Heroes Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 781: Body of the Holy Dragon

Huang Yi flew to the doomsday messenger, again consuming 10 points of Nefarem's power, and merged with the Savage God to attack the doomsday messenger with a super strong attack power.

While attacking, he also summoned Xiaolong!

Xiaolong now only has dozens of levels, not even a hundred levels, and the strength of the golden holy dragon has played a little bit.

And just after Huang Yi ’s Killing Gods was promoted to epic, he added an additional passive skill with experience gift. After killing the leader above 30 levels, he can let the contract partners get the same experience value.

This passive skill can just mention the level of Xiaolong.

"Wang Wang!" After Xiaolong came out, he immediately shook his little head in excitement, arched hard in Huang Yi's arms, fluttered his wings, and sprinkled Jiao.

"Xiaolong, your dog barking is too much to affect your image! Good not to learn, but to learn dog barking!" Huang Yi attacked Doomsday's messenger, and touched Xiaolong's head.

Xiaolong opened his eyes wide, and the curious baby stared at Huang Yi in general. A nasal bubble suddenly appeared on his little nose, and he wiped it on Huang Yi's clothes.

It seems that it will never grow big. Although the body can grow temporarily, the mind has always stayed at the age of a little naughty. In front of the master Huang Yi, there is no golden shelf and momentum.

When Xiaolong saw Huang Yi attacking the huge doomsday angel, he blinked his eyes and showed a very curious expression.

It immediately flew down, stepped on the doomsday messenger, retracted its small wings, lifted its small paws, and stung, as if trying to test out what it was.

"Wang Wang!" When Xiaolong saw the magma flowing from the doomsday, suddenly his eyes lighted up, and he rushed over to lick.

The magma was so hot that even the sea water was boiling, but it didn't hurt Xiaolong at all, but it was like some kind of supplement. Has a nourishing effect on it.

Xiaolong originally had a fire-like constitution. After being promoted to the growth stage, he awakened a skill called the Flame of the Holy Dragon, which can open his mouth to spit fire, and still has 50% of the Holy Flame of the Holy System damage.

"Little guy, since you like the blood of the Doomsday so much, I'll help you!" Then. The caller of the tide on the Yunfan ship saw Xiaolong relishly absorb the flames of those doomsday messengers, suddenly revealed a motherly smile, stretched out her slim fingers, and slightly moved toward the ocean!

Suddenly, a strange sight appeared across the ocean. Some fiery red magma were separated from the ocean, and they continued to gather towards Xiaolong.

These fiery red rays are the blood that flowed into the ocean when the Doomsday messengers and the deep-sea demon flesh fought. It's just that the blood is so strong that it can't be neutralized with the seawater, it still condenses into a ball, and it can't even go out.

"Wang Wang!" Xiaolong screamed at Gongchao Ji with thanks. Open your mouth and **** on the blood of the Doomsday messengers.

When all the blood had been absorbed, Xiaolong finally took a full meal, and then Huang Yi received a system prompt.

"[System Tip]: Your contract partner, Xiaolong, has absorbed the blood of Doom, and [Sacred Dragon's Flame] skills have been improved."

Sure enough, after taking the blood of these doomsday messengers, Xiaolong improved this fire skill, and Huang Yi looked at this improved skill--

[Flame of the Holy Dragon]: Sprays a sacred flame, inflicting 60% of the sacred damage and 40% of the fire damage to enemies in the area. And make the enemy's movement speed drop by 30% within the next 24 hours. The wider the sprayed flame, the smaller the damage value, the more concentrated the sprayed flame, the greater the damage value. The widest range of flame spray shall not exceed 250 meters. The daily spraying time must not exceed the second level of the Golden Holy Dragon. This skill can increase with the strength of the Golden Holy Dragon. Proceed accordingly and activate the remaining effects.

After this skill upgrade, the proportion of holy damage increased from 50% to 60%. Reduced enemy movement speed. It was increased from the original 20% to 30%, and the widest range was also increased from the original 200 meters to 250 meters. All data have reached a level.

Next, Xiaolong attacked the Doom Bringer with Huang Yi very sensibly, and the blood remaining in the Doom Bringer's body was still sucked by it a little bit.

In this way, after a few people attacked by one person and one dragon, after spending several minutes, the bloodskin of the Doomsday Angel was finally destroyed!

The eternal messenger, the immortal god, was finally successfully killed!

At that moment, a huge meal of experience value, once again smashed his head and smashed Huang Yi's body into his reincarnation experience pool. Like the deep-seated demon flesh, this doomsday messenger and Huang Yi also have a level difference of more than 150 levels, with additional bonus experience and more. It has also been doubled by Huang Yi ’s passive killing skill-experience gift!

Huang Yi is now more and more looking forward to the end of the reincarnation. Even he cannot imagine that after the end of the reincarnation, all the experience values ​​poured down in one breath, how many levels can he be promoted to!

However, the level of Xiaolong's promotion is very intuitive.

After the master's reincarnation, the contract partners would have followed the reincarnation, but Xiaolong originally had only a few dozen levels, and his reincarnation had already ended.

Now, it has received the experience gift from the Death of the God, and instantly gained the same amount of experience as Huang Yi.

At that moment, its level soared all the way, and the speed was no longer clear. It was almost like the system adjusted the level for it. It soared all the way to level 112 before it stabilized!

The doomsday ambassador at level 272 gave Xiaolong a boost of dozens of levels in one breath, which is even more than all the experience gained by upgrading with Xiaolong before Huang Yi.

"[System reminder]: Your contract partner, Xiaolong, has risen to level 100, awakening the third skill [Sacred Dragon's Body], and [Sacred Dragon's Birth] and [Sacred Dragon's Flame] have also been upgraded accordingly.

This is the third skill. Xiaolong awakened the first skill Holy Dragon at the age of 50 before he came to the world. After he was promoted to the growth stage, he got the second skill Holy Dragon's Flame. Now it exceeds 100 and finally appears. The third skill.

Huang Yi looked forward to this new skill of Xiaolong——

[Body of the Holy Dragon]: Passive skills make the dragon's body have strong anti-strike ability, save 30% of any damage, and have a 50% chance to save any control skills and negative skills. This skill can be increased with level. Proceed accordingly and activate the remaining effects.

This is a passive skill, which improves the survival ability of the dragon, the value range is very considerable, and it can be improved with the subsequent level increase, it is a growth skill.

Huang Yi looked at the two skills before Xiaolong, and the improvement was also good.

The Holy Dragon is born. It is a skill that can make the dragon's body bigger and smaller. After this promotion, it has increased its flying speed by almost 30%.

The Holy Dragon's Flame skill has just been improved after it has absorbed the blood of the Doomsday messenger, and now it has actually improved. The proportion of holy damage has increased from 60% to 70%!

It seems so. One day, the dragon can increase the proportion of the Holy System to 100%. By then, it will be completely damaged by the Holy System, and it will be almost impossible to defend it.

"Xiaolong, you're stronger again!" Huang Yi touched Xiaolong's head, then he focused his attention on the dead messenger.

Now that the battle is over, his union with the Savage God is over, as he has summoned the dragon. Normally, non-hunter players can only summon one contract partner, so the **** is automatically taken back.

However, Huang Yi now happens to be at level 120, and his Nefarem bloodline has a skill called Demon Coexistence at level 120. After using 1 Nefareem power, he can summon two contract partners. This skill is now available.

He re-summoned the Savage God, just like the soul that absorbed the deep sea demon flesh before. Let him inhale the soul of the Doom.

The emissary was a **** at the beginning, and the **** is usually immortal. Huang Yi has seen this with his own eyes.

When he first entered the second world and was still in the form of a cat, his mother was killed. Later, his father, the beast god, descended into the world, and when he beckoned his mother, he was resurrected.

General beings, no matter how strong. Some time after the death of the soul, it is necessary to go to the underworld, just like the deep-sea demon flesh just like the criminals in the hero prison. After the death, there was only one dead body, and the soul was long gone.

But the gods do not. This is the privilege of the gods. No matter how long their souls are, they will not go to the underworld, and they will be easily resurrected.

But now, Huang Yi uses Nefarem skills beyond the demon, then it's different!

After being absorbed into the body of the savage god, the dragon spirit of the emissary is truly detained and cannot be resurrected!

A **** is truly dead!

Huang Yi raised her ears in anticipation, ready to listen to the announcement of the system.

In the forum materials, no player has ever really killed the gods. Huang Yi should be the first person, and it should be announced.

But it is strange that the announcement did not sound!

Huang Yi waited for a long time without hearing the announcement!

"Is this the only achievement that has been taken away by others? But why haven't you heard of it?" Huang Yi frowned and said to himself ~ www.readwn.com ~ extremely confused.

Killing the gods should be a very shocking behavior, but no one has mentioned it in the forum.

"Kill God, the Angel of Doom really has something good! This is the first one, let me show it to you!" At this time, Chao Chao Xi Ji said to Huang Yi and reached out a hand!

Suddenly, a blaze of flames flew from the heart of Doom Bringer and floated in front of Huang Yi.

This flame is like a love peach, swaying in the night wind, but it will never go out. There was a chain of fire around the flame, which looked like a necklace.

This is the epic necklace that Huang Yi has seen before-the Doomsday Heart.


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