Heroes Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 784: Arrive at destination

After reading this message, Huang Yi held her palm tightly, pouting tightly, and closed her eyes.

Even if he is invincible in the virtual world, he cannot give Qin Shiyu a real hug at this moment.

Virtual and real, there is an insurmountable distance. There is a huge world federation in the middle. That's a genius, almost impossible to cross!

How many people have their happiness destroyed by the World Federation? I'm afraid no one knows.

The second world, which was originally a virtual world for human leisure and entertainment, makes people forget those troubles in reality. But in the eyes of Huang Yi's group of people, this is the only way to resist.

For people like Miyamoto Musashi, Pope, and TNT, they fought the country war just to get more benefits. Even without these benefits, they will not affect their lives.

But for Huang Yi, they are not fighting a simple national war. Everything they do is just to obtain one's most basic right, freedom.

For some, this is just a game, but for others, it is a world.

Huang Yi could not stop Qin Shiyu from performing this task, because the goal was too strong for most people to complete. The ten most powerful fighters in their organization are their No. 1 to No. 10. Even if Huang Yi himself was not sure that he could assassinate the Vice President of the World Federation, he would fail.

Huang Yi doesn't blame the senior management of the organization for publishing such a task. The senior management behind Mr. Zhuge's organizations must have released such a task after careful consideration. And the orders they issued often proved to be correct.

Like the last time Huang Yi was competing for the best newcomer award, Mr. Zhuge made plans to delay time. The various parties collaborated with each other, and Shengsheng delayed the opening of the awards evening, so that Huang Yi won the best newcomer award.

Mr. Zhuge, these high-level men, are fighters retreating from the front. When they were young. It is active on the front line, just like Huang Yi and Qin Shiyu, they fight directly with the enemy.

They lived a lifetime, and now they are old, unable to move, and can't fight. But their experience and qualifications are extremely deep, and they can look farther than these young boys in their early twenties.

after. After Huang Yi retreated from the front line, he will also become a high-level behind-the-scenes officer like Mr. Zhuge, giving orders to let new soldiers, such as puppies, complete the tasks they released.

Their organization is passed on from generation to generation. Destroyed one enemy after another. The World Federation is the strongest enemy they have ever encountered.

The warm sunlight in the morning shone in from the window and sprinkled on Huang Yi's body, drawing a lonely figure.

"Brother, what are you thinking?" Just then, a soft voice suddenly sounded.

Huang Yi suddenly awakened from his thoughts. Turning his head to look, just saw the little skirt bathed in the morning light. She was blinking her big, bright eyes, looking at him in golden light, like a cute little elf, bringing warmth.

The skirt fluttered into Huang Yi's arms, hugged his waist tightly, blinked his head upwards, and asked diligently, "Brother. How are you looking so bad?"

"I'm thinking about things," Huang Yi said, pinching the skirt's face, and said, "Why are you so sticky to me, every time you hold me."

"I'm going to kill you." The little skirt twisted her little head, and sprinkled Jiao in Huang Yi's arms.

Huang Yi touched the hair of the skirt and said, "As long as I am still, you can stick for as long as you like. But next. We may face a catastrophe, this time they are going to play really, I do n’t know the resistance Can't resist it. "

"Brother is so powerful, aren't you sure?" Xiao Qiu looked at Huang Yi with confidence. Seems to believe that he can solve everything.

"I'm not terrible." Huang Yi shook his head and said quietly: "I still have many enemies. Their power is beyond imagination. They can move many fingers to work for them. My goal is to overthrow them, but It has not been successful until now. "

The little skirt pouted her mouth, looked up at Huang Yi seriously, and said, "The catastrophe is here. What shall we do?"

"You don't have to do anything, just have fun, you are still young, don't care about our adults." Huang Yi said, patted the head of the skirt, "I'm here to stop this catastrophe, I still need to improve No matter what, the stronger I am, the more I can protect you from the shock of this catastrophe. "

"I'm not young anymore!" The little skirt pursed her lips and muttered in a low voice.


On the other side, Huang Yi's body was standing on the deck of Yunfan's ship and looking forward.

These days, with the help of the water droplets in the deep sea devil's flesh, they are sailing extremely fast and getting closer and closer to the central continent.

Since yesterday, they can even see some ships passing by nearby, and they should be able to reach the central continent today.

"Huh? Here!" Just then, the caller on the deck suddenly looked forward.

Huang Yining looked for a while, and sure enough, at the end of his sight, he could faintly see a vast coastline. In front of it is an unimaginably huge continent, a breath of ancient vastness rushing towards the face.

Huang Yi knew that it was the Central Continent!

The central continent is the core of the Second World and the largest continent. All the core forces of the Second World, such as the Royal Academy of Oskans, a holy place of one hundred ordinary races, a union of seven major professions, etc., are all in the Central Continent.

Before the ancient times, there were only two continents in the Second World, namely the East and West continents. When the Seven Demon Kings invaded the Second World in ancient times, they broke two continents into more than 200 pieces.

Of these fragments, two are the largest.

A shard was the largest shard in the western continent, called the Hope Continent, but was later crushed by the King of Hell with his magic weapon, the Hammer of Hell.

The largest fragment of the eastern continent is now the central continent.

At this time, there were many ships sailing around this ship, Huang Yi, entering and leaving the port ahead. These ships are of different sizes. The small ones can only take a boat of one or two people, but the large ones are several times larger than the Yunfan large ships. They are like bastions on the sea and emit huge pressure.

This huge ship is made of hard ground iron wood. Even the masters of the sky can resist the attack for a period of time. At this stage, players can't build it. Only these giant powers in the central continent can own it.

The port in front is called Canglan Port, and its scale is much larger than that of Heroic Port. This is just an ordinary port on the central mainland.

All of this shows the nobility of the central continent, the rest of the continents are like poor countryside, and this central continent is a bustling capital.

Finally, the Yunfan ship entered the port among the innumerable ships, and stopped by the shore.

"Call the Tide Aya, this cloud sail ship will be entrusted to you. You and the crew will search the world for artifact fragments with the crew! With the help of water beads from the deep sea, your strength will be greatly enhanced. Not to mention that you belong to the sea, and there are very few enemies that can hurt you. "At this time, Huang Yi turned his head and looked at the call of the tide.

"Hmm!" Chao Chao Xi Ji nodded, she is the guardian of the ship, can use this Yunfan big ship to swim in the boundless ocean.

Next, Huang Yi left Yunfan and stepped off the ramp. And those crew players are still staying on the Yunfan big ship, and look for artifact fragments with the call tide Aoki.

Finally, Huang Yi stepped out of the last ramp and set foot on the land of the central continent for the first time. He bumped in the ocean for so long, and now stepping on the hard ground, he suddenly felt a sense of stability and stability.

He can clearly feel the thickness of the central continent, the gravity is stronger, and the soil elements are extremely abundant. If it is a land-based mage, it will be able to exert a stronger combat effectiveness on this continent.

The central continent is like the mother of the earth, and the rest of the continents are just like huge islands in front of it.

Huang Yi took a deep breath and headed for this completely strange continent!

At this time, he used the identity of the big bad guy, and even if others attacked him, he didn't know he was a spike.

On this central continent, he has a group of powerful enemies-the Holy Land of the Orcs!

The half-orc sacred land leader, the Holy Saint, is also a top-level heavenly powerhouse. It is only one line away from the level of the demi-god, and it is stronger than the doomsday messenger and the deep-sea monster. Once they find out, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Huh? Someone is following me!" Just then, Huang Yi felt someone was following him.

At level 115, he learned a passive skill called anti-reconnaissance, which can prevent him from being tracked by the enemy, and show the enemy's information to track the opponent in the past.

As soon as he set foot on the central continent, this anti-reconnaissance passive skill came into effect, showing a person who was tracking himself all the time—

The Fire Raven, a half-orc race, level 177, is located in Canglan Harbor, in the Langfang Tavern.


Upon seeing these three words ~ www.readwn.com ~ Huang Yi felt the hatred of the half-orc holy land to himself. At first, the saint saint went to the hero continent to hunt him down, but was scared away by the deputy marksman Ika of the Royal Academy of Oskan. The Saint was threatened at that time, and once Huang Yi entered the Central Continent, he would be retaliated by Thunder.

Now, Huang Yi really felt the killing intention of the other party, and the other party actually sent someone to track himself all the time. If he does not have the identity of a big bad guy, and means such as anti-reconnaissance, it is estimated that he will be tracked as soon as he set foot on the central continent.

Between Huang Yi and the half-orc race, there is bound to be a break, either you die or I die.


The starting point shows that today is my birthday. Some friends gave gifts. Thank you very much.

Actually, it ’s my birthday on the lunar calendar. It looks like one month away.

In addition, a lot of friends gave great rewards during this time, and a list of thanks will be sorted out in the past few days. Thank you for your support. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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