Heroes Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 787: Smoky makeup woman

"It turns out he's here!" Huang Yi suddenly felt suddenly.

The dragon thorn has not appeared for a long time. At the beginning, the high level of the Dragon Kingdom was robbed by Miyamoto Musashi back to the East Continent, but the dragon king of the Dragon Kingdom did not say anything, and the Minister of War of the Dragon Kingdom did not know the Dragon thorn Where exactly did it go.

Later in the second annual festival, Dragon Spike did not attend.

After the heroic national war broke out, Dragon Spike did not appear to kill the enemy.

He is a super-class master, as if he had evaporated out of thin air, nothing broke.

Unexpectedly, during this time, he actually came to the Central Continent to study at the Royal Academy of Oskan. And now it seems that his studies have been quite good, and he has graduated even such a difficult course as Rafa.

The marksman seems to be very satisfied with Dragonthorn, and his tone is full of relief: "Dragonthorn is the fastest-growing student in our college's history. He has only been admitted to the college for a few months, but has graduated eight courses!"

Huang Yi nodded his head, the superb master of Dragonstab is naturally extraordinary.

He continued to ask, "What about the other two courses you mentioned, equipment smelting and in-body refining?"

The sharpshooter looked at the equipment worn by Huang Yi's body, and then pointed at his refreshing body, saying: "Don't you be curious, why are many people's equipment incomplete? Look at me, I don't have a helmet, I don't have Handguards, I do n’t have a cloak. Those Demon masters, even the “” upper body, do n’t even wear clothes. Would n’t their strength become weak if they lacked so much equipment? ”

"Huh? Why is that?" Huang Yi had been wondering about this for a long time, and many of them were not equipped with a lot of equipment, or three or two pieces of equipment, even a few weapons. Unlike players, one outfit is twelve pieces of equipment, fully armed.

The marksman smiled slightly and said, "These are the two courses you need to learn. Smelting equipment means melting the remaining equipment into one of the equipment. Specially improving the power of that equipment. As for the internal refining, It directly absorbs the power of your equipment and fuses it with your body. The equipment is actually a tool that carries the power of the equipment. Since you can directly absorb the power of the equipment, why should you wear that troublesome equipment? Isn't it better to be refreshing? "

Huang Yi suddenly thought of the doomsday messenger, and the doomsday messenger once said that he smelted all the equipment in his whole body into the two epic equipments of Doom's Scythe and Doom's Heart. On the surface. He only had two pieces of equipment, but those two pieces of equipment actually contained the essence of all the equipment in his body.

"In addition, there is a huge benefit to refining in the body." At this time, the marksman added: "Your equipment has durability, and it is not durable. You need to use non-renewable stones such as world stones, flowing clouds, and dragon skins. Valuable resources to repair. But once you learn to refine the body, inhale the equipment power directly into the body, and discard the equipment entities, then there is no problem with the durability of the equipment, and naturally there is no need to repair it. In addition, after the death of your God-given person It ’s about to explode equipment, but after learning to refining in the body. If you abandon the equipment, there is no risk of exploding equipment. ”

"Originally still has this benefit!" Huang Yi suddenly, he has the attribute of not exploding the equipment after death, but the durability of the equipment is still to be dropped, and it is necessary to repair those precious resources. One of the major reasons for the outbreak of national warfare around the world is the robbing of resources. These resources are no longer needed after learning the in-body refining course.

"The specific course of study, you will naturally understand in the classroom. Tomorrow you will officially start the class! Time is running out!" Said the archer, closed his eyes slightly, "the breath of the seven devil is getting stronger and stronger, I I have even felt that a demon lord's clone has come to the second world, but I don't know where it is hidden. Their seven demon lords may invade this world at any time. This catastrophe is about to come, and the world is about to lose their lives. You are the saviors. Come on! "The archer opened his eyes and patted Huang Yi's shoulder. Left here.

Next, Huang Yi also left Shenshe Mountain, wandering around the large Oscar Royal College, familiar with the campus environment, and going through some admissions procedures.

However, he was never able to fully concentrate on things, and from time to time he opened the messages Qin Shiyu sent him, worrying about Qin Shiyu.

This day is destined to be his most difficult day. Whether Qin Shiyu's life can be saved or not depends on how the fate of these ten hours is arranged.

Time passed little by little, the sun on the hero's continent gradually drooped west, and the golden sunset shone obliquely. Huang Yi was teleported to the City of Roses, a city now called Qin Shiyu, a birthday gift he once gave to Qin Shiyu.

Today it is still lively, with lovers from all parts of the mainland visiting. The blooming roses in the city are intoxicating. Those couples hold hands and embrace each other in the sea of ​​flowers.

Huang Yi remembered the night of Qin Shiyu's birthday again. They spent the night here. Millions of players outside the city released their skills as romantic fireworks. Now that the beauty is not here, even though the city is so busy, Huang Yi also feels lonely and unhappy.

Unconsciously, Huang Yi came to the Blue Rose Garden in Rose City. There are very few people here. The last golden afterglow of the setting sun is sprinkled in this garden, and there is a kind of sadness like golden years.

Huang Yi gradually walked into the depths of the garden, sat down in a flower pond, picked off a rose next to him, lowered his head and sniffed gently, closed his eyes, and was drunk in the past.

"Although the roses are delicate, they always fade." At this moment, a slightly charming woman's voice suddenly sounded from Huang Yi's ears.

Huang Yi suddenly awakened from the past, opened his eyes and looked at him.

At this moment, there was a beautiful woman standing next to him. This woman was wearing a short black skirt, exposing two long and white beautiful legs. The neckline of the dress is very low, exposing a large white and seductive skin, the figure is bulging forward and backward, and Qin Shiyu is generally perfect. Just seeing this figure, Huang Yi almost thought that this was Qin Shiyu.

However, the face of this woman is different. The woman looks equally beautiful, but there is one place that is very special, that is her eyes!

Her eyes were smoky makeup, just like panda eyes. The smoky makeup was a cool blue and black, making those eyes extremely layered, deep, mysterious, blurred, seductive, seductive, desolate, painful, happy, all emotions flowed in those eyes, as if it were a The black hole vortex, after letting people look at those eyes, will sink into it.

"Who are you?" Huang Yi asked when she saw the mysterious woman.

"It's just a stranger." The woman sat down from Huang Yi's side, looked at the rose in Huang Yi's hand, and smiled elegantly, "Are you missing a woman?"

She laughed, as if all the roses in the entire garden were dim, convinced by her beauty.

"Yes." Huang Yi nodded, and looked more at the woman's smoky makeup.

"Do you think I look good?" The woman blinked at Huang Yi, and those deep eyes suddenly exuded endless charm. She even stretched out her hand and touched Huang Yi's chin, as if to make fun of him. general.

"Good-looking." Huang Yi nodded and said truthfully, "But although your hand is very similar to hers, it is not."

The woman smiled slightly, retracted her hand, and folded a blue rose next to it, playing with it in her hand, saying: "People always compare love to roses, which is very accurate. Although roses are beautiful, they always fade. You just I just miss her now. After ten or twenty years, when she grows old, you will still be obsessed with her face. At that time, there were young girls who had younger and more attractive faces. Will you still Love her? "

"But young girls will grow old after all." Huang Yi shook his head.

"I won't." The woman said, staring intently at Huang Yi. "As long as you follow me, I will always show you the most beautiful side, I will never grow old, I will always be the most beautiful in the world Pretty woman. "At the end, her voice was lazy and sexy, and those swirling eyes blinked again at Huang Yi.

"Who the **** are you?" Huang Yi felt a little surprised, and could not help wondering about this mysterious woman who suddenly appeared.

"Really funny boy, one day, we will meet again." The woman did not answer immediately, but instead looked down and sniffed the blue rose in her hand, and then stuffed the blue rose into the yellow overflowing hand. With a smile in his hands, he stood up and left step by step.

At this time, although she walked slowly and slowly, it seemed that Huang Yi couldn't catch up with anything. She was like a woman in a dream, without a trace.

After a while, the woman disappeared completely at the corner of the garden, and she saw nothing at all. Huang Yi was holding the blue rose that woman just gave him.

The blue rose bloomed beautifully, and there was even a drop of dew on the petals, exuding a mysterious fragrance.

"Husband, that person is so strange, he has been talking to himself at www.readwn.com ~ Just then, Huang Yi suddenly heard someone suddenly pointing at him not far away.

He turned to look over, and suddenly saw a couple looking at him not far away, the girl was pointing his finger at Huang Yi, and his face was full of curiosity.

Huang Yi's heart moved, and she couldn't help holding the blue rose and walked towards the couple, saying, "Hello!"

"Hello!" The boy nodded, clasped the girl's hand, and watched Huang Yi alertly.

Huang Yi reached out and pointed to the flower bed where he had just been chatting with the smokey makeup woman, and asked, "You just said, I have been talking to myself there, haven't you seen the rest?"

"No! You were alone on the flower bed just now. You seem to be talking to the air, talking to yourself." The girl nodded.


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