Heroes Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 782: Doomsday Heart

Huang Yi reached out to take over this Doomsday Necklace, and the flame spread to his hands, but it did not hurt him.

This necklace feels warm in the hand, as if holding a real heart. Huang Yi looked at its properties with anticipation.

[Heart of Doom] (epic, jewelry-necklace)

Magic Defense: 1200

Fire penetration +30 points

Adds 20% Fire Damage to Attacks

Fire resistance cap increased to 85

Attack + 20%

If the maximum anger limit is less than 800 points, forcibly increase to 800 points

Critical Strike Effect + 30%

Attack Speed ​​+ 10%

Incidental skills:

[Doom Bringer]: After using it, you can incarnate Doom Bringer, immune to any fire damage, and double the power of fire skills, without any cooling time, lasts 1 minute. Each use consumes 10% health and a cooldown of 30 days.

[Apocalyptic Energy]: Passive skills, the energy consumption rate is reduced by 20%, and the natural energy growth rate is doubled. This effect stacks with other similar skills.

Durability: 2977/3000

Requirement level: can be increased with the level, the current level is 120

Equipment rating: 2400

Item description: Doomsday, not world destruction, but you are not in my world.

This necklace is considered to be very high-end in epic equipment, and there are several highlights in its basic attributes alone.

For example, fire penetration, penetration is a relatively rare attribute, and 1 penetration can offset the enemy's 1 resistance.

If the enemy's fire resistance is 30 points, then Huang Yi wearing this necklace can offset the opponent's 30 resistances, so that the enemy does not have any fire resistance. After encountering fire skills, the damage will be more severe. high.

This necklace also increases the upper limit of fire resistance. In general, the full value of resistance is 75 points. Huang Yi's current fire resistance is this value, which can take 75% of fire damage.

If you want to break the value of 75 points, you can only rely on the talent of some races. For example, the resistance of the Orc race to diseases and toxins is as high as 95 points. After Huang Yi evolved into a mutant Orc, it reached 100 points. These are all brought by racial talents. Few equipment have this effect. .

And this doomsday heart. It is such a piece of equipment that increases the upper limit of resistance, making his upper limit of fire resistance break through 75 points, reaching an extremely high level of 85 points. In the future, the fire mage came to hit him, that is to hit the turtle shell, 85% of the damage will be saved, unless there is a high fire penetration properties. To offset his high fire resistance.

Another highlight of the basic attribute of this necklace is that it raises the upper limit of anger. No matter how low the rage cap is, you can force up to 800 points. The upper limit of Huang Yi's anger is lower than this value. After wearing this necklace, he can be forcibly raised to 800 points. When you are full of rage, you can release more skills and last longer.

In terms of incidental skills. This skill combination of Doomsday Heart is similar to ordinary epic equipment, both an active skill and a passive skill.

Active skills are incarnations of Doomsday and can save any fire damage. Although Huang Yi's fire resistance can be as high as 85 points and save 85% of fire damage, the enemy can still use fire penetration to deal with him, making his resistance useless.

But incarnate as a post-apocalyptic. That's different, that's out of the scope of resistance, but completely exempt! No matter how high the fire damage of the enemy, fire penetration, it will not help.

In addition, the power of the fire skills will be doubled after the incarnation. And there is no cooling time. Huang Yi currently has only one fire skill, which is the skill attached to the footprint of his shoes Doomsday messenger-the end of the world.

That skill was originally a very powerful group attack skill. If it was used in the state of the Incarnation Doom, it would have doubled its power. And there is no cooling time. It can be used all the time. I don't know what kind of level the group damage effect will be.

In passive skills, it saves 20% of the energy value and improves the natural growth rate.

This passive effect can be superimposed. After Huang Yi was promoted to a god-level occupation, a new class talent called [Energy In Half] was added-the energy value consumed by exclusive skills was reduced by 50%, and the energy value naturally doubled.

When these two effects are added together, the energy consumption problem of Huang Yi is greatly alleviated.

Next, Huang Yi immediately took off the originally equipped necklace and replaced it with this new epic necklace.

His original necklace was only orange, and the basic attribute bonus was negligible. He had not replaced it before because the jewelry had a level-up effect on the "ancestor set"-each ancestor set jewelry could be temporarily By increasing level 20, four pieces of jewelry can be temporarily increased by level 80 for 10 seconds.

This level of upgrading skills has always been Huang Yi a killer-style big move. But after all, it's just orange jewelry, and its basic attribute bonus is still too low. Now that he has changed into Doomsday Heart, he almost looks like an extra piece of equipment, and the attributes soared a little.

At this point, Huang Yi has five epic equipment, this number has exceeded the blade!

And his four jewelry parts, including rings and necklaces, are epic equipment, which is the dream of the sand robber and the heart of the doomsday.

There is also a ring and waist pendant, which are still the previous ancestor suit, each can temporarily increase by 20 levels. In the future, after using this level to improve this big move, he can only temporarily increase level 40.

"Kill God, this is the second thing!" At this moment, Chao Chao Xi Ji beckoned again, and a drop of burning liquid flew out from the body of the Doom Angel, and floated in front of Huang Yi.

Huang Yi carefully looked at the past, and found that this drop of liquid was very familiar. It was the kind of divine water given to him by the emissary before. After using it, he could temporarily have one hour of divine power.

This liquid effect is very magical. The apocalypse has just used a bottle and it will directly make his body reach the level of the divine fetus.

This shows that once the amount of this liquid exceeds a certain limit, it has an amazing effect of restoring strength.

Huang Yi also wants to use a bottle, because he is now in reincarnation!

Since this potion has the effect of restoring strength, maybe he can restore his original strength after using a bottle. Reduce cycle time!

Unfortunately, there is only such a drop of divine water left on the doomsday messenger, the effect is very limited.

Huang Yi found a magic bottle, put it in, put it in the storage ring, and looked back at the huge body of the Doom.

"Kill God, except for the two things just now. I feel that all the essence of the Doomsday messenger, his divine fetus, and all his things seem to disappear. Only these two sickles are left. The seal is sealed, and I can't feel what's inside the seal. "Said Chao Chao Xi Ji, and once again reached out from the two hands of the Doom. The two Doom Scythes were flying up, and they were reduced to the normal size, and floated in front of Huang Yi.

At this time, the two sickles were still covered with a thin layer of flame, with sharp shapes, exuding a sense of brutality.

This is the weapon of the Doom. But before the messenger was a god, the two sickles used to be very likely to be artifacts. The breath emanating from them at this time also obviously surpassed the **** battle in Huang Yi's hands.

Huang Yi immediately checked the two sickles--

[Scythe of Doom] (seal status)

When you reach level 272, you can release the seal of the doomsday sickle.

Seeing this seal of the doomsday sickness, Huang Yi frowned suddenly and thought of some strangeness before.

He killed the messenger without actually triggering a system announcement, which was very puzzling to him. The Scythe of Doom is in a mysterious seal state, and it takes 272 levels to lift the seal.

Suddenly he thought of an explanation-maybe the doomsday messenger hadn't really died yet!

The doomsday messenger has a fetus, a body, so there are two bodies and two souls!

Although his divine fetus had died once, he was resurrected on the body and merged with the body.

Huang Yi just killed. Maybe it's just his being. And the **** just absorbed may also be the soul of the doomsday messenger, excluding the soul of the divine fetus!

So it seems that the doomsday messenger's fetal soul. May be separated from the body, escaped into this sickle of doom, and was temporarily sealed!

Therefore, the doomsday messenger should not really die through, which is why Huang Yi did not trigger a system announcement!

This doomsday sickle is likely to be a move of the doomsday messenger! You can save his life, even his fetus.

Huang Yi even suspected that by the time he reached the 272 level, after the seal of the sickle was lifted, the soul of the fetal womb of the doomsday would be released, causing a catastrophe.

The Scythe of Doom has a taste of a double-edged sword, powerful, but it may also bring disaster.

The messenger of the doomsday is indeed the deity of the past ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even if the strength is greatly reduced, it is still so difficult to kill!

However, this is something to worry about in the future. Huang Yi is still very early from level 272, and has to temporarily put this doomsday sickle into the storage ring.

Huang Yi took a deep breath and turned to look at this area of ​​the sea. The horizon was gradually white, the tsunami gradually subsided, and the sea breeze was blowing slowly. The night finally passed.

Too much happened this night. He disintegrated the enemy's conspiracy, took over the cities of the Heavenly Medical Guild, and obtained a bottle of violent curse potions, which solved the two superb masters of Doombringer and Deep Sea Devil. .

In just one night, the results were brilliant!

"Let's go! Let's go to the central continent with all our strength!" Huang Yi sent a message towards the crew, and then returned to the Yunfan ship with Xiaolong and Savage.

The Yunfan warship continued to set sail. Under the rays of water from the deep-sea demon flesh, it broke through the last darkness before dawn, and hurried toward the central continent. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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