Heroes Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 785: Oskan royal college

However, Huang Yi's current strength is far from being able to deal with the behemoth of the half-orc holy land. At least it needs to reach the level of the heavens to consider. Now it can only be dormant.

Huang Yi was walking through the streets of Canglan Port, striding in the direction of the teleportation array in accordance with the intimate signs on the side of the road. The teleportation array of each city on the central continent can be directly transmitted to the Royal Academy of Oskan, without the need to activate the teleportation.

Huang Yi looked around, the city was clean and tidy, the streets were wide, the buildings were tall, and they were exotic. The streets are crowded with weaving and bustling, and all the people who see it are sacred powerhouses.

In the rest of the continent, the sanctuary is a person with an identity, while in the central continent, the sanctuary is an ordinary person.

At that time, the half-orc sacred place sent 100 sacred strongmen to chase him at a stretch, which seemed a very shocking thing at that time. But for the central continent, the 100 sacred powerhouses are nothing.

In addition, Huang Yi also saw a small number of players. These players are well-dressed and well-equipped, and many even have legendary equipment. Most of the players who can come to the central continent are people with a certain strength. Some players may come from the rest of the continent through means such as reincarnation, help, and adventure.

After a while, Huang Yi came to the Teleportation Square and teleported directly to the gate of the Royal Academy of Oskan.

The Royal Academy of Oskan is located in the Oskan Mountains, the most central part of the central continent. The college's buildings are tall and magnificent.

In front of Huang Yi, there is a mountain peak, and the foot of the mountain is the gate of the Royal Academy of Oskan. The gate of this school is extremely magnificent, spanning both sides of the mountain peak, the whole body is stacked with huge golden stones, without showing off any building skills. It gives a simple atmosphere, and it feels like turning back.

The boulder is golden yellow and has a royal majesty, showing the legitimacy of the Royal Academy of Oskan.

The Oscar Royal Academy is a great empire in ancient times-a royal college directly under the Oskan Empire.

The Oskan Empire was known as the last large empire, comparable to the Bloods Empire of Emperor Somret. But no great empire can be passed on forever. The Oskan Empire has disappeared into the long river of history. However, the Royal Academy of Oskar has not disappeared, but has been retained, and has now become the core of the Second World.

After that, all heroes of the Second World were seized by the Royal Academy of Oskan. The Royal Academy of Oskan has always adhered to the principle of overall interests and did not participate in the struggle between any forces. This neutral and fair attitude has won the respect of all forces.

Last time the deputy dean archer Ika, when he came to the heroic continent, also said to the orc holy land leader Barbara that as long as they did not violate the rules, the Oscar Royal Academy would not interfere with their dispute with Huang Yi.

At this time, Huang Yi was surrounded by people. There are students from the Royal Academy of Oskan, there are players from all over the world, there are those who come to study and so on.

His sniffing treasure sensed that there were more than one hundred pieces of legendary equipment within ten kilometers, and many of them were on players.

Any player has the opportunity to study at the Royal Academy of Oskanes, but they are not valued by the college. Huang Yi is the first player to rise to level 100. Will receive the most important cultivation of the Royal Academy of Oskan.

Huang Yi stepped into the gate and walked into the Oscar Royal College with the bustling crowd.

After entering the school gate, it is a magnificent and magnificent step that extends to the top of the mountain.

Looking up, this step directly to the sky seems to be able to climb to the sky all the time. Standing on these steps is extremely small. It's like an ant between heaven and earth, climbing the ladder and stepping up to the sky step by step.

On the middle of this huge step, there are huge statues. Divide the steps into two.

Countless people around Huang Yi were watching the statues while climbing the steps.

Every statue here is a person who has made great contributions to the Royal Academy of Oscars over the years, either a dean, a mentor, or a student. Huang Yi casually looked at and found several famous figures.

Huang Yi climbed the steps and looked up at the closest statue to him.

This statue holds a pen in his hand and writes intently in a book, with his eyes focused and full of the temperament of a university student——

"Mu Yanqing History, the seventh dean of the Royal Academy of Oskan, a famous bard and scholar in ancient times. Muyan Qing history traveled in the First World for three years and witnessed the greatest gods in the First World. The Birth of the Savage God. After his return, he wrote the "First World Overview" and became the first book in history to systematically describe all aspects of the First World ... "

This person, Huang Yi, is very familiar. When he was doing the second transfer task, he saw Josda—that is, the later ascendant. Bloodhoof had read the "First World Overview" he wrote.

When he returned to the mainland of Singapore, he saw Yueyue flipping through the book again.

Later, when he went to the central continent, he often read the book on the deck.

This is a book you must read to understand First World.

"Three years ..." At this time, Huang Yi stared at the word "three years" on the introduction board, frowned slightly, then shook his head and continued to climb up.

After climbing another step and looking at some statues, Huang Yi found that many people in front of him stayed under a statue and looked up at the statue.

Huang Yi also looked up.

The statue was wearing a blood-red cape, glaring at the sky, and his eyes were rounded, showing bloodshots, as if to fight the sky.

The face of this statue is a little familiar, Huang Yi thought for a while, and suddenly a name came up in his mind-Josda, which is the ascendant. Bloodhoof. The two faces were faintly similar.

Huang Yi walked under the statue and looked at it. The introduction board said that the statue was the ascendant. Bloodhoof! It was the last God-sounding character in the Second World, but the strange death during the time of God-seal became a mystery through the ages.

After Huang Yi took the lead to level 100, he was tasked with investigating the mystery of his death.

Looking at this statue, Huang Yi remembered the scene of the second turn.

In the cellar of that blood town, the ascendant. Bloodhoof, holding the "First World Overview", told Huang Yi the story of the god-seal. Huang Yi also knew from that time that the Savage God was the greatest **** in the first world. From then on, the Savage God was specially cultivated.

Now seeing this statue, he suddenly felt a vicissitudes of life, but he did not expect that the little boy he had encountered at that time, but later became such a famous figure.

Climbing to the end, Huang Yi saw a familiar statue again.

This statue is extremely young, wearing a skinny leather armor and hair **** with a twine at will. His left eye was wearing a blindfold, but the remaining one-eyed pupil had a pentagram shape, as if inlaid with a star, emitting a sharper light than eagle eyes!

He opened a long bow in his hand and aimed at the sky. His whole body focused on the arrow that was about to shoot, as if to shoot the sky out of a big cave!

"This is the dean, the only living one of all the statues!"

"Yeah! To be able to erect a statue requires not only strength, but also huge contributions. Even the dean does not have a statue. The sharpshooter can establish a statue here, indicating that he has made outstanding contributions."

"It would be nice if I could see the marksman with my own eyes, but that's one of the few demigods now! I don't know how many times I've heard his legend in the tavern. Last time he landed on the hero continent At that time, I had a secret talk with the killer for a night, and the face of killing the **** was so great that he let the marksman take care of it so much. "


The crowds who looked around looked at each other, looking respectfully.

This statue is exactly marksman. Ika!

If the previous statues were all celebrities who died in history, then this statue is a living epic.

The legendary story of his death as the dark king Ucar thirty years ago is still circulating in pubs around the world.

Huang Yi came to Oscar Royal Academy, the first step was to find him!

Huang Yi retracted his gaze, climbed all the remaining steps, and climbed to the top of the mountain. Looking up, there is a huge mountain ahead, and there are endless peaks. Each peak is built with a lot of magnificent buildings, which are connected to each other by teleportation arrays.

Amazingly, this mountain peak did not actually grow on the ground, but was suspended in the air with great mana. It looks like these mountains are like planets in space, losing gravity and floating in the air.

This kind of ability, Huang Yi is still unheard of now, it should be demigods to come up with it. The Celestial Strongman can never have such great ability.

The peak where Huang Yi is located ~ www.readwn.com ~ is like a mountain gate. There is a reception hall on the top of the mountain, which is responsible for receiving outsiders and handling registration.

Huang Yi walked into the reception hall, where many players from all continents around the world gathered. About one thousand people looked like almost all of them were equipped with legendary equipment. Others are strong and want to study at the Royal Academy of Oskar.

The hall is divided into two channels. Players are walking through ordinary channels, and they have to queue up a long line; while some are notable, they are walking through VIP channels, which can be directly entered.

Huang Yi looked at the scene and went directly to the VIP channel with few people.

"That's a player! Actually walking in the VIP channel, aren't you afraid of being thrown out?" At this time, some players lined up in the ordinary channel saw Huang Yi actually walking in the VIP channel, and they could not help talking about it.


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