" At this moment, the doomsday messenger reached out a huge fire-fist, and slammed it into the deep-devil flesh!

The deep-sea devil flew into the ocean floor with brute force, and the huge waves around him flew into the sky, stirring with the dark clouds of the sky!

The lightning in the dark cloud directly followed the sea of ​​sky, and it broke all the way to the sea. The sea was entangled with thunder and lightning.

"It's strong!" Seeing this kind of picture, Wu Chaoji also trembled slightly. He is just a junior celestial sphere. He will inevitably die in the battle circle of the deep-sea demon flesh and the apostle.

"Boom!" Soon, the deep-sea devil flew out from the bottom of the sea, and slammed the doomsday messenger with a huge body!

The doomsday messenger was immediately knocked out and flew out ~ www.readwn.com ~ He was severely dropped into the sea water, and endless sea water sputtered.

That whole sea area is so messy that there is seawater everywhere in the air, in the sky, in the clouds, under the stars, no inch is calm!

The Doom Bringer quickly got up, and continued to attack the flesh of the deep sea ...

In this way, the two strongest men under demigods attacked each other fiercely in this endless ocean.

The seawater is no longer exclusive to the ocean, but is mixed with the sky, and the clouds have become an ocean, and a steady stream of seawater has been shaken into the sky!

This level of battle is probably the strongest battle that players can see since the opening of the Second World!

The deep-sea demon flesh and the doomsday messenger can be described as the strongest pile of mussels, but their rivalry was turned into a fisherman by a little Huang Yi. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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