Heroes Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 791: Ambush

After the sanctuary, ordinary occupations can be upgraded much faster than rare occupations. Now, all of the top ranks are ordinary professional players.

The highest level of rare professional players, that is, TNT's current 182 level, is far from Tianyu.

The first group of people to rise to the level of heaven must be the masters of that group of ordinary players!

This is a very delicate stage. After these ordinary players ascend to heaven, they will become the world's top masters, standing at the center of the world stage, and becoming the most dazzling existence.

The super leaders such as Pope, Miyamoto Musashi, and TNT do not rise to the realm of the sky, and are not the opponents of ordinary professional players at all.

This is a key master vacuum period!

The core strength of the two legions will change from super-class masters to sky domain players!

As a leader among ordinary players, Yang Yuheng will definitely shine in this master vacuum period!

Huang Yi decided to find time for Yang Yuheng in the near future, and tried his best to draw him in.


Next, Huang Yi decided to do an important thing-to go to the fighter alliance.

In the Warriors League, there is the right hand of the Thunder Guard. Huang Yi now has both Thunder's left hand and the Spirit of Thunder, so he lacks that right hand. When that handguard is also obtained, he will be able to add another piece of epic equipment and strengthen his strength again.

He immediately teleported to the peak in front of the school and walked down the huge steps.

A steady stream of people climbed up from the mountain, climbing the steps, and admiring in front of that statue.

at this time. Huang Yi still uses the identity of No. 56 Huang, hiding in a low-key manner in the crowd. Unremarkable.

What he didn't find was that in the other corner of the crowd, a pair of cold eyes were staring at him as he descended from the mountain, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

After a short while, Huang Yi left the Royal Academy of Oskan and rushed towards a city called "Jin'ao La" dozens of kilometers away, where there was an office of the fighter alliance.

Outside the Royal Academy of Oskan is a gloomy forest, the trees are extremely tall. The thick branches and leaves cover every inch of the gap in the sky, and the sun cannot penetrate. The whole forest was dark, and there was a horrible smell walking inside.

Huang Yi stepped on the dead leaves and made a "click" sound, which was extremely clear.

Gradually, he came to a place without people and summoned Xiaolong immediately. Ride it forward in the direction of Jincheng Lacheng. He hasn't activated the teleportation array in that city and can't teleport directly.

Xiaolong carried Huang Yi moving forward in the dark forest, passing through the big trees, and the wind was blowing from time to time, making people feel a sense of palpitations.

"Oh!" At this moment, a huge arrow light slammed from behind a tree in front. Drag a golden light with a sharp howling!

After Xiaolong rose to the 100th level, his strength increased greatly. This time, he was not attacked, and his golden wings fluttered like lightning. The body was slightly on one side, avoiding this arrow!

"Oh!" The next moment. This arrow was set on a giant tree behind Huang Yi, penetrated directly from the middle, and continued to shoot far away before stopping, showing the strength of this arrow.

If you haven't escaped just now, then Huang Yi has no doubt been beaten into empty blood!

Huang Yi stared at him alertly. He did not expect someone to attack him here. The other party obviously knew that he would pass by.

"Seckill, why don't you tell us when you come to the Central Continent?" Just then, a rough voice came from the front.

Subsequently, two tall and burly figures came out from behind the tree.

Standing at seven to eight meters in height, the two men are strong, muscles knotted, and their skin appears tough golden yellow, as if plated with gold.

One of them was holding a huge bow with a spear-like arrow on it, and it seemed that the arrow just shot came from his hand.

The other person was carrying a huge warhammer. The warhammer was full of barbs, rough and bloody, and the flesh and blood of some unknown creatures remained on it. I don't know how many lives have been killed.

His Majesty was riding a winged tiger, and the tiger's mouth was chewing, and some scarlet blood kept flowing down the two canines. His blood-red eyes stared at Huang Yi, treating him as a delicious prey.

"Half-orc!" Seeing these two huge figures, Huang Yi immediately recognized their origins, and his frown suddenly frowned, and said, "How do you know who I am? I specifically used the student number instead. You should not know. "

The half-orc carrying the huge warhammer sneered, while urging his winged tiger to fly into the air and pressing towards Huang Yi, he said, "To blame, you blame you for not learning how to refine the body, You can't hide it, just obey it! "

Huang Yi was surprised that his equipment had betrayed him. It is estimated that the other party has the ability to sniff treasures, know the equipment on him, and infer his identity from it. Unless he can refine all the equipment in his body like a dragon thorn, the enemy's ability to sniff treasure will be useless.

"Kill God, you are now in the reincarnation, there are only more than 120 levels. I don't know what method you will use to escape us?" At this time, the half-orc archer said to Huang Yibian. , While shooting the spear-like bow and arrow in his hand!

Xiaolong's body was quick and immediately turned into a golden light, and Kankan avoided this arrow. However, this evasion does not last long. Once the opponent has used a wide range of group attack skills, it will be difficult to evade.

Seeing that the half-orc carrying the warhammer was also about to rush up, Xiaolong immediately opened his mouth and spit out the flame of the holy dragon towards the two half-orcs masters!

"Woohoo!" The hot flames suddenly fell from the sky, pouring down towards the two half-orc masters.

The dragon's flame of the holy dragon has been improved a few days ago, and 70% of the fire has been attacked by the holy system, which cannot be blocked by ordinary means.

The two half-orcs were immediately burned by the Holy Fire, not only injured, but also their movement speed was suddenly slowed by 30%!

Through this attack, Huang Yi also knows the level of the two half-orcs, both of whom are level 180, the strength of the top heavens!

If it was before his reincarnation, these two half-orcs are not too big rivals, and they can easily kill them. Even if you can't beat them, you can use the Dark Seal of Level 150 Awakening to seal them for a day.

But he is now returning to more than 120 levels. He ca n’t beat these two top sacred powers, and he ca n’t use the dark seal. That is a level 150 skill!

The orc sacred place is clearly aware of this, so it did not send a master of heaven to think that two top sacred places are enough.

This battle cannot be beaten! That's the only escape!

"The Mark of Killing God!" Huang Yi decisively used his epic equipment—the incidental skill of the God of Killing, and wanted to leave here instantly!

He left a mark of killing in the college, which can be teleported back in an emergency!

But the next moment, he and Xiaolong were still in place and did not teleport away!

Teleportation has failed!

"Kill God, do you finally want to escape? Unfortunately, we have already laid out the anti-transportation matrix around us. You, a person from a backward continent, should not know what matrix is! We have countless ways to play to death You! "The half-orc carrying the warhammer was bathed in the dragon's holy flame, carrying his injuries hard, and continued to rush towards Huang Yi.

"Matrix!" Huang Yi looked up and sighed. He had just learned a matrix method, and his knowledge of matrix methods was still very limited.

If you are caught in the formation, you must find an eye, and you must break this array to leave, otherwise he will be stuck here!

"Is the anti-transformation formation?" Huang Yi urged Xiaolong to dodge as he took out a book from the storage ring!

This book is exactly his textbook of formation law. To be precise, it is the textbook with dense notes left by Dragon Spike.

He hasn't learned the contents of the anti-transformation method. Now he can only temporarily hold his feet, while avoiding the pursuit of two top half-orcs, while searching for the method of breaking the array from the textbook.

"Little dragon, speed up!" Huang Yi urged Xiaolong to let it use the acceleration effect of Shenglong's coming into the world, resisting for a while, so as to get him time for reading.

The speed of the dragon suddenly increased a lot, and he flew flexibly in the air, avoiding the attack of the two half-orcs. It has learned the ability of Holy Dragon's birth at level 50, and can forcibly accelerate in the air, but this accelerated flight will tire it and cannot continue forever.

Now, Huang Yi's time is very limited, he must find a way to break the battle before Xiaolong's tired period comes.

Huang Yi's eyes ~ www.readwn.com ~ Like the same scanner, in the textbook directory, continue to look at the page number of the anti-transmission matrix method, and soon found the relevant content.

He immediately turned to that night page, and researched it on the spot. This kind of matrix knowledge has a little logical reasoning ability, and some geometric figure deduction ability. Huang Yi has been trained in this area since he was a child, and now he is temporarily studying, but he is not completely stuck.

"Forest, wind speed, region, direction, number of people ..." Huang Yi compared all the information around him now in the book one by one.

The matrix method is a very mysterious kind of knowledge. Under each environment, the matrix method has different variables. All key information must be taken into consideration before comprehensive analysis can be used to infer the method of cracking. The same array method, released in the ocean and released in the forest, may be two completely different arrangements. When the wind speed is different and the magic element energy is not uniform, the positions of the eyes may be different. Even if this tactics course is published in the forum, it is difficult for players to understand.

At this moment, he is like a student who reads books temporarily before the exam, but he is not facing the threat of the exam, but the threat of death. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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