Heroes Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 786: Formation

"I don't think that player is like a master. The breath is so weak! Let's attack the level of the sanctuary!"

"How about a bet? Within five minutes, that person will be kicked out!"

"No, don't take five minutes. Three minutes is enough! Oscar Royal College is very disciplined, how can you allow him to play around here?"

Hearing the voices of these players, Huang Yi ignored it, and continued to walk in the VIP channel, and soon entered the VIP room.

Those players who lined up in the ordinary passage looked at the door expectantly and wanted to see Huang Yi being kicked out.

After waiting for a few minutes, Huang Yi came out, but there was a college staff beside him. The other side respectfully walked beside him, guiding him, his face full of enthusiasm.

After a while, they walked towards the teleportation array in the reception hall, where they disappeared.

Those who want to see the lively players suddenly looked at each other and mumbled.

"That person is really a VIP? Is it the core player of which force?"

"It is possible that Yang Yuheng once came to the Oscar Royal Academy for further studies. At that time, he came as the patriarch of the Draenei ethnic group and was also a VIP channel.

"This Oscar Royal Academy is a crouching tiger, a hidden dragon! When a friend passed by the Hall of Heroes a few days ago, I saw a player walking with the Assassin Alliance leader ...


Under the leadership of the college staff, Huang Yi quickly teleported to a mountain peak to the east of the college. This mountain is so tall and magnificent that it sticks into the sky, but there is no one inside, and there are purple virgin forests everywhere. This mountain is the "Shenshan Mountain" by the Deputy Dean Marksman Ika.

The layout of the Oscar Royal Academy is actually a huge and complex matrix method, which contains the mysterious mathematics, and each mountain is carefully arranged. And this magical shooting mountain is one of the very important array of eyes, which is directly under the control of the semi-strength magical marksman.

On the edge of a steep cliff in Shenshe Mountain. Huang Yi finally found the marksman.

At this point, the marksman was sitting cross-legged on the ground, his one eye closed tightly, and it seemed as if he was practicing.

It seemed that the arrival of someone was noticed, and the sharp archer immediately opened the one-eye, exposing the pentagram-shaped pupil, emitting a sharp light. But let him see Huang Yi. That sharp eye suddenly softened, and smiled, "Kill God, you're in college."

"Yes!" Huang Yi nodded, looking curiously at the archer sitting cross-legged, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm absorbing the power of the world and turning it into divine power," said the archer. Stood up.

"Divine power?" Hearing these two words again, Huang Yi couldn't help it. He just let the filter night them study the water of the divine power to end his reincarnation time. But later, because there was no divine power, he had to give up, and he could only retreat and pursue the reduction of the reincarnation time by five or six days. He is full of craving for something like divine power.

"Maybe you don't know what is divine power!" Looked hand looked at the empty deep valley outside the cliff, and said, "After the strength reaches the demigod. It is time to absorb the power of the world and transform it into divine power. Ready. But the speed at which the power of the world breeds is limited. I need to spend a lot of time now to absorb so little power of the world. I have only transformed a little divine power so far. There should be no life in this life. It's possible to seal God. This is divine power, something that our demigods pursue for life. "

Huang Yi heard the words and immediately dispelled the thought of asking the **** archer for divine power. Divine power is so precious that there should be no demigods willing to give it to others. He thought about it and asked, "The reason why the second world is getting weaker and weaker is that the power of the world is getting less and less?"

"You can say that!" The archer nodded, and the one-eyed light exudes a long light. "It is said that in the ancient times, the power of the world was extremely strong. It gave birth to every creature in the world. At that time, people were not even Breathe air, but breathe the power of the world. At that time, there were flood monsters everywhere on the continent. There were many even bigger than the deep-sea demon flesh. Warcraft is not uncommon. Most of the god-sealers of the Second World were born in ancient times. "

Speaking, there was a bit of desolation in the words of the marksman, saying: "But after the ancient times, the world power of the second world became less and less, and the strength of the soul became weaker. Especially in the ancient times, I Ascendant of the best student of Royal Scandinavian College. After the blood hoof sealed the god, the world power of the second world decreased sharply, and the god-sealer has not been born, and the number of demigods has been decreasing. Until now In the second world plus me, there are only four demigods! And one demigod is about to reach the end of its life, and it may die at any time. "

Huang Yi touched his chin, and said, "So, in the future, after the gods of us have reached the semi-god realm, it will be difficult to seal God?"

"Yes!" The archer turned his head diligently to look at Huang Yi. "This is a problem that all beings in the second world must face together. Don't look at your God-given people's extremely high potential and the speed of their strength improvement, but you It is also necessary to face the problem of the lack of world power, even reaching the demigod is a huge threshold. After you reach the strength of the top heavens, you must also absorb the power of the world to consolidate the divine power. Only a little divine power that truly belongs to you is born. To be promoted to the level of demigod. "

After that, the marksman paused, and continued, "After reaching our semi-god level, we need to gather more divine power, and we must condense to the body full of divine power before we can qualify as gods. At present, we The dean is about to reach this point and make the final preparations for the gods. Once he succeeds, then he will be the ascendant. The first gods in these times after the blood hoof. Once he If it fails, it will die ruthlessly like many demigods in history who have failed to seal God. "

Huang Yi heard that he was suddenly heavy. Killing monster upgrades at most can only allow players to rise to the top level of heaven. If you want to go further, there is almost no possibility. Only the players who are truly amazing can break through to the level of demigod.

This is not like sanctuary and heavenly domain. As long as everyone is willing to level up, everyone can break through this realm. The demigod level is a great level of screening for true masters. Many people may not be able to be promoted to demigod in their lifetime, let alone be demigod.

"Kill God!" At this time, the marksman patted Huang Yi's shoulder heavily, and said, "Have a good study! There have been countless masters in history who have investigated the mystery of the ascendant. Bloodhoof's death, but it has always been Didn't find any useful clues. You are a godsend, there are some means different from ours, and we are all looking forward to you. The success of our demi-gods is to see if you can detect the blood. The mystery of the hoof's death. "

"I'll work hard!" Huang Yi nodded and brought the topic back to the topic. "I don't know what I should learn when I come to the Royal Academy of Oskan. How would you focus on training me?"

Marksman with his hands on his back said, "There are many courses in the academy, including all aspects, astronomy, geography, humanities, arts, ethnic studies, life skills, career studies, combat skills, etc. Everyone can choose the right one. There are no restrictions on studying in your own course. But it is impossible to learn everything, it is too time consuming. Our college will teach you with the best teachers and provide you with the most abundant resources, and the rest of the students will not have Such a good treatment. I have prepared a curriculum for you, and you can study according to the above subjects. "The archer said, took out a sheepskin roll and handed it to Huang Yi.

Huang Yi took the sheepskin roll, opened it, and looked at it. There were more than ten courses written on it.

The sharpshooter looked at the schedule in Huang Yi's hand and pointed his fingers at the three courses above, saying: "In these courses, there are three courses I recommend you to focus on: matrix formation knowledge, equipment smelting, and body smelting. Into. "

"What's the use of these three courses?" Huang Yi asked modestly.

He pointed at the mountain peaks suspended in the air in the distance and explained: "Matrix method can be said to be the most difficult course to learn the most esoteric, but once you have learned it, it is very useful. We Oscar Royal The academy is laid out according to a very profound formation method. The mountains cooperate with each other and endlessly. It will be very difficult for the enemy to attack our academy. In the ancient battle of the seven demon kings, the Queen of Pain held a magic weapon. With pain and sharpness, I want to destroy our Royal Academy of Oskan, but in the face of our huge formation, we are helpless ~ www.readwn.com ~ I have to give up! "

After that, the archer turned his head and looked at Huang Yi, and said, "Of course, there are many types of formations. I just said about the construction formations. If you have enough time, you can learn everything, and let your hero guild also Arrange a formation. If you don't have time, then learn a battle formation, set up a lineup with your teammates in the battle, cooperate with your teammates, use yourself as a formation, and exert your strength far beyond normal conditions to defeat those. Powerful enemy. "

The sharpshooter said, and the words turned sharply, solemnly: "But it is difficult to learn the formation method. So far, tens of thousands of God-given people have taken this course, but only one God-given person has taken this course. He graduated. He only studied for two months and received a full mark from the instructor the day before yesterday. I hope you will be the second. "

"Oh? Who is that person?" Huang Yi became curious immediately.

"Dragon Spike."


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