Heroes Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 790: Dragon Spike

"You want to see him?" Si Chengcheng asked back.

"Yes!" Huang Yi nodded heavily.

He has learned from Qin Shiyu's intelligence that there will be an unprecedented catastrophe next, so naturally he must quickly rush a group of super-strong experts to join together to resist the crisis together. Dragon Spur, such a super-class master, naturally has to work hard for it.

If possible, he also wanted to pull in the sword, which was another super boost.

These super-class masters were basically not in contact with each other before. If they can unite and cooperate together and fight side by side this time, then they will have much greater confidence to resist this catastrophe.

Si Chengcheng's face showed a trace of embarrassment, and he bit his lip. He said, "Dragon thorns are usually alone, and they will not communicate with other players. I am afraid he will directly reject you."

Huang Yi shook his head and laughed: "Tell him, I have what he needs most, and he must not refuse."

"Well, then I'll send him a message to see." Si Chengcheng thought for a while, finally nodded, and sent a message to Long Thorn.

After a while, Sicheng imaging received a reply, and showed a smile toward Huang Yizhan, saying: "He promised, he will wait for you at Noble Peak at noon." Then she suddenly felt a little embarrassed, tone Weakened a lot, "However, he wants me to warn you that if you find him wasting his time, he will kill you on the spot."

"Thank you for your message! He won't kill me!" Huang Yi nodded.

Later, he took Si Chengcheng's textbook and brushed a few words on the question she had just asked, saying, "I wrote the method of solving this matrix problem."

Si Chengcheng took a look at the textbook, his eyes widened suddenly, and he turned to look at Huang Yi in wonder, surprised: "You, didn't you just take a lesson? This array is the content of the text later You probably haven't learned it yet! "

"Just when I was in class. The teacher spoke slowly, and I saw the content behind the textbook myself." Huang Yi shrugged.


Time passed quickly, and in no time, noon came.

Huang Yi teleported to Laofeng, where there are few people and there are virgin forests everywhere.

He originally wanted to sense it with the ability to sniff treasure to see if he could find the dragon thorn. But nothing was found about his ability to sniff treasure.

Huang Yi is not surprised. Since Dragonthorn has graduated, it is most likely that the in-body refining was used to directly absorb the power of the equipment and discard the equipment entities, so his ability to smell the treasure is not perceptible.

He flew up into the sky. Searching down the ground. Soon he was on the edge of a cliff and saw a man wearing a purple assassin costume.

The man had his hands on his back and looked down at the vast land under the cliff in front. He was straight and stood up against the wind like a dagger. Curious.

Just by seeing this person's temperament, Huang Yi knew he was a dragon thorn.

Huang Yi, using his original appearance, landed beside Dragon Spike, standing with him, looking down at the vast earth.

"Kill God." Dragon Spike turned his head and looked at Huang Yi, and there was a surprise in his calm eyes.

Huang Yi also turned his head to look at the dragon thorn. The dragon thorn looks very ordinary, and has an inch head. A face is very popular, and it won't make people look at it a second time.

"Longdi, congratulations on becoming the first god-given hero, did you take a lot of effort?" Huang Yi congratulated. He also wanted to clear the Hero Trial, but now he is in reincarnation and his strength has dropped greatly, so it is not easy to try.

"Yes." Dragon lunged and nodded. It ’s like gold, but you ca n’t say more if you ca n’t say more.

Huang Yi didn't care about the indifference of the dragon thorn, saying: "I am looking for you today, I want you to return to the hero continent. Join my hero army and participate in the national war. I have information that the hero continent will have This unimaginable catastrophe, because I can't stop it alone, I have to unite all the heroes of the hero continent to resist, your strength is an indispensable person. "

"What's the benefit?" Dragonthorn asked. He is not as full of justice as the blade, and wants him to participate in the national war, he needs to benefit him.

Huang Yi did not answer immediately, but asked a question: "Your race is related to the golden holy dragon!"

After that, Huang Yi's gaze consciously or unintentionally looked at Dragon's neck. The dragon's spine's neck was close to the collar, and there was a row of fine gold scales, which shone slightly. At first glance it looked like he was wearing a armor, but it was actually scales growing on his body.

The dragon thorn nodded in disapproval. The relationship between him and the Golden Dragon is no longer a secret, and many players know it.

Huang Yi smiled and said a reward that Dragon Spike couldn't refuse: "I can give you the blood of the golden holy dragon."

"Good!" Longthorn seemed to have long guessed that Huang Yi would say this condition, and he directly agreed, he really couldn't refuse this condition.

Huang Yi flipped his palm and took out a magic bottle from the storage ring, which contained a golden liquid, which was the blood of Xiaolong.

He handed the magic bottle directly to the dragon thorn, and said, "This is the blood of the golden sacred dragon in the growth period. If you need the dragon blood in adulthood, you have to wait for a while."

The dragon thorn did not twist, but took the Huang Yi's magic bottle generously and put it into the storage ring.

Huang Yi, with his hands on his back, stared at the ground below the cliff, and continued: "Now when the invading army was the weakest, Kid and TNT were fighting; Tiandao and Dante were busy collecting the legions of other countries; the Pope, The three, Miyamoto Musashi, and Floating Disturbance, have not yet returned to the heroic continent. This is our final quiet period. You need a while on the road. If nothing is wrong, go back as soon as possible! The enemy may launch the catastrophe at any time. The sooner you go back, the more rest assured. "

"I'll be gone in a few days." Dragonstab nodded.

Huang Yi groaned. The dragon thorn had to take a boat for at least a month at sea. This period of time was very long. I am afraid that the hero continent could not last that long.

The blade has one last thing to do. I don't know when it will be finished. The heroic continent relies on a reincarnation of Huang Yi and the unborn yet gentleman fetus of the blade. It cannot bear the returning pope, entanglement, and Miyamoto Musashi, let alone resist the scene they launched. The unknown catastrophe.

Huang Yi was able to beat them before because of the backhands that had been prepared for a long time. After these backhands were used once, it was basically difficult to make any effect.

In the next large-scale battle, he will have to show his true skill and use the real strength of the army to fight hard against the enemy. But his legion had insufficient reserves in terms of first-rate masters.

Looking at it now, he has to find at least another master to resist for more than a month, at least until the Dragonthorn returns.

This master who temporarily resists for a while must have the ability to control the scene and the strength to reach the super first-class level.

"Is there anything else?" Long stabbed Huang Yi and said nothing for a long time, he couldn't help asking, and seemed to want to leave immediately to do his business.

"It's okay, you go!" Huang Yi shook his head.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and turned to look at Long Tiao with a smile: "My tablemate is thinking and thinking, I seem to like you very much."

Long Tiao's face twitched slightly, seeming a little embarrassed, and quickly disappeared into the air, disappearing invisible. After a while, his voice came from the air in the distance-"Go to the hero trial after level 150, otherwise it will only waste time."

Huang Yi froze slightly. Before that, Dragon Thorn had never spoken more than five words. I never expected to say such a long word before leaving, and kindly reminded myself.

The result of Sicheng is right, the dragon thorn is just indifferent in appearance, but it is not bad in heart.

The words of Dragon Spike really dispelled Huang Yi's thought of trying to test the hero. He is now returning to more than 120 levels, and his strength is still too weak. He should not be able to pass the hero trial.

However, when he set the 170th-level world record of the Tower of the Gods, he obtained a prop called a heroic order, which can make the trial of the hero easier. And after the trial, you can increase the promotion level from 15 to 20.

He wasn't sure if the Dragon Spike took into account the factor of the hero order. If he didn't take this factor into consideration, he could try to reduce the difficulty.

Huang Yi thought about it, immediately opened the ranking list and searched, and found the level of Dragonthorn.

Dragon Spike is now level 178, and he was only level 158 yesterday.

Obviously, a hero trial raised Dragon Spike level 20 in one breath, which shows that Dragon Spike should also use the heroic order to pass the trial, otherwise he should be upgraded to level 15.

The sentence that Dragon Spike just reminded should have taken into account the factor of a heroic order.

Huang Yi has to endure for now, wait for the level to return to level 150 before trying the hero trial.

Huang Yi was about to turn off the leaderboard, and suddenly, his eyes swept to the top of the ranking list.

At this time, the leader of the average player in the world rankings is still Yang Yuheng.

He has risen to a super high level of 198 ~ www.readwn.com ~ and has fallen into a bottleneck stage.

Huang Yi stared at the name and fell into thought. He was about to pull a master to fight for a while, and prop up Dragon Spike to return to the hero continent. And Yang Yuheng is undoubtedly a most suitable candidate.

Don't look at Yang Yuheng as an ordinary professional player. His strength is not as good as those of the pope, but as long as Yang Yuheng takes the lead to rise to level 200, the situation will be completely subverted!

He will become the world ’s first player in the world. After seeing him, any super-class masters like Pope, Miyamoto Musashi, and entanglement will all retreat!

The power of super-class masters is for players of the same class. No matter how strong they are, it is impossible to fight across classes. There is an insurmountable gap between sanctuary and heaven!

Even when Huang Yi was the strongest before Samsara's reincarnation, it was impossible to single out the full strength of the heavenly strong!

Yang Yuheng's advantage is precisely that he is an ordinary occupation! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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