Heroes Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 789: Dragon Spike News

Huang Yi hurriedly finished breakfast and immediately went online, but Qin Shiyu had not yet gone online, and Huang Yi felt a sense of loss.

Maybe this is the kind of loss that the love burning was too strong before, but now it has cooled down.

Huang Yi put his thoughts on the body of the central continent.

A new day at the Royal Continental Academy in Central Oscar has begun.

Huang Yi is the most important training object of the college. He was transferred to the best class and trained by the best teachers. If you don't understand it, you can also ask the teacher for individual guidance.

In addition, he can enjoy all the best resources in the college, and the rest of the students are far from this treatment. For example, some precious laboratories are not allowed to enter by ordinary students at all, even if there are restrictions, some valuable experimental materials or instruments cannot be used by ordinary students, but Huang Yi can.

The class that Huang Yi was assigned to was named Krabi Class 3. The instructor in this class was Krabi, hence the name.

This class mainly focuses on three very important courses: matrix formation, in-body refining, and equipment smelting. The rest of the courses are free to listen to the rest of the classroom.

There are only more than thirty students in the class, half of them are, the rest are all master players from all over the world. As long as you can pass the tutor's assessment, you can graduate from this course at any time. If you cannot graduate, you can keep listening. So the students in this class are old and new, and some have even studied here for a year.

At this moment, there was an old man over half a year old with a cane standing in front of the podium in the classroom. He was trembling with energy and his eyes were shining. He was the class instructor and the tactics teacher Craby. He eagerly said to the classmates: "Classmates, a few days ago, No. 27—Dr. Long graduated from this class with full marks. I am very proud. Presumably everyone does not know the true identity of Dr. Long. Now, Let me announce it to you! Student No. 27 has a long history, he is the famous Dragon Emperor! "

As soon as this word came out, the whole class was uproar!

"What! It's Dragon Emperor!"

"Dragon Emperor! Classmate 27 is actually Dragon Emperor!"

"No wonder Dragon Emperor has disappeared for several months without news. It turns out he is by our side!"

It is possible to hide identity at the Royal Academy of Oskan, and replace the original identity with a student ID. This can avoid some troubles caused by too much fame.

Dragon thorn is such a class of students. His student number is 27, which was hidden until he graduated before being announced by the teacher.

Instructor Craby reached out and pressed his hand, signaled that everyone was quiet, and continued: "I hope everyone continues to work hard. Successful graduation like Dragon Emperor. Today, we have two new students joining this class, let us applaud."

Having said that, he took the lead in clapping and reached out to invite outside the classroom door.

In the classroom, the students immediately applauded enthusiastically, looking at the door of the classroom expectantly.

At this time. Two people came in from outside the classroom door.

One of them was Huang Yi, but he changed his face, and the name was not used to kill the gods and big baddies, but instead used a student number 56 instead.

Krabi pointed to Huang Yi and introduced: "This is the 56th student Huang, who is from the hero continent. He is not convenient to disclose his name now, but I will announce his identity after graduation. Welcome everyone!"

After speaking, he gave Huang Yi a complicated look.

Keeping secrets is a very painful thing. He did not expect to have previously kept a famous dragon thorn, but now he wants to keep an equally famous killer.

The whole class applauded again and looked at Huang Yi curiously, but did not pay much attention, only when he was an ordinary classmate.

"Hello everyone!" Huang Yi nodded toward the classmates. Nothing unusual has appeared.

Krabi pointed to another person who entered the classroom and said, "This new classmate, named Yudongxia, is from the floating continent. Welcome everyone!"

The floating continent is the Indonesian continent, but after the floating disturbance became the guardian of Indonesia, the Indonesian continent was renamed the floating continent.

Yudong Tianxia is a young man in his thirties. He has a black plate and an inch head, and his skin is yellow with a little bit of black. It is a typical appearance of Southeast Asian Chinese and overseas Chinese. He was imposing, with his head raised, his eyes straight, and he seemed to be an official.

"Hello everyone!" He nodded lightly at the crowd, exuding a sense of intimacy.

Krabi looked around the classroom again, then pointed to an empty space, and said to Huang Yi: "Student Huang, that position was once the position of Dragon Emperor. After he graduated a few days ago, this position was vacated. You and he are from Hero Continent, sit in that position! "

Huang Yi nodded and immediately walked over to sit down.

At the same table, he was a quiet female classmate. She wore glasses, a floral skirt, drooped down her hair, and looked down at the book intently, without being affected by the noisy world around her.

After assigning a position, Crabbie immediately began to take part in the formation law class.

A few days ago, he had already taught a round of array law classes, but only Dragon Spur graduated. Now he is teaching from scratch. Huang Yi can just learn from scratch.

Textbooks have been prepared on Huang Yi's desk. These are the ones Dragon Dragon used before. He opened the textbook and looked at it, and found that it was full of notes and neat handwriting, showing that he was very attentive during the study of Dragonthorn.

While listening to the teacher's lecture, while looking at the dragon's thorn notes in the book, he easily understood the content and there was nothing to hinder him.

Gradually, one lesson was over and Kraby left the classroom.

The rest of the classmates gathered together in twos and threes and had a ten-minute break during the class.

Huang Yi did not leave the classroom, sitting in his seat, feeling the feeling of being a student. He has been organized and cultivated since he was a child. He has not tried to go to school. This is regarded as a one-time campus life.

"Brother Long, how to crack this formation!" At this moment, Huang Yi's **** table suddenly reached out and pulled Huang Yi's hand, pointing at a formation chart on the textbook.

"Huh? I'm not Brother Long." Huang Yi gave a slight stun before explaining.

This time, the **** table seemed to react suddenly, and vomited his tongue towards Huang Yi, saying, "Sorry, I forgot he has graduated."

"It doesn't matter." Huang Yi shook his head. Smile slightly.

The girl looked slightly faint, lay back on the table, bit her lip, and there was a trace of miss of the girl in her eyes.

Huang Yi looked at the girl's uncle's expression, and roughly guessed that she should like the dragon thorn. It is estimated that before the dragon thorns graduated, she often asked questions about the dragon thorns. Over time, there may be a trace of affection.

Huang Yi looked at the textbook in front of Dragonthorn. Looking at the dense notes above, suddenly he became a little curious about the dragon thorn.

He knew very little about Dragon Spurs. The only time the two met was during the contest. He and Dragon Spurs had a simple contest during the points match without using any great skills. Fight with the most common skills.

Except for that one time, he had no intersection with Dragon Spike.

Dragon assassin, like his assassin profession, is always hidden in the dark and basically does not show his face.

But the more he did, the more daunting he was, and no one knew when. He would burst out in a cold.

At this moment, as if he felt Huang Yi's idea, a solemn voice suddenly sounded between heaven and earth, resounding throughout the world-

"[System Announcement]: [Dragon Emperor] passed the Hero Trial and became the first God-given hero. Reward 1000 public reputation and get [Unique Achievement]-[Heaven-given Hero], China National Honor +1.

When this announcement came out, the classroom was originally lively. Suddenly calm down, everyone's face was stunned!

Not only this class, but the entire Second World also heard this voice. Billions of online players were all shocked by this announcement!

Hero, these two heavy words finally appeared in the announcement!

Finally, some players have become heroes!

This achievement is epoch-making! Before it was only a hero. Their legends have been told by countless bards. But now, players are starting to play such a role!

What is even more surprising is that the achievement of this achievement is actually the long-lost dragon thorn!

This is for months. For the first time showed his whereabouts.

At this time, Huang Yi found that his **** table heard the announcement, and the eyes glowed with happiness. It seemed that he was happy that Dragonthorn had achieved such a great achievement.

The light in her eyes is like Qin Shiyu's look at Huang Yishi, with love, with the girl's unique happiness and sweetness, making her whole person exude a beautiful temperament.

The woman in love is indeed the most beautiful woman, even if it is just a secret love.

At this time, the **** table seemed to notice that Huang Yi was looking at her, and she smiled calmly, exposing her white teeth, and said, "Hello, my name is Si Cheng Cheng. I am from Mainland Singapore and I am also a Chinese. . "

Huang Yi nodded and said, "I'm also very happy to meet you. You can call me classmate Huang. I'm from the hero continent."

Si Chengcheng immediately bit his lip, pretending to be casual: "Dragon Emperor passed the hero trial, congratulations to your hero continent for a little more national honor."

"Thank you! Long Di and you were at the same table ~ www.readwn.com ~ What kind of person do you think he is?" Huang Yirao asked with interest.

Si Chengcheng's eyes flashed again, and he said without hesitation: "Dragon Emperor is a hard-working man. I have never seen him rest. He has been busy, either studying or I ’m trying to prepare for the heroic trial. The others are very good. I asked him some questions. He apparently ignored me, but after each class, he would hand me a note with the answer written on it. Method. He also handed me a business card the day he graduated, and I knew he was the Dragon Emperor from then on. "

Speaking, Si Chengcheng paused and continued: "People outside said that he was ruthless, but I think he just looks cold. In fact, he is good. Maybe this is the price of fame! Many people! He has misunderstood him, and he never explained it. Not only is he strong, but the people he knows are extraordinary. A few days ago, I also saw him and the Assassin Alliance leader go to the Hall of Heroes. That should be his last attempt to clear the level. The trial of heroes is now successful. "

Huang Yi touched his chin and groaned, "Can you help me contact him? I want to meet him." , Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read.)

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